Extend EF Entity retrieval methods - entity-framework-4

I'm using EF 4.2 and originally I had rolled my own repository classes for each entity set. As I investigated further I realised that DbContext and IDbSet implemented the unit of work and repository pattern I required.
This works great, but I would also like some "helper" methods to return particular entities using commonly requested properties, other than the primary key.
For example to select an employee by email and account status rather than the Id primary key. My original user repository had an overload for this.
My question is where should I add this helper method? I see myself as having a few options:
Add a domain logic service type class with this method which uses dbContext, and is consumed by other domain logic classes and methods.
Extend the DbContext class to have an additional method.
Replace the IDbSet with a custom repository.
Wrap the dbContext in additional Repository classes for each entity set, and add a method to the user specific one.
There seem to be pros and cons for each, but I'm leaning more towards 1 or 2. Any thoughts?

You can use custom extension method and reuse it:
public static IQueryable<Employee> Find(this IQueryable<Employee> query,
string email, string status)
return query.Where(e => e.Email == email && e.Status == status);
Now you will use it simply like:
var employee = context.Employees.Find(email, status).FirstOrDefault();


FluentValidation usage in AspNetMvc n-tier project

I have a multi-layered project. Layers are as follows :
I have a Category class in entity layer:
public class Category : IEntity
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
I also have a CategoryValidator class in the business layer:
public class CategoryValidator : AbstractValidator<Category>
public CategoryValidator(IEnumerable<Category> categories)
RuleFor(x => x.Name).NotEmpty().MaximumLength(50);
I have a class in the Core layer for validation.
public class ValidatorTool
public static void FluentValidate(IValidator validator, object entity)
var result = validator.Validate(entity);
if (result.Errors.Any())
throw new ValidationException(result.Errors);
I'm performing validation in the Business layer with the FluentValidate method.
But I got stuck when it came to the MvcWebUI layer. According to the FluentValidation documentation, I need to apply an attribute to the entity class as follows:
But since the business layer references the entity layer, I can't reach the CategoryValidator class in the entity layer. (circle reference)
How can I solve this problem?
Did I create the layers incorrectly?
Or should I define the entities as a model again in the Web layer?
Please help me.
Firstly, you probably shouldn't be exposing your entities directly in the UI so I'm going to recommend you create new models there and write validators specifically for them.
Assuming this is wired up correctly, this approach means the validators are automatically fired during the HTTP POST in the MVC app and the model state is automatically updated with a list of errors.
I use this approach extensively, albeit in MVC apps that call an internal API.
In the majority of my cases, the MVC client validates the model and if it passes the checks it then calls the API or service layer after with a DTO / service / entity model which is mapped with Automapper.
The MVC validation is typically light and checks for required fields, lengths, etc.
The API does validation again but it does it on the entity and it goes much deeper this time as it checks for duplicates, invalid entity state, etc. .
One last comment that I would like to add. I wouldn't throw exceptions on validation errors. The UI should use ModelState and the service layer returns a result which the client knows how to merge back into ModelState so either scenario results in the users getting a nice list of errors to deal with.
Hope this helps!
Generally you have 2 ways to perform validation:
Validate View Models (used in most cases)
Internal Business Entities validation (which most often used with 1-st)
For 1-st point you validate view models (on client and server), which placed in your Web project. In that case you should place view model validators in Web project too. [Validator(typeof(PersonValidator))] attribute is needed for linking view model parameter of action and action itself to perform validation before action execution. As in documentation:
Internally, FluentValidation’s MVC integration makes use of a validator factory to know how to work out which validator should be used to validate a particular type. By default, FluentValidation ships with an AttributedValidatorFactory that allows you to link a validator to the type that it validates by decorating the class to validate with an attribute that identifies its corresponding validator.
If you want to validate business models (2-nd point), not/not only view models, you need to place entity validators to Business project and register them in your IoC container (example with Castle Windsor), and change validator tool next way:
public class ValidatorTool
public static void FluentValidate<T>(IContainer container, T entity) // replace IContainer with your actual container interface name
var validator = container.Resolve<IValidator<T>>();
var result = validator.Validate(entity);
if (result.Errors.Any())
throw new ValidationException(result.Errors);

Web API OData Actions with Entity as parameter

I have a requirement to encapsulate pieces of business logic within a transaction in an OData Web API service. Some of these pieces will need to accept one or more entities.
An example use case might be StockProduct and this might accept a Product entity and a Location entity. It would create the product and update stock records for the Location.
The approach I've taken is to create an unbound OData action that accepts these entities so that both of these can be operated on in a single transaction. Unfortunately neither can Entities be used as an ODataActionParameter nor can they be part of a class and used as a complex parameter.
I can think of a two ways around this:
Create a DTO class that is not an entity that is a mirror of each of my mirror classes and convert from DTO to Model within my action. The problem here is that I already have a DTO for each Model eg. Product.cs and ProductDTO.cs and don't really want to have to create a third class. (Currently, the ProductDTO.cs is used for Posts, Puts, Patches and Deletes and the Product.cs is used for Gets).
Abandon OData actions and create a simple end point that accepts whatever I like. I'm not keen on going down the second route as I'd like to use OData exclusively.
Any thoughts or suggestions?
You can use the ActionConfiguration.EntityParameter() method to bind an entity as a parameter to your OData action method.
Here is an example:
ActionConfiguration validate = ModelBuilder.EntityType<TEntity>()
validate.Namespace = "Importation";
However, note that the ModelState will not check against the content of the supplied Entity and will set any missing properties to null and properties exceeding the StringLength(x) annotation in your model will still pass. If you wish to validate the entity itself after, use this bit of code in your action method:
public virtual IHttpActionResult Validate(ODataActionParameters parameters)
//First we check if the parameters are correct for the entire action method
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return BadRequest(ModelState);
//Then we cast our entity parameter in our entity object and validate
//it through the controller's Validate<TEntity> method
TEntity Entity = (TEntity)parameters[typeof(TEntity).Name];
Validate(Entity, typeof(TEntity).Name);
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return BadRequest(ModelState);
IEnumerable<string> uniqueFields = parameters["UniqueFields"] as IEnumerable<string>;
bool result = Importer.Validate(Entity, uniqueFields);
return Ok(result);
As for your StockProductDTO, it seems to me that this is an new Business Entity by itself and should be treated as such.
You can use a batch request to perform multiple operations within a single request. This allows you to use your existing controllers for inserting your two objects.

NHibernate and contextual entities

I'm trying to use NHibernate for a new app with a legacy database. It's going pretty well but I'm stuck and can't find a good solution for a problem.
Let's say I have this model :
a Service table (Id, ServiceName..)
a Movie table (Id, Title, ...)
a Contents table which associates a service and a movie (IdContent, Name, IdMovie, IdService)
So I mapped this and it all went good. Now I can retrieve a movie, get all the contents associated, ...
My app is a movies shop "generator". Each "service" is in fact a different shop, when a user enter my website, he's redirected to one of the shops and obviously, I must show him only movies available for his shop. The idea is : user comes, his service is recognized, I present him movies which have contents linked to his service. I need to be able to retrieve all contents for a movie for the backoffice too.
I'm trying to find the most transparent way to accomplish this with NHibernate. I can't really make changes to the db model.
I thought about a few solutions :
Add the service condition into all my queries. Would work but it's a bit cumbersome. The model is very complex and has tons of tables/queries..
Use nhibernate filter. Seemed ideal and worked pretty good, I added the filter on serviceid in all my mappings and did the EnableFilter as soon as my user's service was recognized but.. nhibernate filtered collections don't work with 2nd lvl cache (redis in my case) and 2nd lvl cache usage is mandatory.
Add computed properties to my object like Movie.PublishedContents(Int32 serviceId). Probably would work but requires to write a lot of code and "pollutes" my domain.
Add new entities inheriting from my nhibernate entity like a PublishedMovie : Movie wich only presents the contextual data
None of these really satisfies me. Is there a good way to do this ?
Thanks !
You're asking about multi-tenancy with all the tenants in the same database. I've handled that scenario effectively using Ninject dependency injection. In my application the tenant is called "manual" and I'll use that in the sample code.
The route needs to contain the tenant e.g.
A constraint can be set on the tenant to limit the allowed tenants.
I use Ninject to configure and supply the ISessionFactory as a singleton and ISession in session-per-request strategy. This is encapsulated using Ninject Provider classes.
I do the filtering using lightweight repository classes, e.g.
public class ManualRepository
private readonly int _manualId;
private readonly ISession _session;
public ManualRepository(int manualId, ISession session)
_manualId = manualId;
_session = session;
public IQueryable<Manual> GetManual()
return _session.Query<Manual>().Where(m => m.ManualId == _manualId);
If you want pretty urls you'll need to translate the tenant route parameter into its corresponding database value. I have these set up in web.config and I load them into a dictionary at startup. An IRouteConstraint implementation reads the "manual" route value, looks it up, and sets the "manualId" route value.
Ninject can handle injecting the ISession into the repository and the repository into the controller. Any queries in the controller actions must be based on the repository method so that the filter is applied. The trick is injecting the manualId from the routing value. In NinjectWebCommon I have two methods to accomplish this:
private static int GetManualIdForRequest()
var httpContext = HttpContext.Current;
var routeValues = httpContext.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values;
if (routeValues.ContainsKey("manualId"))
return int.Parse(routeValues["manualId"].ToString());
const string msg = "Route does not contain 'manualId' required to construct object.";
throw new HttpException((int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, msg);
/// <summary>
/// Binding extension that injects the manualId from route data values to the ctor.
/// </summary>
private static void WithManualIdConstructor<T>(this IBindingWithSyntax<T> binding)
binding.WithConstructorArgument("manualId", context => GetManualIdForRequest());
And the repository bindings are declared to inject the manualId. There may be a better way to accomplish this through conventions.
The end result is that queries follow the pattern
var manual = _manualRepository
.Where(m => m.EffectiveDate <= DateTime.Today)
.Select(m => new ManualView
ManualId = m.ManualId,
ManualName = m.Name
and I don't need to worry about filtering per tenant in my queries.
As for the 2nd level cache, I don't use it in this app but my understanding is that you can set the cache region to segregate tenants. This should get you started: http://ayende.com/blog/1708/nhibernate-caching-the-secong-level-cache-space-is-shared

persisting MVC data to ORM

Java or dotNet world is rich of open source frameworks and libraries. We all like to use Spring and Hibernate almost everywhere.
Everyone agrees that hibernate is a very handy tool.
What Hibernate can do ? well, Basically - Hibernate can track our domain objects changes and persist only modified data to database, that is it.
Basically, That is everything we want. I want to load some records from database, do some modifications to them, and call transaction.commit(), and all modifications get persisted, instantaneously.
That is excelent, right !
But how about web world ? In web applications database session must be closed.
I cannot load some domain objects and wait for user to do modifications through HTTP, and persist those objects after modifications.
We have to use detached objects or DTO. How it works ?
User makes modifications in HTML browser, spring Mvc automatically thransfers those HTML modifiactions to our customized DTO objects using MVC model binding,
then we do some programming effort to transfer modifications from DTO objects to hibernate domain objects and only then we persist them.
For example - we have a web form that updates Customer address, and another form which updates customer details.
We must have two different business layer methods - UpdateAddress() and UpdateDetails(), both methods must accept some kind of DTO,
one represents address information, the other represents details infprmation.
We also have custom logic that transfers data from those 2 DTO to the domain class 'Customer'.
Yes, of course, instead of DTO objects we could reuse our domain classes. But it does not make it simpler.
In both cases we will still have to implement custom logic that transfer modifications to persistent objects,
I cannot persist detached object rightaway, because usually domain classes have lots and lots of properties representing numerous relations, for ex. Customer has - Orders property. When I update customer address I don't want to update its orders.
Is there a beautifull universal way to mapping modifications from mvc model to domain objects without writing a lot of custom code and without risk of overwriting too many fields ?
It's good practice to have a data access layer, which translates into having a repository for each domain object / entity. Furthermore, all repositories share common code so you you naturally have an abstract repository:
public abstract class AbstractRepository<E extends BaseModel> implements Repository<E> {
private EntityManager entityManager;
private Class<E> entityClass;
public AbstractRepository(Class<E> entityClass) {
this.entityClass = entityClass;
protected EntityManager getEM() {
return entityManager;
protected TypedQuery<E> createQuery(String jpql) {
return createQuery(jpql, entityClass);
protected <T> TypedQuery<T> createQuery(String jpql, Class<T> typeClass) {
return getEM().createQuery(jpql, typeClass);
public E merge(E entity) {
return getEM().merge(entity);
public void remove(E entity) {
public E findById(long id) {
return getEM().find(entityClass, id);
It's also good practice to have a service layer where you are to create, update and delete instances of an entity (where you could pass through a DTO to the create and update methods if you so desire).
private CustomerRepository customerRepository;
public Customer createCustomer(CustomerDto customerDto) {
Customer customer = new Customer();
return customerRepository.merge(customer);
public Customer updateCustomerAddress(Customer customer, String address) {
return customerRepository.merge(customer);
So it's up to you how many update methods you want. I would typically group them into common operations such as updating the customer's address, where you would pass the customer Id and the updated address from the front end (probably via ajax) to your controller listening on a specific endpoint. This endpoint is where you would use the repository to find the entity first by Id and then pass it to your service to do the address update for example.
Lastly you need to ensure that the data actually gets persisted, so in Spring you can add the #Transactional annotation either to you Spring MVC controller or to your service that does the persisting. I'm not aware of any best practices around this but I prefer adding it to my controllers so that you're always guaranteed to have a transaction no matter what service you are in.

Custom validation with Data annotations

I'm using data annotations to check data that's being entered, but I'm stuck when it comes to more custom way to validate data.
I need to run queries against database to see if stuff exists there or not, and then report back to user if a "custom db-check error" appears, such as "The Companyname already exists"
How can I implement such a thing together with dataannotations?
I have all the queries done etc using linq and entity framework that comes with 3.5sp1
Custom attributes that extend data annotations
You will have to write your own attributes that will do the validation of your object instance against data store.
Make sure your classes inherit System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.ValidationAttribute class:
public class MustNotExist: ValidationAttribute
I've run into a similar situation when I needed to validate that the object is unique within data store. But this kind of validation wasn't possible on the entity class itself, since it should only work for those entities that are being created but not when you return your entity from the data store already.
My solution was to have a separate interface, class and attribute.
public interface IExternalValidator ...
class DBUniqueValidator: IExternalValidator ...
class ValidateExternallyAttribute: FilterAttribute, IActionFilter
public ValidateExternallyAttribute(Type validatorType, Type entityType) ...
I was able to place my attribute on controller actions that get entity parameters. Filter action attribute then checks controller action parameters (it can easily access their types and values) and runs external validator against correct parameters (provided types in attribute definition) and populates ModelState errors when validation fails.
[ValidateExternally(typeof(DBUniqueValidator), typeof(User))]
public ActionResult RegisterUser(User newUser)
if (!this.ModelState.IsValid)
// act accordingly - probably return some error depending on model state errors
// register new user in data store
This way I was able to run external validation only on those actions that actually needed it, and this technique also helped my controller actions code to stay clean and short. All I had to do is to check if there are any model state errors.
