i am developping an application that has chat&message support. I need to know weather it is applicaple on BB OS 4.5 to set a star icon on application icon as in messages application .
You can do that. You need to have four images for the icons. They are
Standard app icon
Standard roll over icon
Standard icon with a *
Standard roll over icon with a *
Once you have that use the following code
if (unReadChatMessages> 0)
appIcon = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("app_alert.png");
rolloverIcon = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("app_rollover_alert.png");
// turn on the LED
LED.setConfiguration(100, 1000, LED.BRIGHTNESS_100);
// use default icons...
appIcon = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("app.png");
rolloverIcon = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("app_rollover.png");
// Turn off LED...
// Try to set the icons
HomeScreen.updateIcon(appIcon, 0);
HomeScreen.setRolloverIcon(rolloverIcon, 0);
I'm working on a camera app, and I think the behavior of my app and the iPhone default camera app against overexposure is very different.
Like the image below, the default camera app adjusts the overexposure when it's detected. (I feel the whole screen gets slightly yellow-ish to get rid of the overexposed brightness area. So I can see the white keyboard even putting dark stuff covers most of the screen.
Here is my app and I set the exposure mode to the continuous exposure mode, but it won't adjust the overexposed area.
I want to adjust the brightness, but I also don't want to display the image including the overexposed part (I mean... I just want my app to show like the default camera does.)
This is the code for adjust the focus and exposure.
func setFocus(with focusMode: AVCaptureDevice.FocusMode, with exposureMode: AVCaptureDevice.ExposureMode, at point: CGPoint, monitorSubjectAreaChange: Bool, completion: #escaping (Bool) -> Void) {
guard let captureDevice = captureDevice else { return }
do {
try captureDevice.lockForConfiguration()
} catch {
if captureDevice.isSmoothAutoFocusSupported, !captureDevice.isSmoothAutoFocusEnabled { captureDevice.isSmoothAutoFocusEnabled = true }
if captureDevice.isFocusPointOfInterestSupported, captureDevice.isFocusModeSupported(focusMode) {
captureDevice.focusPointOfInterest = point
captureDevice.focusMode = focusMode
if captureDevice.isExposurePointOfInterestSupported, captureDevice.isExposureModeSupported(exposureMode) {
captureDevice.exposurePointOfInterest = point
captureDevice.exposureMode = exposureMode
captureDevice.isSubjectAreaChangeMonitoringEnabled = monitorSubjectAreaChange
and this is how I call the function
func setFocusToCenter() {
let center: CGPoint = CGPoint(x: cameraView.bounds.width / 2, y: cameraView.bounds.height / 2)
let pointInCamera = cameraView.layer.captureDevicePointConverted(fromLayerPoint: center)
setFocus(with: .continuousAutoFocus, with: .continuousAutoExposure, at: pointInCamera, monitorSubjectAreaChange: false, completion: { [weak self] success in
guard let self = self, success else { return }
// do some animation
if I need to work on the camera exposure and even if I set the ExposureMode as continuous auto exposure, do I still need to handle overexposure in code?
Also, if you have experienced for adjusting the overexposure, how did you achieve that?
Added this part later...
I took screenshots to compare the my app camera and the native iPhone camera app.
Here is my camera app with .continuousAutoExposure and set the exposurePointOfInterest to center of the screen.
However, the native iPhone camera app wont overexposed if I shoot a dark image from the similar distance...
I think the native iPhone app is also .continuousAutoExposure mode until I touch the screen and adjust focus to a point.
I droped the image quality in order to paste on this post, but I don't really see the blur on the original screenshots. I configure the fps to 30 (also the native iPhone camera is also 30).
So waht could be the reason for getting this overexposure....
I want to make an application that will add a watermark to the live screen on MacOS,and watermark should always floating above other app .
I defined a custom, transparent, window. It works perfectly except in following cases: fullscreen mode,Mission Control Combination key down,Show Desktop Combination key down.
Since it doesn’t work when other app in full screenmode,so is that possible to disable other app in full screenmode
I notice that NSWindowLevel and CGWindowLevelKey,Anyone know how to use for my situation?
Is that other ways to make this app floating above other app by use other API?
I have attached my implementation for your reference, with the following codes then watermark window could float above other windows.
attached screenshot
Click here to download my project
class WaterMarkWindow: NSWindow {
override func awakeFromNib() {
self.level = .floating;
self.ignoresMouseEvents = true;
self.isReleasedWhenClosed = false;
self.isMovableByWindowBackground = false;
self.alphaValue = 0.3
self.backgroundColor = NSColor.clear;
self.isOpaque = false;
self.hasShadow = false;
self.contentView?.wantsLayer = true;
I have tried creating a game in unity and build it on ios on any apple devices there were no problem except on iphone x. Screenshot is below.enter image description here. It was covered by the iphone x notch and then when when the character is on the left or the right side it was cut it half.Is there any other solution or a plugin we can use to solve the issue ?. Is there a unity settins or xcode settings to that ? .Thank You
About the iPhone X notch, you can use this:
It is a convenient way to determine the screen actual "Safe Area". Read more about it in this thread.
About the character cutting in half, this is probably something you need to take care of manually based on your game logic. By getting the Screen.width - you should be able to either adjust the Camera (zoom out) or limit the character movement in a way that it will not get past the screen edge.
For the iPhone X and other notched phones you can use the generic Screen.safeArea provided by Unity 2017.2.1+. Attach the script below to a full screen UI panel (Anchor 0,0 to 1,1; Pivot 0.5,0.5) and it will shape itself to the screen safe.
Also recommended to have your Canvas set to "Scale With Screen Size" and "Match (Width-Height)" = 0.5.
public class SafeArea : MonoBehaviour
RectTransform Panel;
Rect LastSafeArea = new Rect (0, 0, 0, 0);
void Awake ()
Panel = GetComponent<RectTransform> ();
Refresh ();
void Update ()
Refresh ();
void Refresh ()
Rect safeArea = GetSafeArea ();
if (safeArea != LastSafeArea)
ApplySafeArea (safeArea);
Rect GetSafeArea ()
return Screen.safeArea;
void ApplySafeArea (Rect r)
LastSafeArea = r;
Vector2 anchorMin = r.position;
Vector2 anchorMax = r.position + r.size;
anchorMin.x /= Screen.width;
anchorMin.y /= Screen.height;
anchorMax.x /= Screen.width;
anchorMax.y /= Screen.height;
Panel.anchorMin = anchorMin;
Panel.anchorMax = anchorMax;
For a more in depth breakdown, I've written a detailed article with screenshots here: https://connect.unity.com/p/updating-your-gui-for-the-iphone-x-and-other-notched-devices. Hope it helps!
Sorry for the late answer but I have adjusted the camera's viewport rectangle for iOS devices and it works correctly. Check if it works for your camera as well.
I have tried safeArea and other script based solutions which do not seem to work.
mainCamera.rect = new Rect(0.06f, 0.06f, 0.88f, 1);
Zooming in on image by scaling and moving using matrix causes the app to run out of memory and crash.
Additional Libraries used:
Gestouch - https://github.com/fljot/Gestouch
In my Flex Mobile app I have an Image inside a Group with pan/zoom enabled using the Gestouch library. The zoom works to an extent but causes the app to die (not freeze, just exit) with no error message after a certain zoom level.
This would be manageable except I can’t figure out how to implement a threshold to stop the zoom at, as it crashes at a different zoom level almost every time. I also use dynamic images so the source of the image could be any size or resolution.
They are usually JPEGS ranging from about 800x600 - 9000x6000 and are downloaded from a server so cannot be packaged with the app.
As of the AS3 docs there is no longer a limit to the size of the BitmapData object so that shouldn't be the issue.
“Starting with AIR 3 and Flash player 11, the size limits for a BitmapData object have been removed. The maximum size of a bitmap is now dependent on the operating system.”
The group is used as a marker layer for overlaying pins on.
The crash mainly happens on iPad Mini and older Android devices.
Things I have tried already tried:
1.Using Adobe Scout to pin point when the memory leak occurs.
2.Debugging to find the exact height and width of the marker layer and image at the time of crash.
3.Setting a max zoom variable based on the size of the image.
4.Cropping the image on zoom to only show the visible area. ( crashes on copyPixels function and BitmapData.draw() function )
5.Using imagemagick to make lower quality images ( small images still crash )
6.Using imagemagick to make very low res image and make a grid of smaller images . Displaying in the mobile app using a List and Tile layout.
7.Using weak references when adding event listeners.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
private function layoutImageResized(e: Event):void
markerLayer.scaleX = markerLayer.scaleY = 1;
markerLayer.x = markerLayer.y = 0;
var scale: Number = Math.min(width / image.sourceWidth , height / image.sourceHeight);
image.scaleX = image.scaleY = scale;
_imageIsWide = (image.sourceWidth / image.sourceHeight) > (width / height);
// centre image
markerLayer.y = (height - image.sourceHeight * image.scaleY ) / 2 ;
markerLayer.x = (width -image.sourceWidth * image.scaleX ) / 2 ;
// set max scale
_maxScale = scale*_maxZoom;
private function onGesture(event:org.gestouch.events.GestureEvent):void
trace("Gesture start");
// if the user starts moving around while the add Pin option is up
// the state will be changed and the menu will disappear
if(currentState == "addPin")
const gesture:TransformGesture = event.target as TransformGesture;
////trace("gesture state is ", gesture.state);
if(gesture.state == GestureState.BEGAN)
currentState = "zooming";
imgOldX = image.x;
imgOldY = image.y;
oldImgWidth = markerLayer.width;
oldImgHeight = markerLayer.height;
var matrix:Matrix = markerLayer.transform.matrix;
// Pan
matrix.translate(gesture.offsetX, gesture.offsetY);
markerLayer.transform.matrix = matrix;
if ( (gesture.scale != 1 || gesture.rotation != 0) && ( (markerLayer.scaleX < _maxScale && markerLayer.scaleY < _maxScale) || gesture.scale < 1 ) && gesture.scale < 1.4 )
storedScale = gesture.scale;
// Zoom
var transformPoint:Point = matrix.transformPoint(markerLayer.globalToLocal(gesture.location));
matrix.translate(-transformPoint.x, -transformPoint.y);
matrix.scale(gesture.scale, gesture.scale);
matrix.translate(transformPoint.x, transformPoint.y);
markerLayer.transform.matrix = matrix;
I would say that's not a good idea to work with such a large image like (9000x6000) on mobile devices.
I suppose you are trying to implement some sort of map navigation so you need to zoom some areas hugely.
My solution would be to split that 9000x6000 into 2048x2048 pieces, then compress it using png2atf utility with mipmaps enabled.
Then you can use Starling to easily load these atf images and add it to stage3d and easily manage it.
In case you are dealing with 9000x6000 image - you'll get about 15 2048x2048 pieces, having them all added on the stage at one time you might think it would be heavy, but mipmaps will make it so that there are only tiny thumbnails of image are in memory until they are not zoomed - so you'll never run out of memory in case you remove invisible pieces from stage from time to time while zooming in, and return it back on zoom out
I'm working on a solution where there is a need to set a custom resolution for a particular connected displays on a set of systems. What I have now works fine, but only as long as the "Enable resolutions not exposed by the display" option has been checked manually through the NVIDIA Control Panel (found under Display -> Change resolution > Customize... > Enable resolutions not exposed by the display).
Is there a way to enable this option programmatically, preferably through NVIDIA's core SDK - NVAPI.
Setting custom resolutions can be enabled through the ChangeDisplaySettingsEx function, exposed by the Windows API, by passing in CDS_ENABLE_UNSAFE_MODES as the fourth parameter dwflags. (To disable, use CDS_DISABLE_UNSAFE_MODES.)
Code extract exemplifying usage:
DWORD deviceIndex = 0;
DISPLAY_DEVICE displayDevice = { 0 };
displayDevice.cb = sizeof(DISPLAY_DEVICE);
while (EnumDisplayDevices(NULL, deviceIndex, &displayDevice, 0)) {
DEVMODE deviceMode = { 0 };
deviceMode.dmSize = sizeof(DEVMODE);
if (!EnumDisplaySettings(displayDevice.DeviceName, ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS, &deviceMode))
auto result = ChangeDisplaySettingsEx(displayDevice.DeviceName, &deviceMode, NULL, CDS_ENABLE_UNSAFE_MODES, NULL);
// Handle failure here...
Note that this will enable unsafe graphics modes for all display devices.