Using Rails update_all method to update fields with value from another column - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying to update a field in using update_all. However I need the value to be taken from another field which is re-written to my specific format.
If I have something like this in my model:
def self.clean_mac_address()
clean_mac_address = :macaddress.gsub(/[^0-9a-z]/i, '')
When I run this:
Radacct.update_all("mac_clean = #{clean_mac_address}")
I get an error:
NoMethodError: undefined method `gsub' for :macaddress:Symbol
Any thoughts how I can do this? Or is there a simpler way to update the field?

update_all generates a single SQL query to run - it can't do clever stuff like change arbitrary bits of ruby into equivalent SQL.
You either need to load all you instances (via find_each for example) and fix them one by one (ie don't use update_all), for example
Foo.find_each do |foo|
# update foo here!
Or find a way of expressing that cleaning operation in SQL. For example Postgres has a regexp_replace function
Foo.update_all("some_column = regexp_replace(some_column, 'your_regexp_here', '','g')")
Which would remove everything replacing that regexp. Obviously you'll need to check the documentation for your database to see whether it supports such a feature.

While the accepted answer provides a nice way to update_all, what I'd use is
read_with_clean_addr = Radacct.where(mac_clean: :macaddress.gsub(/[^0-9a-z]/i, ''))
read_with_clean_add.update_all(mac_clean: "#{clean_mac_address}")


Ruby on Rails - using a block parameter as a method call

I'm having trouble with a little Ruby on Rails I'm building and need some help.
I have a Table with 20+ Columns and a corresponding XML File which can be parsed as some sort of hash with a gem. Every key would be mapped to a column and every value would be a data record in said column.
The way I access a specific value in the already parsed XML file is:
which returns the value, for example "52" or whatever.
What I am trying to do is upload the file, parse it with the gem and give each column the corresponding value.
My table (or model) is called "Attributeset" and I already know how I can access every column:
#attributeset =
So my thought process was:
Iterate over all the keys
Pass every key into a block called |a|
Use the rails possibilty to set attributes by calling the corresponding #attributeset.
Set colum attribute to the corresponding xml key
So my code would go something like this:
#attributeset.attributes.keys.each do |a|
But my problem is, that ruby thinks ".a" is a method and apparently does not evaluate "a" to the block parameter.
I've read through lambdas and procs and whatnot but didn't really understand how they could work for my specific situation.
Coming from bash scripting maybe my thinking might be wrong but I thought that the .a might get evaluated.
I know I can run the block with yield, but this only works in methods as far as I know..
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks and stay healthy,
Thanks for the input!
I wanted to make it as clean as possible, and not using any temporary hashes to pass arguments.
I've found the method
which can be used like this:
#attributeset.write_attribute(a, xmp["crs",a])
worked perfectly for me.
You can use []= method to set values dynamically:
#attributeset.attribute_names.each do |attribute|
#attributeset[attribute] = filename["crs", attribute]

Rails 4 update_all and set value from another field

I need to do some bulk updates in some models and set value of a field as value of another field.
Right now I can do that with raw sql like this:
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("UPDATE `deleted_contents` SET `deleted_contents`.`original_id` = `deleted_contents`.`id` WHERE `deleted_contents`.`original_id` is NULL")
This is working fine, however I need to do this using ActiveRecord query interface due to many reasons.
I tried:
DeletedContent.where(original_id: nil).update_all(original_id: value_of_id_column)
For value_of_id_column I tried :id,, id, etc, nothing works. What should I set for value_of_id_column to get the original query generated by rails? Is this possible, or using the raw sql is the only solution?
Also I do not want to iterate over each record and update. This is not a valid solution for me:
DeletedContent.where(original_id: nil).each do |deleted_content|
I'm pretty sure you cannot obtain that query by passing a hash to update_all.
The closest to what you want to obtain would be:
DeletedContent.where(original_id: nil).update_all("original_id = id")

What is the best possible way to avoid the sql injection?

I am using ruby 1.8.7 and rails 2.3.2
The following code is prone to sql injection
params[:id] = "1) OR 1=1--"
User.delete_all("id = #{params[:id]}")
My question is by doing the following will be the best solution to avoid sql injection or not. If not then what is the best way to do so?
User.delete_all("id = #{params[:id].to_i}")
What about:
User.where(id: params[:id]).delete_all
Ok sorry for Rails 2.x its:
User.delete_all(["id = ?", params[:id]])
Check doc
Btw, be sure you want to use delete_all instead of destroy_all, the former doesn't trigger callbacks.
You can use this also
The other answers answer this well for Rails and it'll work fine if you follow their suggestions. In a more generic setting when you have to handle this yourself you can typically use a regular expression to extract a value that's in an expected format. This is really simple with an integer id. Think of it like this:
if params[:id] =~ /(\d+)/
safe_id = $1.to_i
# do something with safe_id now
That gets a little more complicated when you're handling strings and arbitrary data. If you have to handle such data then you can use the quoting methods available for the database adapters. In Rails this is ultimately rolled into a consistent interface:
safe_string = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.quote(unsafe_string)
For most database systems this will handle single quotes and backslashes in a special manner.
If you're outside of Rails you will have to use the quoting methods specific to your database adapter, but usage is quite similar.
The takeaway:
If your data has a particular format, enforce the format with a regular expression
Otherwise, use your database adapter's quoting function to make the data "safe" for use in a query
Rails will handle most of this for you if you properly use the various methods and "conditions"
Use the rails methods to pass your where options. You can always hardcode them, as in the example that you give, but the usual way would be something like:
User.where(:id => params[:id]).delete_all
User.where("id = ?", params[:id]).delete_all
User.where("id = :id", :id => params[:id]).delete_all
They are well tested and in case a new vulnerability is detected, an update will fix the problem and your code will not need to be changed.
By the way, if you just want to delete 1 record based on its id, what I would do is:

Caching DB Result As Global Var

Hi I currently have a helper method that gets{|m|}. Now I use ids to get the name from the array and if I add more it'll automatically update.
When I use this helper method in a loop in the view, I think it will make multiple queries to get the Klass each time which means a lot of extra work.
I was wondering how I can "cache" this array or if I should be doing this a better way.
SQL caching is done automatically if you're within the same action. You can see here for a more detailed explanation. Just by the way, it would probably be more efficient to use pluck, as in Klass.pluck(:name). This would optimize your SQL query.
Your helper method should look similar to this
def klass_names
#klass_names ||={|m|}

AcitveRecord where method that matches just one record

Program.where(name: "xxyyzz123") will return a collection, even if there's just one record that matches which forces me to do ugly things like:
puts Program.where(name: "xxyyzz123").first.age
puts Program.where(name: "xxyyzz123")[0].age
When I know for sure only one record will match, is there a shorter way to grab a property from that one record?
ActiveRecord's dynamic attribute-based finders (find_by_x) allow you to select the first record that matches in your database. For example:
will return the first record with name = 'xxyyzz123'
Note that these finders are 'mildly deprecated' in Rails 4. Using
Program.find_by(name: 'xxyyzz123")
achieves the same thing and may make it easier when needing to update to the next version of Rails if they ever remove the former's functionality.
See ActiveRecord::Base in the API for more.
Yes, you will have to access that with Program.where(name: "xxyyzz123").first.age, however, in Rails 3, it is usually recommended to do that type of query with: Program.find_by_name('xxyyzz123').age.
Rails 4 deprecates the above syntax and recommends you to use the following syntax for that:
Program.find_by(name: 'xxyyzz123')
If you have multiple conditions, then simply : Program.find_by(name: 'xxyyzz123', lang: 'ruby')
Behind the scene, it does the same tomfoolery - where clause and returns first object.
