Like Button fan page upload issues - upload

How do you load the Facebook "Like Button" at the "top" of your home business fan page (to the right of your Facebook company/page name)?

You cannot. You're not allowed to mess with anything outside of the iframe which Facebook gives to your app to play in.


Apple Universal Link not working always

I started my applicaiton, its open an url in safari. On my website the user can login and do some work. After the user did it the website redirect to the universal link. At first it is working fine, but if the user start again my application, open my website from it (the safari already show my website), login again and redirect to the universal link, show the universal link, and on the top I see a bar where i can open my application.
If the user didn't login to my website, just clicked on the button to redirect to my universal link the ios9 open my application.
Have you got any idea, what's wrong? Maybe the iOS 9 doesn't like the autoredirect to universal link?
Universal links does not work with redirections.
I just been on a similar issue where I clicked the link on the top right side of the screen, disabling the automatic opening in my app.
since you see the banner, the user has to scroll a bit (to show the banner "open" ) and all redirections will occcur on your app again (and not safari)

Social Media Login in UIWebView

In my iOS app, I am opening a URL in a UIWebView. On the webpage, there is an option to login through social media like Facebook, Google, Twitter etc.
But when I click on the login through say Facebook option, I see a blank screen. What happens is that, it opens a pop-up in the same UIWebView instance. But I am not sure why I see a blank screen.
The URL works well if I use Safari on my device.
Can you please guide what options on UIWebView shall I enable that the pop-ups work. Also I feel that the pop-up(for FB Login) will throw a callback on the initial page. So please help me how should I handle the call back.

Does app contain, display, access third party content ( app store review)

So I programmed in the SLComposeViewController for Social Framework to add a FB share button. From Google I found the Facebook logo that I used as a UIImage to place on top of the FB share button. When the user clicks on the FB share button there's a link to my app store page. The user can either type a message up or not and click POST to post that message on their Facebook pages. When they post that message they will see my App store page link there too.
Does app contain, display, access third party content
I'm trying to submit my app for review, do I click YES or NO for...
If I click YES then I need to get permission. Who do I get permission from? Google for finding a Facebook logo on their site or Facebook for using their logo to post message to their site?
Just visit facebook here and read this about how what to do, this will explain what they want YOU to do with branding and HOW their logo should appear, they also give you access to download their own image assets to use, they are very high quality:
And no, I doubt your app would qualify you for a YES to the App Store question, I'll have to find some very recent examples of this for you, but I wouldn't worry about this at all for your purposes.
And for fun and to make sure people see this, here's more brand assets:
Google: and
And how about some Brand asset colors as well:
And a whole huge list of brand assets:

break website out of iframe/uiwebview on iphone twitter client?

when we click on a link to our site,, from inside the twitter iphone client (search for on the twitter mobile client), the site appears in a boxed area.
is this an iframe or something we can break out of? we tried iframe-busting code, but it fails. we suspect this is a uiwebview. if true, can we bust out and open the site in safari/chrome via javascript?
When you click on a link within the official Twitter iOS app, it opens up a new modal view that contains a UIWebView. There is no way that you can break out of this view and into a different app since Twitter controls the experience. iOS only supports fast app switching via registered URL schemes such as fb://1234567890, not via javascript, etc.
The only way would be if they had an additional button that gave the user the option to open the page in a different app.

NEED website to close when FB link is clicked

i have a website where there is a radio ad being played - and a FB "like" box - if someone clicks on a video within the FB stream it goes to FB and the website with the radio ad keeps playing. I NEED to figure out how to make the website close.
I am a graphic designer, not a web expert - but i try, please don't bash me for not knowing the correct lingo. I use adobe dreamweaver and am aware of the "target" preference but that only applies to something that is linked.. OH I'm using IFrame when asking for the code in FB for the like box. please please help me!
