Rails simple routing issue - ruby-on-rails

I have a users_controller. I've created a portfolios_controller which I would like to act similarly to the users_controller; so GETing /portfolios/10 would actually pull the user with an id of 10. I'm not quite sure how to set up my routes for this. Here's what I have right now in routes.rb:
get "portfolios/show"
resources :users
I got the following error when trying to access /portfolios/10: The action '10' could not be found for PortfoliosController.

I would try a match statement with an :id parameter instead:
match "/portfolio/:id" => "portfolios#show"
Then you will have access to params[:id] in that action.


Custom route yields dot instead of '?id='

I am adding a custon new action for my rails app by adding the following to my routes.rb:
resources :adventures do
member do
match :upvote, via: [:post, :delete]
match :downvote, via: [:post, :delete]
get 'seed', on: :new
(you can ignore the voting piece, just wanted to show you the whole block)
upvote_adventure POST|DELETE /adventures/:id/upvote(.:format) adventures#upvote
downvote_adventure POST|DELETE /adventures/:id/downvote(.:format) adventures#downvote
seed_new_adventure GET /adventures/new/seed(.:format) adventures#seed
adventures GET /adventures(.:format) adventures#index
POST /adventures(.:format) adventures#create
new_adventure GET /adventures/new(.:format) adventures#new
edit_adventure GET /adventures/:id/edit(.:format) adventures#edit
adventure GET /adventures/:id(.:format) adventures#show
PATCH /adventures/:id(.:format) adventures#update
PUT /adventures/:id(.:format) adventures#update
DELETE /adventures/:id(.:format) adventures#destroy
but this:
generates this:
instead of this:
I read a lot of posts with people getting dots instead of slashes, but none with adding a an additional new action. Am I doing something wrong, or do I need to add something more?
EDIT: I did make a mistake and did not mean to plurailze the adventure path (Is how I had it originally). The real problem is that all I needed to do was pass the id as a parameter.
Here is the path I was looking for:
redirect_to seed_new_adventure_path(:id => #adventure_collection.id)
It's because you are using the wrong pluralization.
In your example, you are using:
But the route is properly described as:
And will probably work fine and be more readable as:
Although Brad Werth is correct (your route pluralization is incorrect), the big problem you have is what you're trying to achieve.
You have specified the following link:
This is a get request with no other parameters present. I don't understand why you're passing an object to this route? This is why you're receiving the .6 problem (because Rails cannot build the routes), instead of getting /6
After thinking about what you're trying to do, and I believe you can fix it as follows:
resources :adventures do
get "seed(/:id)", on: :new #-> domain.com/adventures/new/seed/6
OK, so in order to get this:
I need to pass a parameter to the link like this:
seed_new_adventure_path(:id => #adventure_collection.id)
I just forgot how to pass parameters!

Adding a record's attribute to the URL before the ID

I'm trying to add a specific attribute of a record in Rails to the URL from something like:
(where 5 is the record ID) to something like:
where johnsmith is stored in record 5. I'm alternating between these two routes to no success:
get "/share/:name/:id" => "share#show"
resources :share, :only => [:show]
And between these two methods:
share_path(doc.user.name, doc)
The show method in the ShareController is pretty standard.
The problem:
Using share_path(doc.user.name, doc) in the view generates a link to /share/johnsmith.5, instead of /share/johnsmith/5.
get "/share/:name/:id" => "share#show" should do the job. But you may have to look at the order of routes in routes.rb, maybe Rails took the wrong route?
Best tip to look at what's happening:
Call the URL in your browser (or using curl or whatever) and then look into your console where your started rails s (or rails server).
There you should see something like this:
Processing by ShareController#show
Parameters: {"id"=>"5", "name"=>"johnsmith"}
Concerning the path methods:
Simply use rake routes, it will tell you which path methods are available.
No idea what happened but it resolved itself with this:
get "/share/:name/:id" => "share#show", :as => :share
share_path(doc.user.name, doc)
I do not get the . and / issue at all. I restarted everything and it was gone.

Changing the params in URL on rails

I want to change the :id param on the URL. I added to my routes.rb file something like:
match "articles/:name/edit", :to => 'articles#edit', :as => 'edit_article'
Thinking that :name would be readed by the server as params[:name] later for me in rails. I edited my article controller definition for edit so:
def edit
#article = Article.find(params[:name])
I get always the error couldn't find article with id=test and I was wondering why "id" instead of :name? I tried also changing match to get but I got the same.
I have also the default resources :articles still in my routes.rb file, don't know if there's something like a double rule working there.
The whole thing is that instead of ID numbers I would use names in my URL —not just the edit one, with the show method I could handle it, but not with edit/update/delete.
I was reading about routing but I can't figure out what I am doing wrong.
By default, find search by id.
You should replace it with find_by_name.
Advice: use friendly_id

Path helpers generate paths with dots instead of slashes

In my routes.rb I have the following:
resources :message_threads
When I call:
I get:
Why is this? My other resources work fine. Am I not pluralizing this correctly or something?
Yes, this is a pluralization error.
By passing the ID 1, I assume that you wish to display a single record.
So you need to use the singular 'message_thread':
Which will yield:
Sometimes this also is when you don't provide an :as parameter in your route:
delete "delete/:id" => "home#delete"
Changed to:
delete "delete/:id" => "home#delete", as: :delete
(ignore the odd example, just happened to be something we just ran into for an internal app we're building)
Other folks that land here might be in this situation:
If you have a singular resource declared in your routes.rb:
resource :map
You don't need to pass an object to map_path. Attempting to call map_path(map) will result in similar behavior (i.e. a URL like map.12).

Help with rails routes

Im having a little trouble setting up routes.
I have a 'users' controller/model/views set up restfully
so users is set up to be a resource in my routes.
I want to change that to be 'usuarios' instead cause the app will be made for spanish speaking region... the reason the user model is in english is cause I was following the authlogic set up and wasnt sure if naming the model usuario instead would create trouble.. so basically this is what I have in mr routes.rb to get this functionality done.
map.resources :usuarios,:controller=>"users", :path_names => {:edit => 'editar' }
the problem is that when I try to register a new user I get this error
Only get, put, and delete requests are allowed.
this happens after I have filled out my register form and clicked on submit...
Have you tried using the 'as' option to change how the url looks without modifying the routes?
This example is from the documentation:
# products_path == '/productos'
map.resources :products, :as => 'productos' do |product|
# product_reviews_path(product) == '/productos/1234/comentarios'
product.resources :product_reviews, :as => 'comentarios'
You can try rake routes | grep usuarios from a terminal window (cd to the project root first) to make sure that the proper named routes are setup properly. You can cross reference that with the form tag you are using to make sure that the action for the form is correct.
