Routing error Rails 3.2.1 - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying to create a very simple site the sends and receives parameters from the URL (or link), the app should support any number of parameters, i.e. http://localhost:3000/action=receive&controller=pages&, and then be able to receive/print them.
I think I have located the problem to my route. It currently looks like this:
match 'pages/*params' => 'pages#receive'
I create the link that sends the params like this:
<%= link_to "Send Params", :action => "receive", :name => "Vinny", :email => "" %>
When I click the link I get the following error.
No route matches [GET] "/assets"
And the URL looks like this:
Note asset?.
If my route instead looks like this:
match 'pages/:name/:email' => 'pages#receive'
It works, but then I'm limited to the specified params.
Any tips on how to solve this would be great.

Okay, I think I see what is happening. Specifying parameters in the routes is not necessary to get the values into the controller's action. So, replace the map you specified earlier in the routes.rb with
resources :pages
If you add to your link
:controller => "pages"
It should go to the correct controller + action. (this may not be necessary in your case)
In that action, you can grab all of the params from the hash
email = params[:email]
account = params[:name]
Info on routing
Info on params


route is redirecting to wrong path

This is what my routes currently look like:
which gives
On my homepage I have a create vacancy button
<%= link_to "plaats", new_employer_vacancy_path(:employer_id)%>
Which should be linked to the line from the first image
get '/employers/:employer_id/vacancies/new', to: 'vacancies#new', as: 'new_employer_vacancy'
In the vacancies_controller#new - create I have:
def new
#vacancy =
#employervacancy =
def create
#vacancy = Vacancy.create(vacancy_params)
redirect_to employer_vacancy_path(current_employer, #vacancy)
def createEmployervacancy
#employer = current_employer
Employervacancy.create(vacancy_id:, employer_id:
But whenever I click the button I get redirected to some other method in my vacancies_controller that is totally irrelevant.
How is this even possible? Don't I clearly define that when that path is clicked he should go to vacancies#new? and not to vacancies#show_specific_employer_vacancies?
After following the answers I am indeed being linked to the correct route.
First, it gave me this error.
After trying to pass the instead of #employer like suggested I got following error:
For your routes, you'd better to change into nested route for easily maintaining routes.
Remove these codes:
get '/employers/:employer_id/vacancies/:id', to:"vacancies#show_specific_employer_vacancies", as: "employer_vacancy"
get '/employers/:employer_id/vacancies/edit/:id' ...
get '/employers/:employer_id/vacancies/index' ...
get '/employers/:employer_id/vacancies/new' ...
path '/employers/:employer_id/vacancies/:id' ...
change into:
resources :employers do
resources :vacancies
Try to use basic routes here because you use standard simple form url. For example:
<%= simple_form_for(#employee, #vacancy) %>
The simple_form_for will generate url well if you use nested routes above.
Finally, in your link you have to add #employer_id
<%= link_to "plaats", new_employer_vacancy_path(:employer_id => #employer_id)%>
I hope this help you
Your router cannot tell the difference between your employer_vacancy and new_emplyer_vacancy routes because the :id parameter accepts anything. Because of this, when you point your browser to "/employers/5/vacancies/new", the route is taking your employer_vacancy route and assigning {:employer_id => 5, :id => "new"} instead of going to your new_employer_vacancy route (because routes are first-come-first-serve).
To correct this, add a constraint to your first route to ensure that only numbers (and not the string "new") is accepted into the employer_vacancy route:
get '/employers/:employer_id/vacancies/:id',
to: 'vacancies#show_specific_emplyer_vacancies',
as: 'employer_vacancy',
constraints: { id: /\d+/ } # <- This line
As Wes Foster said rails router is trying to find a first match.
It means that given a path /employers/999/vacancies/new your router looks through the routes and when it sees get '/employers/:employer_id/vacancies/:id he thinks that this route matches. So :employer_id is 999 and :id is new.
I'd suggest to put the route with :id at the end of employers routes:
get '/employers/:employer_id/vacancies/new'
get '/employers/:employer_id/vacancies/:id'
Btw this is better than adding a constraint because:
It is easier
It doesn't pollute routes file
Later you may want to change ids to be hashed or alphabetic and then you'd have to change the constraint

Rails Routes - link_to singular resource with params

so this is stumping me im not the best when it comes to routes at all, but what i am trying to achieve seems simple. what i have is a feature that is currently only accessible by a superuser and now i would like to extend that functionality to a portal_administrator. now to access the page you need a link_to that looks like this
= link_to('Data', portal_datum_path(, :id => :super_user_data_link)
which is routed with a match
match '/portal_data/:id', :controller => 'portal_data', :action => 'show', :as => 'portal_datum'
now this works just fine you end up with a url that has a id params. which is used in the page that it routes to. in fact there is a before filter that makes sure there is a id.
def load_portal
#portal = Portal.find(params[:id])
this would enable the susperuser to see what portal he was in just by looking at the url. now that i am extending this to the users i dont want them to see what portal id they are in, so i thought i would use a singular resource something along the following.
= link_to('Data', portal_data_path, :id => :super_user_data_link)
with a
match '/portal_data' => "portal_data#show"
so it routes to the same place but keeps the url clean. but obviously this dosent work. even if i hard code the before filer to accept the first portal it jsut throws a error
No route matches {:controller=>"portal_data", :action=>"show"}
but if i rake my routes its there?
i am sure what i am doing wrong is obvious any ideas?
All i had to do was make the :id an optional parameter like so...
match '/portal_data(/:id)'
And it works :) then in the controller look for...
def load_portal
#portal = Portal.find(params[:id] ||
end portal id on the account if there wasn't one in the params.

Do you have to define controller helpers to get paths for new routes in rails?

I have a Customer model and I want his controller to repond to a find method
I added this in my routes.rb file:
match 'customers/find/:name' => 'mymodel#find' resources :customers
In my controller I have something like this:
def find
#customers = Customer.fin_all_by_name(params[:name])
in my views, when I need to create a link for that resource I'm using this:
= link_to 'Find By Name', :controller => "customers", :action => "find", :name =>
now, I'm trying integration tests with cucumber and I have a problem: I have to create a step definition in my customer_step.rb file for customers having same name:
when /^customers having same name as "(.*)"/
url_encode('/customers/find/' + $1)
now that line doesn't work, it says undefined method `url_encode'
I need to encode that string because if the name contains a space I get obvious errors.
I'm new to ruby and rails and I think I'm missing something here.
Am I following the right pattern to accomplish this search?
Should I define an helper method in my controller to generate search urls?
Is it correct that line I have in my _step.rb file?
I don't want urls to be like this: customers/find?name=test
but: customers/find/test
I just sorted it out, I slightly modified my match expression and added the :as parameter
and this gave me the possibility to call find_path() helper method
match 'customers/find/:name' => 'customers#find', :as => :find
Is this correct?
Using :as should indeed create a route helper for you. If you want to get a list of your matched routes, to which controller/action they route, and the name of the route helper, use rake routes in console.

Trying to call for a specific method - routing error

I have user and product models. User's table has a "discount" field. I trying to call method "apply_discount" from users/index view, which multiplies all prices and given discount.
- #users.each do |user|
# user data
= form_tag(action:'apply_discount', method: :put) do
= number_field_tag :discount
= submit_tag
UsersController has a method named "apply_discount".
My problem is routing error when I submitting form:
No route matches [POST] "/assets"
Please explain me why this form requests assets. And how to make right request.
Having this in your url probably means your form tag has some incorrect syntax so I don't think your problem is a routing error.
should look something like
<%= form_tag(:controller => "foo", :action => "bar", :method => "post" %>
<% end %>
you should have a route setup for the action you are wanting to get to in the controller
check out this guide
Actually, I've found that if there is not a corresponding good route in routes.rb, it makes the url be:
If it finds the route you get the correct
(assuming xxx is the controller and yyy is the action you specified).
So if you are building a non-REST-ful url you better have it in the route table first.

Using named routes with parameters and form_tag

I'm trying to create a simple search form in Rails, but I think I'm missing something.
I have a named route for search: ":first_name/:last_name", :controller => "home", :action => "search"
I'm trying to use that in my search form:
<% form_tag(search_path, :method => 'get') do %>
<%= text_field_tag(:first_name) %>
<%= text_field_tag(:last_name) %>
<%= submit_tag("Search") %>
<% end %>
But when I load up the search form I get an ActionController::RoutingError:
search_url failed to generate from {:action=>"search", :controller=>"home"} - you may have ambiguous routes, or you may need to supply additional parameters for this route. content_url has the following required parameters: [:first_name, :last_name] - are they all satisfied?
What am I missing? I thought the fields defined in my form would be automatically linked up with my route parameters. :-/
I understand that search_path is generated before the form is displayed now, so it can't be updated. Obvious in hindsight!
I changed my routes: 'search', :controller => "home", :action => "search" ':first_name/:last_name', :controller => "home", :action => "name"
And now the search action just does:
def search
redirect_to name_path(params)
It all works a treat! The main goal here was getting that URL from the name named route as result of doing a search. Thanks guys!
form_for generates form and it has to have specified all parameters that are needed to create search_path, so it should look like:
<% form_tag(search_path, :firstname => 'some_text', :lastname => 'some_text', :method => 'get') do %>
or at least something like this. HTML tag form has parameter action='/some/url' and that's why you have to specify all parameters for search_path. But the above example won't work as you expected.
So what you can do?
Create empty form that has action='/' and with js replace it with content of your input text fields before submitting.
Create another route, on example /search that recives parameters from submit and then redirects to correct path.
Probably there is also some better ways to do it ;)
First, search_path is actually a method, which takes a hash of options. It is this method which should receive :first_name and :last_name.
Second, a browser can only submit form parameters as the body of a POST request, or as query string parameters (for any kind of request method). So there's unfortunately no way a browser's native submit function can generate that kind of URL.
Another way of thinking of it: What you're doing here is filling the form tag's action attribute with an URL. Rails needs a complete URL as you're building the form. So all parameters in your route need to be specified when the form helper is called, rather than at the next POST request.
So unfortunately, what you're trying to do is not possible in a normal Rails application.
(If you really want to, you might be able to pull it off by writing your own form helpers and a bit of Javascript to replace the browser's native submit function. The Javascript would then construct that URL based on the form fields. I'd argue against it, though.)
