How to include images and videos in RSS -

Do you know if it is possible to show images and videos in RSS? I've always shown text and links and i would like to know how can media be inserted in RSS feed.

Just include markup like you would for a webpage. Here is an example feed from music that includes images and videos.


show youtube playlist titles on web page

Using iframe a youtube playlist embed displays the first video
playlist opens with this view
I want the view to open like this
This is my preferred default view (I would really like to open with titles, not thumbnails
It seems is not possible using YouTube Data API.
You'll have to use YouTube Data API for retrieve the videos from a given playlist, then, use custom code HTML, CSS, javascript, etc, for create a similar result as you need.

Adding multiple youtube playlists to site just like youtube has em

this is desired output for site
this is how youtube displays multiple can I add this just like they have it to my site AND to linkedin profile?
embedding the share html link just brings in playlist but it does not display properly....I need it to appear exactly like it does in attached pic???
Linking to your LinkedIn profile, I have not tried. So perhaps someone else can tell you.
As to having a section like the one you showed to be on your own site is doable.
Firstly you will need to collect the playlist ID's that you are going to use.
Then you will need to get the video ID's from the video's in each Playlist.
This can be done with the API.
As to the displaying it like on youtube, you will need to do that yourself with one or more combination of table's, div's and CSS. Then With the information you grabbed in the APi, populate it.
Best to do it in a loop so as to be done all at the same time. Then put it to the page where you require it to be.

YouTube API: 'Official Content Only?'

When using the YouTube api to query and retrieve videos, is there a way to limit results only official content? I want to retrieve the new music videos for certain artists but I want to make sure I am only receiving real videos and not UGC stuff. Can this be accomplished? Thank you.
There is no search parameter that ensures that you only get back "real" music videos. (And the line between a "real" video and user-generated content isn't always clear.)

how to get images for news feed app

I'm developing a news feed app for ios, and I'm using Feedzilla news API. I have the news feed api correctly implemented, but Feedzilla only returns the news summary and other meta data, but not any images for the news article. So now I have to figure out a different way to get the news article images to display in my app. Does anyone know of either:
A different newsfeed service that will give news article images
A way to fetch news article images with feedzilla or
A way to fetch image thumbnails from a web page
Are you getting url of the article/news as metadata after parsing the feed?
If yes.
Now using this URL you can read whole content of the news page and using any DOM parser you can read image url as well.

JW-Player use video thumbnail as featured image

If I upload external media (in particular a Youtube video) for use with the jw-player wordpress plugin... how do i use the thumbnail as my featured image ... so i can show thumbs in say the excerpts that link to the post where the full video is available.
the jw-player plugin seems to save the youtube screenshot as meta data, but the meta data is
associated with the attachment page and not w/ the post i am adding to my blog.
If that is the case, you can use <?php wp_get_attachment_metadata( $post_id, $unfiltered ) ?>. You'll need to look through the returned array to find that image and display it.
