#define NSLog(p1, ...); does not work in Xcode 4.3.1 - ios

I use
#define NSLog(p1, ...);
to put logging off in my code. Then I use
//#define NSLog(p1, ...);
to put logging on in my code
This doesn't seem to have any effect now that I use Xcode 4.3.1.
Am i doing something wrong? Or is there an alternative?

Use #define kMyString #"This is my string text!" and then use NSLog(#"String: %#",kMyString);

I found the solution. The difference with the previous version of Xcode is that
#define NSLog(p1, ...);
doesn't work anymore when i put this code in the .m file. It only works from the .h file


Xcode compiler errors when using ##__VA_ARGS__

Here is my customized NSLog.
#define NSLog(fmt, ...) printf("🌳🌳🌳%s,%d\n %s\n\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, [NSString stringWithFormat:fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__].UTF8String)
This log is work good on another project, but it occurred 4 error when compiler time in current project. If using __VA_ARGS__, like #define NSLog(...) NSLog(__VA_ARGS__), it's going to compile successful. I think that maybe caused in Building Setting.
It's anyone has any idea to help me to solve this.
Check that the header file declaring this imports Foundation. Check that you don't have NSLog defined somewhere else as well and finally, really not a good idea to redefine NSLog. You're probably better off adopting a logging framework or defining your own like this:
#define MELog(fmt, ...) NSLog("🌳🌳🌳%s,%d\n %s\ ....

XCode 6 verificationController.m issues

I am using VerificationController.m provided by Raywenderlich for validating receipts for in ap purchase. It is working fine for XCode5 but in XCode6 it is giving number of errors. probably due to C++ code like:
Missing Code for Method declaration
#end must appear in objective-c
context Conflicting types for 'checkReiptSecurity'
can anyone tell me what is needed to be done ?
Edit : Here are errors screenshot
Have you fixed this? I was running in to the exact same problem so I'll leave my fix here for anyone that comes looking. It turns out in newer versions of Xcode you aren't allowed to put C/C++ code in objective-C context anymore. So I moved the declarations for unsigned int iTS_intermediate_der_len, unsigned char iTS_intermediate_der[], char* base64_encode(const void* buf, size_t size), and void * base64_decode(const char* s, size_t * data_len) to the top of the file, above the #implementation tag.
Have you downloaded sample code? I have downloaded sample code and its working fine at my side. It seems that you have missed or added an extra braket } or { in your code.
May be this happened when you was trying to comment this code [UIDevice currentDevice].uniqueIdentifier; because originally this line produce an error.

What can be the cause of "use of undeclared identifier LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE" message

I'm trying to configure cocoalumberjack and when I've added ddLogLevel set to LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE XCode throws "use of undeclared identifier" error. Why is that? How to avoid?
This question indicates that clearing DerivedData and restarting Xcode solves this kind of error.
However you should not include variables in the pre-compiled header as it will be included in every source file and prefix files are somewhat complicated compared to normal header files.
Better is to have use a Constants.h file which contains:
extern int ddLogLevel;
and #import that into your prefix file.
Then create an Constants.m with:
int ddLogLevel =
#ifdef DEBUG
This way there is only one instance of ddLogLevel and it can be easily changed at runtime if necessary.
See this question for hints about prefix file best practices.
What solved it for me was changing #import <CocoaLumberjack/CocoaLumberjack.h> to #import CocoaLumberjack;, when using Xcode 8.0 for an Objective-C project.
Droppy’s post is correct and I recommend doing that, but I would like to address the question directly. There is a flaw in your code that may be resulting in the error.
LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE is defined in DDLog.h. Your header file only imports DDLog.h if __OBJC__ is defined, but uses LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE without this condition. Therefore if __OBJC__ is not defined, LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE will be undefined.
Why would __OBJC__ not be defined? The prefix header is prepended to C, C++, Objective-C and Objective-C++ files. Since __OBJC__ is only defined for the latter two, if there are any C or C++ files in your project then the error will occur.
Knowing this, it is clear the ddLogLevel definition should be inside the #ifdef __OBJC__ check. However, you should do what Droppy said, and also make sure all Objective-C imports go inside the check.
For people who use "CocoaLumberjack 2.X" and still facing same issue after pod update, please try to import "DDLegacyMacros.h".
For prefix file users, try something like this :
#ifdef __OBJC__
#import <DDTTYLogger.h>
#import <DDLog.h>
#import <DDLegacyMacros.h>
Hope this helps someone else.

How to disable NSLog all over the app?

I want to disable NSLog() across all instances in an app. I found some code that does that:
#ifndef DEBUG
#define NSLog //
But adding this code to each file isn't good idea. How can I make it easier?
Xcode has a precompiled header file ({project-name}-Prefix.pch in the Supporting Files group by default) that is a great place to put code that will be used across every file in the project. For going a step further and improving the log message itself, see Is it true that one should not use NSLog() on production code?.
Add the following lines to your constants file:
#define DEBUGGING NO //or YES
#define NSLog if(DEBUGGING)NSLog
The two following sentences give the same results
#define NSLog
#define NSLog //
because all text that begin with // are deleted in a precompiling phase ("//" included)
What I do is put this in the precompiled header file (YourAppName.pch):
#define MyLog if(0); else NSLog
Then I change all NSLog to MyLog everywhere else in the app. It works as if it were NSLog. But when you want to disable NSLog, go back to the .pch file and change the 0 to 1 and presto, all logging stops.
This will also take care of the warnings that arise when using
#define NSLog //
The code:
#ifndef DEBUG
#define NSLog(...)
Just add the following lines when you do'"t need NSLOG to your constants file
#define NSLog //
and comment it when you need it.

Literal #YES not working in iOS 5 / Xcode 4.4

New Xcode 4.4 is out and it should support literals like
#{ #"key" : obj } and
#[obj1, obj2]
and it should also support #YES and #NO, which isn't working when targeting latest iOS 5 (and prior).
After compiling it show the error message:
Unexpected type name 'BOOL': expected expression
I know you can fix it by typing #(YES) and #(NO). But I want to know the reason why it isn't working as expected.
The reason is Apple forgot the parentheses here:
#define YES (BOOL)1
This will be fixed in iOS 6 SDK:
#define YES ((BOOL)1)
In the meantime you must type #(YES).
This is useful for information about literals.
A commenter on this answer also points out:
There is one small thing I'd like to warn about. Literal bools are also not supported
because of this. However, a quick fix that I implemented was adding
this to the beginning of one of my common headers (in an iOS project)
#ifndef __IPHONE_6_0
#if __has_feature(objc_bool)
#undef YES
#undef NO
#define YES __objc_yes
#define NO __objc_no
#phix23s answer seems to be more to the point. You should accept that.
This was worth adding from comments:
It should be noted that this needs to be done after the #import . If one puts these #defines in their Prefix.pch, they should make sure to import Foundation earlier in the pch
