IntelliJ 11 hangs when executing grails command - grails

I am using IntelliJ 11 with Grails 2.0.0 under Ubuntu. When IntelliJ executes any grails command it hangs straight away. I am not able to migrate my project to 2.0.0 (from 1.3.7) or even create a new grails project.
No exceptions thrown in the logs, hangs after clicking on create-app using grails.
Anyone have an idea what could be the problem here?

For me, the freeze only occurs when starting idea from a terminal window using & (ampersand for running in background, like this:
/path/to/your/ideahome/bin/ &
IDEA then starts correctly, but as soon as any grails command is run, the process enters "stopped" state and the IDEA GUI appears to be frozen.
When doing "fg" on the process, the application wakes up again and actually runs the grails command.
So, the workaround is of course to not run IDEA in background, for example by creating a desktop icon using the following as the "command":
bash -c "export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/your/javahome;/path/to/your/ideahome/bin/"

I have found the following to 'unstick' the process though not every time.
when Intellij hangs due to some grails command or another, I run the following to see which processes are running (I have an alias set with the name 'idea' you would use whatever the command is to run idea)
ps -ef | grep idea
There are usually 3 or 4 processes, but the first one looks like:
username 19349 14977 0 10:41 pts/1 00:00:00 /bin/sh /usr/local/bin/idea
I run the following command to kill it
kill -9 {processId}
For example:
kill -9 19349
We use -9 to force full kill the process.
Intellij begins processing as normal. Sometimes I get the prompt about whether I am sure I want to exit to which I reply no.
Sometimes it does not work and I have to kill intelliJ entirely then start over. Most times it works.

Try 11.0.2 RC from If it doesn't help, file a bug at with a thread dump attached, refer to for details.


Run new ant target without killing previous target

I've got an ant target ant server that runs a Java application which logs to the console. I need to run a new ant target ant server-gui which also logs to the console. But when I run ant server the logging prevents me from running any new ant targets.
When I enter ^c (which is the only way I know of to get out of situations like that) it kills the Java application. I need both to run. What keystroke will get me out of that "input" mode and able to run new terminal commands?
UPDATE: I haven't found a direct solution to getting out of that mode I mentioned, but opening a new tab/window in terminal does the trick. I can run as many any commands as I'd like that way. Still looking for a good solution to get out the "input" mode, though!
UPDATE 2: #abcdef pointed out another post that has an even more elegant solution.
There are a few ways to do this, assuming you are on *nix
1) Run the ant command with a & at the end to tell *nix to run the command in the background
2) Run the command with nohup at the beginning (
3) when the process is running press ctrl-z then enter the command bg. This manually forces the command to run in the background
I hope this helps you out

Terminal not responding in Cloud9 IDE Rails

I'm working my way through the Ruby on Rails Tutorial, and suddenly the terminal is not responding to common commands.
Entering commands like "bundle exec rake test" or "rails console" creates the situation in the screenshot below and waiting hours does not change anything.
I can type on the line but the Terminal still doesn't respond to any commands here. Ctrl+C allows me to escape the previous request and get back to the command line.
Strangely, "git status" works fine and quick.
Any ideas how to fix this?
I've tried restarting the Terminal and re-loading the workspace.
I just ran into the same problem two times (also going thru the Rails Tutorial) and here's how I went about adressing it:
Click on the workspace button in the top right corner- that's where it shows your CPU, Memory & Disk Usage (if you're on a laptop/small screen zoom out or make the screen as wide as possible to view that).
Next click on the "show process" button to see active processes.
After that I "force killed" my bash and ruby processes.
Lastly I clicked the "restart" button, which you see that when you first clicked to see the workspace info. Please note that if I went first to clicking this "restart" it had no effect... I had to force kill... THEN resart...
Viola, two times now it worked!
Not sure if this has any impact, but both times I mentally retraced my steps and realized I had several terminal windows open and willy-nilly ran the console multiple times in different terminal windows over the course of a few days. I would then run into not being able to run rails c UNLESS I have previously "properly" exited an already running console (meaning ctrl-c).
I've run into something similar while running Rails on my machine, and a full system restart does the trick. Perhaps due to the cloud based nature of Rails on Cloud9 there is some "sticky" process that stays on?
EDIT: Forgot to mention that on my machine I would also run "killall ruby" in a new terminal window. While that didn't work on Cloud9 it may be worth a try!
Anyhoo- lemme know if that does the trick!
Please do report these kind of (performance) questions to our Support desk via - we'll be able to help you quickly! Thanks.
what I did is just killed that process
ubuntu 5318 0.0 0.0 488820 16872 pts/3 Sl Dec24 0:01 spring server
kill -9 5318
You will have ur pid number. so just use it.
to get process -- use :
ps aux
Executing "bin/spring stop" would solve the issue as well. It is currently unknown why this happens and we are looking into that.

Jenkins does not stop cucumber tests when aborting (pressing the stop[x] button)

I have calabash running iOS tests on Jenkins. When the job encounters fails I sometimes manually abort the tests by pressing the stop[x] button within the job. The problem is the next test in the feature file begins running even though I aborted. This behavior is not observed when launching the tests through the terminal. When exiting the cucumber test in the terminal the sim returns to home and no other test are launched.
I found a hook that might be useful
After do |s|
# Tell Cucumber to quit after this scenario is done - if it failed.
Cucumber.wants_to_quit = true if s.failed?
However, there are times when I don't want it to stop just because one scenario failed. I feel like Jenkins needs to kill all processes and its not.
If someone knows how to kill calabash and its instances manually via terminal after Jenkins has been instructed to abort, I would be interested in that too.
I tried:
ps aux | grep -i instruments | awk {'print $2'} | xargs kill -9
Unfortunately that did not work. Possibly two reasons
greping instruments shows two or more process
20272 ?? S 0:00.00 sh -c xcrun instruments -w "iPhone 5 (8.1 Simulator)...
20273 ?? S 0:00.45 /Applications/ -w iPhone 5]...
Should I switch awk to print column 1?
or reason two
I'm not greping the correct process?
Here is some of my version info:
calabash-ios version: 0.11.4
Calabash::Cucumber::MIN_SERVER_VERSION: 0.11.4
Xcode 6.1
You have to let Jenkins to find all forked processes. Depending on the Job type you have to pass different environment entries into the forked process. This question is about the other way (so how to make Jenkins NOT to stop processes), but the names of the possible environment entries are there. Just pass these environment entries below to each forked process and then the process tree killer will find them:

Automating frank from jenkins

I am trying to automate a test session from jenkins using Frank.
this is the error message I receive.
./step_definitions/test_steps.rb:30:in `/^I navigate to button V\303\244der$/'
test.feature:41:in `When I navigate to <link>'
| Radar | Norrland |
Oh dear. Your app fell over and can't get up.
Jenkins checks out the code from git, besides this I have added a shell command as follows.
cd ios #<--this is so that I go to the root folder, the one with the .xcodeproj project
frank setup
frank build
frank launch
mv features/*.feature Frank/features/. #<--- this is the testscript
mv features/step_definitions/*.rb Frank/features/step_definitions/. #<--here it is moved to the newly created frank/features & Frank/features/step_definitions folder
cd Frank/features
cucumber test.feature
Everything is built the way it should and if I go to the server
and manually type the last row from my shell command will the tests be executed.
Best Regards
I have personally had many problems running Jenkins on Mac. Especially if you used the Jenskins Mac image installer, Jenkins is always run under the "jenkins" user that is created during installation.
This has given me many headaches with running cucumber from inside jobs or for starting the iOS simulator.
I have finally learned to start Jenkins under my own user, like this:
"nohup java -jar /Applications/Jenkins/jenkins.war --httpPort=8080
Since then, I was able to run cucumber without any problems. Hope this helps.
This happens every time your application crashes. When the application crashes, frank stops receiving events and cucumber ends with the error you see.
There are two possible reasons:
You have a bug in your app that made the app crash
Frank has a bug that made your app crash
You should inspect the crash/application log to see the exact reason.
I learned that is very helpful to capture the application log by the jenkins job, e.g.
function grab_log_and_fail {
APP_NAME = "MyApplication"
# get the PID of the last process with the given name
PID=$( cat /var/log/system.log | grep "$APP_NAME\[" | tail -n 1 | sed -e "s/^.*$APP_NAME\ [\([^\]*\)\].*/\1/g" )
# grab all the messages from the process with the PID
cat /var/log/system.log | grep "$APP_NAME\[$PID\]" >"$WORKSPACE/$APP_NAME.log"
#fail the job
exit 1
You can call it using
cucumber test.feature || grab_log_and_fail
(will grab the log only if cucumber ends with an error)

ToolTwist Controller hangs while generating images

While generating a large site using the ToolTwist Controller, the server hangs. Using ps -ef I can see that there is an ImageMagick 'convert' command that never seems to finish. If I kill the convert process, the generate continues.
If I get the full convert command from the log file or using ps, I can run it from the command line with no problem. Each time I run the generate process in the Controller it gets stuck in a different place.
How often it hangs seems to be sporadic, and only occurs maybe every 1,000 images.
I'm running OSX 10.7.3 on a Macbook Pro.
This is a known bug in ImageMagick - see
The solution is to define an environment variable:
You'll need to do this before starting the Controller's tomcat server.
