Is there a graphical tool for Mac to assist in positioning CCNode objects on a Layer? - ios

If my designer gives me a 960x640px image of what the screen should look like, as well as all of the individual elements as images or text, is there a way to lay out the images and text on the iPhone/iPad screen without doing it manually through code? The way I'm doing it now is a series of trial and error, trying to guess the position of each element.
By the way, the types of layouts I'm trying to do are simple static layouts for stuff like Menus and High Scores lists, etc.

You should try one of the editing tools: LevelHelper, CocoShop and CocosBuilder. The problem will be the output format, make sure that not only the editing part works to your specification but that you can actually use just the snippet of code you need to plug it into your code.

Do you have an image-editing software like Photoshop or GIMP? How about opening the 960x640px image with any such software, then hovering your mouse over the center of each element for its coordinates, and then finally pumping these values into your code?
In my opinion, this is at least better and way faster than trial and error:)

If you want to measure position of graphic elements. You can try a commercial called xscope. The trail version can be downloaded form their official website. It is the best tool I ever seen to measure distance, color(like, it can copy color measured directly to [UIColor ...] format), etc. If you want something freeware, I would like to recommend markman, which is a Chinese software, it's built on adobe air. All elements/button are graphic, so you don't need to read chinese to use it..

You can try to use some open source editor and write your exporter. For example I am using blender as a level editor for the game I am working on. It has a nice python API that can be used to export all the information you need.


how to manipulate graphics created with Adobe Animate CC?

So I have created some fancy graphics with Adobe Animate (HTML CANVAS)and added some animation as well. Is there a way to manipulate (or simply get) the Javascript code that generated these graphics? Say I want to use these same graphics in another project. How to extract that code? The generated code is not just simple CreateJS code. It is very tight to the Animate framework.
The code is in fact just plain CreateJS (EaselJS) code. In your generated lib file, you can see all the Graphic instructions for each Shape. For Animate, it uses a "compressed" format by default (which you can actually see in the docs). Since 95% of developers don't care what the exported graphics look like, so it uses a custom compression format to reduce the amount of code that is generated, which results in a much smaller filesize.
You can easily pop into the publish settings, and under "Advanced" turn off the "Compact Shapes" option, which will give you typical lineTo().moveTo().drawRect() commands again.
Hope that helps!

Implementing PSD processing in web (like in

Is there a Windows server with Photoshop running that process all these templates? It just happens too quickly. How did they achieve that?
I've been looking for the answer for quite a long time and didn't find anything worthy.
A way something like this would be done would be to have an overlay template that you'd place your image under and then all of the shading and such would would go on top of it. Then it's just a mater of rotating and skewing the angle of the picture underneath the overlay to get the right perspective. This can be done programmatically in a language of your choice like PHP, Python, C#, etc.
I believe what you're describing may be achieved using the Adobe Photoshop API. Click on try demo and take a look at the various options, including the Smart Object demo.

Use image library from Hammerspoon

I'd like to use a more sophisticated graphics or GUI widget library in my Hammerspoon config file, in order to get user input and do more advanced drawing on the screen than Hammerspoon allows (as far as I can tell) by default. I'm new to Lua and Hammerspoon, and so far I've been unable to figure out how to get this working. (Simple drawing on-screen is not a problem, so examples of geometric shapes are not helpful. I can do that already with no difficulty.)
I initially thought one of the Lua libraries designed for building games would have more than I could possibly need, and looked into love2d, but it did not appear to be possible to use with Hammerspoon in any straightforward manner.
To give two concrete examples of things I'd like to do:
I'd like to display a dialog box in which the user can enter two values, to specify how many rows and how many columns they want in their screen grid. A native Cocoa dialog would be better, but something graphically drawn on screen with Lua would be fine, as long as the details of the image are abstracted away for me, and I can just define the text and fields and buttons in the dialog.
I'd like to draw a dotted-line rectangle with curved corners and a shadow around specified grid segments as a preview of where a window would be moved if the user completed a certain command.
There's a lot more, but anything that allows me to do those things should allow me to do anything else I want.
We don't yet have a good answer to generating dialog boxes, although it is possible to do it with AppleScript, which you can call from Hammerspoon with hs.osascript.
As for drawing things like dotted-line rectangles, we can't currently do that, but if you'd like to file an issue on our GitHub project, it's something we can look at for a future release :)

Animated 2d Map Desktop Widget

I need to animate some vector icons smoothly moving about a 2d map. I have time-lat/lng pairs forming tracks. Down the road I would really like to be able to convey various GIS data like topography and roads on the map along with my smoothly animated icons.
Any suggestions on what to use? I find things like Quantum GIS but it seems geared to generating static maps. I've tried messing around with KML but I cannot find any way to make things move smoothly: marker icons clearly bounce along the waypoints even when I space them very closely.
EDIT: clarified I'm interested in a desktop widget
Animation options are limited in GIS as far as I am aware.
ESRI's ArcObjects could be used to create animations - see this chapter in the online help:
and these examples (however none have vectors moving around):
ESRI software is expensive to purchase, and users would also need the software if you wanted to provide more than an exported video.
You are probably best working with WPF (is this widget for Windows?), Silverlight, or Flash. ESRI have a Silverlight example here:
There is also the following collection of WPF classes for the OpenSource SharpMap:
However it seems very much in beta at this stage.
Alternatively it may be easier to use GIS software solely to provide a background image, and do all the animation elsewhere.
I would say, try this animation code for Google Earth; however, try emailing the osgeo or qgis userlists and they'll guide you

Looking for a simple graphical component for Delphi

I am looking for a graphical component in Delphi winch have such features:
allows to paint text in different font types, sizes and colors
allows to select previously drawn text and copy it
paints images on a given coords, gif support would be nice
its very fast in terms of CPU usage
I need this component as a main chat window. I don't want to use it as a text editor.
I've tried two solutions so far:
Currently I am using THtml. It performs quite nice but it is a bit to slow due to two facts:
It supports many features which are not necessary in my case
Each time I want to add some content to it, I must reload the whole content
I really don't want to go into its sources and modify them until I have no other choice. So maybe someone of you knows some nice lightweight component which I can use instead?
Take a look at TRichView. It's derived from TCustomControl so no external dependencies. It's third party commercial component, but a very good one. Skype Win client uses it.
What about a TRichEdit? Most of the things you mention should be easiliby possible with this component.
Concering the insertion of a bitmap, see this article on Delphi 3000.
Did you consider using TWebBrowser?
At least it ticks all your boxes...
