How to create a multi-line UITextField? - ios

How can I implement a multiple line textfield like what I see in the iPhone messaging application. in other words, How to expand the box dynamically when user press return key or when text run to next line.
I notice this question already been asked at:
Objective C: How to create a multi-line UITextField?
and the solution was to use UITextView, however, UITextView doesn't look as deli gent as UITextView because it doesn't show border depth as UITextView.

You could use UITextView without border and put some UIImageViews above for your own border.

You can find my answer for that here :
hope it help :)


Format UILabel with image and links

How can I add a string with link and image in a UIlabel using swift code.
Below is a sample what I needed:
Visit to the following link Terms and conditions 💼 for specific
I need the Terms and conditions and the bag in red collar and remaining text in grey color. Tapping on red coloured text opens a link.
Anyone please help.
The short answer is, don't do that. A UILabel displays a string. That's what it's made to do. Adding images and links to a label is stretching it well beyond its intended purpose.
You can take a generic UIView and add subviews for your text and your image(s). Build your desired contents out of the elements you need.
I would suggest using a UITextView since that supports clickable links. Set it's editable flag to false and turn on link detection.
As per your problem described here. I have found a perfect solution, as per your requirement.
Here is the link to your solution : Link
You can try this and bridge it as it's written in Objective-C
I solved it by adding an attributed text and user interaction to handle link tap. To add image NStextAttachment can be used. Write method to handle tap gesture for label using range.

Word Wrapping on UILabel iOS

Hi friends i have one requirement that word wrapping on label. Using myLabel.lineBreakMode=NSLineBreakByCharWrapping;
I am able to show the text in label like below
Designation : I am working as iOS
But i want to show
Designation : I am working as iOS
Is this possible to achieve above requirement within one label?
I tried it and got it solved. I have attached the screenshot. You just need to do the following:
set lines property of label to 2.
set height and width of the label through xib and its done.
In Xcode, you can design your UILabel to have 2 lines. Then, you just need to add a new line ("\n") after the word "iOS", and center-align everything? If your caption is always the same you can pre-enter it in Xcode. To add a new line, just press alt+Enter.
Would that be acceptable?
No, it's not possible with UILabel, Unless workaround to this. I think, you know how to done manually. But You can't wrap the content like above. Simple answer is you can use two label.
Not possible. UILabel just renders text according to properties that you defined. If you want to do it ideally then use two UILabels. & Place them according to your need.

Can I make UITextField invisible?

I checked out iPhone: How can I make a UITextField invisible but still clickable?, but the OP has something else going on and the answers didn't seem to help me out of my fix.
I have a UITextField in which the user has to enter text. Instead of the standard UITextField graphic, I want to use a lovely graphic that's been designed for that purpose. The user would still need to be able to enter text and see the text s/he's entering, but I need the textfield to be invisible so that the graphic can show from underneath it.
How can I do this? Or is there another way to do what I'm after?
Adding my comment as an answer. You can try this,
[textField setBackgroundColor:[UIColor clearColor]];
And then set the border style as UITextBorderStyleNone.
something like:
yourTextField.borderStyle = UITextBorderStyleNone;
should do it
Another solution would be hiding the UITextView itself and just adding a transparent button that will call the keyboard to display.
Otherwise, the other answers should work.
Easiest option is to do it in interface builder. Choose the first uitext field style with no border and that's it.

Is it possible to customize a text field , in iOS?

i am in need to use a text field in my application but the ones provided by XCode are only 1 line long and you can only change the width but not the hight.
I was wondering if its possible to make it look more lines long?
Is it only possible with customization and if yes any good tutorials?
Thank you!
First off, you can actually change the height of a UITextField. Just change the border style in the Attributes Inspector to anything except the default "rounded corners". You can then resize it right in Interface Builder. If you really wanted to, you could even change it back in your viewDidLoad method like this:
self.myTextField.borderStyle = UITextBorderStyleRoundedRect;
However, to have multiple lines, you have to use a UITextView. It's by default multi-line, but see the Apple documentation for more information.
You can use a UITextView. The document about it here. If you need something else, please post an image of what you want to achieve.

Superscript "Registered mark" in UIPickerView

I need to show a registered trademark symbol in a superscript (exponent position) in respect to the name of the label. need to show it in a uipickerView and a label. I havent found the option of how to show the unicode \u00AE in the exponent position,
1) Should I use 2 labels in different positions in the uipickerView?
2) Or, Show an image in the picker view with the intended name?
Thanks a lot!
For me this works:
#"Sometext \u00AE other text".
Can you check?
The unicode symbol is very slightly superscripted but I guess this isn't enough for you. You can't mix font sizes and styles within a label so there isn't an easy answer. Two labels probably won't work because you will be having to adjust the position of the R sign.
The simplest answer is probably to subclass UILabel and, in the drawRect method, call the super implementation and then manually draw the R string where you want it. You can get the size of the existing text using the NSString drawing methods so you'll know where to put the symbol.
I ended up using an image in the picker view to show the superscript as needed,
inspired by the catalog app from apple,
if you are a noob like me and would like to check the project, please go to
project in Github
