UILabel cutting off symbol - ios

How to get text (string) in my UILabel.
What I mean?
I set a text for my UILabel programmatically. But if my text very large the text don't fit to my label and UILabel cutting off this text.
How I can to check new text with a cutting symbol?
For example:
Source: 'Some Large Text'
Cutting text: 'Some Large T...' (need to get this string)
Thanks for response!

You have to set the UILabels's property linebreakemode and number of lines:
label.numberOfLines = 2;
label.lineBreakMode = UILineBreakModeWordWrap;
aditionally you might need to set the frame correctly.


Get truncated text from UILabel in Swift [duplicate]

I have a single line UILabel. It has width = screen width and the content now is (the content of UILabel can change)
You have 30 seconds to make an impression during an interview
Currently, my UILabel is truncated tail and the word "duration" is not complete
self.nameLabel.lineBreakMode = NSLineBreakByTruncatingTail;
What I want is I want my UILabel still truncating tail and only display complete word.
Like the image below
Any help or suggestion would be great appreciated.
You can do something like this:
let labelWidth = CGRectGetWidth(label.bounds)
let str = "You will have 30 seconds till you give us a good impression" as NSString
let words = str.componentsSeparatedByString(" ")
var newStr = "" as NSString
for word in words{
let statement = "\(newStr) \(word) ..." as NSString
let size = statement.sizeWithAttributes([NSFontAttributeName:label.font])
if size.width < labelWidth {
newStr = "\(newStr) \(word)"
newStr = newStr.stringByAppendingString(" ...")
self.label.text = newStr as String
Idea is: we split words and try check the width while appending from the beginning + the string "..." till we found the a word that will exceed the size, in the case we stop and use this new string
Ideally this is not possible,with default UILabel, when you set lineBreakMode to TruncatingTail, depending on the space required by the letter/word the OS will truncate it, one solution to fix the issue you can use following properties depending on your match.
Minimum Font Scale -- Use this property to specify the smallest multiplier for the current font size that yields an acceptable font size to use when displaying the label’s text. If you specify a value of 0 for this property, the current font size is used as the smallest font size.
Minimum Font Size -- When drawing text that might not fit within the bounding rectangle of the label, you can use this property to prevent the receiver from reducing the font size to the point where it is no longer legible.
i am not sure but try it:
nameLabel.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = NO;
nameLabel.lineBreakMode = NSLineBreakByWordWrapping;
If you are using storyboard follow these steps i tried this and it working fine
Open Attribute Inspector
Change Line Breaks to Truncate Tail then
Change AutoShrink to Minimum Font Size
here are my screenshots of label after and before applying these properties
new output

Splitting a string truncates the word in UILabel

I try to setup a custom button with UIImage and UILabel
After setting up constraints, I started testing this button and noticed strange behavior
UILabel in UIButton code:
private var title: UILabel = {
var label = UILabel()
label.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
label.font = UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 14)
label.numberOfLines = 0
label.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = true
label.minimumScaleFactor = 0.5
return label
When I set title for example "Hfpdktxtybz", UILabel works amazing!
One word takes one line:
But if I try set title for example "Развлечения", UILabel truncates the word.
One word is split into two lines:
Why for English language label work is correctly, but for Russian language truncates the word? How to fix it?
The number of characters is the same
The problem is, as said in the comments, that characters don't necessarily have the same width.
The above example clearly shows characters do not have the same width although they have same character count.
So Autolayout calculates the UILabel real width and it has only one option in order to satisfy your constraints. That is to split it into 2 lines.
If you don't want this to happen consider changing UILabel priority numberOfLines.
if you use storyboard
if you use swift programmatically.
label.numberOfLines = 2

How to implement the large text accessibility to uilabel attributed without losing the font

i have been trying to implement the large text accessibility for attributed text in a label. I have tried a lot of research and found the following way
attributedTextLabel.attributedText = viewModel.attributedString
// accessibility
attributedTextLabel.isAccessibilityElement = true
if let accessibilityLabel = viewModel.accessibilityLabel {
attributedTextLabel.accessibilityLabel = accessibilityLabel
attributedTextLabel.font = UIFont.preferredFont(forTextStyle: .body)
attributedTextLabel.adjustsFontForContentSizeCategory = true
But the issue with this approach is that iam loosing the font i have set for the attributed text which consists of multiple fonts in the format of :-
Bold: Simple text
Guys, is there any way to implement large text accessibility for uilabel dynamic text retaining the font of the attributed text. Thanks in advance

UILabel truncate tail and skip not complete word

I have a single line UILabel. It has width = screen width and the content now is (the content of UILabel can change)
You have 30 seconds to make an impression during an interview
Currently, my UILabel is truncated tail and the word "duration" is not complete
self.nameLabel.lineBreakMode = NSLineBreakByTruncatingTail;
What I want is I want my UILabel still truncating tail and only display complete word.
Like the image below
Any help or suggestion would be great appreciated.
You can do something like this:
let labelWidth = CGRectGetWidth(label.bounds)
let str = "You will have 30 seconds till you give us a good impression" as NSString
let words = str.componentsSeparatedByString(" ")
var newStr = "" as NSString
for word in words{
let statement = "\(newStr) \(word) ..." as NSString
let size = statement.sizeWithAttributes([NSFontAttributeName:label.font])
if size.width < labelWidth {
newStr = "\(newStr) \(word)"
newStr = newStr.stringByAppendingString(" ...")
self.label.text = newStr as String
Idea is: we split words and try check the width while appending from the beginning + the string "..." till we found the a word that will exceed the size, in the case we stop and use this new string
Ideally this is not possible,with default UILabel, when you set lineBreakMode to TruncatingTail, depending on the space required by the letter/word the OS will truncate it, one solution to fix the issue you can use following properties depending on your match.
Minimum Font Scale -- Use this property to specify the smallest multiplier for the current font size that yields an acceptable font size to use when displaying the label’s text. If you specify a value of 0 for this property, the current font size is used as the smallest font size.
Minimum Font Size -- When drawing text that might not fit within the bounding rectangle of the label, you can use this property to prevent the receiver from reducing the font size to the point where it is no longer legible.
i am not sure but try it:
nameLabel.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = NO;
nameLabel.lineBreakMode = NSLineBreakByWordWrapping;
If you are using storyboard follow these steps i tried this and it working fine
Open Attribute Inspector
Change Line Breaks to Truncate Tail then
Change AutoShrink to Minimum Font Size
here are my screenshots of label after and before applying these properties
new output

Adding multiple Lines of text into UILabel in swift

Hi I want to display some text in my UILabel line by line when an action is occurred
Hi, I have a textbox, button and a UILabel, lets say I've typed in
"This text will be displayed line by line in a UILabel"
and pressed the button to display the text in the UILabel..
so inside the UILabel it will look like:
I've been searching forums but could not found an answer.. so I don't know if this is possible.. please help
p.s I've set number of lines to 0 and line breaks is set to word wrap
let label = UILabel(frame: CGRect(x: 100, y: 100, width: 100, height: 300)) // make the height biggest
// label.lineBreakMode = NSLineBreakMode.ByWordWrapping
// label.numberOfLines = 0
dont work if label width bigger word width
var string = "This text will be displayed line by line in a UILabel"
var array = string.componentsSeparatedByString(" ")
var newstring = join("\r", array)
label.text = newstring
let labelText = "Write\rthe\rtext\rwith\rline\rbreaks."
In order to wrap your text within a UILabel on Xcode 6 and above
Select the label you are working with.
Navigate to the Utilities panel.
Select the "Attributes inspector"
Select the number of lines you would like to display on the label (2,3,4) depending on the size of your UILabel field
Select "Word Wrap" under Line Breaks, or you can select any option of your preference.
You may manipulate the way your text appears to your taste.
Does it have to be a UILabel?
You could use UITextField instead which has some advantageous handling options
