Logic block in Grails URLMappings - grails

My site has urls like 'http://someRandomUsername.mysite.com'.
Sometimes users will try urls like
'http://www.someRandomeUsername.mysite.com'. I'd like to have some
logic in my url mappings to deal with this.
With the mappings below when I hit the page , with or without the
unneeded www, I get:
2012-03-01 14:52:16,014 [http-8080-5] ERROR [localhost].[/ambit] -
Unhandled exception occurred whilst decorating page
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: URL mapping must either provide a
controller or view name to map to!
Any idea how to accomplish this? The mapping is below.
static mappings = {
name publicMap: "/$action?/$id?" {
def ret = UrlMappings.check(request)
controller = ret.controller
userName = ret.userName
static check =
{ request ->
def tokens = request?.serverName?.split(/\./) as List ?: []
def ret = [controller:'info']
if(tokens.size() > 3 && token[0] == 'www')
ret.userName = tokens[1]
ret.controller = 'redirect'
ret.action = 'removeWWW'
else if(tokens.size() == 3)
ret.userName = tokens[0]
ret.controller = 'info'
return ret

Honestly, like DmitryB said, the best way to do this is via the web server, whether it's IIS, Apache, or Tomcat.
Having said that, I feel the best way to accomplish this in Grails would be using filters.
You could create something like this in your ~/conf directory:
public class StripFilters {
def filters = {
stripWWWFilter(controller: '*', action: '*') {
before = {
def tokens = request.serverName.tokenize(/\./) ?: []
if(tokens.size() > 3 && tokens[0] == 'www') {
def url = request.request.requestURL.toString().replace('www.', '')
redirect([url:url, params: [userName: tokens[1]], permanent: true])
return false
This should do the trick.


grails application access after authentication with ldap role based authorization

Our grails application uses ldap authentication, without any problems, now I need to prevent access, to the entire application, if a user has no specific ldap role.
I can see the role and use it in my Config.groovy annotations or secure the actions in the controllers, but instead I need a scenario/way to just show a "Denied ..." message and logout. (POST Forbidden 403).
def filters = {
loginFilter(controller:'login', action:'ajaxSuccessSproutcore') {
before = {
switch(Environment.current.name) {
case { it == 'development' || it == 'hrm'}:
if (springSecurityService.isLoggedIn() && grails.plugin.springsecurity.SpringSecurityUtils.ifAnyGranted("ROLE_ADMIN, ROLE_SEA_HRM_LOGIN")){
} else {
if (springSecurityService.isLoggedIn()) {
render ([msg:''] as JSON)
return false
if (springSecurityService.isLoggedIn() && grails.plugin.springsecurity.SpringSecurityUtils.ifAnyGranted("ROLE_ADMIN , ROLE_USER")){
} else {
if (springSecurityService.isLoggedIn()) {
render ([msg:''] as JSON)
return false
after = { Map model ->
afterView = { Exception e ->
In grails 3 you can set up an Interceptor to check every request and take the appropriate action. In your case you'd want to add a check in the before block.
Edit: As Jeff Brown notes in the comments, grails 2 used Filters rather than interceptors.
Edit: Something like this in your logout logic:
else {
if (springSecurityService.isLoggedIn()) {
redirect action:'youShallNotPass'
return false

HTTPS routing suddenly stopped working in Grails

In my Grails 2.5.1 application , i was using a filter to use HTTPS with some controllers , everything was working fine but suddenly this filter is not working any more .
Filter :
def filters = {
all(controller:'checkout', action:'onlinePayment') {
before = {
if (!request.isSecure() /*&& !Environment.isDevelopmentMode()*/) {
def url = "https://" + request.serverName+':8443' + request.forwardURI
println "in filter"
redirect(url: url, permanent: true)
return false
after = { Map model ->
afterView = { Exception e ->
Here is the checkout page :
Also i found that no requests came to the filter as in filter was not printed out, is there something i need to check to fix this issue rather than this filter

Grails access current environment from within config.groovy

Using the Grails OAuth plugin requires that an absolute callback URL be provided in Config.groovy. However I have different serverURLs for each environment.
Is there a way to get the current environment from inside Config.groovy, here's an example of what I want to do:
def devServerUrl = 'http://dev.example.com'
def prodServerUrl = 'http://prod.example.com'
def currentServerUrl = grailsApplication.metadata.environment == 'development' ? devServerUrl : prodServerUrl;
environments {
development {
grails {
serverURL = devServerUrl
production {
grails {
serverURL = prodServerUrl
oauth {
providers {
runkeeper {
api = RunKeeperApi
key = 'key'
secret = 'secret'
callback = currentServerUrl + '/oauth/runkeeper/callback'
Any ideas? Thanks!
Try this:
def currentServerUrl = Environment.current.name == 'development' ? devServerUrl : prodServerUrl;
I think it is cleaner to set different grails.serverURL for each environment and then do:
callback = "${grails.serverURL}/oauth/runkeeper/callback"

Automatic language detection by browser

How can I detect the language of the browser and automatically display the correctly localized version of my grails website depending on that value.
I put this in to Index action
Locale locale = new Locale(params.lang)
cookieLocaleResolver.setLocale(request, response, (Locale)
render controller: "home", action: "index"
And I got exception--
Error 500: Executing action [index] of controller [socialworking.HomeController] caused exception: null
Servlet: grails
URI: /socialworking/grails/home.dispatch
Exception Message:
Caused by:
Class: Unknown
First off, you should put that in a filter in grails-app/conf directory. Create a filter if you don't already have one.
class MyFilters {
def filters = {
setLocale(controller:'*', action:'*') {
before = {
// Your logic here
Your logic here could look in many ways, but here is a try:
String langToSet = 'en';
if ( params.lang && params.lang in validLanguages )
langToSet = params.lang;
else if ( session.lang ) {
langToSet = session.lang;
else if ( ... ) // Cookie lang is set ( User might have accessed the site before and you have stored their preferred lang )
// Get cookie lang
Locale locale = new Locale( langToUse)
org.springframework.web.servlet.support.RequestContextUtils.getLocaleResolver(request).setLocale(request, response, locale);
// Set the cookie lang
// We set the session lang
session.lang = langToSet
Note that the above is not a complete implementation but it is almost. The cookie stuff and validLanguages you should be able to figure out what they do.
I hope that helps!

webflow in grails application

how can i redirect to the same state more than one time using web flow
def destinationInstance = Destination.get(params.destination)
def destinationGroupsInstance = DestinationGroup.get(params.destinationGroups)
def h = destinationInstance.addToDestinationGroups(destinationGroupsInstance)
what i need is how to enter to this state more than one time until destinations ends
def destinationInstance = Destination.get(params.destination)
def destinationGroupsInstance = DestinationGroup.get(params.destinationGroups)
def h = destinationInstance.addToDestinationGroups(destinationGroupsInstance)
(condition or while loop or for loop)
if success then
return "<state name>"
return "flowList"
Well, you'd probably have something like the following code, which is untested but may give you a general idea.
def destinationFlow = {
initialize {
action {
flow.destination = Destination.get(params.id)
on('success').to 'destinationList'
destinationList {
render(view: 'destinationList')
on('addDestination') {
def destinationGroup = DestinationGroup.get(params.destinationGroupId)
}.to 'destinationList'
on('finish').to 'done'
done {
redirect(...) // out of the flow
You'll need buttons on your destinationList view that invoke the 'addDestination' or 'finish' actions. See the WebFlow documentation and Reference Guide.
