What's the right way to modify the params passed to controller in rails 3.1.0? - ruby-on-rails

In our Rails 3.1.0 app, we need to modify params passed to rfq controller in create and update. For example, we want to record the current user id under input_by_id. What we did was:
#rfq.input_by_id = session[:user_id]
It worked as expected. Also when need_report field is false, then report_language field should be nil. We decide to add the following line in rfq controller to make sure the nil is passed to report_language when need_report is false:
#rfq.report_language = nil unless params[:need_report]
However this addition causes the rspec case failure (in create/update of the controller) because of the data validation failure. However when we fire up the app, it behaves fine without saving the report_language when need_report is false. I am wondering if the line above is not the right way to use params[:need_report] for #rfq updating.
Thanks so much.
Controller code:
def create
if has_create_right?
#rfq = Rfq.new(params[:rfq], :as => :roles_new )
#rfq.input_by_id = session[:user_id]
#save sales_id selected
if sales? && member? && !team_lead?
#rfq.sales_id = session[:user_id]
#view page may carry the hidden report language even if need_report == false
#rfq.report_language = nil unless params[:need_report]
#save into join table rfqs_standards
params[:rfq][:standard_ids].each do |sid|
#rfq.standards << Standard.find(sid.to_i) if !sid.nil? && sid.to_i > 0
end unless params[:rfq][:standard_ids].nil?
#save into join table rfqs_test_items
params[:rfq][:test_item_ids].each do |tid|
#rfq.test_items << TestItem.find(tid.to_i) if !tid.nil? && tid.to_i > 0
end unless params[:rfq][:test_item_ids].nil?
if #rfq.save!
redirect_to URI.escape("/view_handler?index=0&msg=RFQ saved!")
flash.now[:error] = "RFQ not saved!"
render 'new'
redirect_to URI.escape("/view_handler?index=0&msg=No rights!")
Test case failed after addition of #rfq.report_language = nil unless params[:need_report]
it "should be successful for corp head" do
session[:corp_head] = true
session[:user_id] = 1
s = Factory(:standard)
rfq = Factory.attributes_for(:rfq, :need_report => true, :report_language => 'EN')
rfq[:standard_ids] = [s.id] # attach standard_id's to mimic the POST'ed form data
get 'create', :rfq => rfq
#response.should redirect_to URI.escape("/view_handler?index=0&msg=RFQ saved!")
response.should render_template('new')

the problem ist that you are simply not looking at the right value.
get 'create', :rfq => rfq will result in a params-hash like {:rfq => {...}}
so you need to #rfq.report_language = nil unless params[:rfq][:need_report] == 'true'


Rails - Updating Boolean Attribute in a model on Create

I'm creating an app that lets users purchase items from an online store. I followed the RailsCasts episodes, and built my OrdersController like so.
def create
#order = current_cart.build_order(order_params)
#order.ip_address = request.remote_ip
if #order.save
if #order.purchase
Item.where(email: Order.last.email).last.purchased == true
flash[:notice] = "Thanks for your purchase"
redirect_to root_path
flash[:danger] = "Something was wrong"
redirect_to :back
render :action => 'new'
I recently decided to add an attribute to my items, which says whether or not they've been purchased or not. Items in the cart have not yet been purchased. I created a migration, giving all items a purchased attribute, that is a boolean.
By default, items are not purchased, so the default value is false.
class AddPurchasedToItem < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
add_column :items, :purchased, :boolean, :default => false
That's why I added this line of code to my Orders#Create action.
Item.where(email: Order.last.email).last.purchased == true
Here I was setting the value of purchased from false to true. However, when I load up rails console
=> false
It looks like the value still isn't being stored
As another response points out, you're using the == to assign a value, which isn't right. You need = instead.
And you have to save an item after you assign a value to it.
An example:
conditions = {email: Order.last.email} # using your conditions
item = Item.find_by(conditions)
item.purchased = true
item.save # this is what you're missing
Item.find(item.id).purchased # will be true
Another way to update is the following:
item.update_attribute(:purchased, true)
Yet another way is to call update_all on the ActiveRecord::Relation object like so:
# update all items that match conditions:
Item.where(conditions).update_all(purchased: true)
Which method you choose may depend on the scenario as update_all doesn't run the callbacks you specify in the model.
In your case however, all you're missing is the item.save line.
Item.where(email: Order.last.email).last.purchased == true
You're using a == operator to try to assign a value. Try using = instead.

Strong parameters in test issue

Ruby 2.1.1p76 on Rails 4.1.1.
Please check out my controller:
def update
current_user.update_settings user_settings_params unless params[:user_setting].blank?
current_user.update_attribute :district_id, params[:user][:district_id] unless params[:user].blank? || params[:user][:district_id].blank?
flash[:success] = "Preferencje zostały zaktualizowane"
redirect_to subscription_index_path
rescue UserLevelException => exception
flash[:alert] = "Sprytnie, za karę zostałeś wylogowany ;)"
session[:user_id] = nil
redirect_to root_path
def user_settings_params
:inquiry_subject, :inquiry_body,
:offer_subject, :offer_body,
{:district_ids => []},
# {:district_ids => params[:user_setting][:district_ids].try(:keys)},
See the commented line? In the form above - user_settings_params will not return :district_ids array of ids, and this is fine, since I can use the line below instead to have them (got it from guides).
The problem I have is when running this test:
test 'should set user level10 districts' do
user = login_user :paid10
post :update, :user_setting => {:district_ids => [districts(:zachodniopomorskie).id, districts(:slaskie).id]}
assert_equal nil, flash[:alert]
assert_equal 'Preferencje zostały zaktualizowane', flash[:success]
db_user_districts = User.find(user.id).settings.districts.all
assert db_user_districts.include? districts(:zachodniopomorskie)
assert db_user_districts.include? districts(:slaskie)
assert_equal 2, db_user_districts.count
It passes. When debugging user_settings_param has :district_ids available as if strong parameters were disabled or something. I wanted to submit an issue to rails but most probably I'm doing something wrong and can't figure it out.
I've found it - it was because of quirky way I was creating checkboxes for HABTM
= check_box_tag "user_setting[district_ids][#{district.id}]", district.id, user.settings.district_ids.include?(district.id)
= label_tag "user_setting[district_ids][#{district.id}]", district.name
For no particular reason I've inserted ids into params keys AND values. And because of that those were passed to params object as hash. In test though those were sent as array. So it was the view to blame.
= check_box_tag "user_setting[district_ids][]", district.id, user.settings.district_ids.include?(district.id)
= label_tag "user_setting[district_ids][]", district.name

Rails Activerecord: Update where conditions... else create

I need to check multiple columns of a table to see if I find a match. If I find a match I need to "updateattributes" of the matching record with all of my form params... Else I need to add a new record with all of my form params.
if #somethingtoupdate = Model.where("column1 = ? and column2 = ?", params[:something][:column1], params[:something][:column2])
if #somethingtoupdate = Model.update_attributes(params[:something])
redirect_to somewhere_path, :notice => "The existing record was updated"
render "myformlocation"
#added = Model.new(params[:something])
if #added.save
redirect_to somewhere_path, :notice => "The new record was created"
render "myformlocation"
#somethingtoupdate = Model.where("this_id = ? and that_id = ?", params[:something][:this_id], params[:something][:that_id])
if ! #somethingtoupdate.empty?
if #somethingtoupdate.update_attributes(params[:something])
redirect_to some_path, :notice => "The existing record was updated"
render "myformlocation"
#added = Model.new(params[:something])
if #added.save
redirect_to some_path, :notice => "The new record was created"
render "myformlocation"
This is where I stand now thanks to #micahbf.
But, I am still getting an error on my "update_attributes" when there is a matching record.
Seems like this should work.... What am I missing or doing wrong?
This is because where does not return nil if it doesn't find anything, it returns an empty array, which is still truthy, so the block gets executed.
You can use empty? to check whether to run the block or not.
Note also that if it finds a match, the match will still be returned inside of an array (even if there was only one match). So you will have to do something like call first on the result to take the first returned model and update it.
So, the top might look like:
#somethingtoupdate = Model.where("column1 = ? and column2 = ?", params[:something][:column1], params[:something][:column2])
if ! #somethingtoupdate.empty?
if #somethingtoupdate.first.update_attributes(params[:something])
redirect_to some_path, :notice => "The existing record was updated"
render "myformlocation"
// do stuff if the query found no matches
I think here is short method to find record and if found then update record and if record not found then create it.
#somethingtoupdate = Model.where("column1 = ? and column2 = ?", params[:something][:column1], params[:something][:column2]).first_or_initialize
First of all, Model.update_attributes(params[:something]) is not working (at least in Rails 3.2.12). It should be #somethingtoupdate.update_attributes(params[:something]).
Also, there is an existing method for this kind of purpose: first_or_create.
#somethingtoupdate = Model.where("column1 = ? and column2 = ?", params[:something][:column1], params[:something][:column2]).first_or_create

How to update param in update in rails

When I receive a solicitation, I try to change my date to nil, but it's not working. It doesn't save in database.
def update
#solicitacao = Solicitacao.find(params[:id])
if #solicitacao.respondido == false
#solicitacao.attributes = {:data_resposta => nil}
if #solicitacao.update_attributes(params[:solicitacao])
redirect_to(#solicitacao, :notice => 'Solicitacao atualizada.')
render :action => "edit"
If you change it, you need to save it!
This will return a boolean, so you can handle an error if it occurs.
Knowing that update_attributes return false if it fails, I guess you can try something like this :
def update
#solicitacao = Solicitacao.find(params[:id])
if #solicitacao.respondido == false && #solicitacao.update_attributes( :data_resposta => nil )
redirect_to(#solicitacao, :notice => 'Solicitacao atualizada.')
render :action => "edit"
What you are doing is checking the database's field when calling if #solicitacao.respondido == false, updating #solicitacao value, and then using update_attributes to save with params[:solicitacao] parameter. Hence what you changed won't be saved, because the value isn't in params[:solicitacao].
You have to change what you need in params[:solicitacao], change the field data_resposta to nil and then it should work.
On the other hand, you can use model.errors to see where it went wrong. I don't think you'll get any error, because update_attributes actually works. It's just not what you wanted to save.

Add value to :params[]

What i have: (Action in Controller)
def create
#test = Test.new(params[:test])
devicefiles = params[:devicefiles]
if devicefiles != nil
devicefiles.each do |attrs|
devicenote = Testdevicenote.new(attrs, :test_id => #test.id)
This controller action does not show any error message and is rendering the view, but :test_id is not being saved in the database. How can i solve this?
EDIT: Ok whoops, I see it now...
Models only take one hash on initialize, not 2.
Testobjectnote.new(attrs.merge(:test_id => #test.id))
In short no one here has any clue, because that's not enough information. We dont know how your models are setup.
But when debugging models that "won't save" it's often good to use the bang version save, save!. save returns true or false letting you know if it was able to save the record. But save! will raise exceptions when the model can't be saved, and the exception will tell you why.
That exception will likely tell you why the record is not being saved.
Also, its usually better to use the associations, rather than manage the ids yourself.
def create
#test = Test.new(params[:test])
if params[:devicefiles]
params[:devicefiles].each do |attrs|
#test.testdevicenotes << Testdevicenotes(attrs)
It's hard to say because you didn't post your view with the form that is posting to the create action, but if it's a typical Rails form, it should probably look like:
def create
#test = Test.new(params[:test])
devicefiles = params[:test][:devicefiles]
if devicefiles != nil
devicefiles.each do |attrs|
devicenote = Testdevicenote.new(attrs, :test_id => #test.id)
objectfiles = params[:test][:objectfiles]
if objectfiles != nil
objectfiles.each do |attrs|
objectnote = Testobjectnote.new(attrs, :test_id => #test.id)
This assumes that :devicefiles and :objectfiles are inside the form :test
