Unit testing a controller that depends on a session variable - asp.net-mvc

I have a controller that depends on a Session variable. In order to unit test this controller, I came up with the following solution. It works but I'm wondering if there is a better/cleaner way. Thanks
public JsonResult UpdateStatus(ImageUpdateStatus imageUpdateStatus, SessionStateItemCollection sessionItems = null)
var data = new object();
string status = null;
ImageInfo imageInfo = new ImageInfo();
IImageInfoServices svcImageInfo = new ImageInfoServicesRepository();
imageInfo = svcImageInfo.GetImageByImageId(imageUpdateStatus.ImageId);
IDeviceControlServices svcDevice = new DeviceControlServicesRespository();
IPVSCommandServices svcPVSCmds = new PVSCommandServicesRespository();
if (imageUpdateStatus.Task == "prep")
List<UpdateReasonForm> updateReasonForms;
if (sessionItems != null)
updateReasonForms = sessionItems["UpdateReasonForms"] as List<UpdateReasonForm>;
updateReasonForms = Session["UpdateReasonForms"] as List<UpdateReasonForm>;
foreach (var item in updateReasonForms)
if (item.ImageId == imageInfo.ImageId)
status = svcPVSCmds.PrepImage(imageInfo, item.NewVersion);
data = new
if (imageUpdateStatus.Task == "boot")
status = svcDevice.Boot(imageInfo.ImageId);
data = new
return this.Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Unit Test
public void UpdateStatusTest()
BuildController target = new BuildController(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
ImageUpdateStatus imageUpdateStatus = new ImageUpdateStatus(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
imageUpdateStatus.ImageId = 3;
imageUpdateStatus.Task = "prep";
UpdateReasonForm updateReasonForm = new UpdateReasonForm();
updateReasonForm.ImageId = 3;
updateReasonForm.NewVersion = "TestThis";
List<UpdateReasonForm> updateReasonForms = new List<UpdateReasonForm>();
var sessionItems = new SessionStateItemCollection();
sessionItems["UpdateReasonForms"] = updateReasonForms;
JsonResult actual;
actual = target.UpdateStatus(imageUpdateStatus, sessionItems);

Instead of passing in the session values as a parameter you can mock the session state like here:
How do you mock the session object collection using Moq

You have a dependency on Session. You could move your code into a testable method where you inject the dependency at the method level. It looks like you are on this path I would just abstract the code into its own method allowing you to test the functionality regardless of the whether the data comes from session or not.
public JsonResult UpdateStatusDependencyInjection(ImageUpdateStatus imageUpdateStatus, Dictionary<string, object> sessionValues)
var data = new object();
string status = null;
ImageInfo imageInfo = new ImageInfo();
IImageInfoServices svcImageInfo = new ImageInfoServicesRepository();
imageInfo = svcImageInfo.GetImageByImageId(imageUpdateStatus.ImageId);
IDeviceControlServices svcDevice = new DeviceControlServicesRespository();
IPVSCommandServices svcPVSCmds = new PVSCommandServicesRespository();
if (imageUpdateStatus.Task == "prep")
List<UpdateReasonForm> updateReasonForms;
if (sessionItems != null)
updateReasonForms = sessionItems["UpdateReasonForms"] as List<UpdateReasonForm>;
updateReasonForms = Session["UpdateReasonForms"] as List<UpdateReasonForm>;
foreach (var item in updateReasonForms)
if (item.ImageId == imageInfo.ImageId)
status = svcPVSCmds.PrepImage(imageInfo, item.NewVersion);
data = new
if (imageUpdateStatus.Task == "boot")
status = svcDevice.Boot(imageInfo.ImageId);
data = new
return this.Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

This is my implementation of an interface wrapper for Session.
Its currently in production and works fine, its injected into my controllers, but I can use one of the other implementations manually when testing


How to save data in multiple tables using Entity Framework?

How to save mixed data in multiple tables if is checked checkbox:
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "rID,AgentID,karta_br,Datum,patnikID,stanicaOD,stanicaDO,cena,povratna")] tbl_rezervacii tbl_rezervacii)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
if (tbl_rezervacii.povratna != true)
tbl_rezervacii rezervacii = new tbl_rezervacii()
tbl_povratni povratni = new tbl_povratni()
This is code in the controller, and I need to mix data from two forms, and save to two tables, I need something like this, and now my problem is just in else section of implementation.
I make application for Bus Ticket system, and i need this if is checked return way checkbox to add: rID (related with first table tbl_rezervacii), date of returning and relation of returning, include same agent id, price, etc. data which is saved in first tbl_rezervacii table.
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "rID,AgentID,karta_br,Datum,patnikID,stanicaOD,stanicaDO,cena,povratna")] tbl_rezervacii tbl_rezervacii )
if (ModelState.IsValid)
if (tbl_rezervacii.povratna != true)
tbl_rezervacii rezervacii = new tbl_rezervacii()
AgentID = tbl_rezervacii.AgentID,
karta_br = tbl_rezervacii.karta_br,
Datum = tbl_rezervacii.Datum,
patnikID = tbl_rezervacii.patnikID,
stanicaOD = tbl_rezervacii.stanicaOD,
stanicaDO = tbl_rezervacii.stanicaDO,
cena = tbl_rezervacii.cena,
povratna = tbl_rezervacii.povratna
var rows = db.SaveChanges();
tbl_povratni povratna = new tbl_povratni()
rezID = rezervacii.rID,
AgentID = rezervacii.AgentID,
karta_br = rezervacii.karta_br,
DatumP = **tbl_povratni.DatumP**,
patnikID = rezervacii.patnikID,
stanicaPOD = **tbl_povratni.stanicaPOD**,
stanicaPDO = **tbl_povratni.stanicaPDO**,
ViewBag.AgentID = new SelectList(db.tbl_agenti, "aID", "agent_ime", tbl_rezervacii.AgentID);
ViewBag.patnikID = new SelectList(db.tbl_patnici, "pID", "ime", tbl_rezervacii.patnikID);
ViewBag.stanicaOD = new SelectList(db.tbl_stanici, "sID", "stanica", tbl_rezervacii.stanicaOD);
ViewBag.stanicaDO = new SelectList(db.tbl_stanici, "sID", "stanica", tbl_rezervacii.stanicaDO);
ViewBag.stanicaPOD = new SelectList(db.tbl_stanici, "sID", "stanica", tbl_rezervacii.tbl_povratni.stanicaPOD);
ViewBag.stanicaPDO = new SelectList(db.tbl_stanici, "sID", "stanica", tbl_rezervacii.tbl_povratni.stanicaPDO);
return View(tbl_rezervacii);
return RedirectToAction("Index");
How to take data from secondary form and save together in second table?
So, if checkbox is checked, you want to save data into two tables and use primary key of first table (rID) in second table? If rID is auto increment, It will be updated by EF with the value assigned by the database.
tbl_rezervacii rezervacii = new tbl_rezervacii()
AgentID = tbl_rezervacii.AgendID,
karta_br = tbl_rezervacii.karta_br
// and so on...
var rows = db.SaveChanges(); // optional, rows will be > 0 if saved successfully.
tbl_povratni povratni = new tbl_povratni()
// if rID is auto increment
rID = rezervacii.rID,
// and so on...

Will breaking out the context calls cause multiple trips to the database?

I'm refactoring some previously written MVC and Entity Framework code. The way the initial code was written they called a DAL.GetGroupDetail(int groupId) method. In that method it created a ViewModel and populated several properties. Some of those properties are Lists for things like CostCenters, Cities, Groups. I want to break those calls out into their own methods so that they can be re-used in other controllers.
My question is that doing that I'm creating new Contexts using the Using statement. My understanding is that would create multiple connections to the database and thus would slow down the site if multiple users were using it at the same time?
Example, currently this is the basic code:
public ClockGroupViewModel GetClockGroupDetail(int groupId)
GroupViewModel cgdv = new GroupViewModel();
using (var ctx = new VTContext())
bio_group group = ctx.bio_group.Where(x => x.group_id == groupId).FirstOrDefault();
cgdv.GroupId = group.group_id;
cgdv.GroupName = group.group_name;
cgdv.Cities = ctx.bio_city.ToList();
var clocks = from c in ctx.bio_clock.Where(x => x.group_id == groupId)
select new ClockViewModel
ClockID = c.rdr_id.ToString(),
ClockDescription = c.clock_desc,
cgdv.ClockList = clocks.ToList();
cgdv.CostCtrList = (from g in ctx.bio_clock_group
from cgc in ctx.bio_clock_group_costctr
where cgc.group_id == g.group_id && g.group_id == groupId
select cgc.cost_ctr).ToList();
This how I'm thinking of changing it:
public ClockGroupViewModel GetClockGroupDetail(int groupId)
GroupViewModel cgdv = new GroupViewModel();
using (var ctx = new VTContext())
bio_group group = ctx.bio_group.Where(x => x.group_id == groupId).FirstOrDefault();
cgdv.GroupId = group.group_id;
cgdv.GroupName = group.group_name;
cgdv.Cities = GetCityList();
cgdv.ClockList = GetClockGroupClockList(group.group_id);
cgdv.CostCtrList = GetGroupCostCenter(group.group_id);
public List<bio_clock_city> GetCityList()
using (var ctx = new VTContext())
return ctx.bio_city.ToList();
public List<ClockViewModel> GetClockGroupClockList(int groupId)
using (var ctx = new VTContext())
var data = (from c in ctx.bio_clock.Where(x => x.group_id == groupId)
select new ClockViewModel
ClockID = c.rdr_id.ToString(),
ClockDescription = c.clock_desc,
return data;
public List<string> GetGroupCostCenter(int groupId)
using (var ctx = new VTContext())
var data = (from g in ctx.bio_clock_group
from cgc in ctx.bio_clock_group_costctr
where cgc.group_id == g.group_id && g.group_id == groupId
select cgc.cost_ctr).ToList();
return data;

What kind of object has to be passed for JsonResult in MVC.Net

So I'm passing a custom class to my controller and it seems that the JsonResult is not properly passed.
What bothers me is that (also the fullcalendar wont read the json) the console.log which I have in my view prints the path to the function (wtf?) instead of what Json shoul return
This is my code:
public JsonResult GetCalendarEvents()
var eventList = BusinessLayer.Event.getAllEvents();
return Json(eventList.ToArray(), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
What kind of object has to be passed for this to work?
My evenList is of type List<Event> from here:
public static String ListToString(List<Event> evs)
String ret = "";
foreach (var ev in evs)
ret += ev.ToString() + "\n";
return ret;
public static List<Event> getAllEvents()
List<DataLayer.Event> dbEvents = DataApi.db.Event.ToList();
List<Event> returnEvents = new List<Event>();
foreach (DataLayer.Event oneEvent in dbEvents)
Event newEvent = new Event
ID = oneEvent.IDEvent,
userID = oneEvent.UserID,
projectID = oneEvent.ProjectID,
jobtypeID = oneEvent.JobTypeID,
taskID = oneEvent.TaskID,
ticketID = oneEvent.TicketID,
loccoID = oneEvent.LoccoID,
startTime = oneEvent.StartTime,
endTime = oneEvent.EndTime,
shiftFrom = oneEvent.ShiftFrom,
shiftTo = oneEvent.ShiftTo,
description = oneEvent.Description,
billable = oneEvent.Billable
return returnEvents;
I tried displaying the events in fullcalendar:
header: {
left: 'title',
center: '',
right: 'prev,next today basicDay,basicWeek,month',
//events: "/Calendar/GetEvents/", // not implemented
events: "#Url.Action("GetCalendarEvents/")",
and outputing the result to console:
but I get:
VM84 Index:83 /Calendar/GetCalendarEvents/
fullcalendar.min.js:6 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'hasTime' of undefined
It looks like you're missing some required fields. If you look at the documentation, title, start are required. Try setting these in the class to start with and build from that...
public static List<Event> getAllEvents()
List<DataLayer.Event> dbEvents = DataApi.db.Event.ToList();
List<Event> returnEvents = new List<Event>();
foreach (DataLayer.Event oneEvent in dbEvents)
Event newEvent = new Event
start = oneEvent.StartTime,
title = oneEvent.Description // you may need to add this to your Event class.
return returnEvents;
Also, instead of using console to log the Json, use Fiddler or Chrome Advanced Tools

System.data.entity.validation.DbEntityValdationException Error Come when save the data

This my Controller
public JsonResult SaveBillingSystemParameters(BillingSystemParameters model)
var id = -1;
//Initialize the newId variable
var userId = Helpers.GetLoggedInUserId();
var currentDate = Helpers.GetInvariantCultureDateTime();
var defaultCorporateId = Helpers.GetSysAdminCorporateID();
//Check if Model is not null
if (model != null)
using (var bal = new BillingSystemParametersBal())
model.CorporateId = defaultCorporateId;
if (model.Id > 0)
model.ModifiedBy = userId;
model.ModifiedDate = currentDate;
model.CreatedBy = userId;
model.CreatedDate = currentDate;
model.CorporateId = Helpers.GetSysAdminCorporateID();
//Call the AddBillingSystemParameters Method to Add / Update current BillingSystemParameters
id = bal.SaveBillingSystemParameters(model);
return Json(id);
//Bal class
public int SaveBillingSystemParameters(BillingSystemParameters model)
using (var rep = UnitOfWork.BillingSystemParametersRepository)
if (model.Id > 0)
var current = rep.GetSingle(model.Id);
model.CreatedBy = current.CreatedBy;
model.CreatedDate = current.CreatedDate;
rep.UpdateEntity(model, model.Id);
return model.Id;
I am getting following error
do what exception message says, inspect EntityValidationErrror
this exception usually means you're trying to break some constraint like varchar filed width
if you browse through this param you'll get more details on type of constrain SaveChanges() tried to brake

MVC Implementation of OAuthConsumer in DotNetOpenAuth specially for Google Address Book

i have been searching on the net from last 2 days for MVC Implementation of OAuthConsumer Sample in DotNetOpenAuth, but still i did not found any solution.
i had also tried to convert OAuthConsumer implementation from WebForms to MVC, but still unable to implement it correctly.
can anybody please help by referring some place to find a converter sample.
After 2 days of struggle I resolved the issue as follows, but I think it needs some more improvement.
private string AccessToken
get { return (string)Session["GoogleAccessToken"]; }
set { Session["GoogleAccessToken"] = value; }
private InMemoryTokenManager TokenManager
var tokenManager = (InMemoryTokenManager)HttpContext.Application["GoogleTokenManager"];
if (tokenManager == null)
string consumerKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["GoogleOAuthConsumerKey"];
string consumerSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["GoogleOAuthConsumerValue"];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(consumerKey))
tokenManager = new InMemoryTokenManager(consumerKey, consumerSecret);
HttpContext.Application["GoogleTokenManager"] = tokenManager;
return tokenManager;
public ActionResult GoogleSync()
var google = new WebConsumer(GoogleConsumer.ServiceDescription, this.TokenManager);
// Is Google calling back with authorization?
var accessTokenResponse = google.ProcessUserAuthorization();
if (accessTokenResponse != null)
this.AccessToken = accessTokenResponse.AccessToken;
XDocument contactsDocument = GoogleConsumer.GetContacts(google, this.AccessToken, 5, 1);
var contactList = new List<GMailContact>();
foreach (var entry in contactsDocument.Root.Elements(XName.Get("entry", "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom")))
GMailContact newContact = new GMailContact { Name = string.Empty, Email = string.Empty };
var titleElement = entry.Element(XName.Get("title", "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"));
if (titleElement != null)
newContact.Name = titleElement.Value;
var emailElement = entry.Element(XName.Get("email", "http://schemas.google.com/g/2005"));
if (emailElement != null && emailElement.Attribute("address") != null)
newContact.Email = emailElement.Attribute("address").Value;
////var contacts = from entry in contactsDocument.Root.Elements(XName.Get("entry", "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"))
//// select new { Name = entry.Element(XName.Get("title", "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom")).Value,
//// Email = (XName.Get("email", "http://schemas.google.com/g/2005") == null ? "" : entry.Element(XName.Get("email", "http://schemas.google.com/g/2005")).Attribute("address").Value) };
return View(contactList);
else if (this.AccessToken == null)
// If we don't yet have access, immediately request it.
GoogleConsumer.RequestAuthorization(google, GoogleConsumer.Applications.Contacts);
return this.Content("");
return this.Content("synchronization failed.");
There isn't any MVC sample of an OAuth Consumer that I'm aware of. But since an OAuth consumer really has nothing to do with the presentation framework it shouldn't be any different between web forms and MVC. You should be able to just lift the consumer-related code directly out of the web forms sample and have it work in MVC.
If that doesn't work, please add more to your question that explains the problems you're seeing.
