xcode 4.2 ios 5 copying contents of a storyboard - ios

Original Question:
This is my first post ever. I'm trying to learn ios programming by following cs193p (online). I got stuck on assignment 3 with a very (seemingly) simple thing. I did a few google searches on it already.
I don't know how to copy my view from assignment 2 (which is a storyboard) to my new xcode project.
I created a new master detail application (called it Calculator3), copied the storyboard from assignment 2 (Calculator2) in there as well. However, it's not possible for me to get the contents of that storyboard and put them in the new generated storyboard.
So is it possible to copy the contents of one storyboard into another? If not, then how do I do this?

Thanks to LU RD I post my answer here, instead of using an edit in my first post.
A friend of mine solved it.
The reason why I got this wrong the whole time was because I did cmd/apple A + cmd/apple C. Instead of clicking at the top of the view I wanted to copy and then do cmd/apple C. After that, paste it with cmd/apple V in the storyboard you want to.
I noticed it only really works in the following situation (I thought it worked in more situations).
The two files should be in the same project, so copy the old storyboard file to your new project.
Then display the two storyboards next to each other via the "show the assistant editor" button.
Click in the top middle of your view and copy via cmd/apple C.
Click on your other storyboard and paste it via cmd/Apple V.

Bringing the old storyboard from source project into your new target project as a temp storyboard works. :)
(I've found it in en.lproj folder from source project) Also you can copy & paste all view controller component by selecting gray bar under your view.
Then remove temp storyboard and continue with pasted one.

You can copy a storyboard to another project by drag and dropping the story board. Make sure to tick the box "Copy items into destination groups folder".
Of course all of your references will break and have to be rebuild, but the layout and segues will all be there.


Multiple main storyboards in one Xcode file

I am currently working on a mobile app on Xcode (I believe Xcode 11). I have the original main storyboard in tact. However, I ended up duplicating the main storyboard and renaming it something else, then I completed another component on that interface of that storyboard. However, I now want to merge the duplicated storyboard with the original main storyboard without having to make another view controller on the original one but I don’t know how. Help?
What best you can do is store copy duplicated Storyboard on desktop . Resolve conflict by considering Main Storyboard . Now Copy Controllers you have made on duplicate Storyboard from desktop into your main Storyboard.
Thats what I prefer to do when multiple developers working on same Storyboard.

How to rename storyboard and have links from other storyboards preserved

I have two storyboards in Xcode project.
First named Main and second Settings. Main storyboard has storyboard reference to Settings.
I want to rename Settings storyboard to AppSettings. But when I rename it through Xcode Project Navigator, Main storyboard reference to Settings is not automatically updated and project fails to compile.
Of course, I can manually update broken reference, but I wonder is there another way of renaming storyboard in Xcode that would automatically update existing storyboard references?
Yes, Xcode's Find navigator can perform a find & replace operation that includes references inside storyboards. Search for "Settings" and replace it with "AppSettings". Then click "Preview" so you can choose only the relevant instances of "Settings" to replace (I'm assuming that word will appear in unrelated places, since it's rather common.) Afterwards, you will still have to rename the file itself as usual.

Why there are showing Two Storyboards in my every new xcode project?

Whenever I am trying to open a new project xcode always giving two story board and two View controller one DataViewController instead of showing one view controller and one story board .
I am using xcode 7.3.1
my versity hood was an old project of min which has only one view controller but
when i create new project everytime now i get two view controller like alamofire project. Point to be noted that it has started to happen after cocoapods installation and alamofire installation
please If any one knows how to fix it please help.
Are you talking about LaunchScreen.storyboard? If so, that is a special one (that can't be associated with code) that is used to draw something on the screen while your app is loading.
A common thing to do is to draw a version of your start screen with no controls (or all controls disabled) and no data yet (so it looks like it's loading).
Another common thing to do is some kind of splash screen.
You've chosen a wrong template. You need to choose Single View Application while creating your project. That gives you two storyboards and one view controller in Main.storyboard to start with. You have only 2 storyboards like normal. You just two ViewControllers and two ViewController classes. Nothing to worry. Just create a new project and select Single View Application in the beginning when it asks you to choose a template. It'll be fine.

Source control xCode 6 and existing files

I have a project in xCode 6 using Swift (my very first experience developing iOS Apps).
I was having problems with gestures (they are alive even after removing them from storyboard) and decide to delete the ViewController I was having problem. The program compiled as it still exists. Then I decide to delete and remove reference to file main.storyboard and everything works just as before.
I believe that is related to source control
Where are those view controllers and even the storyboard stored?
By using the storyboard, sometimes you are creating some link between your elements and/or some part of your code.
These links will still be, even after deleting the element unless you delete the link itself.
In order to perform good deletion, you should first right click on the element you want to delete and suppress all its links. Then you can safely delete your element:

Missing ViewController.xib in Xcode 5

I'm new to iOS programming and is currently following the tutorial at http://codewithchris.com/demo-app-with-xcode-and-interface-builder/
We first create a new project using the Single View Application library.
Question: About half way into the tutorial, it says Once you have ViewController.xib opened on the left pane and ViewController.m opened on the right pane... However there is no .xib file anywhere in the Project Navigator, and this is the first mention of an .xib file in the tutorial.
Am I supposed to get a .xib file somewhere along the way? If so, which step will create the .xib?
XIB is an older format of Interface Builder. In newer versions of Xcode, by default, the project is created with a storyboard (Main.storyboard in your project). The difference is that in storyboards, you can see all the views of your app at once (and transitions between them), and with XIBs you have to keep them separately.
I'm not sure about this (can't check it right now), but if you insist on using XIBs, there should be a checkbox somewhere during creating a project. Anyway, I recommend you getting familiar with the storyboards, they are supposed to be a successor to XIBs.
As I can see in the tutorial, the author says 'XIB' even if he has a storyboard in his project, probably because he got used to XIBs. All in all, they are very similar in usage.
Actually storyboards contain .xibs (in your project one .xib as you created single view app.) The xib is just the user interface file shown in your second screenshot.
You just have to click the "Show assintant editor" on top right (the button with the suit) to split the xcode window and see the xib alongside the viewcontroller header/or implementation files.
