Rails: Compiling URL with variable - ruby-on-rails

I'm looking to redirect users to another website, and include their user id in the link.
The problem is that the url is different for each record.
The desired URL: ..../index.php?user_id=123
In another url, it might be: ..../index.php?user=123&foo=true
The desired form entry: http://www.google.com/index.php?user_id=#{#user.id}
How would I do this?
Thanks in advance!

Insert the ID in a normal link tag:
Link text
Or create the link in a helper, model method, etc:
def google_url(id)
Link text
There are a few other options, I suppose.


where does the href inside an <a> tag link direct me?

If I were to put
Replace this
where does this link go to? I am using eldarion-ajax and the examples all use this link location.
Does this link to replace.html?
the div with id #replace
It probably just goes to the url "replace". like if you're at www.website.com/index.html it would go to www.website.com/replace. It's probably just a placeholder indicating you should replace it with another value.
Web URLs do not need to end in .html or such.

Parsing params from url to next page in rails

I currently have a landing page /vouchers and then many pages linked to that for example /vouchers/1, /vouchers/2 etc.
I currently have the functionality that if this is entered /vouchers/1?offer=50 then the form on that page is sent with the offer included in the url.
Now I need to add the functionality so if /vouchers?offer=50 is entered, any page that is then navigated to, will keep these parameters. (for example /vouchers/1 should then include the offer from the url)
I see only one way.
store all "special" parameters in session
in any handler — if "special" parameters are in session — form new url with this parameters and redirect user there
Let me guess :
1. you have a model , named "Voucher"
2. In case you want to see the entry for , let's say , voucher#1 , you see URL voucher/1 (notice the singular form of the word 'voucher')
3. you assign the value of the offer by some interaction by user , for example - link or list . Let's say it's a link . Try this (HAML):
= link_to "Accept this offer and create a new voucher", new_voucher_path(:offer => #offer_value)
(in your case #offer_value = 50)
The following view (or partial ) will be able to read the value in :offer .
You can refer to this useful discusion .
I solved this, probably not in the best way. On the /voucher page, I added if statements to all the links, so if there's an offer in the url, the links are appended appropriately.

get the seo-unfriendly version of a url

I'm adding disqus commenting to some articles on our site and all URLs are SEO friendly.
This means that, if the title of the article changes so will the URL of that article, which will discard the previous disqus comments (linked to the previous version of the URL).
The solution would be to strip out the title of the article from the URL before passing it to Disqus.
So I need to turn "http://mydomain.com/article/123-myarticle/section/1-sectiontitle" into "http://mydomain.com/article/123/section/1"
What is the easiest way to do this?
PS: I'm very new to Rails (i'm taking over a developed project)
You don't need to extract anything from the URL.
All you need to give to Disqus is a unique id.
So you can add a method to your model, called disqus_id for instance:
def disqus_id
and then, in the javascript:
disqus_identifier = "<%= #your_model.disqus_id %>";

Symfony/Routing: Using POST to Avoid Query Params in URL

I want to pass the id from one action to the next action, but I do not want it seen in the URL. Is there a way to hide it?
Using Symfony, I have created a sign-up done page whose URL should be /signup/done
When the form is processed, I want to redirect to the signupSuccess action and pass the recently created ID for future use. So I use...
$this->redirect('#signup_done?id=' . $sign_up->getId());
The routing is as follows:
url: /signup/done
param: { module: SignUp, action: signupDone }
I have avoided the :id at the end because I don't want it in the URL.
But the resulting URL is /signup/done?id=1
Just as an experiment, I tried putting this on a template.
<?php echo link_to('Sign-up again', '#signup_done?id=1', 'post=true') ?>
Even when using post, the query parameter appears in the URL.
The need is: I want to pass the id from one action to the next action, but I do not want it seen in the URL. Is there a way to hide it?
I set the id as a parameter in the request using $request->setParameter('id', $id) and it was available in the next action.
This kept the URL clean.
If you want to post, you need a form. Back in symfony 1.2 there were helpers that you could call and made you just that - but they were removed for the promotion of promoting good code.
Depending on how you want the 'Sign up again' text to look, you can either create a simple form and a submit button, or create a link, attach a click listener, and create a form there via JS, finally post it.
Any parameter that you pass to the route in url_for, link_to and such end up in the get parameters.

links in comments in a rails application

I have a rails application where I allow users to enter comments. The comments are displayed back like so
<%= simple_format(sanitize(c.comment)) %>
If a user enters the following the in the comment link this link gets appended to the end of the rails root directory. So if someone clicked on the link the would go to
What can I do to correct this?
You will need to append "http://" in the href attribute of the anchor tags.
And if you aren't using it, may I suggest the auto_link helper method. It will automatically do what you are looking for.
