rails 3.2, bootstrap and fontface - ruby-on-rails

I was building an app on rails 3.2 with bootstrap-sass. Everything was fine until I installed fontface. I think fontface overrode bootstrap because the app looks completely messed up now. Has anyone else had this issue or suggest how i can fix this?
I already deleted the fontface files from the app and deleted all (I think) references to it, but couldn't figure it out.
Of course, noob mistake, I didn't fork it to github in the past few days and a lot of work has been done since.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!

Actually, the reason it "messed up" was because I had updated to bootstrap-sass 2.0 from 1.4.4 and I guess it wasn't compatible with what I had already done, I suppose. The weird thing is although I had upgraded a few days ago, it had just showed up that it was incompatible. Maybe I just hadn't restarted my server since then.
If anyone had the same issue before and knows how to fix it, please let me know as I would like to upgrade to 2.0. Thanks.


Upgrading bootstrap-sass from v2.3.2.0 to v3.0.2.1 breaks sample_app CSS

Working through Hartl's sample_app tutorial...not an issue with the tutorial, but with my own tinkering. Wondering if someone smarter than me can help us all out... I know that often times updating gems can bork your app(s), so I was prepared for this (hooray for committing often!), but when I saw that the bootstrap-sass gem I was using was out-of-date, I had to update.
Before the update, I was using v2.3.2.0 - no ill side effects.
After the update, the gem version was and certain sass variables had changed, which was an easy fix (namely cameCase to non-camel-case). This was easily identified and fixed by running the rspec tests written to this point in the tutorial.
What's throwing me through the loop is now the right top menu links (home, help, sign in) look stacked like a "normal" un-styled un-ordered list. Correspondingly, this is causing the top bar to triple in size, and thus cover some of the text seen in the main content area.
I'm not a talented enough front-end guy to know exactly what is going on, but have tried to describe it as best as I can here. I can point you to the git commit compare here, but even this is a lot to take in.
In the meantime, I've reverted to v2.3.2.0 and all is back to how it was. Lesson learned, sniff out changes and test-test-test before blindly updating gems.
Thanks in advance for any and all help!
P.S. I also have posted this in the /r/Learn_Rails subreddit here.
For a list of what is different between BS 2.x and 3.x see this link: http://getbootstrap.com/getting-started/#migration
If you want to use the latest BS version, you'll have to update the HTML to reflect the new class names etc.
This is happening because of the new functionality introduced in the newer version of Bootstrap(3.0) and tutorial is based on the bootstrap verison(2.3..).
So, If you are interested then see the changes made in the newer versions Click Here

How to update rails 3.0.3 to 3.1?

How do I update to Rails 3.1 ?
I am using windows xp with ruby console.
And is there a smart way to update a rails app from 3.0.3 to 3.1 or do I need to rewrite it all?
This question has a lot of useful information which might help you out: Upgrading from Rails 3 to Rails 3.1
It doesn't answer specifically for Windows, but there's a lot of advice and insight that you'll find useful for the upgrade.
The only advice I can offer on top of reading the answers in the above question is to have a bit of patience and not expect it to work straight away. There's a lot of changes in the way 3.1 works so expect to spend some time fixing it up.
Good luck!
I created one vanilla 3.0 site, added it to Git, then created a vanilla 3.1 site and copied it over the 3.0 site, deleting existing files first. A diff then showed me exactly what changed.
I would strongly recommend this and the following two railscasts in the series

Any assets manager on rails 3?

Does anybody know any asset manager on rails 3 for upload/browse image/file? Like this one http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/enterprise/mcimagemanager.php
I once looked quite a bit for something similar and never really found anything remotely complete.
I got a few ideas from https://github.com/vinyll/rails-mediabrowser but unfortunately that looks unmaintained.

Is it okay to use Rails 3.1 for a new project? Is hard to convert over?

I have just started using 3.0.7. I am about 2 weeks of development in.
I was wondering if I should keep building for 3.0.7 or switch to 3.1 before I have too much code to port over? I like most of the new features (my only fear is not having good error messages when I use coffeescript), so I'd like to code towards the latest and greatest if it's relatively safe.
The javascript standards look interesting, and the attr_accessible fix sounds like it's very much appreciated.
Is Rails 3.1 compatible with all the gems out there though?
Also, if I go the 3.1 route, is hard or easy to migrate my project towards it? How might one go about that?
I guess this is a lot of mini yet related questions. I'd really appreciate some answers. Thank you.
I think if you want to ride on Rails 3.1 you should do it :). As for me I have some projects on Rails 2.3.5, 3.0.5 and would like to port them on Rails 3.1 but there is to much code there :). So don't be afraid and go to the fresh stuff (unless your code overflow :) ).
Rails 3.1 are pretty stable for now (I didn't have much problems with installing and using it)
If you're only two weeks into a project then it makes sense to stay on the edge and move to 3.1.
The way I'd do it is clone my project to a new dir (you're using git / similar version control, right?), change the Rails version in my Gemspec, run tests and play around to see what got broken (if anything). Based on the results you can figure out whether the effort is too great.
Regarding gem compatibility, hardly anything is compatible with all gems out there. Since you're two weeks in, you probably know which gems you use. Test like I suggested and you'll have an idea whether it's compatible with what you need. If you're using popular gems, then they'll most likely be updated to work with 3.1 soon enough.

Vestal Versions - Rails 3 Support?

I'm real interested in using Vestal Versions with Rails 3. Does anyone know if Rails 3 works with Vestal Versions? I've heard some users are running into issue:
ActiveRecord::DangerousAttributeError: changes is defined by
ActiveRecord" It uses a field in the model called changes. Not sure if
there are plans to fix that or not.
But I'm guessing someone has figured out a work around. Care to share?
theres a fork that is supposed to solve this problem:
laserlemon / vestal_versions
