Core Text: Drop caps + paragraph styles: Incompatible? - ios

I'm attempting to draw a richly laid out text view on iPhone that features:
Custom paragraph spacing (kCTParagraphStyleSpecifierParagraphSpacing)
Custom paragraph first-line indentation (kCTParagraphStyleSpecifierFirstLineHeadIndent)
Justified alignment (kCTParagraphStyleSpecifierAlignment)
Finally, a drop cap on my first paragraph
I'm using OHAttributedLabel. The first three points I achieved without much trouble by just setting some paragraph style attributes on my NSAttributedString.
The drop cap I managed to implement by hacking OHAttributedLabel:
Cut out a rectangular region out of the main paragraph's CGMutablePathRef the size of the drop cap by adding an extra CGPathAddRect, as detailed in this excellent blog post.
Drawing the large character in this region with an extra CTFrameDraw call.
My problem: The paragraph styles and the custom text path are incompatible. When I cut a rectangular chunk out of the main text's path, all the paragraph styles seem to get thrown away.
Does anyone know a way to make them work together? Or can anyone think of another way to implement drop caps? (Short of using a UIWebView + CSS, which I'd rather not have the overhead of!)

You can use straight Core Text to achieve this, in the following post I explain the use of 2 framesetters to lay out text with drop caps in a UIView. In the code example (there's also a link to a github repo) you'll be able to see where the paragraph styles are created and applied to the main text view.


Method for Adaptive Cards with Variable Height Text in Sketch

Has anyone managed to pin down a method for creating cards in Sketch which will play well with adaptive height text overrides? For example, a simple card with a thumbnail, title and excerpt might have a title which is 1, 2 or 3 lines and an excerpt which is anything between 6 and 12+ lines. I'd like to know how to position the excerpt relative to the new height of the title but it seems not to interpret the new three-line height, only it's original height in the symbol. See attached for illustration.
Methods that I've tried include pinning the excerpt to the bottom but that doesn't play well with the variable length of the excerpt and grouping the title and the thumbnail. The only working method that I have is creating three instances of the symbol called post-title-one-line, post-title-two-line, post-title-three-line – which seems clunky.
Looking for any ideas or direction to a solution.
My recommendation is to use the Auto-Layout by Anima plugin. Follow the documentation and examples provided to learn how to use it. Here's an example solution:
Screenshot of Sketch File
Example Sketch File

Karaoke-like progress highlight for iOS

I would like to implement karaoke-like progress highlight for iOS.
I know I could use NSAttributedString and highlight the text character by character. However, I would like the highlight to progress pixel by pixel, not character by character.
Any ideas?
P.S. No need for sample code, just point me to the right direction.
Here is an example:
I can't think of any automatic way to do that. There would be several problems to solve. It would be pretty hard, I think.
The hardest would probably be figuring out the pixel position of each word so you can pace the coloring to match the timing within the music. With text and attributed layout, you could probably get the text engine to give you the boundaries of each word and then apply the color attribute to each word as it's spoken/sung. You'd have to have data about the time offset for the beginning and end of each word's being sung.
You might have to use Core Text to get layout information about the bounding rectangles of each word.
Once you get that you could build a path (UIBezierPath or CGPath; they're pretty interchangeable) that follows the flow of the text, and then install that path in to a shape layer. You could then make the text transparent, make the shape layer a colored background that shows through, and animate the shape layer's strokeStart and/or strokeEnd properties to make it fill the text. You might need to do it word by word with a short animation that interpolates between one word and the next to get the timing right.
You probably want to have a look at Core Text, which is the lower level framework used for laying out text, using this you can obtain necessary paths that you need to render said effect (I suggest starting from answers similar to this)
There are plenty of answers for alternative, perhaps simpler answers, for example character by character or word-by-word, which may be easier to implement.

How to put large text into multiple UITextViews or UILabels?

I am facing a problem placing a large text into multiple UITextView/UILabel.
Example: Please see the attached picture ,it explains my problem.
assume three boxes are UITextViews or UILabels. Text will get from server as a complete one NSString, Now challenge is to place the text in the boxes (UITextView/UILabel).
could anyone please help me in solving this problem.
A UIWebView might be more suitable for the task of laying out a page. You could then use html with CSS floats to achieve the effect you're looking for.
If you do not want to use UIWebView, I suggest looking at Core Text for layout.
If you have bounding box for those elements, than you can easily implement this logic by iterating usage of method - (CGSize)sizeWithFont:(UIFont *)font constrainedToSize:(CGSize)size lineBreakMode:(UILineBreakMode)lineBreakMode and removing by one word from string till returned size will fit into bounding box for corresponding section, than truncate text to place where you stop removing words and complete with other sections.

Latex color box inline with text

I'm trying to put together a LaTeX color box. The xcolor package \fcolorbox seem to be what I want, but I can't get the rendering quite correct. When I use
it renders a small box sunken to the bottom of the text line. The best I've managed to do is to fake it with a similar text color:
However, I'm worried that this won't render correctly in all situations with defined colors. Is there a way I can declare an empty text box with full in-line text height? Is there another solution?
I'm basically looking for the code that produces the color boxes all through the document at The boxes I'm referring to are used throughout, but the first instance is on page 4. Thanks.
The xcolor.dtx file in the same directory as the pdf contains the source for the package and the source for the documentation. The relevant bits from the source for the documentation:
(Answer: 40\% \testclr{green} $+$ 60\% \testclr{yellow} $=$ \testclr{green!40!yellow}, e.g., |\color{green!40!yellow}|)
Basically, use \phantom{} on the contents of your color box, and make sure that at least one of the phantom characters is full-height.

How to fully justify texts programmatically (Delphi)?

How can I fully justify a block of text (like MS Word does, not only on the right and not only on the left but on both sides)?
I want to justify some texts (mainly arabic text) adjusted to certain screen size (some handheld device screen actually, and its text viewer doesn't have this function) and save this text as justified. So I can reload and reuse it again elsewhere.
(The problem with MS word is, that if you copy the justified text from MS Word and paste it to another editor it'll copy it un-justified).
Update : for now I'm thinking of doing it like this:
add-word-to-total-Word and add-Word-width-to-total-word-width
check if total-Word-width = myscreen-width then continue
else if total-Word-width is between myscree-wdith and (myscreen-width -3) then
add-spaces-To-total-word until it = myscreen-width
This is what I'm thinking now, but I put this question up and hope to see if there is a better solution, or somebody else already implemented it.
PS: I hope I have made my question clear and I'm sorry for bad expression if there is.
edit1 : changed the title to make it more clear.
If you want to justify plain text, you can only add extra spaces to the lines to get them align on the left and right. Unfortunately the character widths differ in fonts; so doing it this way will only work for a certain font, unless you limit yourself to monospaced fonts where all characters have the same size.
If you want a result like in Word, adding spaces won't cut it. Word will not add spaces, but stretch and shrink the existing spaces. This information is lost when you copy and paste it into another app.
Either way, justifying is an optimization problem. If you are interested in a good solution and its implementation: have a look a TeX. For an implementation that works on plain text with monospaced fonts have a look at par
There are some API calls that may help:
ExtTextOut and GetCharacterPlacement
Look at the GCP_JUSTIFY flag for GetCharacterPlacement
ExtTextOut is used by Canvas.TextRect
The problem you are going to face is always going to be differences in the rendering of the font. Word handles full justification by adjusting kerning as well as adjusting the number of pixels between words by a few (either way). The end result is lined up both margins. This pixel adjustment is done BOTH ways, and as evenly as possible.
To properly handle this in your portable device you will have to also perform the same algorithm for the display of the text there.
If this is not possible, then the ONLY way you can even get somewhat close would be to add whitespace between words.
As has been pointed out in other answers Word does full justification by stretching the existing spaces often by very small amounts. This is only possible if you have full control over how your text is drawn on the screen (which word - or any other windows program has).
You only real option in this regard would be to implement your own text viewer on the platform you are targeting. Eg you would need to draw the text on the screen yourself (any platform that allows games should allow you to draw on the screen). However this seems like an awful lot of trouble to get justified text.
Sorry couldn't be of more help.
