How do I capture live video from my webcam using labview 2011? - image-processing

I was wondering if it would be possible to capture the live video from my integrated webcam using Labview 2011(National Instruments). All I need to do for now is put the camera in the front panel. This is not a USB Webcam. It is a chicony USB 2.0 Camera(does not show up as usb on my pc). Can anyone help me?

LV2012? Is this beta?
The best way to do this is using IMAQdx drivers+Vision Developement module. AFter installing IMAQdx, USB cams usually already show up in Measurement and Automation Explorer and you can try out Snap/Grab... (Tip: Do install whatever driver is included with the hardware/on a cd.)
Then, in LV, just drop the "IMAQ Acquisition Express" vi into your block diagram and you'll be guided through a very quick and easy setup.
I'm not much into Express vis, but that one is good.
If you don't have Vision Dev Module, look into ADVision ( It does the same thing, just with OpenCV, but I don't think that every driver is supported.

Also, remember only USB cameras that have DirectShow filter are supported by the Vision Acquisition Software, which has the IMAQdx that Birgit P. mentioned.

for usb2 you need imaqdx toolkit in vision acquisition part
also check NIMax after installation to see if labview could find your camera or not
labview could find and support all useb2 camera if you instal camera diver correctly


obtaining the infra red camera frame in a surface pro

Info seems to be scarse, hoping someone can point me to a sdk, libary, code to get the infra frame from the hello camera in the surface pro.
Does opencv support this?
More info the camera is Intel AVStream Camera 2500 as listed in the device manager of the surface pro.
To my best knowledge Media Foundation API has no support for infrared cameras. Microsoft did not update the API to extend it to such inputs even though it is technically possible when it comes to undocumented.
You can read infrared frames through a newer API offered for UWP development: Process media frames with MediaFrameReader, the keyword there is this: MediaFrameSourceKind.Infrared. This API is built on top of Media Foundation and Sensor APIs and gets you infrared cameras even though underlying Media Foundation alone has no equivalent public interface.
Given that this is UWP API, you might have troubles fitting this all together with OpenCV if you need the latter. UWP/OpenCV bridging might be on help there: Create a helper Windows Runtime component for OpenCV interop.
Since OpenCV is supposedly interfacing directly to traditional Windows APIs, DirectShow and Media Foundation, it is highly unlikely that it is capable of capturing infrared stream out of the box, unless, of course, the driver itself represents it as normal video. "Proper" markup on Surface Pro as infrared, thus, hides sensor from the mentioned APIs and, respectively, OpenCV.

Teensy + IR camera + OpenCV

I have never ever asked this kind of question on StackOverflow before, and I wonder if you could help me guys because it is a "bit" vague.
I have to design a project that uses Teensy (simple ARM platform) for getting data from IR camera (Flir, resolution 80x60) over SPI, and streaming these data to Linux/Windows running machine (through USB-serial) and doing something simple with OpenCV.
THE PROBLEM: The project lacks some "inovation". It should not be something very complicated, but rather different approach, or trying something new.
Do you have recommendations/tutorials/books/experience with working with above mentioned things? OR do you see a potential for teying something new?
You might want to check out the OpenCV Cookbook for some ideas.
There is a project using this FLIR with a Teensy. It provides a thermal image using a small LCD screen (without any aditional computer).
So, the teensy can get data through spi.
Can the teensy send data through usb then ? Probably but you will have to check if the rate is high enough
Using OpenCV directly on teensy is not possible because of size of library. But you can probably make some basic image processing if the code is small enough.
The FLIR Lepton can be directly interfaced with Linux or Windows computer, so I don't really see the use of Teensy.
I would recommend a Raspberry Pi to interface the FLIR Lepton and then do some image processing. It's well documented on the web.

Is it possible to directly connect the kinect to an iphone?

Is that possible or do you need to connect the kinect to a computer and stream the images in (almost) real time to an iPhone? Is it even possible to get ~30fps via stream on the iphone?
The Kinect uses a USB connection and even if you could make up some sort of cable to connect a Kinect to the Lightning or 30 pin connector, iOS would not recognise the Kinect as it does not have a driver, so the short answer is no, you cannot connect a Kinect directly to the iPhone.
For a simple solution/alternative, you might want to check out Occipital/, who are selling a depth sensor for (some) iDevices for ca. 380USD.
Apparently they are using Primesense Carmine sensors ("which is essentially an equivalent of ASUS Xtion Live under different brand name" according to [iPiSoft's sensor comparison] (
You can review the differences to the Kinect at the previous link, but basically it boils down to the Kinect being bigger and heavier, having a motorized tilt and requiring external power.
To get back to your question:
if you look around you'll find working examples of how to get OpenNI running on BeagleBone dev-boards under Linux, and thus it is more than conceivable that you'll be able to compile and run it for/on iOS as well (possibly requiring a jailbreak).
You could also have a look at libfreenect, another open implementation of drivers for the Primesense family of sensors (as well as the Kinect 2).

Stereo Vision with Minoru 3d Webcam in Processing and OpenCV

I recently purchased a Minoru 3d Webcam ( in the hopes of using it to do stereo vision in OpenCV. I thought I had done the proper research before ordering it verifying that it would work, but all of those resources are a number of years old.
At the moment, though OpenCV can be ignored. I am using processing just trying to access both cameras separately. It would appear some people have had success in various languages, but the documentation is sparse and in the end just takes me in circles.
Running a Capture.list() command in Processing produces a list shows
name=Vimicro USB2.0 UVC PC Camera,size=640x480,fps=5
name=Vimicro USB2.0 UVC PC Camera,size=640x480,fps=30
name=Vimicro USB2.0 UVC PC Camera,size=640x480,fps=5
name=Vimicro USB2.0 UVC PC Camera,size=640x480,fps=30
My Laptops Webcam
Although I can access the first set, the duplicates are blank, and other software has the device "Minoru 3D Webcam", such as Skype, etc. With this in mind, I have only been able to see the device working in one piece of capturing software, which was installed with the device from a CD. Skype has it listed, but says its in use, or just waits and waits. Note, it is possible to change from a Red/Blue to this side by side.
I am running Windows 7 64 Bit, and did my best to find the most recent drivers. If I had a Linux computer working I would definitely try on that, but at the moment that's not an option.
If I could just access the one "Minoru 3d Webcam" with it side by side, that'd be great. But even hearing that it definitely wont work would be helpful.
I have this configuration (windows 7 64 bits, opencv 2.4.9).
To make minoru 3d functional, i have re-compile opencv with USE_DSHOW flag on.
In fact, it's only necessary to have a new opencv_highgui249.lib and dll re-compiled
For DirectShow, you'll need Windows SDK
I have had exactly the same problem as you (Windows 7 Enterprise , 64 bit). I am currently at the Opencv master branch, building for Visual Studio 2010 C++.
After several evenings failing to capture both Minoru cameras with e.g. :
VideoCapture cap1(1);
VideoCapture cap2(2);
if (!cap1.isOpened() || !cap2.isOpened()) {
return -1;
... // stereo calibration
I found out by trial and error that both cameras were captured correctly if:
Used the default Microsoft Vimicro USB2.0 PC Camera driver. I.e. I have completely uninstalled the Minoru software coming with the CD.
Only plugged the Minoru into a USB 2.0 port. If i plug the Minoru into a USB 3.0 port, both cameras light up but OpenCV only captures from one of the cameras - rather unusable for stereo vision.
I found a simple application running opencv with python on a raspberry pi that can help you. The code used for processing the image is:
import cv2
import numpy as np
c = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
_,visao =
esquerdo = visao[0:480, 0:640]
direito = visao[0:480, 640:1280]
if cv2.waitKey(5)==27:
The reference is -> .

Is there a virtual/dummy IMAQ camera for LabVIEW?

I'm writing LabVIEW software that grabs images from an IMAQ compatible GigE camera.
The problem: This is a collaborative project, so I only have intermittent access to the actual camera.I'd like to be able to keep developing this software even when the camera isn't present.
Is there a simple/fast way to create a virtual or dummy IMAQ camera in software? Ideally I'd like the dummy camera grab frames from an AVI or a stack of JPEG's. Something like this must exist, I just can't find it on Google.
I'm looking for something that won't take very long (e.g.< 2 hours effort) and that is abstracted away through the standard LabVIEW IMAQ interface, so that my software won't know or care whether its dealing with a dummy camera or an actual camera.
You can try this method using LabVIEW classes:
Hardware Emulation Using LabVIEW Classes
If you have the IMAQdx driver, you might consider just buying a cheap USB webcam for $10.
Use the IMAQdx driver (assuming you have it), and then insert the Vision Acquisition Express VI, and you can choose AVIs or even pics as a source.
Something like this: GigESim is a camera emulation software. Unfortunately it is proprietary and too expensive (>$500) for my own needs, but perhaps others will find this link useful.
Anyone know of a viable Open Source alternative?
There's an IP Camera emulator project that emulates IP camera with python. I haven't used it myself so i don't know if it can be used by IMAQ.
Let us know if it's good for you.
I know this question is really old, but hopefully this answer helps someone out.
IMAQdx also works with Windows DirectShow devices. While normally these are actual physical capture devices (think USB Webcams), there is no necessity that they have to be.
There are a few different pre-made options available on the web. I found using Open Broadcaster Studio and this Virtual Cam plugin to be easy enough. Basically:
Download and install both.
Load your media sources in the sources list.
Enable the VirtualCam stream (Tools > VirtualCam). Press Start.
