Debugging GWT on tablets (Android, iPad) - ipad

We're running with a strange error running our GWT application on tablets (both iPad and Android). It's a touch event the one producing the error ("undefined is not an object")
How can you debug a GWT application for this scenario. We need to produce tablet touch events or run the GWT code on development mode in the tablet.

A couple options that have helped us debug GWT apps on the iPad:
a Windows machine with a touchscreen (we have this one at the office)
Java logging + the popup log panel (or remote logging) (Google Developer's Guide)
Firebug Lite - this may not help with this specific problem, but maybe in the future. :)
Hope some of these help.

I believe you can debug a compiled GWT application (works for me using GWT 2.4).
You need to have the GWT Developer Plugin installed in the tablet browser. I don't know if it's possible but if it is, all you need to do is append the gwt.codesvr=<yourDevMachineIp>:<yourDevModePort> query parameter to your app URL while running Dev Mode for your app in Eclipse.
Disclaimer: I've only tried this with a compiled app in a browser running on the same machine as my Eclipse IDE. If you're successful, please post a brief note here.


jquery mobile application works in chrome simulator but not in actual device

We have a web application integrated with DotNetNuke.
The mobile version uses jQuery mobile 1.6.X.
While trying to test the application it works well in Chrome simulator(our staging environment is publicly exposed). But it does not work in any of the actual device.
Can anyone suggest how to debug this ?
For Android you can attach the device to the pc and go to chrome-> developer tools -> inspect devices
Make sure your phone is set to developers mode with usb debugging on.
For iOS you can attach your phone to a mac and open safari, develop menu and then the device you want to inspect.
There you will find the javascript console, source, style and everything you normally need for website debugging.

Enable iPhone (with iOS7) debug console from Windows

I'm trying to debug my website, but Apple are douches. What do I do to enable the debug console if I don't have a Mac?
I installed Safari and the latest iTunes, but my iPhone doesn't show up in Safari developer thing.
You can try option of using Telerik AppBuilder (Windows client) as a replacement on Windows for Safari debugger on Mac when remote debugging. There's a nice blog post about the steps to do it in link below. I'd rather not repost the info as there are also screenshots and it's a lot of text. But essentially, you install app, open it, connect device via USB, then you can find it in the app and open up the developer tools/debugger for it. For non-public websites, you'll have to open up port 80 with some firewall configs documented in the post.
The tool requires a license or you can use the trial, which becomes a basic edition afterwards. I think the basic edition will still allow you to do the debugging. I'm going to try it out myself.
You can also try these iOS apps too, you can find them in the iTunes App store. They give you a built in developer tools feature (right on iOS no remote debug) that mobile Safari doesn't offer.
MIH Tool - basic edition
HTTPWatch Basic
I gave them a try and they're at least better than the mobile Safari you get on iOS, unless one needs to target full mobile Safari compatibility. I'm guessing the pro/paid editions of those apps give you more/better features.
iOS Debugging with Safari is a featuere of the new Safari. As Safari for Windows is a outdated Version of Safari, debugging is not Implemented.
So debugging with Safari is only possible on a mac!
min requirements are: OS X 10.8 iOS 6
More Infos:
Safari Remote Debugging on Windows
Since that Question was asked i found another neat way to debug stuff on a not accessible Platform:
It works like this:
You add the weinre.js to your project
You set up weinre on your main platform (pc)
Starting your project results in sending the Debug Information from your project to your Platform
It's not that easy to run and understand, but once it works its pretty nice.
Did you set up your phone to allow remote webview inspection?
As an alternative to Weinre, you can try Vanamco's Ghostlab as well, it supports JS console and parallel testing on multiple device.

Debug a PhoneGap app running in Emulator using WebStorm

Is there a way to debug the javaScript of a PhoneGap based iOS app within WebStorm while the app is running in the iOS emulator? The problem is that some of the events (like 'deviceready') need to be fired to enter certain code paths that I want to debug.
It is all described here in great detail:
It is a great article that every phonegap starter should read, as it describes how you can set up your development environment.
I have many options:
Phonegap simulator
iOS emulator remote debugger
remote debugging on the actual device
It won't integrate with webstorm but the debugging tools described above are much more powerful anyway.

Debug iOS Safari html layout on Windows

My ASP.NET MVC web site markup looks "wrong" in iOS (both iPad and iPhone). In desktop Safari Chrome, IE, etc. I just use and embedded developer tools in the browser to locate problems.
Is there a way to debug iOS Safari (via some emulator) from Windows. I also have Mac with xCode at hand, if it provides the ways to facilitate the process.
On your mac you can open the iOS Simulator (previously the iPhone simulator). If you have XCode you have the simulator. Just open the simulator, open Safari and navigate to your page from there, just as you would in a normal browser.
Since Mobile Safari doesn't have a capable HTML/CSS inspector Firebug Lite might work.
I know this is quite an old question, but since I run into this myself recently, and found a solution, let me share it here with anyone else that might come looking.
The weinre project offers a remote debugger that works more or less like the old version of webkit dev tools. While it's not as fully featured as proper remote debugging tools found in Safari, it can get the job done when working with HTML and CSS.
The weinre package is available on and it requires NodeJS / NPM installed on your system. It can debug any app running any browser, and works on all platforms where NodeJS is supported including Windows.
To install:
npm i -g weinre
Then start it on port 9000 (or whatever port you want):
weinre --httpPort 9000
Visiting localhost:9000 gives you access to instructions on how to instrument the web page you are testing (look under Target Script section). For example add this to your page:
<script src="http://localhost:9000/target/target-script-min.js#anonymous"></script>
Once the page is instrumented, you can go to the debug interface pointed to by the instructions page.

What options for web site development for iPad are available?

I'm developing a site one of the targets of which is iPad.
What options do I have to debug client side (DOM inspector, style viewer/editor, javascript console, network analyzer - all thing every major desktop browser has) when viewing the site from iPad?
I'm not looking for some kind firebug lite, or anything that makes me to debug site from iPad itself. (This would be too tedious.) Instead, what I'm after is some sort of remote debugger for mobile Safary, allowing me to work with sites opened on iPad from a desktop machine, or an iPad emulator with same capabilities. I know there is the emulator that comes in bundle with official SDK, but does it have such means?
It's the first time I'm facing the problem, so not to blame!
This is what I'm aware of:
weinre (But does it really work?)
Check out BugSense and their HTML5 (javascript) installation
