Find all directories in which a file exists, such that the file contains a search string - ant

I have a directory tree that I need to process as follows:
I have a certain file that needs to be copied to a select few sub directories
A sub directory of interest is one that contains a file within which I can regex match a known search string
Ideally I would like to:
Perform a regex match across all files within a directory
If the regex matches, copy the file to that directory
The trouble is that I am quite new to ANT and I'm having difficulties finding my way around. I can't find any tasks in the docs about per directory operations based on regex search. The closest thing I've found is a regex replace task (<replaceregexp>) that can search and replace patterns across files.
Is this even possible? I'd really appreciate a sample to get started with. I apologize for requesting code - I simply don't know how to begin composing the tasks together to achieve this.
Alternatively I have the option of hardcoding all the copy operations per directory, but it would mean manually keeping everything in sync as my project grows. Ideally I'd like to automate it based on the regex search/copy approach I described.

Your requirement is a bit non-standard, so I've solved it using a custom Groovy task.
Here's a working example:
<project name="find-files" default="copy-files">
Groovy task dependency
<path id="build.path">
<pathelement location="jars/groovy-all-1.8.6.jar"/>
<taskdef name="groovy" classname="org.codehaus.groovy.ant.Groovy" classpathref="build.path"/>
Search for matching files
<target name="search-files">
<fileset id="filesContainingSearchString" dir="src">
<include name="**/*.txt"/>
<containsregexp expression="[4-6]\.[0-9]"/>
Copy file into each directory found
<target name="copy-files" depends="search-files">
project.references.filesContainingSearchString.each { file ->
def dir = new File(file.toString()).parent
ant.copy(file:"fileToBeCopied.txt", toDir:dir)
Groovy jar can be downloaded from Maven Central

Use the copy task with a fileset and regular expression selector :
<copy todir="your/target/dir">
<fileset dir="rootdir/of/your/directorytree" includes="**/*.txt">
<containsregexp expression="[4-6]\.[0-9]"/>
This example is taken from the ant manual and slightly adapted.
Means select all files with .txt extension anywhere beyond rootdir/of/your/directorytree that match the regular expression (have a 4,5 or 6 followed by a period and a number from 0 to 9) and copy them to your/target/dir.
Just adapt it for your needs.


yguard not updating properties file in the jar

I have jar file having some properties files in it like and Following is my ant script for yguard. Everything else is working but the properties file updation.
<target name="yguard">
<taskdef name="yguard" classname="com.yworks.yguard.YGuardTask" classpath="lib/yguard.jar" />
<inoutpairs resources="none">
<fileset dir="${basedir}">
<include name="MyApp.jar" />
<mapper type="glob" from="MyApp.jar" to="MyAppObs.jar" />
<pathelement location="lib/log4j-1.2.17.jar" />
<rename conservemanifest="true" mainclass="com.amit.Application" >
<adjust replaceContent="true" >
<include name="**/*.properties" />
</target> file
com.amit.Application.param1 = something
I found some question in stackoverflow but they didn't help. One place it was mentioned that the file (like jsp, xml, properties) should be in the jar file which I already have. But my yguard obfuscated file just get the files copied as it is.
I tried many combinations with rename & adjust tags but nothing worked for me.
Following post I already visited
Is it possible to manage logs through Obfuscation with yGuard?
How to include obfuscated jar file into a war file
Apparently you want yGuard to obfuscate the name of the field param1, because com.amit.Application is obviously your entry point and yGuard excludes the given main class automatically. So basically you want the outcome to be something like
com.amit.Application.AÖÜF = something
This isn't possible, because yGuard can only adjust class names in property files, as state here: yGuard Manual

how to call multiple ant targets for foreach

here is what am trying to do, I want to replace name and address from my large number of property files during build, but unfortunately I cant do this, is there a better way of doing this without having to copy paste the foreach twice. can someone help?
<target name="replace" >
<foreach target=",replace.address" param="foreach.file" inheritall="true">
<fileset dir="${build.tmp.dir}/resource">
<!-- some complicated conditions go here -->
<target name="replace.address">
<echo>replacing #Address# for ${foreach.file}</echo>
<replace file="${foreach.file}" token="#Address#" value="${address}" />
<target name="">
<echo>replacing #Name# for ${foreach.file}</echo>
<replace file="${foreach.file}" token="#Name#" value="${Name}" />
.properties file looks like
target of foreach is not designed to take more than one target name. It only iterates through the provided list, not the provided targets.
To make the implementation more DRY, you may
use a for loop instead of foreach with two antcalls;
use macrodef with for loop -- macrodef can pack several ant xml code into a task-like thing
Actually, for the two targets -- replace.address and, are you sure that you want to call them from the commandline?
If not, name them -replace.address and or use macrodef -- exposing the iteration body of foreach is not a good practice.

Deleting files matching a placeholders in another directory tree

I have two directory trees:
Using Ant, I want to do three things. First, I want to copy any files from "template" into "source", such that all files not starting with "DELETE-" are replaced. For example, "source/aaa/bbb/ccc/file01.txt" would be replaced. This is straightforward with:
<copy todir="source" verbose="true" overwrite="true">
<fileset dir="template">
<exclude name="**/DELETE-*"/>
Second, I want to delete all files in the "source" tree whose name matches a "DELETE-" file in the corresponding directory of the "template" tree. For example, both "source/aaa/bbb/file03.txt" and "source/file01.txt" will be deleted. I have been able to accomplish this with:
<delete verbose="true">
<fileset dir="source">
<present present="both" targetdir="template">
<mapper type="regexp" from="(.*[/\\])?([^/\\]+)" to="\1DELETE-\2"/>
Third, I'd like to delete any directories (empty or not) whose names match in the same way. For example, "template/aaa/DELETE-ddd" and all file(s) under it would be deleted. I'm not sure how to construct a fileset that matches directories (and all the files under them) in the "source" tree where the directory has a DELETE-* file in the "template" tree.
Is this third task even possible with Ant (1.7.1)? I'd preferrably like to do this without writing any custom ant tasks/selectors.
It seems the root issue that makes this difficult is that ant drives selectors/filesets based on files found within the target directory of fileset. Normally, however, one would want to drive things from the list of DELETE-* marker files.
The best solution I've found so far does require some custom code. I chose the <groovy> task, but also could have used <script>.
The gist: create a fileset, use groovy to add a series of excludes that skip files and directories with a DELETE-* marker, then perform the copy. This accomplishes the second and third task from my question.
<fileset id="source_files" dir="source"/>
<!-- add exclude patterns to fileset that will skip any files with a DELETE-* marker -->
def excludes = []
new File( "template" ).eachFileRecurse(){ File templateFile ->
if( =~ /DELETE-*/ ){
// file path relative to template dir
def relativeFile = templateFile.toString().substring( "template".length() )
// filename with DELETE- prefix removed
def withoutPrefix = relativeFile.replaceFirst( "DELETE-", "")
// add wildcard to match all files under directories
def exclude = withoutPrefix + "/**"
excludes << exclude
def fileSet = project.getReference("source_files")
fileSet.appendExcludes(excludes as String[])
<!-- create a baseline copy, excluding files with DELETE-* markers in the template directories -->
<copy todir="target">
<fileset refid="source_files"/>
To delete a directory and its contents use delete with nested fileset, i.e. :
<delete includeemptydirs="true">
<fileset dir="your/root/directory" defaultexcludes="false">
<include name="**/DELETE-*/**" />
With attribute includeemptydirs="true" the directories will be deleted too.

Is there an ANT task for watching a directory for changes?

It sounds a little far fetched to me, but is there an ANT task for watching a directory for changes and then running a particular ANT class when the directory changes?
If files can only be added to or changed in the watched directory, then you can use this simple OutOfDate task from antcontrib.
<property name="watched-dir.flagfile"
location="MUST be not in watched dir"/>
<fileset dir="watched-dir"/>
<pathelement location="${watched-dir.flagfile}"/>
<!--Tasks when something changes go here-->
<touch file="${watched-dir.flagfile}"/>
If files can disappear from the watched-dir, then you have more complicated problem, that you can solve by creating shadow directory structure of the watched dir and checking if its consistent with the watched-dir. This task is more complex, but I'll give you a script to create a shadow directory, as it is not straight forward:
<property name="TALK" value="true"/>
<property name="shadow-dir"
location="MUST be not in watched dir"/>
<fileset dir="watched-dir">
<type type="file"/>
<!-- That's the tricky globmapper to make touch task work -->
<globmapper from="*" to="${shadow-dir}/*"/>
Due to how touch task with mapped fileset is implemented, it
truncates file access times down to a milliseconds, so if you
would have used outofdate task on shadow dir it would always
show that something is out of date.
Because of that, touching all files in ${shadow-dir} again fixes
that chicken and egg problem.
<touch verbose="${TALK}">
<fileset dir="${shadow-dir}"/>
With shadow directory created, I'll leave the task of checking directory consistency as an exercise for the reader.
Yes there is an Ant Task that will do this:
It requires 1.7+. It can watch any number of filesets, and invoke any target depending on which fileset it came from.
You might be able to use the Waitfor task to achieve what you want. It blocks until one or more conditions (such as the presence of a particular file) become true.
You can combine the apply task with a fileset selector
<apply executable="somecommand" parallel="false">
<fileset dir="${watch.dir}">
The fileset will check the files against a stored MD5 checksum for changes. You'll need to put ANT into a loop in order to repeatedly run this check. this is easy to do in Unix:
while true
> do
> ant
> sleep 300
> done

Text manipulation in ant

Given an ant fileset, I need to perform some sed-like manipulations on it, condense it to a multi-line string (with effectively one line per file), and output the result to a text file.
What ant task am I looking for?
The Ant script task allows you to implement a task in a scripting language. If you have JDK 1.6 installed, Ant can execute JavaScript without needing any additional dependent libraries. The JavaScript code can read a fileset, transform the file names, and write them to a file.
<fileset id="jars" dir="${lib.dir}">
<include name="*.jar"/>
<target name="init">
<script language="javascript"><![CDATA[
var out = new'jars.txt'));
var iJar = project.getReference('jars').iterator();
while (iJar.hasNext()) {
var jar = new String(;
Try the ReplaceRegExp optional task.
ReplaceRegExp is a directory based task for replacing the occurrence of a given regular expression with a substitution pattern in a selected file or set of files.
There are a few examples near the bottom of the page to get you started.
Looks like you need a conbination of tasks:
This strips the '\r' and '\n' characters of a file and load it to a propertie:
<loadfile srcfile="${src.file}" property="${src.file.contents}">
<filterreader classname=""/>
After loading the files concatenate them to another one:
<concat destfile="final.txt">
Inside concat use a propertyset to reference the files content:
<propertyset id="properties-starting-with-bar">
<propertyref prefix="src.file"/>
rodrigoap's answer is enough to build a pure ant solution, but it's not clean enough for me and would be some very complicated ant code, so I used a different method: I subclassed ant's echo task to make an echofileset task, which takes a fileset and a mapper. Subclassing echo buys me the ability to output to a file. A regexmapper performs the transformation on filenames that I need. I hardcoded it to print out each file on a separate line, but if I needed more flexibility I could add an optional separator attribute. I also thought about providing the ability to output to a property, too, but it turned out I didn't need it since I echo'ed straight to a file.
