change the profile to silent programmatically in blackberry - blackberry

I am trying to change the current profile of the phone to Silent. I am looking for the API to do this. These options are accessible via the Speaker icon on the main blackberry screen.
How i can change the profile programmatically?

There is no way you can change the profile of a blackberry device programatically. Sad but true

It's currently NOT supported to change profile programmatically from normal to silent. Following are some links you might find useful.
BlackBerry Support Forums: how to change profile programatically from normal to silent?? Programatically Change Profile

I see this question in Blackberry Developer Zone;
We only change the profile status(Means silent --> Loud like this) but we cannot change the settings (means you cannot change the slient's profile settings or Loud's profile settings);
see the sample code;
public final class LoadingScreen extends MainScreen implements FieldChangeListener
public LoadingScreen()
private void createGUI()
catch (Exception e)
public void fieldChanged(Field field, int context)


How to exit the App in Xamarin Forms?

My project is built with master-detail navigation.
There are totally three pages in the list named as Resources, Contacts, and Login.
Everything works fine in iOS, but when the user presses the Droid/WinPhone devices hardware back button, the app should exit.
Is there any app-exit mechanism for Xamarin Forms which will work on all the devices.? (I mean native code not platform dependent)
Thanks in advance.
I did that on this way
In xamarin forms I added interface
public interface INativeHelper
void CloseApp();
In android project I made implementation of INativeHelper
public class NativeHelper : INativeHelper
public void CloseApp()
Implementation of INativeHelper in IOS
public class NativeHelper : INativeHelper
public void CloseApp()
And then just override method OnBackButtonPressed in page in Xamarin.Forms project
protected override bool OnBackButtonPressed()
INativeHelper nativeHelper = null;
nativeHelper = DependencyService.Get<INativeHelper>();
if (nativeHelper != null)
return base.OnBackButtonPressed();
I didn't made implementation for WinPhone, but it should be similar.
You can use a DepedencyService for closing an app when your physical back button is pressed:
In your UI (PCL), do the following:
protected override bool OnBackButtonPressed()
if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.Android)
return base.OnBackButtonPressed();
Now implement the Android-specific logic in your Android project:
[assembly: Xamarin.Forms.Dependency(typeof(AndroidMethods))]
namespace Your.Namespace
public class AndroidMethods : IAndroidMethods
public void CloseApp()
Also create an Interface (in your UI PCL):
public interface IAndroidMethods
void CloseApp();
As far as I know there is no native way to exit the app in Xamarin application.
The only way is to use dependency service. Override OnBackButtonPressed function in your ContentPage and check it is the last page:
protected override bool OnBackButtonPressed()
if(navigation.NavigationStack.Count == 1)//navigation is MainPage.Navigation
For Android in YourAndroidDependency class:
public void CloseApp()
(Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Context as Activity).Finish();
As for WinPhone I'm not sure but I believe it can be done in same way - dependency service.
Having experimented with all the above, I found that none of the above worked on a Google Pixel 3a, with latest version of Android
The command that came closest was
However it left the remains of the app still visible in the background.
The following worked for me when called from the Android Main Activity
public void ExitApp()
The first line FinishAndRemoveTask removes the app from both the foreground and the background, however the Application process is still active, hence the need for the second command.
This is the more easy way found:
public void QuitApp(object sender, EventArgs args)
PS: Tested in android
You can use Environment.Exit(0);

GWT Window.confirm() triggered by onchange of ValueListBox crashing Safari on iPad iOS 7.0.6

I recently received a support ticket that some of our web app's functionality is crashing safari on the iPad. This functionality had no problems prior to the latest iOS 7.0.6 update. We have a few GWT ValueListBoxes that change the DOM when their values are changed. Prior to making the changes, we present the user with a Window.confirm() message to inform them of the effects the changes will have and ask whether or not they would still like to proceed. Since the update, the confirm choices do nothing and Safari crashes. This is only happening on the iPad. The functionality works fine on the desktop browsers (IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and the Chrome mobile emulator), but crashes safari on the iPad. Is anyone else having this issue?
Here's a screenshot of the crash:
And here's a sample of the code:
this._view.isPrimaryFoodGen().addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<Boolean>()
public void onValueChange(final ValueChangeEvent<Boolean> event)
ValueListBoxWithOldValue<Boolean> vlb = (ValueListBoxWithOldValue<Boolean>)event.getSource();
if (confirmQuestionChange() ){
changeGroupAndQuestions(CONSTANTS.PRIMARY_FOOD, event.getValue());
else {
public boolean confirmQuestionChange()
if (!this._view.isImageCriteriaQuestionsVisible())
{ //questions aren't currently visible
return true;
boolean confirmed = Window.confirm("Changing this response will delete image data already collected. Do you wish to proceed?");
return confirmed;
Any help on a solution for preventing the crash on the iPad would be greatly appreciated. I have tried focusing on another element prior to calling Window.confirm() in hopes that the overlay and the ValueListBox choices would be removed to stop any JS conflicts, but it hasn't worked.
Am I at the mercy of Apple until the next update fixes this?
Or is there a viable solution?
OK, so it turns out that since I couldn't find a fix to continue using Window.confirm(), I had to implement a solution by changing the onValueChange() and confirmQuestionChange() methods to use a manually created DialogBox instead of Window.confirm(). It isn't the optimal solution, but Safari does not crash on the iPad anymore and users can get their work done. Here are the code changes:
this._view.isPrimaryFoodGen().addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<Boolean>()
public void onValueChange(final ValueChangeEvent<Boolean> event)
confirmQuestionChange(CONSTANTS.PRIMARY_FOOD, event);
public void confirmQuestionChange(final String question, ValueChangeEvent<Boolean> event)
final ValueListBoxWithOldValue<Boolean> vlb = (ValueListBoxWithOldValue<Boolean>)event.getSource();
if (!this._view.isImageCriteriaQuestionsVisible()) //questions aren't currently visible, can change them no problem
changeGroupAndQuestions(question, vlb.getValue());
//the following fix was put in place for issues with Safari on the iPad OPS-76
final DialogBox dialogBox = new DialogBox();
dialogBox.setHTML("<center>Changing this response will delete<br />image data already collected.<br />Do you wish to proceed?</center>");
Button yesButton = new Button("YES");
Button noButton = new Button("NO");
HorizontalPanel dialogHPanel = new HorizontalPanel();
noButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
yesButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
changeGroupAndQuestions(question, vlb.getValue());
// Set the contents of the Widget
dialogBox.setPopupPosition(180, 425);;
Here's a screenshot:
As you can see, the ValueListBox options close before the DialogBox appears and the screen no longer locks.

Know when the device is completely turned on

I am developing an application where I want to integrate the SQL database in it. As far my code works fine. I made the application auto-run on startup and I check immediately for SDCard presence. If present I will create the database on SDCard and if not I will create it on device.
The problem is that when the application is auto-run, it will start before the device locates the SDCard, so I am always unable to detect if the SDCard is present.
What listener should I use to know that the device is completely turned on?
SystemListener will do the job. This is how I usually do it:
public class MyApp extends Application implements SystemListener {
public static void main(String[] args){
MyApp app = new MyApp();
if (ApplicationManager.getApplicationManager().inStartup()) {
//wait for powerUp callback
} else {
public void powerUp() {
private void startup(){
//Perform initialization here, most typically show first screen and stuff.
// Remaining SystemListener callbacks not shown for brevity

how to disable(Hide) application icon from SwitchApplication popup screen in blackberry?

i am developing an application which contain alternative entry point.
and i put tick mark in "Do not display in Blackberry Home screen". here it is working fine it does not show icon on the home screen. but my problem is that
when i am click on SwitchApplication from menu(Home screen), the alternative entry point icon is showing on the popup screen like following image. i dont want to show that icon.i want hide that icon programatically.
please help me
You can hide app if it's service. Set system module (systemmodule) to true for bb ant tools. There is similar options for JDE and Eclipse plugin.
just override this method into our application
like following
private static boolean flag=false;
public static void main(String[] args)
StartUp startUp;
if(args!=null && args.length>0 && args[0].equals("gui")){
startUp = new StartUp("gui");
startUp = new StartUp();
i override this method
protected boolean acceptsForeground() {
return flag;
This is the code that I ended up using that worked for me. I had tried putting the acceptsForeground in my main launcher class at first, but then put it in PushListener itself instead to prevent it from appearing in the running tasks menu. Worked fine.
Launcher Class
public static void main(String[] args) {
if (args != null && args.length > 0 && args[0].equals("gui")) {
MyApp app = new MyApp();
} else {
PushListener Class
protected boolean acceptsForeground() {
return false; // You could use a variable instead if you wanted.
It's quite simple if you use blackberry eclipse plugin.
open "blackberry_description_app.xml", just check this: Don't display the app icon on blackberry home screen.

Getting exception when clicking the back button in blackberry

From my application, i am going to the Blackberry Native Message Application to send mail.
when i am clicking the back button, it is giving Runtime Exception.
My code is below:
public void fieldChanged(Field field, int context)
if( field == m_lfMailId)
private void displayEmail()
Invoke.invokeApplication(Invoke.APP_TYPE_MESSAGES, new MessageArguments(MessageArguments.ARG_NEW,"","",""));
Address toList[] = new Address[1];
We usually set the simulator to ignore Error 104 - start fledge with the flag /ignore-error=104. This should not be showing on a real device, you can see some more information in this thread. If you click continue on the simulator's white screen, does it continue alright?
Add this code below to your screen and click on back button.
public boolean onClose()
return super.onClose();
