I'm remembering .NET by practicing WP7.
In the book in several example there is such a line
Setting<Color> savedColor = new Setting<Color>(“SavedColor”, Colors.White);
This is equivallent to NSUserDefaults in iOS I guess, but they say I'm missing a reference to a namespace to use this Setting collection, What's wrong?
Windows Phone 7 has no Setting generic.
The WP7 equivelent of NSUserDefaults is IsolatedStorageSettings which is in the System.IO.IsolatedStorage namespace.
MSDN Page for IsolatedStorageSettings.
When F# 4.5 was announced, it was stated that:
The F# feature set is comprised of
The ability to produce IsByRefLike structs (examples of such structs: Span<'T>and ReadOnlySpan<'T>).
How to "produce" these types? I tried the [<IsByRefLike>] attribute but is was not found in .NET Standard 2.0.
The attribute is found in System.Runtime.CompilerServices
open System.Runtime.CompilerServices
[<Struct; IsByRefLike>]
type Apa =
{ A: Span<int>
B: int }
Phillip Carter talks about this in What's new in F# 4.5 (about 21 min. in).
It is available for .NET Core and .NET Framework, but not .NET Standard 2.0.
Starting with .NET SDK 6.0.200 (available in Visual Studio 2022 17.1), the F# compiler recognizes user-defined IsByRefLikeAttributes. The following code will transparently enable defining ref structs on .NET Standard 2.0 as well as later frameworks:
namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices
open System
[<Sealed; AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Struct)>]
type IsByrefLikeAttribute() = inherit Attribute()
namespace MyLibrary
open System
open System.Runtime.CompilerServices
type MyRefStruct(span: Span<int>) = struct end
Technically, this is not an answer.
First, according to the specs, IsByRefLike is for the compiler, not for the developers to use: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.runtime.compilerservices.isbyreflikeattribute?view=netframework-4.7.2
Second, when we do want something from a compiler, then it is crucial that we do understand what we want from it. So a correct question could be: I need ABC because I need to do XYZ, where ABC would be something related to IsByRefLike and then XYZ would be something based on IsByRefLike. The question does not explain why IsByRefLike is needed.
I think that a minimalist approach should be always weighted in when considering which language features to use / not to use: do we really need some particular language feature to accomplish what we need? F# Option.bind comes to mind: if the function is a one-liner then Option.bind is great. However, if there is some tree of how to parse the result, then it might be better to do that explicitly without using Option.bind.
So the questions are:
Do you really need IsByRefLike?
If you think that you do, could you, please, post an example of where you actually do need it.
We all know and love the autocomplete feature of Xcode.
The above screenshot is taken from Xcode 9. I looks identical to what it did in Xcode 8. It knows about my class, and all of its different declarations and functions etc. This is not a SearchPaths-problem.
In Xcode 8, we were able to start typing the function name or the name of any variable used in the declaration of any function/initialiser to help the autocomplete single out which we want, like this:
However, in Xcode 9 this no longer happens. Instead, it completely ignores context and starts to show autocompletion as if I was typing this on a new line.
Is there a way to enable this again? I didn't know I needed this function until I lost it.
This happens to me in XCode 9.3, but only (it seems) if all the following conditions are met:
The instance is created from a different file or scope than the type definition
The instance is not created from within a function
An instance of the same type has not already been created at the current scope. (As discussed here.)
This implies some possible workarounds. You can create the instance within a function and then move the line of code elsewhere. Or you can create a dummy instance first, followed by the real instance on the next line—this works even if you don't include the arguments on the dummy line. For example:
let dummy = MyObject // no autocomplete available here
let obj = MyObject(anything: Any Object) // autocomplete working on this line!
I am trying to migrate some existing code from MVC5 to MVC6 and I am having difficulty with this particular code:
Engine.Razor.RunCompile(File.ReadAllText(emailTemplatePath), "emailTemplateKey", typeof (EmailViewModel), emailViewModel);
I am receiving the following runtime error:
MissingMethodException: Method not found: "Void Microsoft.AspNet.Razor.CodeGenerators.GeneratedClassContext.set_ResolveUrlMethodName(System.String)". in RazorEngine.Compilation.CompilerServiceBase.CreateHost(Type templateType, Type modelType, String className)
The original code I was using in MVC5 was taken from here. If there is no way of converting the above code to work with MVC6 what is another elegant way of doing email templates?
Apparently there has been a change in GeneratedClassContext class - the property ResolveUrlMethodName does not exist anymore, hence the MissingMethodException. Looks like ParserContext class has changed too, since accessing OnError event handler throws the same exception.
In fact it is the setter of the missing property missing (pardon the expression!), which, being a method, causes the exception. Absolutely accurate but somewhat misleading, unless you recall this.
Quite a similar question (and a good answer with alternative solution!) here: RazorEngine and MVC 6 beta 7.
I apologize for such a long message in advance, but I'm trying for detail here...
I'm working on using bTouch to create a compiled dll for referencing the ArcGIS iOS SDK.
When running bTouch using :
/Developer/MonoTouch/usr/bin/btouch libArcGIS.cs
it returns the following error
error CS0102: The type `IncidentReportApp.AGSMutablePolygon'
already contains a definition for `selAddPointToRing'
(Location of the symbol related to previous error)
/tmp/fp2ivuh8.3gj/IncidentReportApp/AGSMutablePolyline.g.cs(39,31): error CS0102:
The type `IncidentReportApp.AGSMutablePolyline'
already contains a definition for `selAddPointToPath'
(Location of the symbol related to previous error)
Compilation failed: 2 error(s), 0 warnings
I checked my cs class and neither type is referenced\invoked. I'd like to understand why this message is occuring.
I have tried to use the instructions (and downloaded) code by Al Pascual at How to use the ArcGIS iPhone SDK with MonoTouch to call the Map View, but when attempting to launch the view with the code causes a crash. When I try to debug, it locks up when adding a mapping layer. I tested this with the MKMapView, but didn't experience the same behavior.
The error means that you defined more than one method mapping the same objective-C method.
Without the source, it is hard to diagnose.
I'm doing the same thing actually, I heavily modified the old "parser" library and am working on doing it now, hopefully dropping it in the public domain.
I'm seeing a similar (and probably related) problem in the ApiDefinition, there is a class AGSGPResultLayer that derives from AGSDynamicLayer. The AGSGPResultLayer overrides a property called Credential among other and since both are defining the same property.
How should over-riden properties be handled in bTouch? I'm guessing I'm missing something in the syntax.
Use the solution I provide with the correct bindings
I am using VS 2010; all these days I am confortable runnig code analysis on class libraries.
But for a web application, the UI control names with prefixes like ddl, pnl, etc are causing code analysis warnings as "Correct the spelling...". I googled and think this can be addressed using rulesets; but didn't find a way to suppress these..any pointers ?
You could add them to a custom dictionary.
Why are you using those prefixes?
The most common reason I've seen people give for this is "Hungarian Notation." However, as I've tried to point out in a number of jobs over the years, "you're doing it wrong." Within an IDE like VS 2010, is there any real reason to prefix every DropDownList instance with "ddl"? Both you and the IDE know it's a DropDownList. There's no question or confusion about that.
The idea behind Hungarian Notation isn't to "prefix every variable with a shorthand of its class" but rather to "prefix every variable with what it is." What something is doesn't have to mean its class or type, it's more an idea of what that object intuitively represents. Sure, it's a DropDownList. But what does that DropDownList mean? Is it part of a particular grouping of elements in the UI? That grouping's designation would provide a lot more information than "ddl" ever would.
As an example, say I have an application with various connection strings. In a given method in my DAL, I store one of them in a variable called strConnection. Well, that's adhering to the notation, but it's not telling me anything important. I know it's a string. (I can see its declaration, I can mouse over it in the IDE, etc.) And I know it's a connection string based on its usage. But which one is it? What part of the business does it serve? If instead it was called connstringHR then I could immediately infer that it's the connection string for the HR database.