Ant: Convert class name to file path - ant

How do I convert Java class names into file paths using Ant tasks?
For example, given a property containing I'd like to get out foo/bar/Duck.class.
I tried (and failed) to implement this in terms of <pathconvert> and <regexpmapper>.

Here's a possible way to do this:
<property name="" value=""/>
<loadresource property="">
<string value="${}" />
<replaceregex pattern="\." replace="/" flags="g" />
<replaceregex pattern="$" replace=".class" />
This puts the desired foo/bar/Duck.class into the property.

Here's another way, using Ant resources and an unpackagemapper, which is designed for this purpose. The opposite package mapper is also available.
<property name="" value=""/>
<resources id="">
<string value="${}" />
<unpackagemapper from="*" to="*.class" />
You use the resource value by means of the property helper syntax ${toString:...}, e.g.:
<echo message="File: ${}" />
[echo] File: foo/bar/Duck.class

I feel using ant script-javascript for this is much simpler
<property name="" value="" />
<script language="javascript">
var className = project.getProperty("");
println("before: " + className);
var filePath= className.replace("\\", "/");
println("File Path: "+filePath);
project.setProperty("filePath", filePath);
<echo message="${filePath}" />
note: that naming your variable same as argument e.g var wsPath may give error, it gave to me!


Ant substring by position

I need to extract a substring from property value by length, f.e. :
<property name="prop1" value="nameBLABLABLA" />
I want get the value
Is it possible without using javascript code ?
Not with vanilla ant, you would need to add some Ant addon like Antcontrib (latest release 2006 !) or Ant Flaka - means you'll need additional jars/libraries.
With using the jdk builtin Javascript engine it's as easy as :
<!-- create a macrodef for reuse -->
<macrodef name="getsubstring">
<attribute name="src"/>
<attribute name="from"/>
<attribute name="to"/>
<attribute name="result"/>
<script language="javascript">
"#{result}", "#{src}".substring(#{from},#{to})
<property name="foo" value="nameBLABLABLA"/>
<getsubstring src="${foo}" from="0" to="4" result="foobar"/>
<echo> $${foobar} => ${foobar}</echo>
No additional libraries needed.
Created a macrodef that works for properties respectively for strings in general.
The JavaScript engine understands Javascript and Java and you'll get full access to Ant api.
I'd use JavaScript as in Rebse's answer, but there is a way to do this without it using <loadresource> and a <tokenfilter>. This uses start/length rather than from/to for the substring:
<macrodef name="getsubstring">
<attribute name="src"/>
<attribute name="start"/>
<attribute name="length"/>
<attribute name="result"/>
<loadresource property="#{result}">
<string value="#{src}}" />
<replaceregex pattern="^.{#{start}}(.{#{length}}).*" replace="\1" />
<property name="prop1" value="nameBLABLABLA" />
<getsubstring src="${prop1}" start="0" length="4" result="p"/>
<echo message="${p}" />

Create a fileset from a semicolon-separated list in a property

I have an ant property ${src.dirs} that contains a list of dirs separated by a semi colon.
Now i need to specify fileset (for replaceregexp) and that fileset has to contain all java files from all dirs listed in ${src.dirs}.
How can i do it (I don't use any ant-contrib funcky stuff, I use plain vanilla ant).
The src.dirs have this form: /usr/work/dir1/src;/usr/work/java/dir2/src;/usr/libabc/src
There's is an example on how to use propertyregex, but when I try to use it I get this error:
build.xml:98: Problem: failed to create task or type propertyregex
Here's what was my final solution:
<loadresource property="source.dir.javafiles">
<propertyresource name="source.dir"/>
<replaceregex pattern="\s*([;,]\s*)*$" replace="/**/*.java"/>
<replaceregex pattern="\s*([;,]\s*)+" replace="/**/*.java," flags="g"/>
<fileset dir="" includes="${source.dir.javafiles}"/>
These regexes ensure that trailing commas or semicolons don't produce wrong fileselectors.
You might be able to do this without using ant-contrib. Here's a possibility:
value="/usr/work/dir1/src;/usr/work/java/dir2/src;/usr/libabc/src" />
<property name="file.wildcard" value="*.java" />
<loadresource property="dirs.include">
<propertyresource name="dirlist"/>
<replaceregex pattern="^/" replace="" />
<replaceregex pattern=";/" replace="/**/${file.wildcard}," flags="g"/>
<replaceregex pattern="$" replace="/**/${file.wildcard}" />
<fileset id="files" dir="/" includes="${dirs.include}" />
The work is split into two: first string processing to convert the semicolon-separated list into patterns suitable for use in a fileset includes attribute; second make a fileset from the pattern.
The loadresource task here is simply being used as a wrapper around a sequence of simple regular expression replacements. The three replacements deal with the leading root directory \, expanding the intra-string semicolons into Ant patterns and commas (which are used in includes attributes to separate entries), and adding a pattern at the end of the string.
In your case you might consider tuning this to not use the root directory in the dir attribute of the fileset.
propertyregex is from ant-contrib, which is why the example is not working for you.
Here is one way to achieve what you want.
<pathconvert property="src.dirs.includes" pathsep="/**/*.java,">
<path path="${src.dirs}" />
<replaceregexp match="\s+" replace=" " flags="g" byline="true">
<files id="files" includes="${src.dirs.includes}/**/*.java" />
However spaces in any of the filenames (including their path) will stuff you up.
Do you simply have to go through these directories and do your compile, or must these directories be compiled together because of dependencies?
If there are no dependencies, you could try the <for/> task in Ant-Contrib. This lets you loop through a list like the one you have:
<for list="${src.dirs}"
<javac destdir="${javac.destdir}"
Of course, you might have to munge things for your correct destdir. You may find the <var/> task convenient when you use the <for/> task. The <var/> task allows you to reset variable names. When you repeat the <sequential/> set of tasks, you may find you want to reset certain properties.
By the way, if you have Ant 1.8 or higher, you can use the <local/> task instead of <var/>.

Create a Union and Macrodef-style element with dynamic content at runtime in Ant

I've a build script built in Ant which has a macrodef that takes a few default parameters, target, root and the like, and then an optional two, extrasrc-f and extrasrc-c. After they've come in, I like to do a uptodate check on all relevant resources, then only do a build if the target is out of date.
What I have at the moment,
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="Custom build" default="default">
<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml"
<macrodef name="checkuptodate">
<attribute name="target" />
<element name="resource" />
<condition property="needbuild">
<resourcecount when="greater" count="0"> <resource /> </resourcecount>
<uptodate targetfile="#{target}">
<srcresources> <resource /> </srcresources>
<macrodef name="projbuild">
<attribute name="root" />
<attribute name="target" />
<element name="extrasrc-f" optional="true" />
<element name="extrasrc-c" optional="true" />
<local name="needbuild" />
<checkuptodate target="#{root}/bin/#{target}">
<extrasrc-f />
<fileset dir="#{root}/src" includes="**/*.java" />
<istrue value="${needbuild}" />
<extrasrc-c />
<target name="default">
<projbuild root="." target="EntryPoint.class">
<fileset dir="Proj2/src" includes="**/*.java" />
<fileset dir="Proj3/src" includes="**/*.java" />
<classpath location="Proj2/src" />
<classpath location="Proj3/src" />
But as you can see, at this point in time, for me it's inefficient, to do what I want, I've to create and pass in at least one fileset, and multiple classpaths. What I'd really like to do is just pass in a list of directories, then create the extrasrc-f and extrasrc-c elements on the fly from that information, but for the life of me, I've no idea how I'm able to do that.
I've read up plenty about many of Ant and Ant-Contrib funky classes, but I haven't read anything that would allow me to do something like this, which I do find odd, because to me it looks an obvious situation.
Am I approaching this in a very wrong way, or is there something I'm missing? If I'm really misusing Ant, I'd love pointers in the right direction about how to do this properly, create a catchall, template build in a macrodef (or target, if that's the only way to do it) which tests multiple source files against one file that gets built, while also passing in extra class or library paths too, preferably in one single list.
Perhaps you can use a couple of <scriptdef> tasks to help break up those macros.
First, one that takes a comma-separated list of directories and generates the <union> from them. You supply the refid you want to use to refer to the union as the id attribute. There are optional includes and excludes.
<scriptdef name="dirs2union" language="javascript">
<attribute name="dirs" />
<attribute name="id" />
<attribute name="includes" />
<attribute name="excludes" />
var dirs = attributes.get( "dirs" ).split( "," );
var includes = attributes.get( "includes" );
var excludes = attributes.get( "excludes" );
var union = project.createDataType( "union" );
project.addReference( attributes.get( "id" ), union );
for ( var i = 0; i < dirs.length; i++ ) {
var fs = project.createDataType( "fileset" );
fs.setDir( new dirs[i] ) );
if ( includes )
fs.setIncludes( includes );
if ( excludes )
fs.setExcludes( excludes );
union.add( fs );
The second - very similar - script does the equivalent for path generation:
<scriptdef name="dirs2path" language="javascript">
<attribute name="dirs" />
<attribute name="id" />
var dirs = attributes.get( "dirs" ).split( "," );
var path = project.createDataType( "path" );
project.addReference( attributes.get( "id" ), path );
for ( var i = 0; i < dirs.length; i++ ) {
var pe = project.createDataType( "path" );
pe.setLocation( new dirs[i] ) );
path.add( pe );
An example use might then be something like:
<property name="dirs" value="Proj2/src,Proj3/src" />
<dirs2union dirs="${dirs}" id="my.union" includes="**/*.java" />
<dirs2path dirs="${dirs}" id="my.path" />
... later (e.g.) ...
<union refid="my.union" />
<classpath refid="my.path" />
You could then modify your macros to either take the dirs attribute and generate the union and classpath internally, or perhaps generate these once elsewhere and just pass in the references.
I've not attempted to include the #{root} directories in this illustration, but it should be possible to adapt the above for that.

How to pass paramters by refrence in ant

Hi all this is my code for target calling.
<target name="abc">
<var name="x" value="10"/>
<antcall target="def"/>
<!--Again Access The value of x here and also change it here-->
<target name="def">
<!--Access The value of x here and also change it here-->
and also i want to access this X in other build file,is there any way
This is not possible with ant. In an properties are immutable and cannot be reset. The var task from ant contrib can be used to override values, but should be used sparingly.
You could use a temporary file to achieve what you want. But probably you are trying something weird, which can be solved in a different way.
This would also work across buildfiles if they have access to the property file.
<target name="abc">
<var name="x" value="10"/>
<antcall target="def"/>
<!--Again Access The value of x here and also change it here-->
<var unset="true" file="" /> <!-- read variable from property file-->
<target name="def">
<echo file="" append="false">x=12</echo> <!-- create a new propertyfile-->
For the sake of justice, there is a hack that allows to alter ant's immutable properties without any additional libs (since java 6):
<scriptdef name="propertyreset" language="javascript"
description="Allows to assing #{property} new value">
<attribute name="name"/>
<attribute name="value"/>
project.setProperty(attributes.get("name"), attributes.get("value"));
<target name="abc">
<property name="x" value="10"/>
<antcall target="def"/>
<target name="def">
<propertyreset name="x" value="11"/>
As #oers mentioned, this should be used with care after all canonical approaches proved not to fit.
It is difficult to suggest further without knowing the goal behind the question.

How to to pass configurable file mapping lists to ant macros?

I'm trying to refactor an Ant buildfile with many similar targets into a buildfile that uses macros. This roughly is what it looks like:
<macrodef name="build-text">
<argument name="lang" />
<element name="file-list"/>
<property name="lang" value="#{lang}" />
<xslt style="my_stylesheet.xsl" destdir="build" basedir="src">
<!-- lots of params here -->
<file-list />
<target name="buildTextDE">
<build-text lang="DE">
<mapper type="glob" from="Text1_${lang}.html" to="Text1_${lang}.fo"/>
<mapper type="glob" from="Text2_${lang}.html" to="Text2_${lang}.fo"/>
There is another task called buildTextEN that is nearly identical except for the lang attribute. In some cases, the file list differs however. Now how would I like to simplify the buildfile further by defining a "global" mapping list that contains the file lists for German and English, each file with the placeholder for the language. I would like to reference this global mapping where no special case is needed. How would I do that?
