SfDoctrineGuard Permission - symfony1

I use SfDoctrine guard in my test project. I use also SfForkedApply for registration and managing accounts. I set 3 type permissions: "user","creator","administrator".
My question is : When i Create account whit sfForkedApply , How to set automaticly "User" permission to this new user .

Don't know your exact details, but your would probably need to override the doSave method of the 'user register' form and set the user permission.

Vlad you help me very much :) In doSave i added 4 rows and evriting is ok :) this is the code. It work :)
public function doSave($con = null)
$user = new sfGuardUser();
$user->setEmailAddress( $this->getValue('email') );
// They must confirm their account first
$permission = new sfGuardUserPermission();
return parent::doSave($con);


How do I make dropdown roles in pycord?

As many may know, discord.py has stopped being maintained. As a result of this, I switched over to Pycord.
My question is:
How do I make the dropdown menu do roles?
I looked at the example on the Github Example file for making dropdown menus in Pycord, and I attempted to make a dropdown menu (successfully). However, this only sends a message when an option is selected from the menu. I want to use this menu for adding and removing roles. How would I go about doing that?
class Select(discord.ui.Select):
def __init__(self):
options = [
discord.SelectOption(label="role name", description="Add the Role_Name role"), #These are the labels
discord.SelectOption(label="role name 2", description="Add role name role."),#^
super().__init__(placeholder="Waiting for selection...", max_values=1, min_values=1, options=options)#what will be written waiting for a choise
async def callback(self, interaction: discord.Interaction):
if self.values[0] == 'role name': #'role name'must be the same as the label u want the action to happen. Ex: if label name == hi, well uchange role name to hi here
role = interaction.guild.get_role(ROLE_ID_HERE)#add ur role ID here
await interaction.user.add_roles(role)#Basically if the interaction happen, itll add the role role^ to the user
elif self.values[0] == 'role name 2':
rolee = interaction.guild.get_role(ROLE_ID_HERE)#same as up
await interaction.user.add_roles(rolee)
class SelectView(discord.ui.View):
def __init__(self, *, timeout):
async def droproles(ctx):
select = SelectView(timeout=None)
await ctx.send("Choose ur role here", view=select)
This is the code. If there is an error tell me, i didnt test it, but it should work. If u dont understand something, tell me. U need to understand to be able to re do it sometime

VTiger Extension Module create custom field for Accounts Module

I'm working on a VTiger 6.4.0 Extension Module that is used to get company data when entering a company name in the Accounts module.
The module is almost finished, i retrieve data from a API and enter them in the input fields using JQuery.
But the problem is that i have some data that is not relative to the existing fields in the account information, so i'm trying to create some new custom fields.
Only i can't seem to figure out how to create a custom field for the Accounts module from within my Extension module.
I googled around and watched some posts on stackoverflow.
I came up with the following part of code, but this doesn't seem to work.
public function addKvkfield(){
$module = new Vtiger_Module();
$module->name = 'Accounts';
$module = $module->getInstance('Accounts');
$blockInstance = new Vtiger_Block();
$blockInstance->label = 'LBL_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION';
$blockInstance = $blockInstance->getInstance($blockInstance->label,$module);
$fieldInstance = new Vtiger_Field();
$fieldInstance->name = 'KvKNummer';
$fieldInstance->table = $module->basetable;
$fieldInstance->column = 'kvknummer';
$fieldInstance->columntype = 'VARCHAR(100)';
$fieldInstance->uitype = 2;
$fieldInstance->typeofdata = 'V~M';
The addKvkfield function is being called in the vtlib_handler module.postinstall (Couldn't find any information if this is the right way of doing this within a Extenstion Module)
function vtlib_handler($modulename, $event_type) {
global $log;
if($event_type == 'module.postinstall') {
// TODO Handle post installation actions
} else if($event_type == 'module.disabled') {
// TODO Handle actions when this module is disabled.
} else if($event_type == 'module.enabled') {
// TODO Handle actions when this module is enabled.
} else if($event_type == 'module.preuninstall') {
// TODO Handle actions when this module is about to be deleted.
} else if($event_type == 'module.preupdate') {
// TODO Handle actions before this module is updated.
} else if($event_type == 'module.postupdate') {
// TODO Handle actions after this module is updated.
Hopefully someone can give me a push in the right direction.
Thanks in advance :)
I managed to succeed in creating the custom fields that i needed in the Accounts Module.
Thanks to the Vtiger Mailing List! :)
What did the trick was a small alteration of the code I've written:
public function addKvkfield(){
$module = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Accounts');
$blockInstance = Vtiger_Block::getInstance('LBL_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION', $module);
$fieldInstance = new Vtiger_Field();
$fieldInstance->label = 'KvKNummer';
$fieldInstance->name = 'kvknummer';
$fieldInstance->column = $fieldInstance->name; // Good idea to keep name and columnname the same
$fieldInstance->columntype = 'VARCHAR(100)';
$fieldInstance->uitype = 1; // No need to use 2 anymore. Setting "M" below will introduce the Red asterisk
$fieldInstance->typeofdata = 'V~O';
The above code will create a (optional)Custom Field in the Account module.
If your writing a new module and never installed this module before you can just call the function in the vtlib_handler as i did in my question.
But in my case this did not work because I've already installed the plugin before adding the code to create the customfields.
So what i needed to do is call the function above on the vtlib_handler module.postupdate (this will add the custom field on a module update)
Only problem with this is that it'll get run every time the extenstion is updated.
So i suggest creating a if statement in the function to check if the field already exists in the vtiger_field dbtable if not run the script.
Hopefully i saved someone else some time by writing this all down :P
Please refer below link
Add New Field in existing Module
Copy code from My Answer and create a new PHP file with ay name. Place that in CRM's root directory and Run into browser. Your Field will be added into your Module. You have to make sure about the parameters you set in code which you copy.

How to change a modx revolution users class_key when newly created VIA the manager?

I'm trying to change a new user's class_key value when they are created VIA the manager.
In a plugin that fires on the onUserSave event:
$uid = $_POST['id'];
$sql = "update modx_users set `class_key` = 'extUser' where id = $uid;";
$modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, 'query = ' . $sql);
$query = $modx->query($sql);
Which works when you EDIT an EXISTING user, but does not work if you try to CREATE a NEW user.
Any thoughts on how to do this?
None of the system events look like they fire when a new user is created.
Looking at the user/create processor, you would need to listen for OnUserFormSave which is fired after saving the new user.
I haven't tested this, but in your plugin you have access to $modx->event. Log the output of this for the OnUserFormSave event, hopefully it should include a 'data' property containing the new user object. The object should contain the new user id.
Let me know how that goes!
I've tested this out. As expected, you have access to the new user id, user object (and much more) in the $modx->event object:
if ($modx->event->name == 'OnUserFormSave') {
// id of user you've just created
$newUserId = $modx->event->name->params->id;
// full modUser object is available here
$newUserObj = $modx->event->name->params->user;
In plugin with OnUserSave event:
That's it nothing more.
You cannot call
in OnUserSave as other examples elsewhere have shown.

"Reply " to message in symfony forms

I use symfony 1.4.11 with Doctrine. I have private messages in my site, And I want to make possibility , that user can "reply" for a message. I try change "edit" method, but I do not now is this a good idea. How to make it?Now I have
$messages = Doctrine_Core::getTable('Messages')->find(array($request->getParameter('id'))),
sprintf('Object messages does not exist (%s).', $request->getParameter('id'))
$messages->setMessage('') ;
$messages->setTitle('Re:'.$messages->getTitle()) ;
$messages->setRecipientId($messages->getSenderId()) ;
$this->form = new MessagesForm($messages);
But it do not create new message , it only edit...
Add a reply action:
public function executeReply(sfWebRequest $request)
$originalMessage = Doctrine_Core::getTable('Messages')->find(array($request['id']));
$this->forward404Unless($originalMessage, sprintf('Object messages does not exist (%s).', $request['id']));
$reply = new Message();
$this->form = new MessagesForm($reply);
Additional notes:
You could modify your existing new action and add check to see if an original message id is provided.
It's a database convention to always name your objects in the singular. So your model should be called Message not Messages.
If there are many properties of the original message that should be copied, you can use the copy method on Doctrine_Record instead of making a new one.
You probably want to add a self relation as mentioned by dxb so that you can track what the message is a reply to. You may want to track both the thread and the reply to, depending on what your requirements are.
Maybe you have to design a self referenced table message : a reply is a new message which refer to the previous.

Cannot insert duplicate key

I am getting this error ...
Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_Members'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.Members'.
The statement has been terminated.
When I try to use the Membership and Role Providers in ASP.NET MVC. It happens when calling the GetUser method from inside the RoleProvider.
var member = System.Web.Security.Membership.GetUser(email) as Models.Member;
//var member = (
// from m in DataContext.Members
// where m.Email == email
// select m).Single();
var role = (
from r in DataContext.Roles
where r.Name == roleName
select r).Single();
member.Groups.Add(new Models.Group(role));
It looks like the problem is in the code
member.Groups.Add(new Models.Group(role));
Based on the error message returned by the sql, Read operation like GetUser won't throw this type of error.
I suspect it's because you are adding a group that exists already.
Maybe you should check for the existance of the role before trying to add it.
Hope this helps.
A good way to debug this is to use SQL profiler to determine what SQL code is being run against the database.
I would suspect you are trying to save a record somewhere that has the same primary key already in the database.
SQL Profiler = http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms181091.aspx
Are you sure you are not trying to enter a number into the PRIMARY KEY field that is already there? If it is auto_increment, just enter 0 and it will make the value of that field, the last number+1
Hope this helps :)
If the exception is an SqlException you might get its error number for duplicate records which is 2627. You might catch the exception and verify it and display and manage any error accordingly. I Hope this helps.
catch (SqlException ex)
if (ex.Number == 2627)
MessageBox.Show("This record exists: "+ex.Message, "Error");
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error")
I am a newbie at this but I am going to give this a try, sorry if it doesn't work for you.
I think that instead of using,
member.Groups.Add(new Models.Group(role));
You should use the following (if you are updating the database):
member.Groups.Entry(new Models.Group(role));
And if the above code doesn't work, try this (if you are adding to the database):
// First, search for the particular obj you want to insert
var checkModels = member.Groups.Find(new Models.Groups(roles));
// If the obj doesn't already exist, add it to the database
if(checkModels == null){
member.Groups.Add(new Models.Group(role));
// If the obj does exist already, then update it
member.Groups.Entry(new Models.Group(role)).State = EntityState.Modified;
