add checkbox with simple_form without association with model? - ruby-on-rails

How I can add checkbox with simple_form without association with model?
I want to create checkbox which will handle some javascript events, but don't know?
Maybe I miss something in documentation?
Want't to use similar like following:
= simple_form_for(resource, as: resource_name, url: session_url(resource_name), wrapper: :inline) do |f|
= f.input :email, required: false, autofocus: true
= f.input :password, required: false
= f.input :remember_me, as: :boolean if devise_mapping.rememberable?
= my_checkbox, 'some text'

You can add a custom attribute to the model:
class Resource < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessor :custom_field
Then use this field as block:
= f.input :custom_field, :label => false do
= check_box_tag :some_name
Try to find "Wrapping Rails Form Helpers" in their documentation

You could use
f.input :field_name, as: :boolean

The command proposed by huoxito does not work (at least not in Rails 4). As far as I figured out the error is caused by Rails trying to look up the default value for :custom_field, but because this field does not exists this lookup fails and an exception is thrown.
However, it works if you specify a default value for the field using the :input_html parameter, e.g. like this:
= f.input :custom_field, :as => :boolean, :input_html => { :checked => "checked" }

This question comes first on google with no appropriate answer.
Since Simple Form 3.1.0.rc1 there is a proper way of doing it explained on the wiki:
class FakeInput < SimpleForm::Inputs::StringInput
# This method only create a basic input without reading any value from object
def input(wrapper_options = nil)
merged_input_options = merge_wrapper_options(input_html_options, wrapper_options)
template.text_field_tag(attribute_name, nil, merged_input_options)
Then you can do <%= f.input :thing, as: :fake %>
For this specific question you have to change the second line of the method to:
template.check_box_tag(attribute_name, nil, merged_input_options)
For versions prior 3.1.0.rc1 admgc gave a solution that is adding the missing method merge_wrapper_options:

Add this to app/inputs/arbitrary_boolean_input.rb:
class ArbitraryBooleanInput < SimpleForm::Inputs::BooleanInput
def input(wrapper_options = nil)
tag_name = "#{#builder.object_name}[#{attribute_name}]"
template.check_box_tag(tag_name, options['value'] || 1, options['checked'], options)
then use it in your views like:
= simple_form_for(#some_object, remote: true, method: :put) do |f|
= f.simple_fields_for #some_object.some_nested_object do |nested_f|
= nested_f.input :some_param, as: :arbitrary_boolean
i.e. The above implementation supports nested fields correctly. Other solutions I've seen do not.
Note: This example is HAML.

Here is another variation:
= f.label :some_param, class: "label__class" do
= f.input_field :some_param, class: "checkbox__class"
Label text


NoMethodError when returning an array in a form

I'm building an app for a restaurant and I have a form where I add meals to an order and a price field gets dynamically updated depending on what dishes and how many of them you pick.
To do that I built a nested form (I think that doesn't matter anyway) which looks as follows:
= f.collection_select(0, #dishes.collect{ |dish| [, :data => {:description => dish.price}]}, :name, :name, {include_blank: true}, {class: "meal-select"})
= :quantity, options_for_select((1..10))
= f.text_field(:price, disabled: true)
= link_to_remove_association "X", f
The thing that bugs me is the collection_select. As you can see, I am returning an array with a name and a data-description which goes to the HTML tag. Based on the data-description, my price field gets updated.
However, I have no idea what method I should choose to extract the name of a dish. As you can see I tried 0 since name of the dish is always first in the array. I have also tried :first, :name but none of those works! The error I get is:
"NoMethodError in Orders#new
undefined method '0' for #Meal:0x007fe4eb8e26c8"
or when I use :name
undefined method `name' for ["Zupa z Krewetkami", {:data=>
Naturally, it points to:
= f.collection_select(0, #dishes.collect{ |dish| [, :data => {:description => dish.price}]}, :name, :name, {include_blank: true}, {class: "meal-select"})
I don't think the problem lies in my controller but, I'll show it just in case:
def new
#dishes = Dish.all
#order =
I tried looking for an answer here but as you can see the problem has not been solved and it was slightly different than mine.
To sum up - my question is what method I should use to extract name of the dish from my array in collection_select. Thanks!
Here is how you can use collection_select
= f.collection_select :meal_select, #dishes, :name, :price, {include_blank: true}, {class: "meal-select"}
For more details see the docs.
Use below approach
options_for_select( [['First', 1, {:'data-price' => 20}],
['Second', 2, {:'data-price' => 30}]] )
= :meal_select, options_for_select(#dishes.collect{ |dish| [, dish.price,{'data-description' => dish.price}]}), :class => 'meal-select'

Simple_form always sets pattern for email input element

I use simple_form to display an email field:
= f.simple_fields_for :user do |f|
= f.input :email, wrapper: :append, pattern: false do
= f.input_field :email, type: "email"
Somehow it always set's the pattern for the input field but I want to use the HTML5 validation of the email input field instead.
Is there a way to prevent simpleform from setting the pattern?
You can monkey-patch SimpleForm:
module SimpleForm
module Components
module Pattern
def pattern
# Deactivated for good:
#input_html_options[:pattern] ||= pattern_source
Now, pattern will no longer be generated from validations. You need to add pattern manually to each input that requires a pattern. Example:
= f.input :name, pattern: "[a-zA-Z]+"
Had the same problem ... found a workaround but its kind of hacky
:pattern => ".*"
to your field like this
<%= f.input_field :email, :autofocus => true, :pattern => ".*", :class => "span12", :placeholder => t('') %>
I would rather make a string_input.rb file in the app directory some where ... may be in a folder named 'inputs' then have this code
class StringInput < SimpleForm::Inputs::StringInput
def input
input_html_options[:class] = "input-xlarge #{input_html_options[:class]}"
unless string?
input_html_options[:type] ||= input_type if html5?
input_html_options[:pattern] = nil
#builder.text_field(attribute_name, input_html_options)
This will have effect on all the pattern attributes so no need to put it in explicitly. of course you can also add a condition if the input type is email or not if you want to specify.
Happy coding :)

Rails form inputs using context validation

In my app I have a validation rule like this
validates_presence_of :name, :on => :custom_context
When I'm saving my data I use => :custom_context)
So that my context validation rule is applied. This works fine. By in my form, the name field is not marked with asterisk. How can I tell my form helper that we are in the :custom_context context and the name field must be marked as required?
I did not understand what you are trying to do BUT understood the scenario.
You can use an attribute_accessor in your model say -
attribute_accessor :context
In your view(.html.erb file) do the following inside your <% form_for %>
<%= f.hidden_field :context, :value => "custom_context" %>
And in your model :
validates_presence_of :name, :if => { |variable|
variable.context == "custom_context"}
I think this should help :D
OK, I guess there is no perfect way to do this. Eventually I did something like this:
<%= f.input :name, :required => required_in_context?(:name, :custom_context) %>
And I wrote a helper method:
def required_in_context? field, context
required = false
MyClass.validators.each do |v|
required = true if v.kind == :presence && v.attributes.include?(field) && v.options == {:on => context}

Active Admin - refresh second drop down based on first drop down, Ruby on Rails

I am using Active Admin Gem on Ruby on Rails. I have a form in which i have selected category and sub category and then accordingly i have to fill the data. So i created two tables in sqlite added in active admin resouce.
Every thing is working fine but the drop down of sub category is not getting filtered based on the category choosen.
I am new to Ruby and RoR too. I don't know how to refresh dropdown of the subcategory after selecting category.
I know i can do it from AJAX and javascript but i dont know where to code for that?
Also, is there any specific filter avaliable in Active Admin which will make it happen without ajax or javascript.
Any ideas or help will be highly appreciated.
i don't know if there is any specific filter avaliable in Active Admin, but i solved it in this 3-steps way (assuming category - is a house, subcategory - is a flat):
1-st step: define helper containing ajax request
(of course, you have to predefine path in routes.rb)
def remote_request(type, path, params={}, target_tag_id)
{#{params.collect { |p| "#{p[0]}: #{p[1]}" }.join(", ")}},
function(data) {$('##{target_tag_id}').html(data);}
2-nd step: add this method for :onchange action
#admin/inhabitants.rb (DSL with formtastic)
form do |f|
f.inputs do
f.input :house, :input_html => {
:onchange => remote_request(:post, :change_flats, {:house_id=>"$('#house_id').val()"}, :flat_id)
f.input :flat
3-rd step: render result of filtering
(you can render partial instead of :text, I decided leave it in one activeadmin resource file )
controller do
def change_flats
#flats = House.find_by_id(params[:house_id]).try(:flats)
render :text=>view_context.options_from_collection_for_select(#flats, :id, :flat_number)
I accomplished this as any non-rails developer working on a rails project would - quick and dirty. Here's how:
f.input :user, :input_html => {
:onchange => "
var user = $(this).val();
var $option = $(this),
isCorrectUser = ($option.attr('data-user') === user);
f.input :location, collection:{ |loc|
[,, {"data-user" => loc.user_id}]
No AJAX required. Note that this does not remove the unwanted options, it just disables them (sufficient for my scenario). This could easily be made modular with a helper, but I really only needed the functionality once.
For anyone else wrestling with the same problem, look at this railscast
I faced the same problem here
here's how I implemented multiple dynamic select menus in activeadmin:
config.register_javascript ''
form do |f|
f.inputs "Exam Registration Details" do
f.input :user_id, :label => 'Teacher', :as => :select, :collection => User.where(:admin => 'false', :active => true).order(:name), :include_blank => true
f.input :student_id, :hint => 'Students grouped by teacher names', :as => :select, :collection => option_groups_from_collection_for_select(User.where(:admin => false, :active => true).order(:name), :students, :name, :id, :name)
f.input :lesson_id, :hint => 'Lessons grouped by student names', :as => :select, :collection => option_groups_from_collection_for_select(Student.where(:active => true).order(:name), :lessons, :name, :id, :name)
#first menu
jQuery ->
students = $('#exam_registration_student_id').html()
$('#exam_registration_user_id').change ->
user = $('#exam_registration_user_id :selected').text()
escaped_user = user.replace(/([ #;&,.+*~\':"!^$[\]()=>|\/#])/g, '\\$1')
options = $(students).filter("optgroup[label='#{escaped_user}']").html()
if options
# second menu
lessons = $('#exam_registration_lesson_id').html()
$('#exam_registration_student_id').click ->
student = $('#exam_registration_student_id :selected').text()
escaped_student = student.replace(/([ #;&,.+*~\':"!^$[\]()=>|\/#])/g, '\\$1')
options = $(lessons).filter("optgroup[label='#{escaped_student}']").html()
if options
restart the server and the menus work!
Now it's possible with this gem, use in you form code like this:
f.input :category_id, as: :select # ...
f.input :subcategory_id, as: :ajax_select, data: {
ajax_search_fields: [:category_id],
search_fields: [:subcategory_atrribute],
url: '/admin/subcategories/filter'
And in you subcategory resource page:
ActiveAdmin.register Subcategory do
include ActiveAdmin::AjaxFilter
# ...
don't forget to include assets
You can also use activeadmin_addons gem Nested Select
dependent-select could be also a good option

Deleting a Paperclip Attachment in Activeadmin

I'm using paperclip to add image attachments to several models and Activeadmin to provide a simple admin interface.
I have this code in my activeadmin model file which allows for image uploads:
form :html => { :enctype => "multipart/form-data"} do |f|
f.inputs "Details" do
f.input :name
f.input :subdomain
f.inputs "General Customisation" do
f.input :standalone_background, :hint => (("current image:<br/>").html_safe + f.template.image_tag(f.object.standalone_background.url(:thumb))).html_safe, :as => :file
which works fine. All of the images I'm attaching like this are optional and so I'd like to give the user the option to remove a previously added image but can't work out how to do this in Activeadmin. All of the example I've seen are for situations where the attachments are managed through a separate has_many association rather than being part of the main model.
Does anyone know of a way to do this?
In your active admin view
form :html => { :enctype => "multipart/form-data"} do |f|
f.inputs "Details" do
f.input :name
f.input :subdomain
f.inputs "General Customisation" do
f.input :standalone_background, :hint => (("current image:<br/>").html_safe + f.template.image_tag(f.object.standalone_background.url(:thumb))).html_safe, :as => :file
f.input :remove_standalone_background, as: :boolean, required: false, label: "remove standalone background"
In your model
You could define a status flag like bellow
attr_writer :remove_standalone_background
def remove_standalone_background
#remove_standalone_background || false
OR (depreciated in rails 3.2)
attr_accessor_with_default : standalone_background,false
before_save :before_save_callback
def before_save_callback
if self.remove_standalone_background
You could implement this by creating a custom method. This can be done
member_action :custom_action, :method => :get do
Also you should add a custom column with a link such as
index do
column "Custom" do |item|
link_to "Custom action", "/admin/items/custom_action"
Another option is to have a status flag for the attachment or image. Before saving the edited object, you unlink the image.
Thank you for your help guys. This is the final working code...
f.input :image, required: false, hint: (("Current image:<br/>").html_safe + f.template.image_tag(f.object.image.url(:thumb))).html_safe
f.input :remove_image, as: :boolean, required: false, label: "Remove Image"
attr_writer :remove_image
def remove_image
#remove_image || false
before_validation { self.image.clear if self.remove_image == '1' }
Although accepts_nested_attributes_for(:foo, allow_destroy: true) only works with ActiveRecord associations like belongs_to we can borrow from its design to have paperclip attachment deletion work in a similar way.
(To understand how nested attributes work in Rails see
Add a <attachment_name>_attributes= writer method like below to your model that already uses has_attached_file:
has_attached_file :standalone_background
def standalone_background_attributes=(attributes)
# Marks the attachment for destruction on next save,
# if the attributes hash contains a _destroy flag
# and a new file was not uploaded at the same time:
if has_destroy_flag?(attributes) && !standalone_background.dirty?
The <attachment_name>_attributes= method calls Paperclip::Attachment#clear to mark the attachment for destruction when the model is next saved.
Next open the existing app/admin/your_model_here.rb file (use the correct file path for your app) and setup strong parameters to permit the _destroy flag nested attribute on <attachment_name>_attributes:
ActiveAdmin.register YourModelHere do
permit_params :name, :subdomain,
standalone_background_attributes: [:_destroy]
In the same file, add a nested _destroy checkbox to the ActiveAdmin form block. This checkbox must be nested within <attachment_name>_attributes using semantic_fields_for (or one of the other nested attributes methods provided by formtastic).
form :html => { :enctype => "multipart/form-data"} do |f|
f.inputs "Details" do
f.inputs "General Customisation" do
if f.object.standalone_background.present?
f.semantic_fields_for :standalone_background_attributes do |fields|
fields.input :_destroy, as: :boolean, label: 'Delete?'
Your form should now show a delete checkbox when there is an attachment present. Checking this checkbox and submitting a valid form ought to delete the attachment.
