Setting up git commit hook for Redmine - ruby-on-rails

I am trying to migrate the setup here at the office from SVN to Git and am setting up Redmine as the host for our projects and issue management (Currently we use a version of Gforge + SVN). I should preface by saying that I'm an embedded C software developer by day and have basically zero experience with Rails or web apps, but I like trying new things so I volunteered to set up the project management tools which will take us into the future.
I have Redmine setup and am using Gitolite as the Git repo manager. Additionally, I am using the ericpaulbishop/redmine_git_hosting plugin to facilitate automatic public ssh key pushing to Gitolite and automatic repo creation when we register a new project. Everything seems to work except the repo view within the project does not keep track of the changesets. (The "History" is just empty, although when you view the files, it does show the latest version correctly)
I copied the post-receive hook from the plugin's contrib directory to the .gitolite/ common hooks, but again I know little about Ruby and how these gitolite hooks work so I don't know how to debug this. I notice there are log messages and things in the hook, but I have no idea where those are printed, etc...
I even tried the Howto on the Redmine wiki, HowTo setup automatic refresh of repositories in Redmine on commit:
curl "http://<redmine url>/sys/fetch_changesets?key=<your service key>"
Any ideas on where I start debugging? I've been able to resolve every problem up to this point, but I'm a little stuck now. The plugin doesn't make it obvious how this is supposed to work, and to be honest, I'm not even sure if this is a problem with Redmine not reading the repo correctly (or at all), or gitolite not communicating as Redmine expects, etc...

I guess I could answer this...
I checked the issues under the Github page and I found this on:
Which was pretty much exactly my problem. This does appear to be a small bug in the plugin, but you can work around it by changing Max Cache Time to "1 minute or until next commit". This immediately fixed my problem. I simply left it like that but one of the posters claimed that you could change it back to until next commit and it works from then on...


Github actions, docker and testing

I have a couple of questions about devops/docker/github actions.
I'm pretty new to all of this, seen some full implemented projects but I'm missing some "parts".
I'm trying to set up a "complete project" myself, just for exercise/training and getting familiar with everything.
For now, I have 3 branches: dev, uat and master.
I work on dev (it's the default branch). I create a local branch of the dev branch and push my local changes to that branch.
Every time I finish a job (let's say user login functionality), I push this to uat.
Some customers get access to the uat server and are able to test these new functionalities. After they accepted the changes, everything from uat goes to master (which is the live server).
So far so good I guess, and if I miss something or there are things I can do better please let me know!
What my questions are:
If I push changes to the dev branch, it should automatically test these changes before I'm able to open a pr to the dev branch, is this possible with Github Actions? Or do I interpret the things I read on the internet wrong?
When things are tested during this push, do I have to spin up a Docker container? Or do I test these things on the ubuntu VM given by Github Actions? What is the best practice?
I know there is the possibility to do both, but what is considered best practice?
Does someone has an example? Or a tutorial/blog about this? I'm trying to connect the dots but I'm a little stuck...
Cheers and many thanks for the help!
1 - This video explains it simple and quick
2 - If you deploy it using docker, test it using docker
3 - see 1
This other video is also a really nice tutorial that uses docker.

Add condition to transition using script runner

I am using the scriptrunner plugin for Jira.
Is it possible to add a condition to a transition using scriptrunner?
Currently, my condition is in a script which I have manually added to the workflow.
But I was wondering if there is a way to do it automatically?
I was looking through documentation on:
I came across this method:
replaceConditionInTransition which is a method of WorkFlowManager.
But I'm unsure on how to use this.
Any help would be appreciated.
Conditions as any another scripts can be added from file system. You can store scripts in any VCS (bitbucket, github, gitlab, etc) and automatically deploy them to Jira server file system through any CI/CD system (teamcity, jenkins, bamboo, gitlab, etc).
So, as result process will be looks like. 1. commit changes in you script to vcs 2. wait a bit for auto deploy (e.g. triggered by commit) 3. done. As additional you can write any script/service/etc for commit these changes automatically if needed.
Also look at script roots it's helpful way which allows reuse any of script fragments through helpers classes.
It's rather conceptual answer basically because implementation is depends on environment, but I hope that you get at least one more point of view to solve this task.
I think that using the Java API to modify Jira workflows is pretty tough. You could dig around in the workflow editor to see how conditions are added there. Remember that you have to do this in a draft workflow and then publish it, which takes some time in large projects
I like the idea of replacing a script file as easier, if it can be done when no issues are transitioning

Bitbucket credentials issue in source tree and git

I am not sure if this is the correct place for this. I used source tree to clone a bit bucket repo and was able to do it a couple of months ago. I was also able to push and pull. However, recently when I try to push and pull or even clone down another copy using the same credentials i get an invalid credentials message.
I have tried clearing out the windows credential manager, resetting my atlassian password, and trying to clone on a completely different computer with the same result.
It's weird because I can add my bitbucket account to source tree using the username and password but I cannot clone, pull, or push using those same credentials.
I do not have an errors message screenshot but could get one if the issue is not clear.
Update: Here is an interesting behavior happening out of sourcetree, when I try to clone a repo I get multiple login prompts. All of these fail when using the credentials.
It appears that the newest version of source tree has a few issues to work out. Downgrading to an older version, 1.9 I believe, I was able to perform cloneing, pulling, and pushing without issue.
I decided to look for alternative clients but source tree would still work on an older version.

Jenkins: Tracing the history of unsaved new test definition (copied from another test definition)?

Recently, in our enterprise production setup, it seems someone has tried to setup a new job / test definition by using another (copying) from identical job. However, (s)he seems to have NOT saved (and probably, am guessing here, closed the browser with the session being lost).
But the new job got saved though it was not set to stable or active; we knew about this because changes uploaded to gerrit, started failing in this newly setup partial job (because, these changes were in certain repos that met certain TDD settings).
Question: Jenkins system does not have trace of who setup the system in 'configure versions' option. Is there anyway to know the details of who setup the job / when was that done ?
No, Jenkins does not store that information by default.
If your Jenkins instance happen to be running behind an Apache or Nginx web server, there might be access logs that can help you. To find out when the job was created you could look at when its config.xml file was created/modified.
However, there are a few plugins that can add this functionality so that you won't have this problem again:
JobConfigHistory Plugin – Tracks changes in your job configurations and gives the ability to restore old versions.
Audit Trail Plugin – Keeps a log of who performed particular Jenkins operations, such as configuring jobs.

Create a Glassfish 3 domain as part of ant build?

I have a JEE6 project based on Glassfish 3.1.1 that is moving beyond the "one developer prototype" stage to being developed by a team.
Each member of the team will have their own local glassfish server. I don't want each of them to have to go through all the manual steps of setting up the JDBC connection pool, JMS services, jdbc security realm, etc via the admin console, as I did when first developing the prototype. It is error prone, and plus if I want to change something I have to tell everyone what to do. I want it to be done as part of the ant build, so that it is a one-clicker, and then if I have to change something I can just tell them to do a clean to blow away the domain and then run it again. So there would be an ant task to "config-glassfish" that would somehow configure the domain for them.
Despite extensive searching, I can't seem to find any step-by-step guide of how best to accomplish this. Anyone have a link?
Would it be best to attempt to capture the fully configured domain and store that in our src repository?
Or should I instead have ant issue "asadmin" commands to create and configure the domain?
You can do all of this with the sun-appserv-admin ant task. You can find more information here:
We struggle with this kind of thing at my work too, but only with a few developers. One thing I really like is that Glassfish has the concept of a resources.xml which will cover a lot of the config. I use this to pass around connection pool configs and JMS queues and it works really well, but it might not cover all your config needs. The contents of the file are pretty much snippets from the domain.xml, and I haven't figured out everything it can do yet.
I haven't tried other ideas since the resources.xml solves my major pain points, but you could take your domain.xml and work through any issues brought up by copying it to another developer's domain, then do variable replacement on the part of the file that need it. That way you could have ant create the domain, then overwrite the domain.xml with the newly filled out one.
Maybe there is a way you could use asadmin backup-domain
One other idea would be Chef.
I ended up just putting the domain.xml into the src repository, making an ant task to copy it over to the glassfish directory, and instructing other developers that when running that ant task, they should make sure glassfish is not running.
This worked for my case...
