ASP.NET MVC Posting models to an action with an an Interface -

My understanding is that ASP.NET MVC only allows you to POST objects to Actions in the Controller, where the Action's arguments accept the posted object as a Concrete class.
Is there any way around this, or a good alternative?
In my case, I have an action which accepts an interface as an argument:
public ActionResult SaveAdjustment(IModel model)
switch (model.SubsetType)
// factory like usage
And for this action, I have numerous views, all strongly typed to objects that implement IModel, all which I want to be able to post to this one method.
Of course, running this give me the error:
Cannot create an instance of an interface
Is there a nice work around to this? Or do I need to create an Action method for each and send them over to a method like this?

MVC generally binds models when posting from Request.Form, that is collection of name=value pairs. The reason that in default implementation there's no support of binding interfaces or abstract classes is obvious - mvc cannot determine which concrete class to create from name=value pairs. If you got hidden field on client side, or any other parameter anywhere by which you are able to determine which type of concrete class to create, you can simply create custom model binder. I believe you can override DefaultModelBinder's CreateModel method and reuse all other built in binding functionality
public class IModelModelBinder : DefaultModelBinder
protected override object CreateModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext, System.Type modelType)
//Create and return concrete instance
And model binder registration in global.asax
ModelBinders.Binders.Add(typeof(IModel?), new IModelModelBinder());
Actually, controllers and actions in mvc are meant to be thin, and some kind of service layer should be thick. As action logic you are trying to implement may get complicated soon, I would recommend moving it into separate service.

Although I mentioned this as a possible solution in my original question, its the solution I have gone with in the end and I actually quite like it now. This way I didn't need to touch the model default binding implementation and I think this approach is a more readable/understandable approach than what I was originally asking for.
In case its not clear why I wanted to go for this approach, I have added an example of how I can use this for its OO benifits.
public ActionResult SaveModelA(ModelA model)
return SaveModel(model);
public ActionResult SaveModelB(ModelB model)
return SaveModel(model);
private ActionResult SaveModel(IModel model)
IExampleService exampleService;
IRequirements requirements;
switch (model.SubsetType)
case SubsetType.ModelA:
myService = new ModelAService();
requirements = new ModelARequirements
ModelASpecificProperty = "example"
case SubsetType.ModelB:
myService = new ModelBService();
requirements = new ModelBRequirements
ModelBSpecificProperty1 = "example",
ModelBSpecificProperty2 = "example2",
ModelBSpecificProperty3 = "example3"
throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException();
var serviceResonse = exampleService.ExecuteExample(model, requirements);
return RedirectToAction("Index", new
ExampleData = serviceResponse.ExampleDate
In case it isn't clear in the code:
ModelA : IModel
ModelB : IModel
ModelARequirements : IModelRequirements
ModelBRequirements : IModelRequirements
ModelAService : IExampleService
ModelBService : IExampleService
// and IModel defines a property SubsetType SubsetType { get; }


How to convert DTO to View Model and then back again? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Where to convert business model to view model?
(3 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I'm using MVC 4 with the repository pattern and unit testing also. I have a typical controller that has simple CRUD functionality. I've separated my View Models from my DTOs and I would like to know the best way to convert between the 2:
I have Admin.Models.Product which is my view model and AdminAssembly.Models.Product which is my DTO.
//repo that handles product operations
AdminAssembly.Interfaces.IEntityRepository<AdminAssembly.Models.Product> db;
//default constructor
public ProductController() { db = new AdminAssembly.Repositories.EntityRepo<AdminAssembly.Models.Product>(new AdminAssembly.Models.EntitiesContext()); }
//unit testing constructor
public ProductController(AdminAssembly.Interfaces.IEntityRepository<AdminAssembly.Models.Product> context) { db = context; }
// POST: /Product/Create
public ActionResult Create(Admin.Models.Product product) {
if (ModelState.IsValid) {
//COMPILE-ERROR: how to convert to DTO?
return View();
// GET: /Product/Edit/5
public ActionResult Edit(int id) {
//COMPILE-ERROR: how to convert to view model?
Admin.Models.Product product = db.GetAll().Where(p => p.ID == id);
return View(product);
How do I convert between the 2?
Do I reference my DTO assembly in my view model and do something like: (won't this break my unit testing?)
//convert to AdminAssembly.Models.Product
//convert back to Admin.Models.Product via constructor
Admin.Models.Product product = Product(db.GetAll().Where(p => p.ID == id));
Do I need some sort of object conversion black box?
Some sort of interface?
or something else?
Update 1:
public static class Product {
public static Admin.Models.Product ToView(AdminAssembly.Models.Product dto) {
Admin.Models.Product viewProduct = new Admin.Models.Product();
//straight copy
viewProduct.Property1 = dto.Property1;
viewProduct.Property2 = dto.Property2;
return viewProduct;
public static AdminAssembly.Models.Product ToDTO(Admin.Models.Product viewModel) {
AdminAssembly.Models.Product dtoProduct = new AdminAssembly.Models.Product();
//straight copy
dtoProduct.Property1 = viewModel.Property1;
dtoProduct.Property2 = viewModel.Property2;
//perhaps a bit of wizza-majig
dtoProduct.Property1 = viewModel.Property1 + viewModel.Property2;
return dtoProduct;
The long-hand response
public ActionResult Create(Admin.Models.Product product)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
//COMPILE-ERROR: how to convert to DTO?
var dtoProduct = new AdminAssembly.Models.Product();
dtoProduct.Property1 = product.Property1;
dtoProduct.Property2 = product.Property2;
//...and so on
return View();
While this looks verbose and tedious (and it is) it has to happen eventually, somewhere.
You can hide this mapping either in another class or extension method, or you can use a third party like AutoMapper, as Charlino points out.
As a side note, having two classes with the same name in two different namespaces will eventually get confusing (if not for you, then for the next person who has to maintain your code.) Implement friendlier and more descriptive names wherever possible. For example, put all your view models in a folder called ViewModels, not Models. And append all your view models with ViewModel, or VM. It's also a good convention, imo, to name your view models based on the view that they are for, not so much the domain model that they will be mapped to, as not all view models will map directly to a domain model. Sometimes you'll want parts of more than one domain model, for a single view, and that will blow up your naming convention.
So in this particular case I would suggest changing Admin.Models to Admin.ViewModels and then rename the view model version of Product to CreateViewModel. Your code will be much more readable and will not be littered with namespaces throughout your methods.
All of that would result in a method that would look more like this:
public ActionResult Create(CreateViewModel viewModel)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
var product = new Product();
product.Property1 = viewModel.Property1;
product.Property2 = viewModel.Property2;
//...and so on
return View();
Check out a library called AutoMapper.
From their wiki:
What is AutoMapper?
AutoMapper is a simple little library built to solve a deceptively complex problem - getting rid of code that mapped one object to another. This type of code is rather dreary and boring to write, so why not invent a tool to do it for us?
If you dont want to use AutoMapper you may use extensions, as suggested by #Forty-Two. If the number of things to map is no very great, I would go with this approach, just because then, AutoMapper == YAGNI
public static class Extensions
public static ViewModel ToViewModel(this Model )
var vm = new ViewModel()
return vm;
public static Model ToModel(this ViewModel viewModel)
var model = new Model()
return model;
Similar to your code in UPDATE, but using extensions instead.

ASP.NET MVC 4, how to access/modify the view model object (and change view and action method) before it is used as action method parameter?

Is there any useful hook in ASP.NET MVC (MVC4) which can let you access the Action method parameter (View model) before the action method becomes invoked, and then also (e.g. depending on the value of something you checked in the action method parameter) let you prevent the action method from being invoked, i.e. instead either forward the view model object (action method parameter) to another action method or directly to some view (i.e. without any further processing in an action method) ?
If you do not understand the question, please see the code example below which should illustrate the kind of code I am looking for...
(though I do not know if there actually exists such kind of interface and a possibility to hook an implementation into the MVC framework)
If this is indeed possible, I would like to see an answer with code example about how to do it (and not just a response with someone claiming that e.g. "try using method 'ActionFilterAttribute.OnActionExecuting' or 'IModelBinder.BindModel' " because I have already tried those and could not make it work).
Also, please respect that I do not want this thread to become a discussion about WHY to do it, but want to see HOW to do it.
(i.e. I am not interested in getting into discussions with responses such as "What are you actually trying to achieve?" or "There are probably better things of doing what you want to do...")
The question can be split into three subquestions/code examples as my own code samples below try to illustrate:
(but would like them "refactored" into REAL code with usage of real existing types)
(obviously, every type below which includes the substring "Some" is something I have made up, and I am looking for the corresponding real thing ...)
(1) Example of how to get access to (and potentially modify) view model objects (action method parameters) in a generic place before the actual action method is invoked with the view model object parameter.
The kind of code example I am looking for would probably be similar to below but do not know what kind of interface to use and how to register it to be able to do something like below:
public class SomeClass: ISomeInterface { // How to register this kind of hook in Application_Start ?
public void SomeMethodSomewhere(SomeActionMethodContext actionMethodContext, object actionMethodParameterViewModel) {
string nameOfTheControllerAboutToBeInvoked = actionMethodContext.ControllerName;
string nameOfTheActionMethodAboutToBeInvoked = actionMethodContext.MethodName;
// the above strings are not used below but just used for illustrating that the "context object" contains information about the action method to become invoked by the MVC framework
if(typeof(IMyBaseInterfaceForAllMyViewModels).IsAssignableFrom(actionMethodParameterViewModel.GetType())) {
IMyBaseInterfaceForAllMyViewModels viewModel = (IMyBaseInterfaceForAllMyViewModels) actionMethodParameterViewModel;
// check something in the view model:
if(viewModel.MyFirstGeneralPropertyInAllViewModels == "foo") {
// modify something in the view model before it will be passed to the target action method
viewModel.MySecondGeneralPropertyInAllViewModels = "bar";
(2) Example of how to prevent the targeted action method from being executed and instead invoke another action method.
The example might be an extension of the above example, with something like below:
public void SomeMethodSomewhere(SomeActionMethodContext actionMethodContext, object actionMethodParameterViewModel) {
... same as above ...
if(viewModel.MyFirstGeneralPropertyInAllViewModels == "foo") {
actionMethodContext.ControllerName = "SomeOtherController";
actionMethodContext.MethodName = "SomeOtherActionMethod";
// The above is just one example of how I imagine this kind of thing could be implemented with changing properties, and below is another example of doing it with a method invocation:
SomeHelper.PreventCurrentlyTargetedActionMethodFromBecomingExecutedAndInsteadExecuteActionMethod("SomeOtherController", "SomeOtherActionMethod", actionMethodParameterViewModel);
// Note that I do _NOT_ want to trigger a new http request with something like the method "Controller.RedirectToAction"
(3) Example of how to prevent the normal action method from being executed and instead forward the view model object directly to a view without any further processing.
The example would be an extension of the first above example, with something like below:
public void SomeMethodSomewhere(SomeActionMethodContext actionMethodContext, object actionMethodParameterViewModel) {
... same as the first example above ...
if(viewModel.MyFirstGeneralPropertyInAllViewModels == "foo") {
// the below used razor view must of course be implemented with a proper type for the model (e.g. interface 'IMyBaseInterfaceForAllMyViewModels' as used in first example above)
SomeHelper.PreventCurrentlyTargetedActionMethodFromBecomingExecutedAndInsteadForwardViewModelToView("SomeViewName.cshtml", actionMethodParameterViewModel);
You could use an action filter and override the OnActionExecuting event:
public class MyActionFilterAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
Now let's see what useful information you could extract from this filterContext argument that is passed to this method. The property you should be looking for is called ActionParameters and represents an IDictionary<string, object>. As its name suggests this property contains all the parameters that are passed to the controller action by name and value.
So let's suppose that you have the following controller action:
public ActionResult Index(MyViewModel model)
Here's how you could retrieve the value of the view model after model binding:
public class MyActionFilterAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
var model = filterContext.ActionParameters["model"] as MyViewModel;
// do something with the model
// You could change some of its properties here
Now let's see the second part of your question. How to shortcircuit the controller action and redirect to another action?
This could be done by assigning a value to the Result property:
public class MyActionFilterAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
... some processing here and you decide to redirect:
var routeValues = new RouteValueDictionary(new
controller = "somecontroller",
action = "someaction"
filterContext.Result = new RedirectToRouteResult(routeValues);
or for example you decide to shortcircuit the execution of the controller action and directly render a view:
public class MyActionFilterAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
var viewResult = new ViewResult
ViewName = "~/Views/FooBar/Baz.cshtml",
MyViewModel someModel = ... get the model you want to pass to the view
viewResult.ViewData.Model = model;
filterContext.Result = viewResult;
or you might decide to render a JSON result:
public class MyActionFilterAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
MyViewModel someModel = ... get the model you want to pass to the view
filterContext.Result = new JsonResult
Data = model,
JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet
So as you can see the possibilities are unlimited of what you can do.
I have experimented with the code in the answer provided by the user Darin Dimitrov, and the first and third parts of the answer are correct.
(Though, for others who might find this thread and be interested, I can clarify that in the first answer the "model" does not seem to
be a hardcoded keyword always used for the model but seems to have to correspond to the chosen name of the action method parameter.
In other words, if you instead have the method signature
public ActionResult Index(MyViewModel myViewModel)
then in your action filter you have to use
var model = filterContext.ActionParameters["myViewModel"] as MyViewModel;
Regarding the second answer, the usage of 'RedirectToRouteResult' will trigger a new http request (which was not desired as I mentioned in the second code example of mine).
I found another way of "changing" action method by actually invoking it explicitly:
var controller = new SomeController();
ActionResult result = controller.SomeAction(model);
filterContext.Result = result;
The above code actually seems to prevent the originally targeted action method from becoming invoked, i.e. when I put a breakpoint in the method annotated with '[MyActionFilter]' the execution never got into that method.
Typically, it is probably not desired to hardcode a controller like above, but instead reflection might be used, for example as below with the thirdpart library "fasterflect":
string nameOfController = ...
string nameOfActionMethod = ...
// both above variables might for example be derived by using some naming convention and parsing the refering url, depending on what you want to do ...
var theController = this.GetType().Assembly.CreateInstance(nameOfController);
ActionResult result = (ActionResult)theController.CallMethod(nameOfActionMethod, model);
filterContext.Result = result;
(for those who want to extract the names of the current target controller and action method, when implementing logic to determine the controller you want to invoke, you can use this code in the filter:
var routeValueDictionary = filterContext.RouteData.Values;
string nameOfTargetedController = routeValueDictionary["controller"].ToString();
string nameOfTargetedActionMethod = routeValueDictionary["action"].ToString();
I think it feels a bit awkward to instantiate and invoke controllers like above, and would prefer to change the target controller and action method in another way if possible ?
So, the remaining question is if there is still (in MVC 4 final version) no way of redirecting/forwarding execution "internally" (without a new http request being fired as with 'RedirectToAction') at the server ?
Basically, I think I am here just looking for something like "Server.Transfer" which was used with ASP.NET Web Forms (and also the old classic ASP I believe could use the same thing).
I have seen older question/answers on this issue with people implementing this behaviour themselves with some "TransferResult" class of their own, but it seems to tend to become broken i different MVC versions.
(for example, see here for MVC 4 beta: How to redirect MVC action without returning 301? (using MVC 4 beta) ).
Is there really still not a simple standard solution (implemented in MVC 4 final) about how to do an "internal redirect" without a new http request (as RedirectToAction does) ? mvc fix (correcting) data before each action. Perform in Model or Controller?

I'm developing something like wizard with steps (controllers) and uses DerivedModel1, DerivedModel2,etc which is inherits from BaseModel and extends them with extra properties.
Models - only data, without business logic. All logic performed by services in controllers action for example _step1Service.GetRelated(
Now I want to not just validate Model (for this case there is ValidationAttribute) but fix invalid data in BaseModel:
public class BaseModel
public DateTime StartDate {get;set;}
StartDate should be greater than today. User can select invalid date and instead of validation error application should fix this value (reset to default?).
In my first attempt I added service for validating/correcting StartDate and call in each Action:
public ActionResult Index(DerivedModel1 model)
return View();
... do stuff with valid data
But don't like that, because have to add this line to each controller and action.
Then I add this correction to StartDate setter. It's looks better, but this breaks popular MVC paradigm that all logic should be in controller (or maybe i misunderstood something?)
I was thinking about possible solutions of this problem: ActionFilterAttribute, custom ModelBinder? But not sure is this right way and whether it work.
What you think about that?
you must implement IModelBinder to achieve this.
first define your custom model binder like this:
public class MyCustomModelBinder : IModelBinder
public object BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
// Get the raw attempted value from the value provider
DateTime incomingDate = (DateTime) bindingContext.ValueProvider.GetValue("datefield").AttemptedValue;
//validate and correct date here ...
return new BaseModel{ DateMember = incomingDate };
then register your custom model binder such:
protected void Application_Start()
ModelBinders.Binders.Add(typeof (BaseModel), new MyCustomModelBinder());
and your controller :
public ActionResult YourAction([ModelBinder(typeof(MyCustomModelBinder )] BaseModel model)
return Content("Ok");
There's a difference between validation and business rules. Objects can (and often should) be responsible to make sure they are in a valid state themselves.

How to use HandleError with model state errors

I want to use a custom action filter to handle specific exceptions from my service classes to populate the model state and then return the view.
For example, take my previous code:
public ActionResult SomeAction(SomeViewModel model)
catch (ServiceException ex)
ModelState.AddModelError(ex.Key, ex.ErrorMessage);
return View();
Basically, it would call a service, and if a ServiceException was thrown, it would know that there was an issue w/ the model data, and add the error to the ModelState, then just return the view. But I noticed some very un-DRY-like patterns, because I had this same try/catch code in every action method.
So, to DRY it up a bit, I basically created a new HandleServiceError action filter:
public class HandleServiceErrorAttribute : HandleErrorAttribute
public override void OnException(ExceptionContext context)
context.ExceptionHandled = true;
Then simplified my action methods like so:
public ActionResult SomeAction(SomeViewModel model)
return View();
Problem is, once the action filter handles the error, it doesn't return to my action method. I sort of understand, under the hood, why this is happening. But I would still like to figure out a way to do what I'm trying to do.
Is this possible?
Thanks in advance.
I tried the suggestions from the article Darin provided in his answer, but ran into issues trying to use constructor injection with the controller's model state.
For example, if you look at their Controllers\ProductController.cs code, they have the controller's empty constructor using a service locator to create the service, passing in the controller's ModelState at that point:
public ProductController()
_service = new ProductService(new ModelStateWrapper(this.ModelState),
new ProductRepository());
But if you look at the injected constructor, it assumes the ModelState will be injected into the constructor for the service:
public ProductController(IProductService service)
_service = service;
I don't know how to get CI to work with the current controller's ModelState. If I could figure this out, then this approach may work.
You could still return the corresponding view:
context.Result = new ViewResult
ViewName = context.RouteData.GetRequiredString("action")
You may also take a look at the following article for an alternative about how to perform validation at the service layer.

Selecting Instances of an Interface Based On Specific Value

I'll start here with a little bit of background. We have an ASP.Net MVC web application that sits upon a structure roughly based upon the Onion Architecture concept. Therefore, we have the following (simplified) vertical structure:
ASP.Net MVC controller layer
Application service layer
Business Service layer
NOTE: The above is simplified because it doesn't deal with the views, repositories, domain objects, etc which aren't relevant to this question.
For a horizontal structure, we have some major areas defined by what we call "Item Types" (for the sake of simplicity, this question will deal with two sample item types: "ItemTypeA", "ItemTypeB", etc).
We have a business service interface which has a separate implementation per item type:
public interface ISampleBusinessService
string SampleMethod(string arg);
public class ItemTypeASampleBusinessService : ISampleBusinessService
public string SampleMethod(string arg)
return "Item Type A: " + arg;
public class ItemTypeBSampleBusinessService : ISampleBusinessService
public string SampleMethod(string arg)
return "Item Type B: " + arg;
Sitting above that is an application service that uses the business service:
public interface ISampleAppService
string SampleMethod(string arg);
public class SampleAppService
private readonly ISampleBusinessService service;
public SampleAppService(ISampleBusinessService service)
this.service = service
public string SampleMethod(string arg)
return service.SampleMethod(arg);
And sitting above that is our controller which uses the application service:
public class SampleController : Controller
private ISampelAppService service
public SampleController(ISampleAppService service)
this.service = service;
public PartialViewResult SampleAction(string arg)
return PartialView( service.SampleMethod(arg) );
Note that the controller, application service interface and implementation, and business service interface are all generic - they don't care about which item type is being used. However, the business service implementations are specific to the item type. We know which item type we're dealing with at the time we call the action method on the controller (via RenderAction in the views) but we aren't sure what the best way to determine which business service implementation to use. There are a few options we've considered:
Base class the controller and create item type-specific controller inheritors, then something similar with the app services. This feels like a weak solution - we would end up writing a few classes that add nothing in terms of functionality except to work out which item type we're dealing with.
Pass a flag down to the service layer and create the service implementation in a factory (i.e. a SampleBusinessServiceFactory which takes an "itemType" argument in its CreateInstance method). The problem with this is that we're passing a variable down several layers just so that we can decide upon an implementation. We have used this approach so far.
Generics - we haven't really thought this one through but it seems that there would be some difficulties with this as well (how would you call an Action method with generics from an ActionResult call in the view?). It would be similar, in a sense to passing a flag down, but would be based upon strongly typing object/services instead of using enums/magic strings.
What approach would be best suited to solving this problem? New options would be welcomed.
Any help provided will be much appreciated.
This smells like Big Design Up Front ( )
However its very possible to invoke both controllers and action methods generically:
In mvc is it possible to make a generic controller?
Some info about invoking actions with generic action results ( which result in the same effect ).
I am a big fan of this approach and learning about these techniques is helpful to anybody who wants to keep their controllers extraordinarily slim.
Comment Answer:
You don't really need to call the generic action method, you just need a way to pass the generic parameter to your controller. The basic flow is to include your modelType as a route parameter. You could easily call generic render actions with the correct RouteValueDictionary. Here is some sample code from an older project of mine:
Start of my generic controller:
public GenericController()
TypeTranslator.Configure("Brainnom.Web.Model", "Brainnom.Web");
[UrlRoute(Path="admin/{modelType}/add", Order=9000)]
public virtual ActionResult Add()
return View( new MODEL() );
[UrlRoute(Path = "admin/{modelType}/add", Order = 9000)]
public virtual ActionResult Add( MODEL model, string modelType)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return View(model);
var postedModel = new MODEL();
using (var session = new MongoSession())
return RedirectToRoute("Browse", new { modelType });
and my GenericControllerFactory ( which I do need to refactor someday )
using System;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.Routing;
namespace Brainnom.Web.Controllers
public class GenericControllerFactory : DefaultControllerFactory
protected override Type GetControllerType(System.Web.Routing.RequestContext requestContext, string controllerName)
//the generic type parameter doesn't matter here
if (controllerName.EndsWith("Co"))//assuming we don't have any other generic controllers here
return typeof(GenericController<>);
return base.GetControllerType(requestContext, controllerName);
protected override IController GetControllerInstance(System.Web.Routing.RequestContext requestContext, Type controllerType)
//are we asking for the generic controller?
if (requestContext.RouteData.Values.ContainsKey("modelType"))
string typeName = requestContext.RouteData.Values["modelType"].ToString();
//magic time
return GetGenericControllerInstance(typeName, requestContext);
if (!typeof(IController).IsAssignableFrom(controllerType))
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Type requested is not a controller: {0}",controllerType.Name),"controllerType");
return base.GetControllerInstance(requestContext, controllerType);
/// <summary>
/// Returns the a generic IController tied to the typeName requested.
/// Since we only have a single generic controller the type is hardcoded for now
/// </summary>
/// <param name="typeName"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private IController GetGenericControllerInstance(string typeName, RequestContext requestContext)
var actionName = requestContext.RouteData.Values["action"];
//try and resolve a custom view model
Type actionModelType = Type.GetType("Brainnom.Web.Models." + typeName + actionName + "ViewModel, Brainnom.Web", false, true) ??
Type.GetType("Brainnom.Web.Models." + typeName + ",Brainnom.Web", false, true);
Type controllerType = typeof(GenericController<>).MakeGenericType(actionModelType);
var controllerBase = Activator.CreateInstance(controllerType, new object[0] {}) as IController;
return controllerBase;
