Widget not working - asp.net-mvc

I made a new widget following the LatestTwitter example from Maarten Balliauw.
My project is an almost exact copy of it, but using diferent namespaces, class names, etc.
I can enable the module and add the widget to the layer.
However, after adding the widget (which generates a sucessful notification message) I can observe that no record has been inserted into the database table that should hold this record.
And when I try to edit the widget I get the error:
NHibernate.MappingException was unhandled by user code
Message=No persister for: MyNamespace.MyWidgetRecord
at NHibernate.Impl.SessionFactoryImpl.GetEntityPersister(String entityName)
How can this problem be solved?

its probably one of the following
hbm.xml not set to embedded resource
MyWidgetRecordMap : Classmap<MyWidgetRecord> not public
hbm or Mapping class not added to the configuration

I ended up rewriting the module from scratch, and now it works. The original problem remains a mistery...


Why Hybris modelService.save() doesn't work inside the ifPresent() method?

private void doSomething(someProcessModel process){
CustomerModel customer = process.getCustomerModel();
.filter(foo -> foo.getCountryCode().equals(process.getCountryCode()))
.ifPresent(foo -> {
if(foo.getSomeNumber() == null){
As seen in the code snippet above, I have a 'CustomerModel' that has an attribute 'Foos'. It's a one-to-many relationship. As you can see I have done some filtering and in the end, I want to update the value of 'someNumber' attribute of 'Foo' if it is null. I've confirmed that everything is working as the "someNumber" attribute's value is updated during the debugging. It doesn't save at all as I have done my checking in the HMC. I have also validated that the Interceptor doesn't have any condition that would throw an error. There is nothing being shown in the log either.
I am wondering is it a legal approach to do the "modelService.save()' inside the 'ifPresent()' method? What could be the possible issue here?
I have found the root cause now as I have face the same issue again.
Context to my original question
To give more context to my original question, the #doSomething method resides in a Hybris Business Process action class and I have ended the action prematurely while I am debugging it (by stopping the debugging) once the #doSomething method is ran.
Root cause
The mentioned problem happened when I was debugging the action class. I assumed that the ModelService#save will persist the current state of the business process once it has been ran. However, the Hybris OOTB business process will do a rollback if there is any error (and I believe it was caused by me stopping the debugging half-way).
SAP Commerce Documentation:
All actions are performed inside their own transaction. This means that changes made inside the action bean run method are rolled back in case of an error.
Let the action runs completely!
Good to know
Based on the SAP Documentation and this blog post, there will be times that we will need to bypass a business process rollback even though there is an exception being thrown and there are ways to achieve that. More info can be found in this SAP Commerce Documentation and the mentioned blog post.
However, in some circumstances it may be required to let a business exception reach the outside but also commit the transaction and deal with the exception outside. Therefore, it is possible to make the task engine not roll back the changes made during a task which failed.
You have to be cautious with a list in models as they are immutable, you have to set the whole new list. Also you called save only on a particular model, which changes its Jalo reference, that's why your list is not updated. Mutating stream and collecting it in the end will create new list that's why you can stream over the list directly from the model.
private void doSomething(someProcessModel process){
CustomerModel customer = process.getCustomerModel();
ArrayList<FooModel> foos = doSomethingOnFoos(customer.getFoos());
modelService.saveAll(foos, customer);
//compare the value you know exists with something that might be NULL as equals can handle that, but not the other way around
private ArrayList<FooModel> doSomethingOnFoos(ArrayList<FooModel> fooList) {
return fooList.stream()
.filter(foo -> process.getCountryCode().equals(foo.getCountryCode()))
.filter(foo -> Objects.isNull(foo.getSomeNumber()))
.map(foo -> foo.setSomeNumber(1234))

DAC was modified by another process

I've created APTax dac class, added view for it in graph:
public PXSelect<APTax> taxes;
then in my graph I have the following:
var currentTax = taxes.Cache.Current;
currentTax.Percent = 3.25;
//some other assignments
but I receive error message APTax was modified by another process. What I've missed?
I propose you to check how you located in your class attribute IsKey. Most often I got this error message in cases when in db I had one configuration of keys fields, but in DAC class another. They not necessary should be the same, but IsKey should be located in your DAC class uniquely.

my sqlite3 DB doesn't show column values in device but it does in simulator

My DB is not getting copied over to my device, but it does to the simulator.
Here is what I am doing:
Create a new sqllite3 db from terminal:
sqlite> create table myTable (id integer primary key, name text);
sqlite> insert into myTable (name) values ('john');
sqlite> select * from myTable;
This creates a db in this path: users/John/iosApp.db
Then I close the terminal and copy that db to my xamarin project and set its buildAction to 'content'.
Here is my model:
public class MyTable
[PrimaryKey, AutoIncrementAttribute, Column("id")]
public int ID {get; set;}
public string Name { get; set; }
And I do this to copy the db to the Document folder:
string pathToDatabase = "iosApp.db";
userPath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), pathToDatabase);
File.Delete (userPath); // delete first and copy next
File.Copy (pathToDatabase, userPath);
var myDB = new SQLiteConnection (userPath);
MyTable myTable = myDB.Get<MyTable> (1);
then I run the app and I set a breaking point after the last line in the code above and I hover over the myTable:
if I am using the simulator, I see the schema and value of 1 for ID and 'john' for Name.
if I am using the device, I see the schema but 0 value for ID and null for Name!
Looking at the path when I am using the device, points to this:
I loaded the files in using iFunBox and the db file is there with the exact size
I have tried all the following:
Clean All in the project
Rebuild All
removed the 'debug' folder from the project
restarted Xamarin
and even restart the machine
But still the same behavior, what else should I try to be able to see the values of ID and Name?
my sdk version is attached
After a lot of changes and cleaning up, I managed to display the value of all columns except the identity column displayed as 0. Puzzled, I went back to the xamarin sample project: http://developer.xamarin.com/recipes/ios/data/sqlite/create_a_database_with_sqlitenet/
it displayed the value of the identity correctly.
Trying to bring in similar code to my project, but no success.
To role out the possibility of version issue, I went and downloaded the latest sqlite from this link:
The same behavior... I created a whole new page in my project, used the references the sample used and only has the code to create a sample table. Same behavior, the identity value is displayed in the other project but not mine. This leads me to conclude that there is something completely is wacky in my project. Now I am considering creating a whole new project and move my files to the new one after making sure first that the piece of being able to see the value of my id in my model shown up. Stay toned, I will make sure to update this thread.
If you have any pointers, please share them
I couldn't find a solution to my problem, but I found an alternate method to create the DB that turns out to be even nicer than the original one.
One important thing to note is that in the original problem (details above), the DB code was working for months since I started developing the application. I don't know when it started behaving badly, but I suspect it was due to the download of the new Xamarin 3.0. I can't think of any other reason.
So, to solve my issue, There are two main things I did:
I followed this link on how to create DB and tables and do CRUD operations: http://components.xamarin.com/gettingstarted/sqlite-net/true
This method seems to be the newest way to create DB. It was: published on
June 24, 2014. It has an SQLite.dll, whereas my previous solution was using a SQLite.cs file. So, now I am creating my DB now at runtime.
Something didn't work still with the new method. It was giving me an object null exception error. I didn't spend much time investigating about it. When I provided values for my primary key and identity values, the error went away. Actually, this could have been the solution to my previous problem. I would have tried providing the identity values against the old code, if I am not already happier with the new method.
I hope this helps someone.

PrimeFaces: How do I declare and bind an AJAX "rowEdit" event to p:dataTable programmatically?

I'm still developing my data table UI application, and finally I'm about the final stage of the development of this component: inline cell editing.
First of all, the data table is built fully dynamically at the Java side, and no facelet declarations are used to describe the table. If I'd have a static table declaration, the editing could be specified like this (see the In-Cell Editing chapter):
<p:ajax event="rowEdit" listener="#{tableBean.onEdit}"/>
I can easily specify the data table editable with dataTable.setEditable(true) in the Java code - and it works, please note, the editing Save/Cancel icons are working nice but have no effect at the back end. Since I cannot it declare in the way specified at the PF ShowCase Labs page (must I always use the listeners there?) because of the data tables are rendered dynamically, I'm trying to use the following:
public static AjaxBehavior createAjaxBehavior(MethodExpression expression) {
final AjaxBehavior behavior = new AjaxBehavior();
behavior.addAjaxBehaviorListener(new AjaxBehaviorListenerImpl(expression));
return behavior;
dataTable.addClientBehavior("rowEdit", createAjaxBehavior(createMethodExpression(TableBean.class, "onEdit", void.class, new Class<?>[] {RowEditEvent.class})));
But as soon as I add the rowEdit listener, like I'm trying to do above, and wow I suddenly got: mojarra is not defined and no Save/Cancel row edit buttons are working. Ok, I've found a similar problem described and resolved here, included the necessary script manually, and now the client-side JavaScript error is gone, however I still cannot exit the row editing mode, and the row is still not updated.
I wasted all day trying to figure out what's going on, and I'm blind to see the correct way. Do I simply miss something behind (like identifying a certain row, or probably specifying something else somewhere -- but my Java code does not generate anything more than specified in the PF example), or anything whatever?
Thanks in advance.
Well, I've just figured out the real reason in the following method:
public static AjaxBehavior createAjaxBehavior(MethodExpression expression) {
final AjaxBehavior behavior = new AjaxBehavior();
behavior.addAjaxBehaviorListener(new AjaxBehaviorListenerImpl(expression));
return behavior;
In fact, the method actually returned javax.faces.component.behavior.AjaxBehavior (h:ajax?) instead of org.primefaces.component.behavior.ajax.AjaxBehavior (p:ajax) -- this happened because of quick auto-complete so I simply missed that fact.
I'm frustrated that the PrimeFaces library didn't reply any error.
Just to complete the Q & A:
Mojarra 2.1.7
PrimeFaces 3.2
Should now (at least for PF 6.0) be org.primefaces.behavior.ajax.AjaxBehavior.

Perform some cleanup when deleting a record in Symfony/Doctrine

Using Symfony 1.4.5 with Doctrine
I have a model which includes an uploaded image as one of the columns - creating and updating the record is fine (using the doSave() method to deal with the upload and any changes to the file).
The problem I'm having is if the record is deleted - I want it to remove the associated file as well. But I can't find anyway to do this after several hours of hunting through documentation and Google.
Is there a way to specify some kind of post-delete code?
Final solution:
in /lib/model/doctrine/Image.class.php
class Image extends BaseImage
public function postDelete()
$filename = $this->getFilename();
$filepath = sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir') . '/' . $filename;
Thanks to Colonel Sponz for pointing me in the right direction
It's a while since I last used Doctrine but I seem to remember there is a post delete hook function that you can use for this kind of thing. If you look into the source for the Doctrine base class you should be able to find the exact method name and usage.
EDIT: The method is postDelete() and is found in the Doctrine_Record class
Here's the section from the Symfony documentation that covers advanced Doctrine usage.
Hijacking Colonel Sponsz's answer, the postDelete() method is definitely the way to go. +1 to him :-) But, you'll need to enable Doctrine callbacks in your config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php. Add this method:
public function configureDoctrine(Doctrine_Manager $manager)
$manager->setAttribute(Doctrine_Core::ATTR_USE_DQL_CALLBACKS, true);
Clear your Symfony cache, and Doctrine will fire the callback methods such as postDelete() at the appropriate times.
