Is there a way to modify the entity mapping configuration for doctrine outside the config file? - mapping

In my standard Symfony2-app I'm having a bunch of bundles with some entities. Some of these entities are not located in the standard folder the automapping of doctrine finds out (e.g. /src/Acme/DemoBundle/Entities) but in a different location.
I could easily use config.yml to tell doctrine to use a different location like this:
auto_mapping: false
type: annotation
prefix: Acme\DemoBundle\Entities\
dir: %kernel.cache_dir%\Acme\DemoBundle\Entities
This works. But say I'm having 10 bundles with a different mapping the config.yml gets bloated very fast. Is there another way, e.g. with a CompilerPass or via DependencyInjection, so I don't need to add all entities in my config.yml? I already looked into the DoctrineBundle, but had no luck so far.

To answer myself:
the most simple way is to adjust the autoloading, there is no need to modify the settings. In Symfony's standard distribution in autoload.php you have to add another location to the registerNamespace-method:
'Foo' => array(__DIR__.'/../src/dirA', __DIR__.'/../src/dirB')
Doctrine will then look for entities in the "Foo" namespace first in dirA and then in dirB if not found.

You can include other configuration files using imports
# yaml
- { resource: entities.yml }
<!-- xml -->
<import resource="enditites.xml" />
// PHP
You don't even have to stick to a single file type. It's possible to import an xml configuration file to a yaml file, for example.


How to load the resource file in Erlang

What is a usual way of storing and loading resource file in Erlang. I need to create a certain human-readable dictionary and load it at application initialization. For example, in Java I would put the data in a .property file, then put it somewhere in the classpath and finally load it with help of code like this:
new Properties().load(Class.getResourceAsStream("/"))
So, I have the following questions:
where I can (must) keep the resource file?
how to determine in runtime the path to the resource file
how to load it (for example file:consult(Filename))
In Erlang properties are in *.config file, that usually is (but doesn't have to be) in the root directory of your project. For example:
Chicago Boss has boss.config
RabbitMQ has rabbitmq.config
Zotonic has different configs for different sites stored in priv/sitename/config
You can provide config file by running
erl -config myconfig
WARNING: the file should be named "myconfig.config" and you should omit the extension.
The config file should be structured this way:
[{Application1, [{Par11,Val11},...]},
{ApplicationN, [{ParN1,ValN1},...]}].
for example:
[{kernel, [
{my_key, "value"}
Than in erlang shell, you can type:
application:get_env(kernel, my_key).
I used kernel application, because it is always loaded and application:get_env/2 returns undefined, if the application is not loaded. You should put any configs in your own application and make sure, that it is loaded before invoking get_env/2.
Also, configs are hierarchical, you can put the defaults in *.app file, that user usually doesn't have to modify. You can overwrite them in config file and finally, you can provide the key value pairs in command line (they will overwrite things, that are in config file).
You can read more about configuration here:
You can also make config file more user friendly by using comments, example:
I found the answer myself. The prefered path to store resource files is a priv directory. code:priv_dir/1 returns the path to the priv directory in an application.
Here is a code snippet to load JSON from the file:
File = filename:join([code:priv_dir(application), "resource.json"]),
{ok, Text} = file:read_file(File),
%% parse json

Is There A Way to have Struts 2 Resource Bundle Point to a File Location?

I currently have a package on my class path called MyResources with multiple property files that struts uses. Works great:
<constant name="struts.custom.i18n.resources" value=""/>
I am trying to move the properties files to a file location, so they can be updated without having to rebuild the package. Is it possible in Struts 2 to refer to this file location?
For example, my new file location with the properties files is:
And I would like Struts to use that location for the resource.
Yes, by providing an implementation of ResourceBundleTextProvider and initializing it in your struts.xml configuration file.
The default implementation, com.opensymphony.xwork2.TextProviderSupport defers the text lookup to com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.LocalizedTextUtil.
There are a number of ways to go about this, but if you don't need any of the default S2 behavior, here's the place to start:
<bean type="com.opensymphony.xwork2.TextProvider" name="struts"
class="com.opensymphony.xwork2.TextProviderSupport" scope="default" />
Provide your own ResourceBundleTextProvider implementation that uses whatever configuration management you want, for example, we implemented a DB-backed version (with caching, of course) that allowed translations to live in, and be managed by, a normal DB and I18N front end.
I'll see if I can dig up my original work this weekend and provide a link to a stripped-down solution.
The location of the file cannot be off the class path when you run your app. You should determine which classloader is used to load the resource. Then you should find a way to configure this classloader to be able to use the location as resource. So, it's possible. A short answer.

bean-validation validation.xml ignored

I am using JSR 303 Bean validation in my JSF 2.0 web application and it works fine with annotations. Now I would like to ignore annotations and configure validation rules using the validation.xml file, so this is what I did (I am using an eclipse dynamic web project) :
Added validation.xml under WebContent/META-INF/validation.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
xsi:schemaLocation=" validation-configuration-1.0.xsd"
Then created the file constraint-mapping.xml under WebContent/META-INF/validation/constraint-mapping.xml
<constraint-mappings xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:schemaLocation=" validation-mapping-1.0.xsd"
<bean class="my.full.path.ValidationMB" ignore-annotations="true">
Having these configurations in place, I suppose the annotations in my bean class ValidationMB shall be ignored, BUT this is not happening!, which makes me assume that the validation.xml file is not being loaded.
any ideas? thanks.
Apache Tomcat 7.0.23
From the spec: section 4.4.6. XML Configuration: META-INF/validation.xml
Unless explicitly ignored by calling
Configuration.ignoreXMLConfiguration(), a Configuration takes into
account the configuration available in META-INF/validation.xml. This
configuration file is optional but can be used by applications to
refine some of the Bean Validation behavior. If more than one
META-INF/validation.xml file is found in the classpath, a
ValidationException is raised.
To solve my problem I had to create a META-INF folder under the project src folder, which ends in the WEB-INF/classes/META-INF.
The structure of the web application is:
|_META-INF -- don't put validation.xml here
|__ classes
But I think that if I pack my web application in a jar file and reuse it in another project It may not work, I will let you know later once I do it.
Try to put your validation.xml directly into the WEB-INF/ directory.
I stumbled across this while looking for something else but wanted to clarify to the OP what is happening. You do in fact need the file to exist at META-INF/validation.xml; however, that is relative to the classpath which is why it worked when you put it under WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/validation.xml.
The cleaner approach is to let the file be put there for you. Your Eclipse project should already be outputting whatever is in your source directory to WEB-INF/classes somehow for you or nothing would be running. But sometimes there are filters on what it outputs so it might excluding something. You might want to check your src dirs and make sure they don't have exclusions.
Just as an example, if you had a Maven war project, all of your java sources would go in src/main/java and the generated classes would end up in the WEB-INF/classes directory. The equivalent happens for src/main/resources which contains non-source files. When I want *.xml, *.properties, etc. to end up in WEB-INF/classes I put them in src/main/resources. For your example I would have a src/main/resources/META-INF/validation.xml file.
Hope this helps anyone else who comes across this and is confused.

How to include multiple php libraries in Symfony?

so, I have some php files in my apps/myprogram/lib folder. e.g. apps/myprogram/lib/myLibA.class.php
When I run in my modules/actions/ scripts, and try to use the functions in myLibA, I cannot. because symfony complains that the myLibA class is not defined.
do I need to specify anywhere in the symfony framework that myLibA.class.php is a required library?
Symfony's autoloader looks by default for your classes in the top-level <project>/lib directory. Any file in that directory or below (with the exception of "vendor") will be searched for classes. Symfony searches for any .php file with class declarations and adds them to the autoload system.
Additionally, you can add search paths in your application's autoload.yml file. For example, for one of my applications I've put a third-party Flickr library in <project>/vendor/phpFlickr, and my <project>/apps/frontend/config/autoload.yml file looks like:
path: %SF_LIB_DIR%/vendor/phpFlickr
recursive: on
That allows all classes below .../vendor/phpFlickr to be autoloaded.
this is an alternative way, you can define/add to your preExecute this:
public function preExecute()
$this->getContext()->getConfiguration()->loadHelpers('Foo', 'Bar');
taken from (

Symfony and Doctrine: project structure convention

I use symfony's ProjectConfiguration.class.php for configuring doctrine's connection:
public function configureDoctrineConnectionCertby(Doctrine_Connection $conn)
$conn->setListener(new MyListner());
Where should I define MyListner class within a symfony project?
You should make a lib/Doctrine (or lib/doctrine/Doctrine - this is what Symfony does inside of sfDoctrineGuardPlugin) folder for all Doctrine files. Since Listeners are Doctrine files not Symfony files, you should be following Doctrine naming conventions for them. In this case, MyListener would go in:
This is the "proper" way to do this. It would of course work if you simply threw the files in /lib or /lib/Doctrine.
If you want your listener to be available at the project level, put it in the /project/lib/ folder. If you just want it to be available at the module level, put it in the /project/apps/module/lib/ folder.
