WIF simple WITHOUT Federation - Where to start - wif

I am little lost at the moment. Hopefully you can point me in the right direction...
Scenario: WinForms App / Active Directory / ONLY internal network
What I want: Achieve the same that NetSqlAzMan does (authenticate and authorize single operations) using WIF. No Federation, nothing that's not needed for that. Just authenticate a given user via his current Account, get the claims and see if he's allowed to call specific operations.
What is really needed for that? Do I absolutely need ADFS 2.0? What (simple) STS to use? Where to start? All I found on that is going to start with an enormous setup using WCF Federation Bindings and what not. Do I better stick to NetSqlAzMan?
Any help would be greatly appreciated! :)

What you're looking for is active federation (versus passive federation) which uses web services for authentication. Take a look at the Lab 4 here for some samples on how to do this.
As for an STS, you don't have to use AD FS 2.0 (although for Active Directory authentication, it's probably the best option). You can always write your own custom STS using WIF, or you can look at the IdentityServer, but I don't think it has native integration with AD. You'd have to add that, but it wouldn't be too difficult using the ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider.


New single page app needs to authenticate to legacy app using Shibboleth

I am creating a new React SPA. Users of a legacy app need be able to use the new app without re-authenticating. So I need to support SSO.
It's important to note that it is also required that users of other (currently unspecified) apps should also be able to use the new app without re-authenticating, so whatever approach I take needs to be sufficiently decoupled to potentially allow this.
The legacy app supports authentication via Shibboleth, the new app currently has no authentication method, but uses JWT for authorisation.
I'm wondering if anyone has any experience of such a scenario? It seems to me that I probably need to be create an OAuth2 authorisation server for the new app to talk to and I need to somehow bring Shibboleth into the mix for the authentication, maybe with the authorisation service acting as a Shibboleth Service Provider. Googling around hasn't revealed much useful info.
Is what I've described along the right lines? I know it's very high level and woolly, but I'm really not sure of the approach to take. Any advice, information or experience in this area would be gratefully received!
It's a little bit of a subjective question, but the main goals are usually as follows:
Focus on building your UI and API security in a future facing manner
Also provide good Login Usability
Also deliver on non functional requirements such as availability / reliability
On the first point, the modern option is to integrate UIs and APIs with an Authorization Server - perhaps as in My Tutorial. Your architecture is then good, but the migration is not trivial.
The Authorization Server can then redirect to Shibboleth and talk SAML2.0 to achieve Single Sign On, as you suggest. It is a complex solution though, and may be a backwards step in some ways.
This is usually a big concern, and most companies use a cloud provider such as Azure / AWS due to its high availability / low maintenance / low cost. Would this be a better option for you?

Create Custom STS service

I'am looking at the capabilities of WIF in terms of SSO. Actually we have a "legacy" users & rights management database under SQLServer and we like to build a brand new SSO system on top of this exsting database.
In many tutorials I found they talk about using existing STS like ADFSv2 for Active Directory authorization, but It did not fit my needs because my users/rights are not exposed through AD but in a custom a specific business oriented SQL Server database.
So, I thing I need a custom Security Token Service in order to be able to emit my own custom tokens, but I don't know how to do this.
I need some little help or an example about how to achieve this.
Thank you
You can find STS example in WIF SDK. It contain an example with custom token. Look here
More detail information about SSO I seen in a book 'Programming Windows Identity Foundation'
You can build your own Custom Security Token Service leveraging the underneath SQL Server database. You will have to define your scopes and Claims that needs to be shared after user does a Single Sign On. Here are some links to some articles below that has helped me build mine. I am pretty sure by following the below links you will be able to build a custom STS catering to your needs.
WIF : http://chris.59north.com/post/Building-a-simple-custom-STS-using-VS2012-ASPNET-MVC
Care to explain why #paullem's answer was deleted?
It is in fact the correct answer!
The question is about an STS that authenticates using a SQL DB. That is EXACTLY what IdentityServer does.
Since it's open source, you can customize it any way you want or else use it as a guide.
So to repeat the answer - "Take a look at Thinktecture.IdentityServer........".
You want a custom STS that supports SAML protocol and authenticates against a SQL DB?
WIF won't do this for you.
You need to look at something like Shibboleth or simpleSAMLphp but they are not .NET based.
Or take IdentityServer and add a SAML stack to it.
Refer: SAML : SAML connectivity / toolkit.
Be warned: This is not a trivial exercise!

Claim based security with MVC custom login page

I am developing MVC application and want to use WIF & Claim based security.
However I am very disappointed with the way login is perfomed. I mean redirection to STS login page and then redirecting back to my page. That is not user-friendly at all.
I want to implement login page in my application (it fact it will be popup dialog). Than using Web API I want to be able to perform STS request and get security token and initialize WIF infrastructure (Principle etc).
Is it a good way to go with?
Did anybody do something similar?
Does anybody have some samples of what I am trying to do?
I just worry that I don't have control over the STS login page layout & style.
Also I will have mobile application and must perform login using Web API service.
What can you advice?
Well - you can do that of course. This does not need to be WIF specific. Call a service, pass credentials - and when OK set the login cookie.
But if you want SSO you have to make a user agent roundtrip to the STS - otherwise you cannot establish a logon session.
Consider using MembershipReboot membership provider which uses claims-based security and is not based on microsoft's traditional membership provider.
It does not have a documentation, but in the zip file you can find 2 sample projects that uses MemebershipReboot provider, which explains all you need to know about it.
In fact after reading this blog post today, I decided to use this approach in my current project. I'm still struggling with it now and I'm so excited !
In addition to Ashkan's recommendation Brock Allen provides solid documentation about how to implement MembershipReboot in association with IdentityServer. You can find that their is a way to configure a custom implementation Here. Also their are a few tutorials on vimeo from Dominick Baier (leastprivilege) that will provide a full walk through on getting started! I hope this helps!

dotnetopenauth versus WIF

I need to add social media login capabilities to a site and got stuck a bit, mostly because of the, more or less, non existing beginner documentation regarding these two.
I grasped the basics of DotNetOpenAuth by checking nerddinner but some here suggest WIF so I started looking into it. I realized quickly that just getting clear info explaining if this is feasible at all on shared hosting was not easy. I don't really want to pump through all reference knowledge, technical overviews (checked some out anyway), but just to be able to see the basic functionality.
So my questions are:
Where can I find any tutorials showing the basics and bare minimums needed for WIF to function in an explanatory manner? Preferably setting up WIF in a single MVC site combined with local authorization. Is there any step-by-step documentation at all?
Is WIF feasible, at all, on a single site or would the best option be to find other solutions like DotNetOpenAuth or use the separate APIs? When trying to get to the bottom of this, I have only found information regarding the value of WIF in large, multi-application, and platform environments combined with AD / ADFSv2. Which is completely outisde the bounds of what I need.
When I look at information on WIF, it's mostly linked to ADFSv2 and STS. Is this possible to implement at all for deployment on shared hosting for example?
Any input on the matter is appreciated.
WIF - see the How-to section here.
Also Get Started with Windows Identity Foundation (WIF).
Your best bet is probably to use WIF / ACS. Good link here or look at Windows Identity Foundation (WIF) and Azure AppFabric Access Control Service (ACS) Content Map.
The other way is to add OAuth2 to a custom STS. Refer Identity Server for a really good example of this.
DotNetOpenAuth definitely works on shared hosting, and requires no set up on the web server at all (it's just a .dll in your web site's Bin folder). Depending on the social networking sites in particular that you want to hook up to, it can be just a few lines of code to wire everything up if you're hooking up to OpenID enabled sites.
If the sites you're hooking to use OAuth or OAuth 2, there is more code to write for each individual site to work against their particular proprietary API, but that would also be true for WIF unless they have code to support specific web sites that happen to align with your own.

How to integrate Azure ACS with local (custom) STS?

What would be best practice to integrate Azure ACS with local custom authentication in ASP.NET MVC application running on Azure? So basically the requirement is that web application must have custom authentication and must also support main identity provides.
I think the best approach is to use Azure ACS (to nicely support main identity provides) and since ACS in based on WIF (Identity Foundation) it would nicely fit with local STS.
What are your recommendations about this approach? Do you have better suggestions? Do you maybe have any examples how to integrate ACS with local STS?
Do I thinking wrong and those entities (ACS and local STS) are completely separated? And those are not have to be aware of each other? This would make sense to me.
I am new to the Azure ACS in WIF.
The short answer is yes, this is all possible. The "local STS" part is the one that might or might not be necessary. If you wanted to keep your own authentication, you don;t necessarily need your own STS to do so. I would start with the simplest thing possible: an MVC app relying on an STS (e.g. first a local one, then ACS, then maybe both).
There're many examples here.
