How do you sort an array of objects? - ruby-on-rails

I have an object as follows:
[{:id=>2, :fname=>"Ron", :lname=>"XXXXX", :photo=>"XXX"}, {:id=>3, :fname=>"Dain", :lname=>"XXXX", :photo=>"XXXXXXX"}, {:id=>1, :fname=>"Bob", :lname=>"XXXXXX", :photo=>"XXXX"}]
I want to sort this by fname, alphabetically case insensitive so it would result in
id: 1,3,2
How can I sort this? I'm trying:
#people.sort! { |x,y| y[:fname] <=> x[:fname] }
But that has no effect.

You can use sort_by.
#people.sort_by! { |x| x[:fname].downcase }
(the downcase is for the case insensitivity)
For completeness, the issues with the provided code are:
the arguments are in the wrong order
downcase is not being called
The following code works using the sort method.
#people.sort! { |x,y| x[:fname].downcase <=> y[:fname].downcase }
As proof that both of these methods do the same thing:
#people.sort_by {|x| x[:fname].downcase} == #people.sort { |x,y| x[:fname].downcase <=> y[:fname].downcase }
Returns true.


Sort an array of hashes by value if such value is not nil (using sort_by)

I am trying to perform a sort_by on a hash, but whenever I have a nil value I get:
comparison of DateTime with nil failed
My goal is to perform a nil check (.present?) on x[:last_posted_at] inside the sort_by method. Is that possible? Example code:
posts = [
{ "name"=>"Alice", "last_posted_at"=> some_datetime },
{ "name"=>"Bob", "last_posted_at"=> nil},
{ "name"=>"Clark", "last_posted_at"=> some_datetime - 1}
# expected result
posts.sort_by.{ |x| x[:last_posted_at] } #compare only if value is not nil
#=> [{"name"=>"Alice", "last_posted_at"=> some_datetime},
# {"name"=>"Clark", "last_posted_at"=> some_datetime - 1},
# {"name"=>"Bob", "last_posted_at"=> nil}]
I looked into the sort_by documentation and some of the posts here in stackoverflow, but I cannot find my answer. Any help or links are welcome! Thanks in advance!
I like Schwern's approach. But if there are more records without a date then another option might be to separate record without dates from the records with dates and only sort thoses with a date like this:
.partition { |v| v['last_posted_at'] } # separate by date presence
.tap { |v| v.first.sort_by! { |v| v['last_posted_at']} } # only sort entries with a date
.flatten # combine into one list again
Use presence to return the value or nil, and || to return a default value if it is blank.
# Something sufficiently old to be older than any other time.
nil_time =
posts.sort_by.{ |x|
x[:last_posted_at].presence || nil_time
Note: DateTime is deprecated.

ruby delete hash of hash based on identical values for different keys

I have a hash of hashes like this:
authors = {"7"=> {"id"=>"60"} , "0"=> {"id"=>"60"} , "1"=> {"id"=>"99"}, "8"=> {"id"=>"99"}, "15"=> {"id"=>"19"} }
I want to merge each hash where the id of the hash in that hash is duplicated (or remove each second hash with same hash of hash id).
In this case, I want to end up with
authors = {"7"=> {"id"=>"60"} , "1"=> {"id"=>"99"}, "15"=> {"id"=>"19"}}
There are quite a few questions on sorting hashes of hashes, and I've been trying to get my head around this, but I don't see how to achieve this.
Here are two ways.
require 'set'
st = { |_,v| st.add?(v) }
#=> {"7"=>{"id"=>"60"}, "1"=>{"id"=>"99"}, "15"=>{"id"=>"19"}}
authors.reverse_each.with_object({}) { |(k,v),h| h[v] = k }.
reverse_each.with_object({}) { |(k,v),h| h[v] = [k] }
#=> {"7"=>[{"id"=>"60"}], "1"=>[{"id"=>"99"}], "15"=>[{"id"=>"19"}]}
Try this one
authors.to_a.uniq { |item| item.last["id"] }.to_h
=> {"7"=>{"id"=>"60"}, "1"=>{"id"=>"99"}, "15"=>{"id"=>"19"}}
uniq method with a block can do the work

Rails array sort

I have in rails this array:
#array = [{'82'=>'1'}, {'81'=>'0'},{'32'=>'12'}]
How can I sort it to have that result? I want to have this:
#array = [{'32'=>'12'}, {'82'=>'1'},{'81'=>'0'}]
and next - how then I can get #array[0] hash key (32)
This is an array of hash where hash is {'user_id'=>'counter'}
This will sort the array by value, in descending order, in place:
array.sort! { |h1, h2| h2.values.first <=> h1.values.first }
It can also be done with sort_by! followed by reverse!.
array.sort_by! { |h| h.values } .reverse!
Then, these will get you the first value and first key, respectively:
Just append keys.sort to the end of the array. Use #array.keys.sort
#array.sort { |x,y| x.keys.first <=> y.keys.first }
Try using Enumerable#sort_by, and Array#reverse! to change the order.
> #array.sort_by { |h| h.values.first }.reverse!
=> [{"32"=>"12"}, {"82"=>"1"}, {"81"=>"0"}]

How to refactor each function with map in Ruby?

I have a loop building a hash for use in a select field. The intention is to end up with a hash:
{ => "object name", => "object name" }
#hash = {}
loop_over.each do |ac|
#hash[] =
I think that the map method is meant for this type of situation but just need some help understanding it and how it works. Is map the right method to refactor this each loop?
Data transformations like this are better suited to each_with_object:
#hash = loop_over.each_with_object({}) { |ac, h| h[] = }
If your brain is telling you to use map but you don't want an array as the result, then you usually want to use each_with_object. If you want to feed the block's return value back into itself, then you want inject but in cases like this, inject requires a funny looking and artificial ;h in the block:
#hash = loop_over.inject({}) { |h, ac| h[] =; h }
# -------------------- yuck -----------------------------^^^
The presence of the artificial return value is the signal that you want to use each_with_object instead.
Hash[ { |ac| [ac[:name], ac[:id]] }]
Or if you are running on Ruby 2: { |ac| [ac[:name], ac[:id]] }.to_h
#hash = Hash[ { |ac| { =>} }.map(&:flatten)]
Edit, a simpler solution as per suggestion in a comment.
#hash = Hash[ { |ac| [,] } ]
You can simply do this by injecting a blank new Hash and performing your operation:
loop_over.inject({}){ |h, ac| h[] =; h }
Ruby FTW
No a map isn't the correct tool for this.
The general use-case of a map is to take in an array, perform an operation on each element, and spit out a (possibly) new array (not a hashmap) of the same length, with the individual element modifications.
Here's an example of a map
x = [1, 2, 3, 4].map do |i|
i+1 #transform each element by adding 1
p x # will print out [2, 3, 4, 5]
Your code:
#hash = {}
loop_over.each do |ac|
#hash[] =
There is nothing wrong with this example. You are iterating over a list, and populating a hashmap exactly as you wished.
Ruby 2.1.0 introduces brand new method to generate hashes:
h = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 } { |k, v| [k, v+1] }.to_h # => {:a=>2, :b=>3, :c=>4}
I would go for the inject version, but use update in the block to avoid the easy to miss (and therefore error prone) ;h suffix:
#hash = loop_over.inject({}) { |h, ac| h.update( }

Converting http_params to hash

I can obtain an array from the string
So I did myarray=http_params.split("&"):
myarray=["created_end_date=2013-02-28", "created_start_date=2013-01-01", "page_size=50", "offset=0", "order_id=0D1108211501118%0D%0A0D11108211501118%0D%0Ac%0D%0AD%0D%0ADK212071409743%0D%0AKK30109110100%0D%0AKK30111140300%0D%0AKK30111140400%0D%0AKK30115120100%0D%0AKK30115150100", "page_number=1"]
I need to convert this to a hash myhash, so that I can make a Rest Client post call for myhash.to_json. Basically it should be key,value pairs like:
I know that the inverse operation can be done like this:
http_params ={|k,v| "#{k}=#{v}"}.join('&')
but I am unable to come up with neat code for this.
What's the best way I should go about this?
require 'cgi'
hash = CGI::parse http_params
Or you can use:
hash = Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query http_params
Which does not return the values as arrays.
With pure Ruby methods, you can convert your string into a Hash as follows:
"a=1&b=2".split('&').map { |h| Hash[*h.split("=")] }
=> [{"a"=>"1"}, {"b"=>"2"}]
A blog post how to operate on Ruby collections is here:
To get symbols as keys, a small additional step is necessary:
"a=1&b=2".split('&').map { |h| hs = h.split("="); Hash[hs[0].to_sym, hs[1]] }
=> [{:a=>"1"}, {:b=>"2"}]
As last step, a merge of the inner Hash elements has to be done. This can be done like:
"a=1&b=2".split('&').map { |h| hs = h.split("="); Hash[hs[0].to_sym, hs[1]] }.inject({}) { |s, h| s.merge(h) }
=> {:a=>"1", :b=>"2"}
