I'm trying to login to Tumblr via OAuth and a Mac App I begin to code.
I donwloaded gtm-oauth source code, everything is fine.
I just began with this code inside a view controller :
- (GTMOAuthAuthentication *)myCustomAuth {
GTMOAuthAuthentication *auth;
auth = [[[GTMOAuthAuthentication alloc] initWithSignatureMethod:kGTMOAuthSignatureMethodHMAC_SHA1
privateKey:kConsumerSecret] autorelease];
auth.serviceProvider = #"Custom Auth Service";
return auth;
- (void)viewController:(GTMOAuthViewControllerTouch *)viewController
finishedWithAuth:(GTMOAuthAuthentication *)auth
error:(NSError *)error {
if (error != nil) {
} else {
- (void)signInToCustomService {
GTMOAuthAuthentication *auth = [self myCustomAuth];
if (auth == nil) {
NSLog(#"A valid consumer key and consumer secret are required for signing in to Tumblr");
NSLog(#"Ok auth");
NSURL *requestURL = [NSURL URLWithString:#"http://www.tumblr.com/oauth/request_token"];
NSURL *accessURL = [NSURL URLWithString:#"http://www.tumblr.com/oauth/access_token"];
NSURL *authorizeURL = [NSURL URLWithString:#"http://www.tumblr.com/oauth/authorize"];
NSString *scope = #"http://api.tumblr.com"; // HERE I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO WRITE
GTMOAuthViewControllerTouch *viewController;
viewController = [[[GTMOAuthViewControllerTouch alloc] initWithScope:scope
appServiceName:#"My App: Custom Service"
finishedSelector:#selector(viewController:finishedWithAuth:error:)] autorelease];
[self presentModalViewController:viewController animated:YES];
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
[self signInToCustomService];
But nothing happens.
- (void)viewController:(GTMOAuthViewControllerTouch *)viewController
finishedWithAuth:(GTMOAuthAuthentication *)auth
error:(NSError *)error;
This method is never called.
Perhaps this is my scope variable. I don't know which value I have to write for it.
Thanks for your help !
While trying to integrate Azure AD B2C, I am stuck with an error "oauthConnection Error: Bad Request". Following their given sample app it all works fine. But after integrating the same copy paste code from the working sample app, and trying to log in with Facebook or Google Plus, it throws an error! I am pretty sure that every credential that I used in the sample app is the same for my app. Any idea about this will be highly appreciated. Here is my code, AppDelegate.m
#import "AppData.h"
#import "NXOAuth2.h"
#import "AppDelegate.h"
#interface AppDelegate ()
#implementation AppDelegate
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
[self setupOAuth2AccountStore];
// Override point for customization after application launch.
return YES;
- (void)setupOAuth2AccountStore {
AppData *data = [AppData getInstance]; // The singleton we use to get the settings
NSDictionary *customHeaders =
[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:#"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// Azure B2C needs
// kNXOAuth2AccountStoreConfigurationAdditionalAuthenticationParameters for
// sending policy to the server,
// therefore we use -setConfiguration:forAccountType:
NSDictionary *B2cConfigDict = #{
kNXOAuth2AccountStoreConfigurationClientID : data.clientID,
kNXOAuth2AccountStoreConfigurationSecret : data.clientSecret,
kNXOAuth2AccountStoreConfigurationScope :
[NSSet setWithObjects:#"openid", data.clientID, nil],
kNXOAuth2AccountStoreConfigurationAuthorizeURL :
[NSURL URLWithString:data.authURL],
kNXOAuth2AccountStoreConfigurationTokenURL :
[NSURL URLWithString:data.tokenURL],
kNXOAuth2AccountStoreConfigurationRedirectURL :
[NSURL URLWithString:data.bhh],
kNXOAuth2AccountStoreConfigurationCustomHeaderFields : customHeaders,
// kNXOAuth2AccountStoreConfigurationAdditionalAuthenticationParameters:customAuthenticationParameters
[[NXOAuth2AccountStore sharedStore] setConfiguration:B2cConfigDict
#import "AppData.h"
#import "LoginViewController.h"
#import "NXOAuth2.h"
#interface LoginViewController ()
#implementation LoginViewController {
NSURL *myLoadedUrl;
bool isRequestBusy;
// Put variables here
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
// OAuth2 Code
self.loginView.delegate = self;
[self requestOAuth2Access];
[self setupOAuth2AccountStore];
NSURLCache *URLCache =
[[NSURLCache alloc] initWithMemoryCapacity:4 * 1024 * 1024
diskCapacity:20 * 1024 * 1024
[NSURLCache setSharedURLCache:URLCache];
- (void)resolveUsingUIWebView:(NSURL *)URL {
// We get the auth token from a redirect so we need to handle that in the
// webview.
if (![NSThread isMainThread]) {
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(resolveUsingUIWebView:)
NSURLRequest *hostnameURLRequest =
[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:URL
isRequestBusy = YES;
[self.loginView loadRequest:hostnameURLRequest];
NSLog(#"resolveUsingUIWebView ready (status: UNKNOWN, URL: %#)",
- (BOOL)webView:(UIWebView *)webView
shouldStartLoadWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request
navigationType:(UIWebViewNavigationType)navigationType {
AppData *data = [AppData getInstance];
NSLog(#"webView:shouldStartLoadWithRequest: %# (%li)", request.URL,
// The webview is where all the communication happens. Slightly complicated.
myLoadedUrl = [webView.request mainDocumentURL];
NSLog(#"***Loaded url: %#", myLoadedUrl);
// if the UIWebView is showing our authorization URL or consent URL, show the
// UIWebView control
if ([request.URL.absoluteString rangeOfString:data.authURL
.location != NSNotFound) {
self.loginView.hidden = NO;
} else if ([request.URL.absoluteString rangeOfString:data.loginURL
.location != NSNotFound) {
// otherwise hide the UIWebView, we've left the authorization flow
self.loginView.hidden = NO;
} else if ([request.URL.absoluteString rangeOfString:data.bhh
.location != NSNotFound) {
// otherwise hide the UIWebView, we've left the authorization flow
self.loginView.hidden = YES;
[[NXOAuth2AccountStore sharedStore] handleRedirectURL:request.URL];
} else {
self.loginView.hidden = NO;
return YES;
#pragma mark - UIWebViewDelegate methods
- (void)webViewDidFinishLoad:(UIWebView *)webView {
// The webview is where all the communication happens. Slightly complicated.
- (void)handleOAuth2AccessResult:(NSURL *)accessResult {
// parse the response for success or failure
if (accessResult)
// if success, complete the OAuth2 flow by handling the redirect URL and
// obtaining a token
[[NXOAuth2AccountStore sharedStore] handleRedirectURL:accessResult];
} else {
// start over
[self requestOAuth2Access];
- (void)setupOAuth2AccountStore {
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
object:[NXOAuth2AccountStore sharedStore]
usingBlock:^(NSNotification *aNotification) {
if (aNotification.userInfo) {
// account added, we have access
// we can now request protected data
NSLog(#"Success!! We have an access token.");
} else {
// account removed, we lost access
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
object:[NXOAuth2AccountStore sharedStore]
usingBlock:^(NSNotification *aNotification) {
NSError *error = [aNotification.userInfo
// Always got stuck here while trying to login with any credentials
NSLog(#"Error!! %#", error.localizedDescription);
- (void)requestOAuth2Access {
AppData *data = [AppData getInstance];
[[NXOAuth2AccountStore sharedStore]
withPreparedAuthorizationURLHandler:^(NSURL *preparedURL) {
NSURLRequest *r = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:preparedURL];
[self.loginView loadRequest:r];
#import "ViewController.h"
#import "AppData.h"
#import "LoginViewController.h"
#import "NXOAuth2.h"
// Login Action
- (IBAction)login:(id)sender {
LoginViewController *userSelectController =
[self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"login"];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:userSelectController
In case if anybody stumbles in this, Here is the solution
Go to pod, NXOAuth2Client.m and replace the method
- (void)requestTokenWithAuthGrant:(NSString *)authGrant redirectURL:(NSURL *)redirectURL; with the below code
- (void)requestTokenWithAuthGrant:(NSString *)authGrant redirectURL:(NSURL *)redirectURL;
NSAssert1(!authConnection, #"authConnection already running with: %#", authConnection);
NSMutableURLRequest *tokenRequest = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:tokenURL];
[tokenRequest setHTTPMethod:self.tokenRequestHTTPMethod];
[authConnection cancel]; // just to be sure
self.authenticating = YES;
NSMutableDictionary *parameters = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
#"authorization_code", #"grant_type",
clientId, #"client_id",
// clientSecret, #"client_secret",
[redirectURL absoluteString], #"redirect_uri",
authGrant, #"code",
if (self.desiredScope) {
[parameters setObject:[[self.desiredScope allObjects] componentsJoinedByString:#" "] forKey:#"scope"];
if (self.customHeaderFields) {
[self.customHeaderFields enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSString *key, NSString *obj, BOOL *stop) {
[tokenRequest addValue:obj forHTTPHeaderField:key];
if (self.additionalAuthenticationParameters) {
[parameters addEntriesFromDictionary:self.additionalAuthenticationParameters];
authConnection = [[NXOAuth2Connection alloc] initWithRequest:tokenRequest
authConnection.context = NXOAuth2ClientConnectionContextTokenRequest;
Commenting clientSecret solved the issue
I am trying to access the gmail messages in offline access mode. gmail access token I get from the server end.
I followed this link to here
I created my own authenticator class and subclass from GTMOAuth2Authentication and implemented the protocol as mentioned in the above link.
The canAutherize always fail and even though I make gmail query, It crashes in authorize function. Any help would be appreciated.
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
if ([self.subjectInfo length] > 0) {
[self.subjectLabel setText:self.subjectInfo];
}else {
[self.subjectLabel setText:#""];
self.service = [[GTLServiceGmail alloc] init];
[self fetchAccessToken];
// Initialize the Gmail API service & load existing credentials from the keychain if available.
// When the view appears, ensure that the Gmail API service is authorized, and perform API calls.
- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
if (!self.service.authorizer.canAuthorize) {
// Not yet authorized, request authorization by pushing the login UI onto the UI stack.
// [self presentViewController:[self createAuthController] animated:YES completion:nil];
[self fetchAccessToken];
} else {
[self fetchMail:[self gmailMsgId]];
-(void) fetchAccessToken
[[APIManager sharedManager] fetchGmailToken:^(NSDictionary *resultDict) {
if (resultDict != nil) {
self.accessToken = [resultDict objectForKey:#"access_token"];
_authInst = [[GmailAuthenticator alloc] initWithAccessToken:self.accessToken];
self.service.authorizer = _authInst;
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
NSLog(#"fail to fetch access token");
- (void)fetchMail:(NSString*)messageId {
GTLQueryGmail *query = [GTLQueryGmail queryForUsersMessagesGet];
query.messageId = messageId;
[self.service executeQuery:query
- (void)displayResultWithTicket:(GTLServiceTicket *)ticket
finishedWithObject:(GTLGmailMessage *)messageResponse
error:(NSError *)error {
if (error == nil) {
NSLog(#"description is %#", [messageResponse description]);
} else {
NSLog(#"error : %#", [error description]);
I am integrating MoPub SDK to mediate ADs from the Google AdMob network. I can get the AD to show after implementing my own customEvent and Adapter, but i can't get the AD to handle click events on its own. As in when I click on the AdMob native AD, it won't direct me anywhere. When using Facebook and Flurry's CustomEvent and Adapter, clicks are handled automatically. Anyone have any experience on this subject?
Thanks in Advance. Code below:
#interface MPGoogleAdMobCustomEvent()
#property(nonatomic, strong)GADAdLoader *loader;
#implementation MPGoogleAdMobCustomEvent
- (void)requestAdWithCustomEventInfo:(NSDictionary *)info
MPLogInfo(#"MOPUB: requesting AdMob Native Ad");
NSString *adUnitID = [info objectForKey:#"adUnitID"];
if (!adUnitID) {
[self.delegate nativeCustomEvent:self didFailToLoadAdWithError:MPNativeAdNSErrorForInvalidAdServerResponse(#"MOPUB: No AdUnitID from GoogleAdMob")];
self.loader = [[GADAdLoader alloc] initWithAdUnitID:adUnitID rootViewController:nil adTypes:#[kGADAdLoaderAdTypeNativeContent] options:nil];
self.loader.delegate = self;
GADRequest *request = [GADRequest request];
request.testDevices = #[ kGADSimulatorID ];
CLLocation *location = [[CLLocationManager alloc] init].location;
if (location) {
[request setLocationWithLatitude:location.coordinate.latitude
request.requestAgent = #"MoPub";
[self.loader loadRequest:request];
- (void)adLoader:(GADAdLoader *)adLoader didReceiveNativeContentAd:(GADNativeContentAd *)nativeContentAd
MPLogDebug(#"MOPUB: Did receive nativeAd");
MPGoogleAdMobNativeAdAdapter *adapter = [[MPGoogleAdMobNativeAdAdapter alloc] initWithGADNativeContentAd:nativeContentAd];
adapter.url = nativeContentAd.advertiser;
MPNativeAd *interfaceAd = [[MPNativeAd alloc] initWithAdAdapter:adapter];
NSMutableArray *imageArray = [NSMutableArray array];
for (GADNativeAdImage *images in nativeContentAd.images) {
[imageArray addObject:images.imageURL];
[super precacheImagesWithURLs:imageArray completionBlock:^(NSArray *errors) {
if ([errors count]) {
[self.delegate nativeCustomEvent:self didFailToLoadAdWithError:errors[0]];
} else {
[self.delegate nativeCustomEvent:self didLoadAd:interfaceAd];
- (void)adLoader:(GADAdLoader *)adLoader didFailToReceiveAdWithError:(GADRequestError *)error
MPLogDebug(#"MOPUB: AdMob ad failed to load with error (customEvent): %#", error.description);
[self.delegate nativeCustomEvent:self didFailToLoadAdWithError:error];
#interface MPGoogleAdMobNativeAdAdapter()<GADNativeAdDelegate>
#property(nonatomic, strong)NSDictionary *properties;
#implementation MPGoogleAdMobNativeAdAdapter
- (instancetype)initWithGADNativeContentAd:(GADNativeContentAd *)contentAD
self = [super init];
if (self) {
self.contentAd = contentAD;
self.contentAd.delegate = self;
self.properties = [self convertAssetsToProperties:contentAD];
return self;
- (NSDictionary *)convertAssetsToProperties:(GADNativeContentAd *)adNative
self.contentAd = adNative;
NSMutableDictionary * dictionary = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
if (adNative.headline) {
dictionary[kAdTitleKey] = adNative.headline;
if (adNative.body) {
dictionary[kAdTextKey] = adNative.body;
if (adNative.images[0]) {
dictionary[kAdMainImageKey] = ((GADNativeAdImage *)adNative.images[0]).imageURL.absoluteString;
if (adNative.callToAction) {
dictionary[kAdCTATextKey] = adNative.callToAction;
return [dictionary copy];
#pragma mark MPNativeAdAdapter
- (NSTimeInterval)requiredSecondsForImpression
return 0.0;
- (NSURL *)defaultActionURL
return nil;
- (BOOL)enableThirdPartyClickTracking
return YES;
- (void)willAttachToView:(UIView *)view
self.contentAd.rootViewController = [self.delegate viewControllerForPresentingModalView];
- (void)didDetachFromView:(UIView *)view
self.contentAd.rootViewController = nil;
#pragma mark GADNativeAdDelegate
- (void)nativeAdWillPresentScreen:(GADNativeAd *)nativeAd
if ([self.delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(nativeAdWillPresentModalForAdapter:)]) {
[self.delegate nativeAdWillPresentModalForAdapter:self];
- (void)nativeAdDidDismissScreen:(GADNativeAd *)nativeAd
if ([self.delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(nativeAdDidDismissModalForAdapter:)]) {
[self.delegate nativeAdDidDismissModalForAdapter:self];
- (void)nativeAdWillLeaveApplication:(GADNativeAd *)nativeAd
if ([self.delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(nativeAdWillLeaveApplicationFromAdapter:)]) {
[self.delegate nativeAdWillLeaveApplicationFromAdapter:self];
If you are having your custom UI for AdMob Ad's, then there will be a button which you will be using for callToAction part.
First of all you need to add a selector to detect action of click, to do add the selector for that button
[callToActionButton addTarget:self action:#selector(adCalled:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
After that implement the adCalled method to get the click & call the method further, below is the code for your reference
Below is the example which I have used to get the ad object from my collection view & then I am redirecting it.
- (void)adCalled:(id)sender
CGPoint buttonPosition = [sender convertPoint:CGPointZero toView:mainCollectionView]; // Get the button position
NSIndexPath *indexPath = [collectionView indexPathForItemAtPoint:buttonPosition]; // Get the index path of button so that I can retrieve the correct ad object
id selectedAd = [adArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
if ([selectedAd isKindOfClass:[GADNativeContentAd class]]) {
NSString *url = [selectedAd valueForKey:#"googleClickTrackingURLString"];
NSLog(#"URL is :%#", url);
NSURL *googleUrl = [NSURL URLWithString:url];
if ([[UIApplication sharedApplication] canOpenURL: googleUrl]) {
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:googleUrl];
Using this I can open the link n web using the google tracking url.
Hope this helps.
I have an iPhone app connects to a server using OAuth. On success, it fetches the a user from the server. Again, upon success, it adds an item to the array of objects that populates the table view. Here is the code that does this:
- (void)setEditing:(BOOL)editing animated:(BOOL)animated
if (editing) {
[super setEditing:YES animated:YES];
self.backButton = self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem;
UIBarButtonItem *leftButton = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithBarButtonSystemItem:UIBarButtonSystemItemAdd target:self action:#selector(signInWithCatapult)];
self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = leftButton;
} else {
[super setEditing:NO animated:YES];
self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = self.backButton;
- (void)signInWithCatapult
[self signOut];
GTMOAuth2Authentication *auth = [self catapultAuthenticaiton];
NSURL *authURL = [NSURL URLWithString:#"https://oauth.lvh.me:3000/oauth/authorize"];
GTMOAuth2ViewControllerTouch *viewController;
viewController = [[GTMOAuth2ViewControllerTouch alloc] initWithAuthentication:auth
[[self navigationController] pushViewController:viewController animated:YES];
- (GTMOAuth2Authentication *)catapultAuthenticaiton
NSURL *tokenURL = [NSURL URLWithString:kDoorkeeperTokenURL];
NSString *redirectURI = #"https://catapultcentral.com/iOSClientCallback";
GTMOAuth2Authentication *auth;
auth = [GTMOAuth2Authentication authenticationWithServiceProvider:#"Catapult Central"
return auth;
- (void)signOut
- (void)viewController:(GTMOAuth2ViewControllerTouch *)viewController
finishedWithAuth:(GTMOAuth2Authentication *)auth
error:(NSError *)error
if (error != nil) {
NSLog(#"ERROR: %#", error);
} else {
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:#"https://api.lvh.me:3000/api/users/me"];
NSURLRequest *request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:url];
GTMHTTPFetcher *fetcher = [GTMHTTPFetcher fetcherWithRequest:request];
[fetcher setAuthorizer:auth];
[fetcher beginFetchWithDelegate:self didFinishSelector:#selector(currentUserFetcher:finishedWithData:error:)];
- (void)currentUserFetcher:(GTMHTTPFetcher *)fetcher
finishedWithData:(NSData *)data
error:(NSError *)error
if (error != nil) {
NSLog(#"ERROR: %#", error);
} else {
NSLog(#"Before: %#", self.accounts);
[self.tableView beginUpdates];
[self.accounts addObject:#"Success!!!"];
[self.tableView endUpdates];
// [self.tableView reloadData];
NSLog(#"After %#", self.accounts);
It's in the currentUserFetcher:finishedWithData:error: method that I add the object to the self.accounts mutable array. Now if I use this code it doesn't work:
[self.tableView beginUpdates];
[self.accounts addObject:#"Success!!!"];
[self.tableView endUpdates];
It fails at the line [self.tableView endUpdates]; with the following error message:
2013-03-28 08:56:21.040 Catapult for iOS[55012:c07] *** Assertion failure in -[UITableView _endCellAnimationsWithContext:], /SourceCache/UIKit_Sim/UIKit-2380.17/UITableView.m:1054
And on the endUpdates line, XCode is complaining saying Thread 1: breakpoint 1.3. Now, if I use this code, it works normally:
[self.accounts addObject:#"Success!!!"];
[self.tableView reloadData];
Now I suspect that it is failing because I add an object to the self.accounts instance variable but I don't actually add the cell. So my question is: How do I add a cell to the tableView from the currentUserFetcher:finishedWithData:error: method?
If you just override this method:
- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath;
Calling [UITableView reloadData] should just work itself out. The UITableViewController will just ask the amount of data (cells) that are there (using "tableView:numberOfRowsInSection:") and is requesting the Cell for every indexPath using the first mentioned method.
I am using GMTOAuth2 in an application with one viewController and it works fine, Then I add same code to another application that contains more viewControllers, It loads the webView with textfields for username and password but if I click on anything in this view it crashes with Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=2, address=0xbf7ffffc) with void SendDelegateMessage(NSInvocation *): delegate (webView:decidePolicyForNavigationAction:request:frame:decisionListener:) failed to return after waiting 10 seconds. main run loop mode: kCFRunLoopDefaultMode in the console. My code for authorization part looks like this:
- (void)awakeFromNib {
[super awakeFromNib];
GTMOAuth2Authentication *auth = nil;
auth = [GTMOAuth2ViewControllerTouch authForGoogleFromKeychainForName:kKeychainItemName
if (auth)
[auth authorizeRequest:nil
- (void)signInToGoogle {
[self signOut];
NSString *keychainItemName = kKeychainItemName;
NSString *scope = #"https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds https://docs.google.com/feeds";
NSString *clientID = kMyClientID;
NSString *clientSecret = kMyClientSecret;
if ([clientID length] == 0 || [clientSecret length] == 0) {
NSString *msg = #"The sample code requires a valid client ID and client secret to sign in.";
[self displayAlertWithMessage:msg];
SEL finishedSel = #selector(viewController:finishedWithAuth:error:);
GTMOAuth2ViewControllerTouch *viewController = [[GTMOAuth2ViewControllerTouch alloc] initWithScope:scope
[self presentViewController:viewController animated:YES completion:^{}];
[[self navigationController] pushViewController:viewController animated:YES];
- (void)authentication:(GTMOAuth2Authentication *)auth
request:(NSMutableURLRequest *)request
finishedWithError:(NSError *)error {
if (error != nil) {
} else {
[self isAuthorizedWithAuthentication:auth];
self.auth = auth;
And copied the same class from first application to second one, and made exactly same nib file.