How connect Ruby 1.8.7 with WebSphere MQ? - ruby-on-rails

I need to connect my application ruby 1.8.7 and rails 3.0.7 with WebSphere MQ.
Today I saw the plugin rubywmq, but it looks old and bad to use with rails 3.
Another trouble is that they need a WebSphere development toolkit, one that I can't found at IBM very confusing site.
Anybody knows others options to send messages to this kind of queue?


Live chat on Rails app through Faye but on Passenger with Apache

Our website is currently running our Rails web app on Passenger with Apache.
Recently, there is a requirement to do live chatting. As such we are planning to deploy Faye by following this article (
However, since Apache does not support websocket, we are not able to use any of such implementation.
We preferred not to change the webserver since additional effort for testing and migration will be involve. Is there any other way to get around this problem?
Appreciate any helps from Rails expert out that.
Don't know the answer, though somewhere I read that you should use redis for faye to run it with apache/passenger beacuse they can't be run in single process and share memory, checkout faye-redis gem. Than probably faye server should be run as separate process, and Apache configured to send ':9292/faye' to it.

How to start rails server like windows service

I've just finished to write a rails app, and now is(unfortunately) time to deply this app on Windows.
I'm running:
Windows server 2008
Ruby 1.9.3
Rails 3.2.9
Now my web server is Thin, and i want to start it (or something else if it is easier) like a windows service.
I followed 3 or 4 tutorial but it never works and the deadline of the project is everyday nearest.
Hope someone can help me.
You could deploy use capistrano
Or using 3rd party extensions capistrano deploy rails apps to Windows servers :

Which message queue tools are recommended for using in a JRuby on Rails app using Trinidad?

I'm a long time Torquebox user, but now I want to try using Trinidad for JRuby on Rails deployment. One of the best things of using Trinidad instead of Torquebox is that you may use Heroku :)
But Torquebox has a message queue feature using JMS and Trinidad doesn't have any MQ feature out-of-the-box. Anyone can recommend a MQ tool from JRuby on rails using Trinidad?
Since you are using Heroku, I would select a hosted message broker listed in the Heroku add-ons area. If you decide to host your own, you could install ActiveMQ or another broker onto one or more EC2 instances and set the security group to allow connections from Heroku's EC2 instances. Whatever method you choose, the next step is to simply configure your JRuby on Rails app to connect to the broker and publish/subscribe as desired.

Which mailserver with web interface for Ubuntu + Nginx + Passenger + Ruby on Rails?

I'm running a virtual server with Ubuntu 10.04, Nginx, Phusion Passenger and Ruby on Rails 3. And sending mails via my rails app is no problem, as rails makes it preatty is. But I also want to send and receive mails via a mail client like Outlook, Mail or Thunderbird and I want to a way to manage the mail accounts via a web interface.
The most things I found are either too powerful and too pricy (like cPanel with Nginx Support) or they are impossible for me to setup. So, long story short:
I'm searching for a Mailserver which runs on Ubuntu 10.04, Nginx and Passenger, that supports at least POP (but IMAP would also be great) and which has a web interface for managing which is either easy to setup or, even better, written in ruby.
As long as the documentation is good and it runs I'm happy. Any recommendation or personal experience would be helpful.
Thanks in regards.
For anybody who is interested, I used the following combination:
Postfix + Courier as Mailserver and Postfixadmin as Administrationtool
And I tried to install Roundcube and Postatmail, but they both failed. Roundcube didn't work at all and Postatmail had some crazy errors with Suhosin. So I'm dismissing the webmail interface.

Replace Mongrel with Apache

I am new to Rails, so bear with me, I need to have apache tomcat as application server. How do i configure that by replacing the default Mongrel
first of all, to deploy a rails app on tomcat, you need jRuby (a ruby version that runs on JVM).
I'll suggest you to read this tutorial to make an idea:
helps you
