Parsec parsing and separating different structures - parsing

Let's say I have different parsers p1, ..., pk. I want to define a function pk :: Parser ([t1], ..., [tk]) where pi :: Parser ti.
That will parse a collection of strings (one after the other) that match any of and separate them in the corresponding lists. Assume for simplicity that none of the strings matches two parsers.
I managed to do it, but I am really struggling to find an elegant way (preferably using many or any other builtin parsec parser).

The first step is to turn each of your parsers into parser of the big type:
p1 :: Parser t1
p2 :: Parser t2
p3 :: Parser t3
p1 = undefined
p2 = undefined
p3 = undefined
p1', p2', p3' :: Parser ([t1], [t2], [t3])
p1' = fmap (\x -> ([x], [], [])) p1
p2' = fmap (\x -> ([], [x], [])) p2
p3' = fmap (\x -> ([], [], [x])) p3
Now, we repeatedly choose from these last parsers, and concatenate the results at the end:
parser :: Parser ([t1], [t2], [t3])
parser = fmap mconcat . many . choice $ [p1', p2', p3']
There are Monoid instances for tuples up to size five; beyond that, you can either use nested tuples or a more appropriate data structure.

Representing the parsers as a list makes this easy. Using:
choice :: [Parser a] -> Parser a
many :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
We can write:
combineParsers :: [Parser a] -> Parser [a]
combineParsers = many . choice
This isn't quite right, as it bundles them all into a single list. Let's associate each parser with a unique identifier:
combineParsers' :: [(k, Parser a)] -> Parser [(k, a)]
combineParsers' = many . choice . combine
where combine = map (\(k,p) -> (,) k <$> p)
We can then convert this back to the list form:
combineParsers :: [Parser a] -> Parser [[a]]
combineParsers ps = map snd . sortBy fst <$> combineParsers' (zip [0..] ps)
You could perhaps make this more efficient by writing combineParsers' :: [(k, Parser a)] -> Parser (Map k [a]) instead, using e.g. combine = map $ \(k,p) -> fmap (\a -> Map.insertWith (++) k [a]) p.
This requires that all the parsers have the same result type, so you'll need to wrap each of their results in a data-type with Cons <$> p for each p. You can then unwrap the constructor from each list. Admittedly, this is fairly ugly, but to do it heterogeneously with tuples would require even uglier type-class hacks.
There might be a simpler solution for your specific use-case, but this is the easiest way to do it generically that I can think of.

You can't do this completely generically without type-level trickery, unfortunately. However, an approach along the lines of Daniel Wagner's suggestion can be constructed in DIY style, using polymorphic combinators and some pre-existing recursive instances. I'll present a simple example to demonstrate.
First, a few simpleminded parsers to test with:
type Parser = Parsec String ()
parseNumber :: Parser Int
parseNumber = read <$> many1 digit
parseBool :: Parser Bool
parseBool = string "yes" *> return True
<|> string "no" *> return False
parseName :: Parser String
parseName = many1 letter
Next we create a "base case" type to mark the end of the possibilities, and give it a parser that always succeeds on no input.
data Nil = Nil deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Enum, Bounded)
instance Monoid Nil where
mempty = Nil
mappend _ _ = Nil
parseNil :: Parser Nil
parseNil = return Nil
This is equivalent to (), of course--I'm only creating a new type to disambiguate in case we actually want to parse (). Next, the combinator that chains parsers together:
infixr 3 ?|>
(?|>) :: (Monoid b) => Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser ([a], b)
p1 ?|> p2 = ((,) <$> ((:[]) <$> p1) <*> pure mempty)
<|> ((,) <$> pure [] <*> p2)
What's going on here is that p1 ?|> p2 tries p1, and if it succeeds wraps that in a singleton list and fills in mempty for the second element of the tuple. If p1 fails, if fills in an empty list and uses p2 for the second element.
parseOne :: Parser ([Int], ([Bool], ([String], Nil)))
parseOne = parseNumber ?|> parseBool ?|> parseName ?|> parseNil
Combining parsers with the new combinator is simple, and the result type is pretty self-explanatory.
parseMulti :: Parser ([Int], ([Bool], ([String], Nil)))
parseMulti = mconcat <$> many1 (parseOne <* newline)
We're relying on the recursive Monoid instance for tuples and the usual instance for lists to combine multiple lines. Now, to show that it works, define a quick test:
runTest = parseTest parseMulti testInput
testInput = unlines [ "yes", "123", "acdf", "8", "no", "qq" ]
Which parses successfully as Right ([123,8],([True,False],(["acdf","qq"],Nil))).


Haskell monadic parser with anamorphisms

My problem is how to combine the recursive, F-algebra-style recursive type definitions, with monadic/applicative-style parsers, in way that would scale to a realistic programming language.
I have just started with the Expr definition below:
data ExprF a = Plus a a |
Val Integer deriving (Functor,Show)
data Rec f = In (f (Rec f))
type Expr = Rec ExprF
and I am trying to combine it with a parser which uses anamorphisms:
ana :: Functor f => (a -> f a) -> a -> Rec f
ana psi x = In $ fmap (ana psi) (psi x)
parser = ana psi
where psi :: String -> ExprF String
psi = ???
as far as I could understand, in my example, psi should either parse just an integer, or it should decide that the string is a <expr> + <expr> and then (by recursively calling fmap (ana psi)), it should parse the left-hand side and the right-hand side expressions.
However, (monadic/applicative) parsers don't work like that:
they first attempt parsing the left-hand expression,
the +,
and the right-hand expression
One solution that I see, is to change the type definition for Plus a a to Plus Integer a, such that it reflects the parsing process, however this doesn't seem like the best avenue.
Any suggestions (or reading directions) would be welcome!
If you need a monadic parser, you need a monad in your unfold:
anaM :: (Traversable f, Monad m) => (a -> m (f a)) -> a -> m (Rec f)
anaM psiM x = In <$> (psiM x >>= traverse (anaM psiM))
Then you can write something that parses just one level of an ExprF like this:
parseNum :: Parser Integer
parseNum = -- ...
char :: Char -> Parser Char
char c = -- ...
parseExprF :: Maybe Integer -> Parser (ExprF (Maybe Integer))
parseExprF (Just n) = pure (Val n)
parseExprF Nothing = do
n <- parseNum
<|> (Plus (Just n) Nothing <$ char '+')
<|> (pure (Val n))
Given that, you now have your recursive Expr parser:
parseExpr :: Parser Expr
parseExpr = anaM parseExprF Nothing
You will need to have instances of Foldable and Traversable for ExprF, of course, but the compiler can write these for you and they are not themselves recursive.

Haskell: How do you figure out the definition of <*> from a Monad definition?

I have a parser object defined:
newtype Parser a = Parser (String -> [(String, a)])
And a function to produce them:
produce :: a -> Parser a
produce x = Parser (\ts -> [(ts, x)])
And an instance of Monad for this parser object to allow me to bind multiple parsers into one:
instance Monad Parser where
return = produce
Parser px >>= f = Parser (\ts ->
concat([parse (f x) ts' | (ts', x) <- px ts]))
I have also been using <*> quite happily to chain multiple parsers for different types to parse a string with different parts within it.
Of course <*> is defined via the following:
(<*>) = ap
But I want to define it explicitly so that I am able to understand and explain how it works exactly and I have been unable to figure it out.
So how can I figure out how to explicitlly find the definition of ap or <*> in this instance?
Any advice on what <*> would be or how I should work it out is appreciated.
You can start from
f <*> x = do
f' <- f
x' <- x
return (f' x')
or, equivalently
f <*> x =
f >>= (\f' ->
x >>= (\x' ->
return (f' x')))
and then expand >>= and return as needed.

Parsing a Complex Number from Scratch

Given a data type data CI = CI Int Int, representing a complex number, I want to build a parser for CI that can convert "a" to CI a 0 and "(a,b)" to CI a b. For example, I want a function parseCI such runParser parseCI "(1,2)" returns the value [(CI 1 2, "")] (ideally, but something similar is fine). I also want to make CI an instance of read.
I would like to do this using functions and definitions from the code below (basically, without anything advanced, like Parsec), but I'm not sure where to start. Some starting code to set me on the right track and/or a hint would be helpful. I'm not looking for a full answer, as I'd like to figure that out myself.
module Parser where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
newtype Parser a = Parser { runParser :: String -> [(a,String)] }
satisfy :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char
satisfy f = Parser $ \s -> case s of
[] -> []
a:as -> [(a,as) | f a]
char :: Char -> Parser Char
char = satisfy . (==)
string :: String -> Parser String
string str = Parser $ \s -> [(t,u) | let (t,u) = splitAt (length str) s, str == t]
instance Functor Parser where
fmap f p = Parser $ \s ->
[ (f a,t)
| (a,t) <- runParser p s
instance Applicative Parser where
pure a = Parser $ \s -> [(a,s)]
af <*> aa = Parser $ \s ->
[ (f a,u)
| (f,t) <- runParser af s
, (a,u) <- runParser aa t
instance Alternative Parser where
empty = Parser $ \s -> []
p1 <|> p2 = Parser $ (++) <$> runParser p1 <*> runParser p2`
instance Monad Parser where
return = pure
ma >>= f = Parser $ \s ->
[ (b,u)
| (a,t) <- runParser ma s
, (b,u) <- runParser (f a) t
instance MonadPlus Parser where
mzero = empty
mplus = (<|>)
You've probably already seen it, but in case you haven't: Monadic Parsing in Haskell sets up parsing like this.
Since you have two different ways of parsing CI, you might want to approach this as two problems: make one parser parseCI1 that parses "a" to CI a 0 and make another parser parseCI2 that parses "(a,b)" to CI a b. Then, you can combine these into one with
parseCI = parseCI1 <|> parseCI2
For both of these subparsers, you will need some way of parsing integers: parseInt :: Parser Int. When making parseInt, you will likely want to use some combination of satisfy, isDigit, read, and possibly some (depending on how you go about solving this).
Making CI an instance of read is a bit more straightforward once you have parseCI done:
instance Read CI where
readsPrec _ = runParser parseCI

Minimal Purely Applicative Parser

I'm trying to figure out how to build a "purely applicative parser" based on a simple parser implementation. The parser would not use monads in its implementation. I asked this question previously but mis-framed it so I'm trying again.
Here is the basic type and its Functor, Applicative and Alternative implementations:
newtype Parser a = Parser { parse :: String -> [(a,String)] }
instance Functor Parser where
fmap f (Parser cs) = Parser (\s -> [(f a, b) | (a, b) <- cs s])
instance Applicative Parser where
pure = Parser (\s -> [(a,s)])
(Parser cs1) <*> (Parser cs2) = Parser (\s -> [(f a, s2) | (f, s1) <- cs1 s, (a, s2) <- cs2 s1])
instance Alternative Parser where
empty = Parser $ \s -> []
p <|> q = Parser $ \s ->
case parse p s of
[] -> parse q s
r -> r
The item function takes a character off the stream:
item :: Parser Char
item = Parser $ \s ->
case s of
[] -> []
(c:cs) -> [(c,cs)]
At this point, I want to implement digit. I can of course do this:
digit = Parser $ \s ->
case s of
[] -> []
(c:cs) -> if isDigit c then [(c, cs)] else []
but I'm replicating the code of item. I'd like to implement digit based on item.
How do I go about implementing digit, using item to take a character off the stream and then checking to see if the character is a digit without bringing monadic concepts into the implementation?
First, let us write down all the tools we currently have at hand:
-- Data constructor
Parser :: (String -> [(a, String)]) -> Parser a
-- field accessor
parse :: Parser a -> String -> [(a, String)]
-- instances, replace 'f' by 'Parser'
fmap :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
(<*>) :: Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
pure :: Applicative f => a -> f a
-- the parser at hand
item :: Parser Char
-- the parser we want to write with item
digit :: Parser Char
digit = magic item
-- ?
magic :: Parser Char -> Parser Char
The real question at hand is "what is magic"? There are only so many things we can use. Its type indicates fmap, but we can rule that out. All we can provide is some function a -> b, but there is no f :: Char -> Char that makes fmap f indicate a failure.
What about (<*>), can this help? Well, again, the answer is no. The only thing we can do here is to take the (a -> b) out of the context and apply it; whatever that means in the context of the given Applicative. We can rule pure out.
The problem is that we need to check the Char that item might parse and change the context. We need something like Char -> Parser Char
But we didn't rule Parser or parse out!
magic p = Parser $ \s ->
case parse p s of -- < item will be used here
[(c, cs)] -> if isDigit c then [(c, cs)] else []
_ -> []
Yes, I know, it's duplicate code, but now it's using item. It's using item before inspecting the character. That's the only way we can use item here. And now, there is some kind of sequence implied: item has to succeed before digit can do it's work.
Alternatively, we could have tried this way:
digit' c :: Char -> Parser Char
digit' c = if isDigit c then pure c else empty
But then fmap digit' item would have the type Parser (Parser Char), which can only get collapsed with a join-like function. That's why monads are more powerful than applicative.
That being said, you can get around all of the monad requirements if you use a more general function first:
satisfy :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char
satisfy = Parser $ \s ->
case s of
(c:cs) | p c -> [(c, cs)]
_ -> []
You can then define both item and digit in terms of satisfy:
item = satisfy (const True)
digit = satisfy isDigit
That way digit does not have to inspect the result of a previous parser.
Functors allow you to act on somethings values. For example, if you have a list [1,2,3], you can change the contents. Note that Functors do not allow changing structure. map can not change the length of a list.
Applicatives allow you to combine structure, and the content is mushed together somehow. But the values can not change influence the structure.
Namely, given an item, we can change its structure, and we can change its content, but the content can not change the structure. We can't choose to fail on some content and not other.
If anyone knows how to state this more formally and provably, I'm all ears (it probably has to do with free theorems).

Haskell Parser not working

I am trying to understand Parsers. Therefore I have created my own parser. Unfortunately it does not work. Why?
type Parser a = String -> [(a, String)]
preturn :: a -> Parser a
preturn t = \inp -> [(t,inp)]
pfailure :: Parser a
pfailure = \inp -> []
pitem :: Parser Char
pitem = \inp -> case inp of
[] -> []
(x:xs) -> [(x,xs)]
parse :: Parser a -> Parser a
--parse :: Parser a -> String -> [(a,String)]
parse p inp = p inp
combine :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser (a,b)
combine p1 p2 = \inp -> p2 t output
p1 inp = ([
-- firstlast :: Parser (Char,Char)
firstlast = do
x <- pitem
z <- pitem
y <- pitem
preturn (x,y)
another = do
x <- pitem
y <- pitem
Firstlast is supposed to take a string and return the first and third character. Unfortunately, it returns odd values, and it does not accept its type (Parser (Char,Char))
For example,
*Main> firstlast "abc"
What should happen is:
*Main> firstlast "abc"
Please use code that compiles. Your another function does not.
What's the problem?
Your code for firstlast and another makes use of do-notation. And the way you're using pitem here, it looks as if you're expecting Parser to be a monad. But it isn't, at least not in the way you expect it to be.
There is a monad instance pre-defined which make GHC think that Parser is a monad, namely
instance Monad ((->) r) where
return = const
f >>= k = \ r -> k (f r) r
What this instance says is that, for any type r the function type r -> ... can be considered a monad, namely by distributing the parameter everywhere. So returning something in this monad amounts to producing a value ignoring the parameter of type r, and binding a value means that you take r and pass it on both to the left and right computation.
This is not what you want for a parser. The input string will be distributed to all computations. So each pitem will operate on the original input string. Furthermore, as
pitem :: String -> [(Char, String)]
the result of your monadic computation will be of type [(Char, String)], so x and y are both of this type. That's why you get the result
You're calling pitem three times on the same input string. You're putting two results in a pair, and you're preturn-ing the whole thing.
How to fix it?
You need to define your own monad instance for the Parser type. You cannot do that directly, because Parser is a type synonym, and type synonyms cannot be partially applied,
so you cannot write
instance Monad Parser where
Instead, you have to wrap Parser in a new datatype or newtype:
newtype Parser a = Parser { parse :: String -> [(a, String)] }
This gives you a constructor Parser and a function parse to convert between the unwrapped and wrapped parser types:
Parser :: String -> [(a, String)] -> Parser a
parse :: Parser a -> String -> [(a, String)]
This implies you'll have to adapt your other functions. For example, preturn becomes
preturn :: a -> Parser a
preturn t = Parser (\inp -> [(t,inp)])
Change pfailure and pitem similarly. Then, you have to define the Monad instance:
instance Monad Parser where
return = preturn
(>>=) = ... -- to be completed by you
The function (>>=) is not contained in your code above. You'll want to implement the behaviour that the input is passed to the first parser, and for every result of that, the result and the remaining input are passed to the second argument of (>>=). Once this is done, a call to parse firstlast "abc" will have the following result:
which isn't quite what you want in your question, but I believe it's what you're actually after.
