"not enough storage is available to process this command" after using the start command in a batch file with windows 7 - memory

I am creating a batch file that needs to open a second batch script in a separate cmd window. I can use all my code successfully if I use the "call" command instead of "start" but that doesn't launch the script in its own window. I have gotten this error many times in the past and its always related to the start command. I change how I do the process and all works well. Why is the start command causing this error and how can I fix it? Below is a sample of my code.
start "" /w "k:\Bundle Support files\record serial.cmd"
The second batch file opens and completes all tasks except the last one which is
goto :exit
I have changed the last command in the file several times and it always makes it through the entire batch but the last command that would finish that batch fails with the "not enough storage is available to process this command" error. This happens on multiple machines (varying hardware) and multiple OS's. I have attempted the IRPStackSize fix with no luck. Any suggestions as to why I am getting this error?

I have encountered a similar problem and the solution for me was rather strange. It appears that setting the title of the window to nothing ("") causes the error.
So, instead of
start "" /w "k:\Bundle Support files\record serial.cmd"
start "Placeholder Name" /w "k:\Bundle Support files\record serial.cmd"
I can't test whether this will work in your case (and I doubt it matters as you're long gone) but hopefully this will help someone experiencing any similar errors.

Replace goto :exit with goto :EOF. Do not define the EOF label (it is predefined).

That's what the START command does when you launch a cmd. If you ran START cmd you wouldn't expect CMD to exit immediately - it stays there ready for use. So you either CALL a cmd file and it will finish, or you START a cmd, and it will not finish - but you can make it finish by using the EXIT command. The issue of the stack overflow was also answered correctly by SEIPIA - instead of using start "" filename.cmd, put something between the quotes to act as the title - that will prevent the stack overflow error.


Spectron opens Empty terminals during test run

During execution spectron opens two terminal windows that are blank. First window is the application as I wanted it to be, other windows look like terminals without anything inside.
Currently i focus to the first window using focus().
Github issue link : https://github.com/electron/spectron/issues/60
Does anyone have any idea what's going on ? is it a ChromeDriver issue?
I've had the same issue (just to clarify, on Windows only).
Apparently, was introduced as a workaround for Spectron on Windows:
The launcher binary written in go was frequently marked as a trojan or virus. A simple bat file should seen as more innocuous. See #93 for the problem as well as this bat file.
Unfortunately, a consequence of using a .bat file is the unavoidable spawning of these extra empty consoles.
The only known workaround is using .focus() like you mentioned.
A combination of focus() with setAlwaysOnTop(true) helps.
chaiAsPromised.transferPromiseness = app.transferPromiseness;
return app.start().then( async () => {
await app.browserWindow.focus();
await app.browserWindow.setAlwaysOnTop(true);
Maybe rework launcher.bat to use the start command?
something like:
Just eyeballing it.
Not sure about managing the exit fail codes but IIRC that does not leave up shell.
Full disclosure, I do not have this app and this is a drive-by answer. Hope it helps.

Call Windows Context Menu Entry Directly

I need to run a selfmade context menu entry via cmd.
The command is stored in
and contains
C:\Path\convert.exe %1 test1|test2
The problem is that windows seems to call the program associated with the command differently the first time. I don't know why and I can't get figured out how to avoid this.
So I want to call the program myself the first time before the user can call it.
If I execute the program myself directly via cmd it runs correctly, but if Windows executes it using the context menu entry it behaves different. After the first time it runs as supposed.
It couldn't find anything simmilar using google and stackoverflow ..
Whats the matter here? Also tried to run it using
RunDll32.EXE URL.DLL,FileProtocolHandler "C:\path\convert.exe"
But couldn't add the parameters requiered ..
Please help me ..

Rails Runner hanging with specific job

I have a Rails project and I am trying to run a script using Rails runner. This script runs fine on my local machine, but I am trying to run it on a new EC2 instance that I just set up.
When I run the script, it exhibits some very odd behavior. The first line in the script is a debug statement "Starting". When I say "hang" I mean that "Starting" is never printed.
rails runner Script.run //hangs forever
It is worth mentioning that the purpose of this script is to make several HTTP requests. So, in debugging it, I commented out various lines until I had the maximal program that would actually run.
The only line I needed to comment out is the one that actually called Net::HTTP.request. Then, the script would run, and print all of the debug statements that it was supposed to, but it wouldn't actually function as intended (obviously).
What seems odd to me is that the script will not even print "Starting" when the line that makes the HTTP request is present. The error would make some sense if it got to the HTTP request itself and then hung forever, or at least got some part of the way into the program.
What can cause Rails to behave this way? Any suggestions are appreciated.
I actually made a dumb mistake, but I am going to answer my question for anyone who makes the same mistake in the future.
I forgot to add "$stdout.sync = true" to the config file, so Rails just appeared to be hanging because it was not writing to stdout. When the HTTP request was disabled, it ran fast enough so that I didn't notice the writing was delayed.

How to exit hotkey function and continue the script (AutoHotKey)?

Thanks for reading. :)
Let's give an example of what I say. I press shift+g and I execute one function. In the middle of executing it, I want to stop it by pressing shift+h, then execute another function, and then return the script so as it to stay waiting for another keystroke.
I thought about reloading the program, but I couldn't execute the following commands that way. Or, I could execute another program and reload the first one, but it is getting too complicated.
Any ideas will be greatly appreciated! :)
The easiest way is to put the script in a separate file and run it as an external program. Use #SingleInstance Force to be sure only one copy is running, and if you want to kill it use Process, Close with the PID you can get back from the Run statement.
I do this all the time with long complicated scripts that fail frequently. I mostly do that so if the script fails I just hit the hotkey again to restart. It kills the first instance and restarts. Interrupting a running script is just another special case.
Note that you'll need to run AutoHotkey.exe and pass the name of the script and any parameters. Don't try to run the script itself.
As pointed out the easiest way is to put the script in a separate file and run it as an external program. something like this:
RunWait %A_AhkPath% test1.ahk
Then in test1.apk put ExitApp in a hotkey. like this:
msgbox killing myself!
very simple!

Using the spawn command inside of IDL

I'm very new to IDL (trying to do a POC for someone using it) and I am trying to run an external command. The line of code I have added is this:
spawn, 'C:\Program Files\ITT\IDL\IDL80\products\envi48\save_add\visual.exe'
I thought this was all that was needed to launch an external command. When I run the app, i can use the debugger to step through the code, and when I get to this line and Step over, my executable does not run. I see no messages in the debugger indicating any type of error.
I put the file visual.exe in the directory and can run it by hand with no issues. It just seems to step right over the code without executing it or reporting any error.
You can use the form:
spawn, cmd, result, errResult
to get the any error messages that might be generated from the cmd. In your particular case, I think you need to quote the path to the executable because of the space in the path.
Your usage of the spawn command is correct. Perhaps visual.exe is exiting prematurely
for some reason (for example, maybe the working directory when run via spawn isn't what
your external program is expecting.)
You might try writing a little script that starts visual.exe, then does a pause,
and then spawn the wrapper script instead of visual.exe directly. That might
give you a chance to see any error messages before the DOS window disappears.
