Doxygen and Graphviz on Lion - path

I have succesfully installed Doxygen and GraphViz on my mac (running Lion OS), but when I run doxygen with graphViz I get following error messages:
1) sh: dot: command not found
2) Problems running dot: exit code=127, command='dot', arguments='"/Users/../" -Tpdf -o
3) error: problems opening map file /Users/.../ for inclusion in the docs!
If you installed Graphviz/dot after a previous failing run,
try deleting the output directory and rerun doxygen.
It must be a problem with my Graphviz/dot paths, but I dont know how to solve it.
I have already installed Graphviz using MacPorts but I still get the same error messages.
What could I do to solve this problem? Thanks in advance!

Thanks #cyfdecyf and #fkerber for your answers. WIth your answer I could be able to run the dot programm from the console, but I was not able to run doxygen with it. I did not know, but one has to manually give in the path of the dot program in the doxygen user interface. To do this one have to click on Expert -> dot (under topics menu) -> and give the path under DOT_PATH, in my case it was /usr/local/bin.
Thanks guys.

Try the following:
export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:$PATH
Issue this on the command line and see if it solve the problem. You may also need to add it in ~/.profile
Refer to MacPorts' doc if you need more information.

I think you have put the path to your dot executable in your PATH variable so that it can be found if someone is just typing dot in the console.
Perhaps this page can help you:


ethermint: command not found, When attempting ethermint installation?

I'm following the steps to install ethermint on top of tendermint that are listed on the README on this github page:, but at the step ethermint --datadir ~/.ethermint init setup/genesis.json, then I get the following error: ethermint: command not found
And yes, I installed tendermint previous to my attempted installation of ethermint.
While the solution I figured out for my problem is contained on the GitHub issue page linked above, I also wanted to include it here for the sake of people who have the same issue.
OK, so I fixed the problem, and it was so infuriating. It turns out
that whenever I opened a terminal, then the go version would default
to go1.6, even if I was in the go1.8.3 directory. To solve the error,
you need to delete the old go version off of your computer, and then
use gvm to set the right go version. Thanks to everyone who helped me
solve this issue.
Check your current directory:
if ethermint doesn't exist you need to install it again

Set environment variables on Mac OS X Sierra?

For example, I want to follow this guide on how to disable Brew analytics (under warning) but I have no idea how to find my environmental variables.
Most of the guides out there I found, such as this one, are all outdated; ~/.bash_profile doesn't exist according to how the answer described it. Can some please explain to a new MacOS user how all this now works?
Please note my understanding of Unix-based filesystems are limited. Treat me as a noob.
You can create ~/.bash_profile. The easiest way to create it is to use the touch utility: touch .bash_profile . It is common to have a .profile which is read if bash can not find .bash_profile. You can get the documentation from a terminal with man bash. You can edit either of these files with any text type editor (not word processor).
In case you're using zsh like me, you need to modify ~/.zshrc
I Android Gradle project root I do
gradle app:assembleDebug --stacktrace
but I get error
Minimum supported Gradle version is 5.4.1. Current version is 5.1.
and message says
/gradle/wrapper/ to
but it is
so why is Gradle not building?

Installing VIM in Minix 3.1.8

I've Googled this a thousand times and I cannot, for the life of me, get VIM to work on my Minix 3. For the record, I am running on a Windows machine with Minix 3 working on Oracle's VM VirtualBox.
I've tried typing,
# pkgin up && pkgin in vim
but I get the error:
pkgin: Can't open database /usr/var/db/pkgin/pkgin.db: unable to open database file: No such file or directory
I then try to do pkgin search git to search for a package, but I get the same error. Could this be some kind of Internet connection issue? I'm incredibly confused.
If you haven't already, download the binary package from here:
Change "i386" to your correct architecture, if different.
As you're probably already familiar, this page tells you how to install binary packages for Minix:
As far as your "pkgin" errors, here are two possible solutions:
How to install vim into Minix3?
I asked on the Minix 3 Google Groups Forums and they solved my problem. If anyone else has trouble, I'm pasting a response by Lionel:
Switch to http downloads by editing "/usr/pkg/etc/pkgin/repositories.conf" and comment out the line:$osrelease/$arch/All
and add the following:$osrelease/$arch/All
Then do shutdown, boot, pkgin update and then install your desired packages.

homebrew: ngspice not building (x11.c:29:12: fatal error: 'X11/IntrinsicP.h' file not found and then some)

I'm a homebrew newbie (broob?). Trying to build ngspice I encounter the error described in the title. Before I get into that though, it turns out I actually don't even really want/need X11 support at the moment. I'm such a newbie I don't even know how to tell brew to leave out X. In the formula I see:
option "with-x", "Build with X support"
But if I build "--without-x" I still see the same error. How do you say "not --with-x"?
OK, on to the compile trouble:
I can see the file is really there in the X11 directories:
$ find /opt/X11/ -name IntrinsicP.h
But somehow homebrew is not seeing that include path. What the best way to alert brew to the location of this file? I tried:
ln -s /opt/X11/include/X11 /usr/local/include/X11
which works, in the sense that the include problem goes away, but it produces a linker problem:
ld: library not found for -lXaw
Again, I found some Xaw libs in /opt/X11, but I've not sorted out how to educate homebrew enough to actually link to them. ;-(
$ find /opt/X11/ -name "*Xaw*"
Thanks for any suggestions!
I could reproduce this. This reflects an inconsistency in ngspice's configure that was not accommodated by the Homebrew formula. ngspice needs --without-x in configure to stop trying to link to X even though it needs --with-x to actually build X support.
This will be fixed once this pull request is accepted.
Homebrew welcomes these kinds of issues at the Github issue tracker; maintainers don't come around here much. Following the troubleshooting advice that brew recommends ("READ THIS:") will make diagnosing problems easier in any venue. :)

The system cannot find the path specified when starting Ruby and Rails command prompt

I just started learning rails a week ago and everything worked until today. Now when I start the Ruby command prompt, it says:
The system cannot find the path specified.
# Under Rails Environment Configuration.
The system cannot find the path specified.
The system cannot find the path specified.
The system cannot find the path specified.
The system cannot find the path specified.
The system cannot find the path specified.
The paths for ruby and rails show up correctly.
I'm using Windows Vista 32-bit. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
You've probably used "Ansicon" - a program to get the colors in windows prompt right. If you installed it permanently with -i parameter and consequently moved/deleted its directory, it would lead to this error. (I've just experienced it)
The solution is to renew the location of the ansicon data files or to remove the following registry entry:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\AutoRun
You can find more on this issue at
Good luck!
I had the same problem in Windows 7 and solved it by adding Git/bin directory to the system path variable (found the answer here). Hope this helps someone!
None of the answers above helped me. My issue was whenever i typed rail -v it gave me the same error. I had to install rails, i used the following command:
gem install rails --no-document
you can check out the following installation steps to get around the error:
