RAILS - Resource Pooling Options? - ruby-on-rails

In my application I have a set of sessions for a third-party application I'm using.
I was planning on building a table to store the 10 or so sessions details I need for this and then writing a pool around this. Dishing out one of the unused connections as needed and then dropping it back in the pool when finished.
I was wondering if there are any good wrappers or gems out there that can handle some of this logic for me? It's one of those things that sounds like it should be simple, but I'm sure it'll end up being more complex than I imagine!
Any help or advice greatly appreciated.
Adding a bit more color
The third party application I'm using (OpenTok) provides web conferencing sessions. Once you open a session you're passed a session key (essentially just a string key). This key allows you to connect and disconnect from the session indefinitely.
If you want to have multiple sessions they recommend storing these sessions and reusing them when you want to open the session up.
I'd like to create maybe 10 or so of these sessions, store the 10 session keys in a table and then wrap a pool around these. They could be cached into memory on startup or read from the table each time.
I was just curious if there was any gems out there that handled this sort of pooling concept for a resource. In Java I might have used something like Apache Commons for the pooling for instance.

Just in case anyone else decides to look into this. There are actually quite a few options out there that do just this.
Some examples are:


Are URLSession objects resource intensive?

Would it be resource intensive to create a new URLSession for every single web request?
Some background:
I'm working on a library for making web requests. I'm trying to add a feature that allows downloading the result to a file that would also report its progress. For that, I'm going to have to become the session's delegate.
This wouldn't be a big deal except the public interface allows customizing the URLSession used for the requests. I don't want to override any customization the developer wants to do with its own delegate.
Right now, I'm thinking that the way to do this would be to secretly make a copy of the session they think is being used (yes I'm going to do more than copy the object itself) and then my internal delegate would call out to the original public session's methods. There could still be confusion/problems if they try to manipulate the session during the request, but that seems like a much smaller edge case.
My only concern right now is this might be very resource intensive if many requests are being made. Does anyone have a sense for that?
Yes, they are intensive. Here is a quote from Apple Staff on the developer forums.
This is a common anti-pattern, one that we specifically
warned against at at WWDC this year. Creating a session per request
is inefficient both on the CPU and, more importantly, on the network.
Specifically, it prevents connection reuse, which can radically slow
down back-to-back requests. This is especially bad for HTTP/2. We
encourage folks to group all similar tasks in a single session, using
multiple sessions only if you have different sets of tasks with
different requirements (like interactive tasks versus background
download tasks). That means that many simple apps can get away with
using a single statically-allocated session.

Getting most recent paths visited across sessions in Rails app

I have a simple rails app with no database and no controllers. It uses High Voltage for routing queries, then uses javascript to go get data using the params hash.
A typical URL looks like this:
I'd like to grab the ten unique URLs users have most recently visited and pass them to a view. Note that I said users, preferably across concurrent sessions.
Is there a way to retrieve this using ActiveSupport::Notifications or Production.log? Any examples, including where the code should best go, would be greatly appreciated!
I think that Redis would be ideally suited to this. It's one of the NoSQL key-value store db's, but its support for the value part being an ordered list, queue, etc. should make it easy to store unique urls in a FIFO list as they are visited, limit the size of that list (discard urls at the 'old' end of the list), and retrieve the most recent N urls to pass to your view. Your list should stay small enough that it would all stay in memory and be very fast. You might be able to do this with memcached or mongo or another one as well; I think it would be best though if the solution kept the stored values in memory.
If you aren't already using redis (or similar), it might seem like overkill to set it up and maintain just for this feature. But you can make it pay for itself by also using it for caching, background job processing (Resque / Sidekiq), and probably other things in your app.

Is using a Web API as dataprovider for a website efficient?

I was thinking about setting up a project with Web API. Basically build the API first and program the web site using this API.
Although it's sound promising I was wondering:
If I separate the logic in a nice way, I might end up retrieving data on a web-page through multiple API call's, which in turn are multiple connections with the server with all the overhead etc..
For example, if I use, let's say 8 different API call's on one page, I can't imagine it won't have an impact on the web-page's performance.
So, have I misunderstood something? Or is this kind of overhead negligible - or does the need for multiple call's indicates that the design is wrong?
Thanks in advance.
Well, we did it. Web API server providing the REST access to all the data. Independent UI Clients consuming it as the only access-point to underlying peristence.
The first request takes some time. It is significantly longer. It must init all the UI Client stuff, and get the least needed data from a server. (Menu, user, access rights, metadata...list-view data)
The point, the real advantage, is hidden in the second, the third... request. Lot of stuff is already there on a UI Client. And even, if this is requested again, caching (Server, Client, both) could be introduced.
So, this would mean more requests (at least during the UI Client start up)... but it does not imply ... slower application.
The maintenance benefit is hidden (maybe it is not hidden, it should be obvious) in the Separation of Concern. On the server, we are no longer solving the issue, where to place the user data handling, the base-controller or child-controller... should there by the Master-page, the Layout-controller...
Solved. We are taking care about single, specific stuff, published via REST. One method, one business operation. And that's the dream if we'd like to keep that application alive and be the repairman and extender.
One aspect is that you can display the page to the end user very very fast . Once the page is loaded, use Jquery async calls and any Javscript template tool (like angularjs or mustacheJs) to call the web api simultaneously to build the client page views.
I have used this approach in multiple project and experience of the user is tremendous.
Most modern browsers support 6-8 parallel connections to the same site. So you do have to be careful about that. Unless you are connecting to that many separate systems, I would try to reduce the number of connections. Or ensure the calls are called asynchronously by different events to reduce the chance of parallel connections.
Making a series of HTTP calls to obtain data for your page will have an overhead. Only testing will tell you how that might impact in your scenario.
There is little point using Web API just because you can. You should have a legitimate reason for building a RESTful API. Even then, if it is primarily for your own consumption, design it to deliver a ViewModel for each page in one call.

ASP.NET MVC 3 in-memory data store

I have a project which provides users with a list of current tasks that need to be completed. Any user can complete any task, and so to ensure that only one user is working on a task at a time I need to be able to 'lock' it. I'm using SignalR for this, so a user requests a lock on a task, and if they are successful (ie. if noone else has locked it) then they will be able to access the further information that they need.
My problem is how to store the list of locked tasks. The original plan was simply to add an additional bit field 'IsLocked' to the Task table and update this when the user requested a lock and when the task was unlocked. We have about 300 concurrent users, however, and a task takes only about 3-4 minutes, meaning huge numbers of additional - and tiny - queries on the database. Therefore we were wondering about in-memory storage, simply storing a list of task ids in a 'lockedTasks' list.
I had considered using caching, but am unsure on the best ways to do this, or even if better alternatives exist. If anyone has any experience in this then some advice would be great thanks
I would avoid memory completely as IIS is not that great with it, if you found your self in the IIS need for refreshing the Application Pool for some sort of reason, your list is simply gone!
Maybe a MemCache system? If it does not loose things in the above way, but...
I would advice to be in the middle, IO File is fast that request data to a Database, specially if it's not in the same machine (witch for security reasons, it should never be), so... why not, and just to hold your list, you don't use one of the currently famous NoSQL database?
MongoDB is a document database that has a .NET Library and it's easy to use, it is not as fast as Memmory, but extremely quicker than Physical databases for what you want.
Normally the NoSQL Database will be hosted in the App_Data folder so it will be extremely fast to access and you can just hold there the task_id and user_id of all locked tasks.
Have you considered stateful filters?
Check out this links for more info:
ASP.NET MVC Filters and Statefulness
Brad Wilson: Advanced MVC
3 - (Video)
Brad Wilson: Advanced MVC 3 - (PDF)
I'm sorry, but if your app can't handle a single query every 3-4 minutes x 300 users, then you're doing something very wrong. Just browsing a site typically generates orders of magnitude more queries than that.

Session Management in TWebModule

I am using a TWebModule with Apache. If I understand correctly Apache will spawn another instance of my TWebModule object if all previous created objects are busy processing requests. Is this correct?
I have created my own SessionObject and have created a TStringList to store them. The StringList is created in the initialization section at the bottom of my source code file holding the TWebModule object. I am finding initialization can be called multiple times (presumably when Apache has to spawn another process).
Is there a way I could have a global "Sessions" TStringlist to hold all of my session objects? Or is the "Safe", proper method to store session information in a database and retrieve it based on a cookie for each request?
The reason I want this is to cut down on database access and instead hold session information in memory.
As Stijn suggested, using a separate storage to hold the session data really is the best way to go. Even better is to try to write your application so that the web browser contains the state inherently in the design. This will greatly increase the ability to scale your application into the thousands or tens of thousands of concurrent users with much less hardware.
Intraweb is a great option, but suffers from the scale issue in the sense that more concurrent users, even IDLE users, require more hardware to support. It is far better to design from the onset a method of your server running as internally stateless as possible. Of course if you have a fixed number of users and don't expect any growth, then this is less of an issue.
That's odd. If initialization sections get called more than once, it might be because the DLL is loaded in separate process spaces. One option I can think up is to check if the "Sessions" object already exists when you create it on initialization. If the DLL really is loaded in separate processes, this will not help, and then I suggest writing a central Session storage process and use inter-process-communication from within your TWebModule (there are a few methods: messages, named pipes, COM...)
Intraweb in application mode really handles session management and database access very smoothly, and scales well. I've commented on it previously. While this doesn't directly answer the question you asked, when I faced the same issues Intraweb solved them for me.
