Resolve Route Server Side in Rails - ruby-on-rails

Just as you figure out the route when the browser hits the webpage in Rails, how would you resolve it on the server side?
For example I want to return a URL to a RESTful resource called Bookmark in an API call and want to return the 'show' action of it, and I know that:
Bookmark id: 12
Then I want to resolve it to a string:
so that I can get this from my Model for example.
How would I go about doing this?

Pretty much everywhere in the views/controllers you can use route helpers to DRY up route references.
In models, you'll need to explicitly call the route helper like so.
Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.edit_bookmark_path(id) # => '/bookmarks/12/edit'
When using the default resourceful route generator method in routes.rb like
resource :bookmarks

I'm not sure I understand - your server is the thing that's making all of those routes work - the client's browser isn't figuring out what the route is - you application is doing it.
The paths to your resources are available as helper methods at all times (at least within the controllers, and views). As such, you should return the string as the body of a response in one of your actions, in the controller that's handling your API calls.
Check your rake routes on the command line, and you'll see a list of them. In the case of your example above, it would likely be called edit_bookmark_path(12)


How to get url segment params from a given url outside of a controller in Rails?

Given a path such as
and a route
get '/foos/:id', as: 'foos'
How to get the ID using Rails routes (reverse) look up?
In this example, path.split('/').last would work, and a regex would be better. But how to use the Rails routes to do it?
This functionality was provided by Rails.application.routes.recognize_path but has been deprecated.
Note: This not part of a controller. Please do not answer about how to use routes within a controller.
Rails 6.
You can't. Routing is actually a lot more complicated than that.
The routes are not just a simple static set of regexes that match a string to a controller and action. You need an entire request object. You have to remember that constraints put things like headers, cookies and even middleware like Warden in the picture.
Rails.application.routes.recognize_path was depreciated since it completely failed at handling this complexity. It just gave a false sense of simplicity which is probably the worst thing software can do.

Dynamic routes in rails

I have a rails application which, among other things, provides a simple wrapper around API calls to a third-party service. I want to set up a route which starts with /api, but anything added on to the end of it is taken as a string variable. For example, if a client requests:
...then I want to invoke the index action of the controller ApiController and make the string /apps/guid/details available to it.
I have read through the documentation on controllers and routes, but everything seems to assume that /apps/guid/details will be resources within my app, when actually I don't care about the structure of anything after /api.
How can I set up a route which allows me to do this?
You can use globbing in your config/routes.rb:
get "/api/*path", to: "api#index"
Which would be accessible in the controller via params[:path]
Details can be found in the rails guide.

Accessing an arbitrary action in rails

I am somewhat confused as to how to properly access an action in a rails controller that is NOT associated with one particular model. The routing file, by default, seems to be routing the action name to "id". So if I type, say, /user/login, I end up with an error that says: "Couldn't find User with 'id'= login"
What is the proper way to access arbitrary action names in rails?
Make a route for it, obviously. The request goes this way:
first it hits a route
from there it hits a controllers' action
[an action may invoke a model] (optional, but common)
controller specified a view and fetches data to render
view is sent back in response to a request
resource and resources might not be obvious about what they do. But in fact, they are shorthands to corresponding collections of routes used quite often, like this is what resources adds. And they're not monoliths, they can be customised to fit your needs. Providing options is just a start, you can provide a block to define your custom action routes for this resource like so:
resources :users do
get :login
This will add a /users/login route that maps to UsersController#login, following Rails' conventions.
See this guide for more details and don't forget to run rake routes to see what you have at the moment.

Ruby on Rails 4 Routing/Views/Path

I have 2 questions:
I have a controller called homepage. I have a view called samplegraph in my homepage's view directory. I want to get the routing working correctly such that takes me to the samplegraph page.
As far as I can tell, the route for it in routes.rb should be something like this:
GET 'homepage/samplegraph' => 'homepage#showgraph1'
If I'm understanding rails routing correctly, this statement routes GET requests to homepage/samplegraph to the homepage controller's showgraph1 action. At this point I'm not particularly sure what the showgraph1 action should be in order to render the view page(samplegraph). At the moment the action is simply empty. I don't really know what to put here.
Second question:
Also, while I was researching rails routing, I was looking into resource based routing. For my purposes, I don't need most of the stuff generated by that. One thing I am interested in is that invoking resource based routing automatically generates Paths for you via helpers(I think?).
How would I generate a Path for my route, such that I'd be able to use a link_to method to link various parts of the application together? Any help/comments would be greatly appreciated.
Firstly, if you want to get 'samplegraph' page rendered by hitting '', you will need to update your route.
get 'homepage/samplegraph' => 'homepage#showgraph1'
get '/samplegraph' => 'homepage#showgraph1'
Now in showgraph1 action of your homepage controller, you will need to render samplegraph view page at last line of the action.
render 'samplegraph'
As of you second question, just hit rake routes on your terminal from your app directory. It will show all routes with helpers which you can use with link_to. You will need to append _path to those routes while using with link_to
Like #RAJ said first of all you need to change your route to
get '/samplegraph' => 'homepage#showgraph1'
At this point I'm not particularly sure what the showgraph1 action should be in order to render the view page(samplegraph)
Rails doesn't care if your action is empty or not, it'll still render your actions view even if it's empty. Since your action is named showgraph1 so it'll make rails look for showgraph1.html.erb with path views/homepage/showgraph1.html.erb
To change this behavior you need to use render 'samplegraph' in your action
One thing I am interested in is that invoking resource based routing automatically generates Paths for you via helpers(I think?)
Rails generate path and url helpers for each route and it doesn't depend on how your routes are defined but you can customize your helper methods by specifying as: option
get 'homepage/samplegraph' => 'homepage#showgraph1', as: 'showgraph'
This will make your helper methods showgraph_path and showgraph_url

Rails 3 routing. How to create /controller/id/action routing format for specific action taking place?

Ok so this is a basic routing question for a rails 3 application. I have a controller called contact_infos. For the edit action I want to match the route like the following /contact_infos/id/action. The reason I'm doing this is specifically for ajax functionality. Here's what I've done so far. This route worked fine.
match ':controller(/:id(/:action))(.:format)'
But this route breaks my catch-all route of.
match ':controller(/:action(/:id))(.:format)'
so it is not acceptable for my application.
I know I could target my specific route in the following way
controller :contact_infos do
But I'm unsure how to match the url as /contact_infos/id/action only for the edit action without breaking any other contact_infos actions.
Any ideas?
If you give the right answer I will definitely rate you up.
Try using through the following sytax...
match "contact_infos/:id/edit" , :to => "contact_infos#edit", :as => 'contact_infos_edit'
Please note that whilst not part of your question, that a catch all route is a very bad idea.
This has been considered dangerous for some time, and is not recommended. It will allow the app to respond to actions for all HTTP methods (e.g. GET for things which should really be PUT). This exposes you to CSRF attacks, as the CSRF token is only required for PUT, POST and DELETE requests..
You should always explicitly route using the routing helpers for all resources you're making available, to ensure the app will only respond to correct requests (e.g. DELETE request for a destroy acttion)
