iTunes Connect: Dutch Localizations - ios

I've developed an application which natively supports the English, German and Dutch language. Now I am about to submit the app into iTunes Connect, but I think I might have a problem here.
I have read the iTunes Connect Developer Guide and it states that Dutch is supported as an App Store Localization. However, when I go to my application in iTunes Connect and select the "Localizations" option, I can't add Dutch as a language. The first time you add a language, it says "If you want to create a localization in a language other than your default language, click Add New Language". What is the "default language" here? Is it English or might it be Dutch, therefore Dutch not showing up as a language to add..?
Could somebody help me out of this. Would be much appreciated :-)

You can check which language is configured as the default for your app in iTunes Connect (this part of the interface was changed recently I think).
Log in to iTunes Connect and select Manage Your Applications
Navigate to your app and click on the Current Version ("View Details").
Under App Localizations it will state the default language for this app.
If this is not Dutch, you should indeed be able to add it on the same page.


Add localized language app descriptions on app store

I have an app, written in JavaScript and built into Objective C by
In other words, I can not edit the C files of the build. Now, I want to do the simplest thing on the world - to add translated app description in multiple languages. On the play store all I need to do is to select and add a new language from the drop down menu and add the corresponding description.
On apple, however, from what I read, I need to set the list of languages available in the drop down from the build. I can't express enough how silly is this!!!
In the iTunes store on the "Localizable Information" language drop down I have only and only English.
Any workaround about this?
As far as I understand your question, you just want to add localised App Store descriptions for your app. This works similar in iTunes Connect as it would with the Google Play console. (It's different if you want to localise your app itself. For more info check the official guide.)
1) Log into iTunes Connect and choose your app
2) Click on the languages dropdown on the right - default shows your primary language - and click on the little blue "+" to add languages.
3) You can now add specific/translated metadata for the new languages. (App description, keywords, marketing URL, support URL; even screenshots if you wish)
Few notes:
There is no "automatic" translation service integrated into iTunes
Connect. You need to manually get the metadata translated and insert
it on iTunes Connect.
You can only add new languages, when your app
is in an editable state. If your app is currently on the store, you need to add a new version to add new languages to it.
Find more information on what you can localise and which languages are available at the iTunes Connect Developer guide:

ITunes Connect Localization - German, French

I'm trying to add a German and French localization to the iTunes Connect Meta data. The app is in an editable state and I can choose from some given languages.
Also the docs mention French at the beginning of the article, but then there are the same language choices.
The App is localized and has the "Localization" key in the info.plist.
I'm not seeing anything I can do about that (already tried to change my system language as well)
If you scroll over that language page, can see French is waiting for you. That language pop-up is scrollable.

Change app Language with version updated

Last year I've joined Apple Store. My app language is english in itunes connect.
I have created the application in turkish. I did not any localizing in my app. I just paste the Turkish text into control such as label, textView and other.
Now I want to show the app language "Turkish" in both itunes connect and app store.
I have submitted the new version and set "Turkish" localizations in info.plist but nothing did change.
What can I do to fix this.
Thanks in advance.
You have tried to add the various nationalities of the language in this panel?

Default Language in Itunes Preview?

Hello everyone i have an iphone app which i specified the Default Language as French when creating the app in itunes connect. I have set the Development native region as France in the app.plist file. The app is approved but still the "Default language" on the itunes preview page is English.
Any help will be highly appreciated :)
I have the same problem. But in my case, I did not set the Localizations key/value in the properties list. Everywhere in iTunes Connect it says German, but on the iTunes Preview page it says Language: English.
Should I upload a new version or ..?
From Apple,
If you submit app previews they will appear in all countries where
your app is available. However, you may only submit a single set of
app previews designed for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad in one language

Release one iOS app with multiple (foreign lang.) names?

Is it possible to re-release an existing iOS app with a different title?
The app supports multiple languages, but only has an English title in the app store. My thinking, which could very likely be wayward, is that my potential Russian/Indian/Chinese/French audiences have no visibility of it.
Doesn't sound like something Apple would support, but thought I'd ask anyway.
If in the slim chance it is do-able, what would I need in the way of bundle id's/prov profiles/dist certificates? One of each per app?
thanks in advance.
Yes you can - just localise the value of CFBundleDisplayName:
Open your project in Xcode
Make sure the Project Navigator is in view (View > Navigators > Show Project Navigators, or CMD+1)
Make sure the File Inspector is in view (View > Utilities > Show File Inspector, or OPT+CMD+1)
Select InfoPlist.strings in the Project Navigator
In the File Inspector, under Localization click the + button and add the language you want to translate into (e.g. French)
In the Project Navigator, expand the disclosure triangle that now appears next to InfoPlist.strings and select InfoPlist.string (French)
Add the following line:
CFBundleDisplayName = "Translated app name here";
As #runmad has suggested, you can also provide localised marketing content in iTunes Connect, including a localised app name. This is not obligatory, although it does make sense. Note however that iTunes Connect only supports a small set of languages. The languages currently support for localisation in iTunes Connect at listed in Apple's iTunes Connect Developer Guide (PDF). As of the current version of that document (7.4) the languages supported are:
Australian English
Brazilian Portuguese
Canadian English
French Canadian
Latin American Spanish
Simplified Chinese
UK English
If you want to localise the app name to a language outside that list (let's say, Hungarian) you can do that just fine using the process outlined above in Xcode, and the name you provide in Xcode is the name that a Hungarian user will see when they install your app on their device, but in the Hungarian App Store the app will be listed under (I assume) its English name.
Yes it is. You'll need to localize the app in iTunes Connect for all the countries, including app name and description.
Finally you will also need to localize your app's bundle ID.
