How do I export an HTML file with a XLS extension? - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying to generate reports. I already created the HTML table in a view and wanted to follow the approach talked about in "Exporting data to CSV and Excel in your Rails app".
I read:
"On my project I save the html table into a file, but give it the xls extension instead of html. e.g table.xls. I then send it to the browser with the Excel mime type, and Excel will open this file and will also format the table like the html table is, so you'll get boldened headings and cell background colors etc.. "
"The easiest way I know is to generate an HTML file with a table and give it an XLS extension. The HTML charset is respected, you can have linebreaks as much as you want, little or big endian is not an issue, th-tags define the column-headers and there are already plenty of solutions to build the file."
How can I save the HTML table into a file, and give it an .XLS extension to open it in Excel?

Don't know if that's good advice or not. Personally I always stick to csv. But here's how you would do it.
class ExportController < ApplicationController
def export
html = build_html_table()
respond_to do |format|
format.xls { send_data html, :type => 'application/; charset=utf-8; header=present', :filename => 'export.xls' }
Then in config/initializers/mime_types.rb you'll need to append:
Mime::Type.register 'application/', :xls


render dynamic HTML with wicked pdf

I have a DSL that renders HTML. If I manually generate HTML in the console, and save it as a view (as an experiment, there's no reason to do this), so that it lives in app/views/manifests as show.pdf.erb, and then I simply render the PDF using Wicked's/Rails built in rendering, everything works great and looks great. Now, because this is dynamic HTML, meaning it can change based on the data, what I have to do is generate the HTML as a string, and then use Wicked's pdf_from_string:
html = HtmlGenerator.parse_node node, "root", #manifest
pdf = # note, this is the same HTML that looks great as a view
and then send it to the browser
:filename => "my_pdf_name.pdf",
:disposition => 'inline')
Now, everything is screwed up. It appears like the fonts are 15% bigger, all of my rows are screwed up. Does the rendering routine in WickedPDF use a different formatting that pdf_from_string?
Thanks for any help,

Grails : Generate text file for GSP

I am working with a Grails 2.3.6 application.
I tried many different things to generate PDF, but most of them failed.
Is it possible to generate a text file of the contents of GSP file? Then have a button called EXPORT and when user clicks on that, the text file will download into there system.
Will it be possible to do that by passing the URL of GSP file?
This is quite straightforward. You just need to specify the response type (text/plain) in the render method from your controller. You can have plain text in the gsp file and use the tags where needed.
def textFile = {
response.setHeader('Content-Disposition', 'Attachment;Filename="textFile.txt"')
render view: 'textFile', contentType: 'text/plain'
Dear ${name},
This is a text file.
As for pdf, I recommend the amazingly good grails rendering plugin.

How do I convert a page of HTML to a page on my Rails site?

I added an upload form so people can upload HTML files to my site. How do I parse a file of HTML to create a page of content on the site? Currently, I just need to get the title and body of a file, so I thought a full-blown parser like Nokogiri would be overkill.
#this takes in a <ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile>
def import(file)
#code to get title and body?
One of many ways to do this..
You can open and read the file from your controller assuming you saved it to an object somewhere.
#content =
And then in your view ( in Haml ) :
#content-container= #content

Multiline graph in PDF file using ruby on rails

I want to give export option in my application that will export PDF file and it should consist multi-line graph. How can i do this in ruby on rails.
It depends on your situation, and what content you already have (if any) which you want to render your PDF based on. Some existing options are:
PDFKit, which can create PDFs based on your existing HTML documents
Prawn, which is a lightweight Ruby API for creating PDFs
Some options (like PDFKit above, and also Wicked PDF) will rely on an external tool like wkhtmltopdf to render existing HTML pages as PDFs, whereas other options (like Prawn) are more Ruby native, so it really depends on your situation which path your should take in your application.
As for the graph you mentioned, if you already have it being rendered as an image file, it might be easiest to use one of the HTML-to-PDF generation options, but if you're wanting to render the graph custom in the PDF context and don't already have it as a standalone image, something like Prawn may be best.
In my application, i am using Highcharts.
I have found great success in rendering charts to pdf using a combination of 2 gems:
wicked_pdf -
wkhtmltopdf-binary -
The second is the binary dependency for wicked_pdf.
It can render your rails view in pdf format.
I have used PDFkit as well, code is given below from my controller method:
Onclick of "Download PDF" button:
if params[:commit]=="Download PDF"
html = render_to_string(:layout => false , :action => "controller_name/pdf_chart_erb_file.html.erb")
kit =
kit.stylesheets << "#{Rails.root}/app/assets/stylesheets/application.css"
send_data(kit.to_pdf, :filename => "my_chart.pdf", :type => 'application/pdf', :disposition => 'inline')
file = kit.to_file("#{Rails.root}/app/exe.pdf")
You can use or render your graphs in pdf_chart_erb_file.html.erb, it simply converts all your html file to PDF file as per code given above.

Forcing the inline rendering of a PDF document in Rails

I'm writing a service that generates PDF files from a set of XML files. The PDF is being correctly generated. However, everytime I click on the "view PDF" link, the browser asks the user to download the PDF file.
I need the PDF to display inline, just like any regular HTML page. I though I wrote the code right, but something must be missing - the browser keeps asking the user to download.
Here's the current code:
class PdfController < Controller
def generate
# stuff
send_data pdf_bytes, :disposition => 'inline', :type => 'application/pdf'
Any ideas?
Try removing the Content-Disposition header altogether. It's been my experience that Content-Disposition: attachment works pretty well, but many browsers have inconsistent behavior for any other value. If you want to display inline, it might just be better to remove the header and hope for the best. IE seems to have the most problems with this header. (Surprise, surprise.) Just make sure you're still setting Content-Type: application/pdf.
The other option would be to use an iframe and set the src of the iframe to your PDF file. Almost all browsers that support inline PDF viewing will handle this correctly. The downside is that you might end up displaying a blank iframe whereas non-supported browsers would have otherwise done a graceful fallback to simply downloading the PDF.
