MVC, ViewModels, BLL, top-down interaction -

I'm trying to understand a 3-layer design where MVC is (or is in) the Presentation Layer. Specifically, how would the top-down interaction concept work with respect to the Business Layer, a ViewModelBuilder, and the MVC Controller.
Should the Controller itself access the BLL?
Where does the ViewModelBuilder fit in to this?
I'm just starting to understand that the Model in MVC is actually the ViewModel rather than the Business or Persistence Model. Am I way off here?

Your confused because of the countless examples online that don't make any distinction between a simple MVC architecture and one that is serving as only the UI layer in a larger enterprise architecture. Most likely, you need the latter.
In an application of any level of real sophistication, yes, you'll want to think of your model classes as view models and then map them back to your domain model. Check out Automapper to help automate this.
Here's two really good articles that were helpful to me that I think are really well written:


Implementing application logic on model layer (MVC)

I keep reading that the biggest layer in the MVC pattern should be the model. I've also heard that we should avoid putting logic on the controller layer. However, as my ASP.Net MVC 5 application is getting larger, I see that I'm getting heavy views, heavy controllers, and... extremely tiny models (they're not more than references to my SQL tables).
Yes, I admit, I could never manage to put any logic on my model.
I like the MVC pattern, and my website is working good, but I keep on thinking that I'm surely not doing things right...
Can you show me some useful links about how to write MVC code properly? Rick Anderson's (Microsoft) MVC 5 tutorial is fine, but once again, his models are indeed very tiny...
In my applications I put as much logic as possible in the domain models. On top of that there is an application layer which interacts with the database and domain models to perform application specific operations. The controller actions have as little code as possible and just call methods in the application layer.
In addition I usually have a view model for each view. Any logic that you have making your views "heavy" would go there.
One of the main reasons I try to put as much logic as possible in the domain models is to make unit testing easier. Logic in the application layer usually involves the database, which you will need to mock in order to test. Moving logic to the domain models makes testing easier and makes you code more reusable.
This is a pretty complex issue. I have an in depth blog post on the question if you're interested.
This answer is also pretty close to what I would suggest.
You're missing a service/business layer which should be injected in your controllers though "Dependency Injection". These services do all the heavy lifting.
Having Models without any methods or operations in them is a good thing. You're only storing this info anyway. They basically just get; set; data.
Use extra layer between models and controllers (for example repositories as data access layer).
I strongly recommend using ViewModels-they make code much more organized.
You should Create Some Classes that purely doing business logic and emit ViewModels for MVC view. Controller should respond to actions and the action method delegate the responsibility of getting the model to this business classes.
After some research on this issue, and taking into account some of these answers and comments, I realized that a medium sized MVC project can't rely exclusively on the 3 layered model. As the controller actions become bigger, the developer starts feeling the need of creating a 4th layer: the service layer. Like Gunnar Peipman correctly suggests in the following blog post, "Controller communicates with service layer and gets information about how access code claiming succeeded":

What's the design pattern name for using domain models & view models (aka AutoMapper) with MVC

Is there a name for the software design pattern that involves MVC with domain models and view models? It's the pattern used when a tool like AutoMapper is employed.
I was attempting to explain the advantages of such a design to some fellow programmers and was calling it MVVM but I'm now of the opinion that's not right and the MVVM pattern is where the view stage is refining the model for its own purposes rather than changing what's passed between the Controller and the View.
Of course it all gets confusing with the number of M's and V's and rather than getting tied up in more knots I thought I'd ask the experts.
Its called MVC. No, seriously. Your website's models just happen to be called ViewModels.
MVC doesn't say what the model is supposed to be, just how its supposed to interact with M and C.
As you might have read or experienced that Automapper is used to map objects. When it comes to MVC, the V (View) and C (Controller) are pretty clear. What confuses many people is the M (Model). MVC doesn't lay strong emphasis on how model should be contructed. You can construct your models by running a direct SQL query or using an ORM tool like NHibernate or LINQ2SQL or Entity Framework of your choice.
If you really want to separate the concerns you can go a step ahead and do what most people do. You can introduce repository pattern to handle model data which can be retrieved using a service. This is the situation where Automapper would come into the picture where you need to map entities and Dto's.
I don't think there is any need to abbriviate this method of building models from service layer. The normal MVC stands valid in this case as well :)
The "Related" questions provided me with the best answer I think I'm going to get.
The design pattern is defined fairly well in the article How we do MVC – View models and the appropriate monica seems to be MVC-ViewModels or MVC-VM.

MVC Models & Controllers where what to write

We have started using MVC framework and now we are bit confused where to write business-logic, in controllers or models?
For the project we are going to use WCF layer as DAL.
People have different views on Model & Controller, and think differently of writing business logic either in 'M' or 'C'.
What is the best practice?
I believe we will be accessing WCF (DAL) service in Model and applying all the business logic or filtering and then Controller accessing the data from Model.
These are my rules:
Mainly Pageflow . Determines what View is displayed next.
Has access to Services ( ie productService.GetProduct(Model.ProductID) )
I have 2 of them.
POCO-Classes - used by all layers (BLL,DAL)
ViewModel - used by View and Controller for stronly typed views.
Hopefully mainly easy HTML
I try to have the layout in a way, that it is possible to have different kind of people work at the project: The frontend guy and the backend guy.
The backend guy will do the Service and Repository.
The Frontend guy will do Controller and Views. He also does ajax.
Try to keep -Business- logic and -Application flow- logic separate. Most people tend to mix those together as -business logic-
Most people keep their business logic in the model and this is considered best practice. Steve Sanderson who has written xVal endorses this method.
As I’ve discussed before, validation rules should go in your domain model, because the role of your model is to represent the workings of your business. It ensures that the rules will be enforced consistently, regardless of whether the UI coder remembers them or not.
Check out his post about xVal that talks about the problem you are discussing.
Do not think that model is supposed to be build from data access logic (wcf service in your case) only. I would recommend you to check out Domain Driven Design, it goes well with MVC. Controllers shouldn't contain any business logic. Controller action method should be ~20 or less lines. But that's just my opinion (made up from countless sources).

ASP.Net MVC and N-Tier

Apologies in advance that I have not researched this toughly enough to answer the question myself, but I imagine it would take me some time and I would rather know now before I invest more time in learning it. I couldn't find anything in my initial research..
Why use ASP.Net MVC if your already using a multi-tier architecture (Data Layer, Logic Layer, Presentation Layer)? Other than the fact the controller has more power than the logic layer.
Am I right in thinking I can use nHibernate and all my data access classes, entities, and mappings in the Model part of the MVC?
When using controllers, is it best to separate a lot of the logic into a separate class so I can call it from multiple controllers? Or can I call them from the controllers themselves, considering the fact that I would not want all of them to be Actions, just normal methods.
MVC is not to replace N-Tier, it is a way to organize the presentation layer.
I would not say that the controller is more powerful than the logic layer. Instead, the controller (as a part of the presentation layer) should still call the logic layer.
Controllers should only prepare data for views and handle actions from views. You should still use your BLL.
Yes, NHibernate entities can (and they should be) be passed to the views.
This will you get you into some trouble. You should use flattened, null-safe DTOs a.k.a. view models.
Damien, you might want to read these 2 posts:
The Fat Controller
An Architectural View of the ASP.NET MVC Framework
N-tier is an archtitectual pattern, to enable reuse, seperaation of concerns and scalability of the key areas of your application.
The non UI layers (Business, Data, Facade etc.) should be unit tested and UI agnostic.
The UI layer is just one of these layers weather it be Silverlight, ASP.NET MVC, web forms etc.
MVC, like MVP is a design pattern that enables better testability of the UI Layer.
ASP.Net MVC is an out of the box framework that supports and enforces this pattern.
The pattern was arround an in use long before this framework.
But this is simply a UI layer choice, There should be no interaction with databases, services etc in the controllers, they control the state of the view using the model, Should not control the business logic, peresistence, transactions etc.
To answer your question on why use if you are already going multi-tier is that it makes for more organized and search-engine friendly URL's. Also, it is more of a standard pattern than the other patterns tend to be in ASP.Net. That makes it more developer friendly for those that are already using MVC on other platforms.

Controllers handle application flow, so where does my business logic go?

I will begin this question by admitting I am very new to MVC. The design pattern makes sense to me at a high level, but now that I'm exploring ASP.NET MVC, some of the architectural pieces are challenging my preconceived notions. Learning is a good thing.
I've been working with Oxite lately as a learning tool written by people at the company that created ASP.NET MVC and thus, an ostensible reference application for ASP.NET MVC.
But today I saw a blog post about Oxite by Rob Conery that says:
One of the things that the Oxite team
decided to do was to separate the
Controllers and Views into another
Project for what I can only assume is
the separation of business logic from
view logic. This can lead to some
confusion since Controllers are meant
to handle application flow - not
necessarily business logic.
This has thrown me for a loop. Is this separation a tenet of MVC and thus a mistake by the Oxite developers, or is it Rob's opinion? If the business logic belongs in the model, why did the Oxite team put it in the controller? How do I execute an action that is business logic if not in the controller?
Further to that, am I making a mistake using Oxite as a learning benchmark considering comments like Rob's?
Your business logic goes in your business layer. The controllers use the business layer to create a model for your views to render. A good example is the MVC Storefront application that Rob Conery has produced. Oxite is currently getting lots of bad press as it apparently does not make good use of the MVC framework.
The reason that you want a business layer that is separate from your controllers is you may want to reuse the business layer across multiple controllers, or even multiple applications. An example of this would be normal user functions for displaying data, and administrative function for updating and adding data. You may make use of the same BL components in both cases but have different controllers and views to render to the data. Model objects would be the same.
You could implement your business layer (i.e. the Model) with your entities, aggregates, repositories, and services. The services call the repositories, which pull data from your DAL in the form of entities.
This can be set in a single, seperate project which is nothing more than a DLL.
Next, have your MVC App, which is really your Presentation layer, and have it utilize your business layer project. the controllers will work with your Services, and pump the data those Services generate into ViewData which is then pumped into your Views.
The controllers should only deal with routing concerns, such as which views to display, based upon user input from forms, querystrings, cookies, sessions, etc.
there has been an uproar from the "MVC purists" community about the validity of Oxite being used an a good MVC example. The bottom line is, business logic should not be contained in controllers, which I am sure you will see as Oxite gets refactored over the coming months.
