How do I simply send my rails website to my designer so he can finish the design? - ruby-on-rails

Basically I need to send to my designer a non-finished rails website.
My Designer doesn't have ruby / Rails environnement installed and should be able to:
modify the CSS
add some html elements
I can manually check the diff after he worked.
Is there a way that I can make an easy extraction of my app or giving an access to the deployed one with capacity to re-root the css from his files?

Based on your question, your designer, in addition to the design, also writes code: he creates css files, and edit your views files. That makes him an integrator.
As such, he should learn the basics of source control management, such as git, svn or any system you prefer (my favorite is Bazaar, for its simplicity).
It is a best practice that will allow you to save some time and avoid a lot of headaches when merging your revisions. A nice side effect: he will be able to easily roll-back to a previous working version of the code, should anything bad have happened.


How can we integrate resource file with any translation management tool

I am working on multilingual site developed in MVC. Currently we are managing the translation task using resource (resx) file and everything is working fine.
Now as per client requirement, they want to integrate our resource file to a TMS "phrase" through a webhook. So in future, if they create any new key or modifying the existing resource file. Its automatically reflects in application resx file and it should automatically reflects on dev/test/prod environment.
As I tried to update the resource file on API call, its get modified and changes are reflected on application.
But when we modified the resx file under app_GlobalResources folder then it restarts the whole application. so this is one of drawback to use this approach. Also when we deploy our changes then it makes the dll of app_globalreources. Post deployment, unable to add new or make changes in existing translation.
Can any one suggest a best approach, which we should consider to fulfill above requirement.
Can we use json instead of resx file in existing application.
A common way to do translations is through database instead resource files. You save the same information in your database: language, key (the resource name) and value (the translated text).
With this focus, you must develop a way to do translations (the typical CRUD operations) and some layer to get any key in each language.
Talk with your client and check how important is this feature. I worked in a project like this some time ago and, at the end, we never do translations in this way. We add more functionality, made changes, translations and, when iteration finished, we move to production everything. Maybe not your case but it's a pity work on something that later hasn't use.

Embed PDF in a website, allow user to modify editable fields in PDF, and save back to the server

I am writing a Program in Rub On Rails 4.x and I have to take PDF files with defined fields that can be filled out, fill in data from a form submission(This part is DONE!), and lastly allow the user to modify the saved PDF file on the server and overwrite said PDF after making their modifications.
Like I said I have already gotten the PDF files filled out with what has been submitted in the form through pdftk . What I now need to do is provide a server side editing capability to the said PDF files on server generated from the first step of the process.
I have seen similar posts but none wanting to do the same thing I do. If I am wrong links would be great. Thanks in advance for all your help!
After lots of digging and research here is what I have found to be the facts surrounding this issue and implementing a program to allow embedding the PDF file, editing it, and saving it back to the server. This process would be great however from what I can tell there is nothing out there that really does this for Ruby On Rails. To quote #Nick Veys
Seems like you need to find a Javascript PDF editor you can load your PDF into, allow the user to modify it, and ultimately submit it back to the server. Seems like they exist, here's one for ASP projects
You are correct but still wrong in the sense that yes there is one for ASP projects however that is Microsoft Based, yes I know that it can run on Linux environments through Mono. However to the point it would appear in this instance that a Ruby On Rails specific solution is indeed needed.
The solution that we have come up with is as follows
1. Use a PDF editing package in the linux repositories like PDFtk
2. You then render a page with the PDF embeded on one side and a form representing the live fields in the PDF to take input.
3. Once submitted you use PDFtk to write the values into a new template PDF file and overwrite what was previously stored.
This requires a few additional steps to process the data than I really care for myself. However it is the best solution that our team could come up with, without bleeding the project budget dry for just 1 piece of functionality.
I hope this helps anyone else looking to do the same thing in Ruby On Rails.
I have done something like this using my company's .NET product. It can also be done using its Java version too.

Using Markdown as a Grails View

We're writing a grails (Grails 2.1.1) project where, for some of our views, we want to use markdown instead of gsp files.
At the moment we can do this using the markdown plugin in a special layout. This allows us to render markdown views like so:
render(layout: 'docs', view: 'markdown')
However, this requires the markdown page to have a .gsp extension, when, for practical reasons, we need it to have a .md extension.
Does anyone know a better way to use markdown as a grails view? It would be great if we can avoid using the .gsp extension.
The Short Answer
You're not going to be able to without some heavy modifications. The distributed GrailsViewResolver is hard-tied to .gsp and .jsp extensions.
See grails-core on github for verification.
The Long Answer
You might be able to fashion your own Ant task to hook it into the Compile cycle of your Grails application so that, at a minimum, you can compile your *.md files through the GroovyPageCompiler.
That process might look something like this (though not exactly, since I am relying on the plugin's taglib to do the rendering in this case, for simplicity).
But this doesn't solve all of your problems. You would also need to register a new view resolver, and to do that you would inevitably go down the road of rewriting the GrailsDispatcherServlet.
It sounds like your solution of storing the files in the conf directory might be your best (although dirty) bet for now. Maybe somebody will take the time to allow for configurable GSP file extensions in the future, and that might solve your problem down the road.
I hope you find some of this information useful.
I did pretty much the same thing but with another approach today. I wanted to serve the readme file of the project so I couldn't really move it anywhere. I ended up soft linking it from to grails-app/views/readme/readme.gsp. I posted about the whole thing.
And yes - soft linking works if you and all your coworkers are on *-nix - so it is not a platformsafe way to do it.

Is there a clever way to pass a yml locale file to my client for translation?

I have finished a rails project using i18n and now I need to pass all the text in the website to our client so that he can translate them and we can include additional locales to our app.
The problem is our client is not a geek and if we give them the actual YAML file, they will use MS Word to edit it and we'll lose all the proper markup in the process ("\n" for new lines, one line text, etc...).
How would you handle this process?
Is there a better way than giving the client a .doc file and then loosing a day to clean the text afterwards and manually converting it back to YAML?
Thanks in advance,
This is exactly what Locale was created for : you upload your YAML files, your client/translator edits the content and you sync YAML back down. You don't email files and you don't have to deal with crappy file formats - check it out!
Full disclosure : I co-founded and develop Locale.
This sounds like a one-off thing where I you do the translation once and then be done with it.
What we do in these cases (we usually work with a Translator for these kinds of things) is that we export all the keys in the YAML to Excel and send them that.
Once we get it back we usually task a intern with fixing up the yaml (after it's been translated back into YAML - we do this manually at the moment but a little script should be easy to implement)
Other solutions could be (if you do this a lot) that you include the translations into your app and enable through some JavaScript and maybe something similar to Aloha Editor the user to simply click on texts and translate them in the app. But that's a bit excessive and only makes sense if there are really a lot of translations to be done and you want to crowdsource them (Facebook did this back in the day)

Easy way to find a view file in rails?

I develop rails applications with my designer who has minimum knowledge about rails.
She works on Windows through file-sharing from a Linux server.
She always has hard time finding view files to work on.
I usually use 'grep' to find a view file.
But she can't.
If you have a good suggestion, please share with me.
I have an idea which may be overkill.
Is there a way to automatically add comments around view files (including layouts and partials?) in html file?
Like this:
<!--Starting app/views/some_dir/some_file.html.erb-->
HTML here...
<!--Ending app/views/some_dir/some_file.html.erb-->
This way, my designer can find the file very easily.
Of course, this should be automatic and development environment only.
I use the Rails Footnotes gem ( in some of my projects which allows me to click a link in the footer of my app that opens the current view (also shows partials) in TextMate. Not sure if it could be customised to work with a Windows text editor but you could look at the URL to work out the file name.
I.e to open a file in MacVim, it creates the following link:
and for TextMate:
