jQuery mobile: why fixed header/footer are not really css fixed? - jquery-mobile

jQuery mobile: can I do header/footer really css fixed (like css position:fixed)?
To fix header and footer i tried to use jquery-mobile's data-position="fixed"
But it looks like ugly on the phone: when I scroll, it appears, disappears and blinks, hm.. that is not what fixed mean to be in css if set header style to: style="position:fixed;z-index:1000" it looks much better - it just fixed and that is all
Is there a way to do it out of the box?

All your questions why this happens and how to fix it: http://jquerymobile.com/test/docs/toolbars/bars-fixed.html
For archiving:
Known limitations
jQuery Mobile uses dynamically re-positioned toolbars for the fixed header effect because very few mobile browsers support the position:fixed CSS property
True fixed toolbars: touchOverflowEnabled
In order to achieve true fixed toolbars, a browser needs to either support position:fixed or overflow:auto. Fortunately, this support is coming to mobile platforms so we can achieve this with web standards. In jQuery Mobile, we have added a global feature called touchOverflowEnabled that leverages the overflow:auto CSS property on supported platforms like iOS5. When enabled, the framework wraps each page in a container with it's own internal scrolling


How to get a smooth and fast scroll in iOS in a Cordova app without JQuery Mobile script

I am developing a Cordova application which previously used the JQuery mobile 1.4.5 script. A previous problem on Android, where transitioning from a page to another caused unnecessary flickering left me no choice but to remove the call to the JQuery mobile script.
<script src="js/jquery.mobile-1.4.5.js"></script>
Instead I simply left the CSS
<link href="js/jquery.mobile-1.4.5.css" rel="stylesheet" />
and used the JQuery mobile classes to change the styles of inputs, buttons, etc, retaining the previous app style (this was highly important especially considering that the app is almost finished and the design in which jquery mobile was heavily used needed to be retained).
When I did this I found out that on iOS the scrolling was no longer fast and smooth as it was before. I tried to revert to the old method, i.e. having the j-query mobile script and the iOS smooth works normally. This proves that J-Query mobile had some specific script that 'fixes' the iOS scroll. I would like to use just this script to fix the scrolling problems. Apart from this problem, the app works and looks just fine.
Below is the 'template' html of every page. As you can see the jquery-mobile classes that are normally automatically wrapped around the components of the app after the page loads are manually assigned to the specific components.
<html class="ui-mobile js csstransitions">
<body class="ui-mobile-viewport ui-overlay-a sidy--panels-closed">
<div class="sidy ui-page ui-page-theme-a ui-page-active">
<div class="sidy__content">
<div id="wrapper" class="wrapper">
<div>Fixed header</div>
<div>Fixed Footer</div>
I tried to search intensively on stackoverflow and other sources. For e.g. this fix did not work when tried on the tag; as the fixed header and footer move with the scrolling and only restore to their original position when the scrolling operation is finished. When trying to assign the class on the container (where the actual scrolling needs to happen); nothing happens.
overflow-y: scroll;
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
What would be most useful to me is to know which part of the Jquery mobile script makes the iOS scrolling look smooth and native and act very fast!
Thank you for your help!
Your css'ed div needs for IOS (Safari) to have a non-dynamic size in the scroll direction, i.e. the height in your example.
Add a height element:
overflow-y: scroll;
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
height: ...px;
and it should work.
I had the same problem, and was able to solve it with this added property. I use React.JS so, I could easily get computed the height so that it was correct for different devices, adjusted for headers and footers etc. With Javascript you can do compute it with the variable window.innerHeight (at least for Cordova, I don't know if this is a standard browser variable).

How to fix flickering issue in Jquery Mobile

I am quite new to Jquery Mobile Framework.
I am using page transition in jqm .. Using this i am getting flickering issues while loading the content.
I used:
changepage("#id",{transition : "slide"})
There is no issue in the transition effect, but the flickering makes my site bad.
I used version : 1.2.0 jquery mobile js and css and jquery 1.8.2
Where you are getting a flickering? On Android or on every device?
Anyway, you can try to use their recommendation:
.ui-page {
-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;
Another check that you can try is here.
I had this problem as well. What I did was disable the transition.
If you are still having flickering without the transition then it might hint that the JavaScript is taking too long to run. You can fix this by simplifying the CSS and JavaScript until the flickering stops or by checking the performance of the page by using Chrome DevTools like this blog post suggests.

jquery mobile 1.3 beta side panel scrollable content

How can I make the side panel content scrollable in case there are many items, without scrolling the content on the main page (in JQM 1.3 Beta)? I am trying to implement this for an application running on both Desktop and Mobile browsers.Have looked everywhere, but cannot find the answer.
I've made a div inside the panel that is scrollable, but this doesn't work on iOS4 and below without 2-finger scrolling (div within div issue in iOS).
Please, visit the following to find the answer to the above question:
JQM 1.3 panel + iscrollview + dynamically loaded
.ui-panel-inner .ui-content myElement {
overflow: scroll;
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
You can make the selector more specific to a given element or just leave the "ui-panel-inner" if you want the whole side panel to be scrollable.
Note: The "-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch" adds native inertia scrolling to the overflow and is not needed if all you want is scroll functionality. This should work on webkit browsers; mobile safari and chrome. But I have only tested it on mobile safari. It will not work on mobile IE but again, I have not tested it.

Jquery UI Resizable with helper adds positioning in firefox

I'm using jquery UI to resize a div vertically(I.E. using the n handle). I'm using a helper so it only resizes after the user stops dragging. After a resize is done I call a function which sets dimensions on surrounding elements so they all fit within a container.
This works in both chrome and IE, but in firefox a css property of top is added which blows the div out of the container.
I've tried removing the top value after the fact, which works, but this is kind of a hack and also causes the div to 'jump'.
Is this a bug? Is there a workaround using jquery css html, etc?
To see what I mean check this fiddle and resize the element, if you inspect it in firefox there will a top css property but not in chrome.
In my opinion it is a bug.
Workaround: if you add a top: 0; to the css rule for #resizable IE, chrome and firefox have the same behavior. Also see the updated example.
=== UPDATE ===
It's a firefox bug. I walked from the jQuery UI resizable method code until the css method of jQuery (main) code to find an answer. At the end of my search I could found that firefox returns for css top value auto for not/static positioned elements, but returns 0px if relative position is set; in both cases top is not defined (they could be set to auto with no difference - it's the default value).
Also see this example.
In the resizable method this result makes the difference (jQuery UI sets the relative position to the DOM element by adding a class). If the bug (which I have reported to mozilla) will be fixed, the behavior of your example in the firefox should be the same as in chrome.
I'll report here if there is something new...
=== UPDATE ===
Now I have a workaround for you:
for the special situation you described set the css position of your resizable element manually to static.
Add to your stylesheets:
#resizable { position: static; }
Also see your updated example.

Gaps under tabs using JQuery UI in Firefox

I have been using JQueryUI for various aspects of my site, and a small tabbed menu set was working well, except in firefox. The image below shows the same code rendered in firefox on top, and IE9 below. Note the gap under the tabs and the (possible?) increase in padding inside the tab. I have removed all my stylesheets from the site (the 2nd image) leaving just the base JQuery UI one, but the gaps still appear, and only in firefox.
The js call is as basic as it can be:
It's not often I have display issues where IE is better than firefox... Having removed all the CSS I generated, and made sure there's no styles being applied, I'm at a loss as to where to look next!
If you can offer any suggestions as to what might be causing it, I'd be a happy chappie!
After scaling back the code as far as I could, and using only 'known good' libraries, it turns out that it is caused by it being in a table cell!
Here's some code you can have a play with! http://jsfiddle.net/XVHTk/
It does however work when "Normalized CSS" is checked, so it could be padding inherited from the cell maybe?
[EDIT #2]
It turns out that CSS styles applied to a table to remove padding and margins and borders and so forth are not enough. You have to include cellpadding="0" and cellspacing="0" in the table definition otherwise the jQuery tabs have some extra padding around them.
jsFiddle with table and no extras: http://jsfiddle.net/XVHTk/1/
jsFiddle with table spacing/padding stripped: http://jsfiddle.net/XVHTk/2/
Why the HTML cell properties are being transferred into the tabs, I have no idea. I'm just happy to have fixed it!
This is caused by a bug in the ui-helper-clearfix class. See ticket #8442 and the associated fix. As you can see from the ticket, this was fixed in 1.10.1. I've created a fiddle showing this working properly with 1.10.1 and using 1.8.x with additional CSS to fix the issue. The latter shows that if you can't upgrade to 1.10.1+ right now, you can just include the following CSS:
.ui-helper-clearfix:after {
border-collapse: collapse;
