Entity Framework - Creating a lookup NavigationProperty - entity-framework-4

Quick question that requires a long explanation..
Say I have two tables - one is an item table (say 'Users') and another is a definition table - like 'Custom Properties'. Many different items in the system ('Users', 'Articles', 'Posts', etc) can all have custom property defined to them, and these are stored in the 'Custom Properties' table. So, for example, the 'Custom Properties' table looks like:
Simple little table. Each item has a 'item_type' id (for example, a user is an item type of 1. Article would be an item type of 2, and so on), so this table could have multiple rows for each item. Essentially, this table's metadata for the other tables.
I want to create a navigation property on my Users table, that will link to all the entries in the props table where 'item_type' == 1.
What's the best way of going about this? From the way I see it, there are two options -
(1) Creating a navigation property through the EDMX and letting it populate it automagically. (This is preferred, but having troubles implementing..) or
(2) Creating a property in the partial class, and having that load everything manually.
The issue with #2 is that it would (could potentially?) be slower than having the entity framework handle loading.
The issue with #1 is that.. no matter what I try, I can't get a NavigationProperty defined that will handle it. Because the primary key is a fixed number - i.e. It will always be '1' for ALL Users, always be '2' for all articles, etc.. - I haven't been able to find a way to hook into that.

What you're describing isn't really a "Navigation Property" in terms of what EF defines as a naviation property. A navigation property in EF terms follows a [usually] primary key - foreign key reference in the database schema itself. And, AFAIK, the only way to get that navigation property in the EDMX is for there to actually be a FK involved.
You could, obviously (and probably do) have a FK here, but that's not entirely what you want, because that FK is going to return all instances of your custom properties for the given primary key. What you want is instances of only a particular type; and I don't think there is a "off the shelf" way of doing this in EF.
What you probably want to do is implement a Stored Procedure, and bring that into your model; you could then implement this is a property (or probably more appropriately a method) on your entity.
Alternatively, you could just create the FK, have your entity load all of the custom properties, and then write "helper properties" that do simple LINQ based .Where() filters.


ef code first one-to-one relationship with foreign key in model that is not also primary key

it's my understanding that ef code first does not support one to one relationships with an explicit foreign key on the dependent side that is NOT also the primary key... it's also my understanding that in order for breeze navigation properties to work, there MUST be a foreign key on the dependent side... so my question then is, is it correct to assume then that there's no way to get a one to one relationship with an explicit foreign key that is not also the primary key to work in breeze? if so, are there any workarounds? if not, how would i need to set up the metadata? we actually programatically generate our metadata following the nodb sample... is there any way through code to set up this type of navigation property? assume that we will still have a foreign key on the dependent side, only that it will be ignored by EF... thank you
This is a very interesting question. I'm pretty certain the answer is "No".
Take a look at this example from "metadata by hand". It describes the navigation from the dependent Product to it's principal Category.
navigationProperties: {
category: {
entityTypeName: "Category",
associationName: "Product_Category",
foreignKeyNames: ["categoryID"]
Notice that it identifies the FK property categoryID but is silent about the property on the principal side that the FK value must match.
That silence speaks volumes. Clearly "it goes without saying" that the matching property on the principal is the principle entity's key.
EF has sound Entity Data Modeling reasons for imposing this constraint (darned if I can remember what they are). Apparently Breeze follows suit.

Adding a record into an association table using Breezejs

Background Info
So I am using Breezejs and Knockout with EF5 and the Breeze MVC api controller on the backend. One of my tables in my data base is an association table, 3 columns - an id and two foreign keys(we'll call them fkey1 and fkey2 with table1 and table2). In my application, I need to add a record to this association table. Breeze knows about the relationships that this table has.
Breeze js makes a new record for me, then I find out the records I need to associate with it. Do I need to add in the id of the table1 entity into the fkey1 observable and the table2 entity id into the fkey2 observable AND add the whole entities into their respective relationship properties AND add push this new entity object into the table1 and table2 entities association property? Or does adding the id's into the new object automatically add those objects into the relationship properties (maybe those objects are subscribed to the fkey1 and fkey2 properties? - this is what I'm guessing happens in the background of breeze, a shot in the dark though I have no idea).
Creating new entities with Breeze is super easy and I love it, but I'm a little confused when it comes to creating new entities that have a lot of relationships.
Let me if you need a better description of my situation, it's kind of a tough thing to explain. Thanks!
Providing that you set the "foreign key" properties appropriately when creating and attaching entities, Breeze will automatically update all of the associated relationships, i.e. navigation properties on this and any related entities. You should never need to manually perform any fixup.
Similarly, if you do the reverse and assign an entity to a scalar navigation property then Breeze will automatically update the foreign key(s). For a collection navigation property, if you push a value into the collection then Breeze will automatically update the foreign key of the entity being pushed.
Hope this helps, but maybe I'm missing the question...

Entity Framework 4.0 2 many-to-many with same entities

I have 2 entities (say People and Books) that have two many-to-many relationships. I have created two different linking tables - e.g. the linking tables are called BooksCheckedOutByPeople and BooksOnHoldByPeople.
EF 4.0 correctly makes two relationships. It calls them something like PeopleBooks and PeopleBooks1.
When I am making Linq queries, how do I tell Linq to use a specific one of these relationships? Is there any way in Linq to specify one relationship instead of the other?
Say I'm creating a query against People and I want to get the Books for BooksCheckedOutByPeople and thus I need to use the relationship PeopleBooks.
You should be able to rename "PeopleBooks" and "PeopleBooks1" to more informative property names by editing the model EF generates for you. Something like "BooksOnHold" and "BooksCheckedOut".
At that point, when writing your LINQ queries, just reference the right navigation properties (as they're called). LINQ uses whichever properties you specify, and the Entity Framework should generate a unique navigation property for each collection.
I just fired up VS2010 to copy your model and poke around a bit.
I see that EF4 did indeed generate two Navigation Properties foor Book and Person, called People and People1, and Books and Books1 (respectively).
If you select any of these Navigation Properties in the Model Browser and look at the Properties pane, you should be able to see which table is correlated to that association and rename the property appropriately. Here's a screenshot from my PC:
You can see that I've selected the "People" nav property for the "Book" entity. The association in this case is determined by BooksCheckedOutByPeople, so I can rename the property to "PeopleCheckingOut", or something more useful than "People". When I'm using LINQ-to-Entities later, I then reference the "PeopleCheckingOut" property to query that collection on any specific Book.

Model design in ASP.NET MVC

I am constanstly having problems with model design in MVC. Mostly all of my projects require some entities that are to be created, edited and deleted. Most of these entities have some common properties like creation date, modified date, author, modified by and in some cases even more descriptive properties are common. Because of that I have one single DB table to store them. For instance, Documents table and we store Invoices, Quotations and other business documents in it. I am using Entity Framework v4 for ORM, where we eventually end up with the Document entity.
How do I modify this entity or do I create a separate DocumentViewModel class for it to support multiple document types with common properties (so some form of inheritance or interface implementation should be implemented)? Besides identifying different document types I also need to have some types to have different Data Annotation rules (attributes).
For instance, Document table has PayDate column. Document type Invoice requires PayDate to be provided but document type Quotation does not.
This is the one single problem I am facing over and over with MVC and so far I've been handling it different every time but cannot decide how to properly handle it to achieve the maximum application maintainability and ease of development.
Have you considered making Documents entity abstract?
From the DB side, you will have Documents table containing just the fields shared by all Invoices/Quoations/etc. This field will have an IDENTITY PK - e.g DocId.
In the other tables, additional meta-data specific to that document can be stored, and the PK is a (non-IDENTITY) field DocId, which is also a FK to the Documents table.
On the EF side, Documents becomes an abstract entity, and the other entities inherit from this entity. This allows a nice OO paradigm to exist, and makes your code more robust.
We are currently using this scheme (EF4/SQL Server).
Your scenario sounds very similar to ours - consider using Abstract Classes.
Thought i'd add a bit more info to how i've actually implemented this scenario, to put you on the right track.
As the comments to your Q state, we have little knowledge of your domain, therefore it's hard to make informed opinions. Personally, i chose to make my entity abstract, because certain functionality required a "mixed-bag" of items to be returned in one hit. There are other ways to do this of course (such as a stored procedure), but this allows a nice fluent interface between my UI (which is MVC by the way) and my service layer.
Works like this - here's how i get a single Post:
// var is strongly-typed to a "Post"
var somePost = repository.FindSingle(10);
Here's how i get a mixed-bag of Posts:
// var is strongly-typed to a "ICollection<Post>".
// "Title" is a property on my "Post" abstract POCO
var mixedBagOfPosts = repository.FindAll<Post>(p => p.Title = "Some Title");
Here's how i get a collection of "Reviews" (child of Post):
// var is strongly-typed to a "ICollection<Review>"
// "Rating" is a property on my "Review" POCO (derived from Post)
var reviews = repository.FindAll<Review>(r => r.Rating == 5.00);
The kicker is my repository is implemented with generics, and the type parameter ensures type-safety:
ICollection<T> FindAll<T>(Expression<Func<T,bool>> predicate) where T : Post
And it's implemented like this:
return myContext.Posts.OfType<T>.Where(predicate).ToList();
The OfType causes an inner join to the T (which is the child table), so only those records are returned.
Of course, i also have a service layer mediating between my UI and repository, but this should get you on the right track.
Also, you don't have to go with the whole Expression-predicate thing, i like this because it minimizes the number of methods on my interface, and gives full querying power to my controllers, whilst ensuring the queries are deferred to the point of the service layer, but not further.
If you don't like this, you could of course have regular parameters (string title, etc).
As i said, this architecture suited my domain requirements, so it may not necessarily suit yours, but hopefully it gives you some insight.
You can put a table in your EF model many times and just rename them to the entities you need. Just delete the columns you dont need from those.
For example, put in a Documents entity... now rename it to Invoice. Now add another one, and name it Quotation... on the Quotation, click on PayDate and hit the delete key. You can customize these all you want! You can do the same with other ORMs, just takes a little more work. With NHibernate you would manually create the Models, then map them to the same table, but only map what you need.

Showing many tables in many dropdown lists. c#, asp.net-mvc, linq2sql

I want to use an example to explain what I want.
Assume I've following DB design:
Item (id, name, categoryID);
Category (id, name);
When user wants to create an Item (fill in form), I'll give a list of categories in a dropdownlist, and when user chooses one of the categories ASP.NET MVC will automatically bind categoryID, to the selected one. I need to present same dropdown list when editing the item with correct selected one.
But my DB is very big, and it requires around 30-40 (maybe even more) category-like tables, that contain just "id" and "name", and all tables need to be shown in dropdown list while creating some other object, and also needs to be presented while editing the object. Definitely above schema doesn't work, because it's tedious to write same logic 100 times with just different table names. (I'm using Linq2SQL)
Currently my solution is:
Make a view that's based in all such tables and in application I just call a function that construction dropdownlist from that single view. But it's still tedious to change view definition everytime I add a new table.
Do you guys think of a better solution for this tedious work, possibly using reflection or some other tecnologies.
It is not a problem "Definitely above schema doesn't work, because it's tedious to write same logic 100 times with just different table names."
If I were you, I will mark an addition interface on these class using "partial class" feature.
Then, I will write few extension method for the partial class.
If anyone interested in the solution:
I've used reflection to solve this problem.
I use reflection over DataContext to get the Table (by string name), and get its fields and construct the optionlist.
