background file uploader? -

So after two days of googling incessantly and apparently asking the wrong questions, I think I have figured out a way to word it so I get the response I'm looking for.
I have a Project Management application, written in MVC3. Sometimes, the users have to attach large files and upload them to the applications. (100-200 mb) is typical. The problem of course is that this is currently handled synchronously, and varying network speeds mean that the application can be completely blocked for 10 minutes to an hour if someone's on a slow connection. FTP is NOT an option here (my hands are tied by our network guys on that one).
So I am looking for a way to do the following workflow:
user clicks Upload File
user selects File to upload
user clicks "Go" or whatever button
Application says "your file is being uploaded. You will be notified when it's complete"
user continues to use the application as normal.
Some things to be aware of: I already have an internal messaging system implemented. So when I say that the app will notify the user when it's complete - all it needs to do is insert a new message into the queue. It DOES NOT need to notify the user's current screen or anything like that - so I'm not worried about a return value of any kind. I also have a background Error log implemented, so I can insert a message into the log if something goes wrong and again - inform the user via the internal messaging system.
So I am stumped on how to implement this. I thought an Async Controller was the right way to go, but if I understand all the stuff I've been seeing - it's not. Feel free to correct me. I implemented a version using Async but when addressing the one problem it had, I was informed that I was doing it wrong anyway.
So I'm all ears.

If you can use 3rd party controls then take a look at the Telerik controls:
It has an Asynchronous File Upload control.


Notify users PDF creation is ready and can be downloaded

Users can create a PDF in my app which takes some time to generate, so it has to be done in a background job. No problem, but then there is a delay and the user must be notified that the PDF is ready.
So the first choice is to send an email with a download link or a push notification in the app itself. My preference is the push notification, so I guess ActionCable is the way to go? My app runs on Heroku, so is ActionCable also a good choice then or is another solution preferable?
Then there is another consideration, where to store the generated PDF until the user downloads it? I could upload it to Azure/S3/etc with ActiveStorage, or I could store it temporarily in an app folder and delete it after download. My preference is to do the last, because the PDF is there only for a few minutes and therefore the hassle to store it in the cloud is not really needed?
You have a very broad question here, which is very much dependent on the overall user needs and experience you want them to have.
I'll start with the simplest part, in terms of temporary storage of the PDF. There are several things to bear in mind here.
I would say that from a scalability, and application security standpoint, storing the PDF to the cloud is the way to go. Opening up writable directories on your application server carries a risk. Also, if you ever need to scale to more than one server, this will not work. Deleting items from cloud storage is not hard with the appropriate APIs.
Is it essential for the user to be authenticated in some way to download the PDF? This is more challenging if you push the PDF to a cloud bucket (unless you have the PDF named with a very complex, unguessable name, that name only accessed through the authenticated application). If the data is less sensitive, then your email notification can show the link directly, but you won't know easily if a user has retrieved the PDF and it is now ready to be deleted.
In terms of notification, I'd go with email for several reasons. Simplicity is the main one. Do you have experience with ActionCable? It appears simple on the surface, but there are many things to bear in mind when using it: infrastructure and UI being the major ones. Also, from a user experience perspective, are users likely to hang around in the application waiting for the PDF to be completed? What happens if they logout? How will they know the PDF is available?
If the timescale for generation of the PDF is short and absolutely optimized scalability is not a big deal, you could consider a simpler mechanism that checks for user notifications (a simple query onto a user_notifications table for example) for every user action, and use a flash or some other session flag that the UI can check and use to asynchronously retrieve the notification.
Just ideas. Impossible to give definitive answers.

Disable multi-tab browsing for single session/user

[Disclaimer: I'm not sure if this kind of question is accepted here as it is about a piece of software deployed already. Rest assured I didn't drop any confidential information. Also do tell me if I violated any rules in SO by posting this so I can take it down immediately]
I have a working Learning Management System web application and I recently received a bug report about a button not showing. After investigating, I have proved that the user was not using the web app as intended. When taking an exam, he was opening multiple tabs to exploit the feature that informs him whether the answer was correct or not. He then will use this information to eliminate the wrong answers and submit all the right answers in another tab/window.
I'm using Rails 4.2. Is there a way to prevent multi-tab browsing? I'm thinking like if a user is signed in and he attempted to open a new tab of the webapp, he should see something like "Please use one tab" and all the features/hyperlinks/buttons are disabled.
Here's a screenshot of how I proved he was using multiple tabs. Notice that there are multiple logs of the same attempt # because the current implementation allows saving a study session and resuming later (this is the part that's exploited). The opening of multiple tabs searches for the most recent attempt session and continues from there. This is also the reason why most of the sessions don't have a duration value -- the user only finishes a study session for one tab (by clicking a button that ends the study session). The system cannot compute for the duration because the other sessions don't have an end timestamp.
This is what a single-tab user looks like:
This is more of an application misuse issue more than a bug.
You should add protection not only from multi tab, but for multi browsers aw well, so it can't be purely FrontEnd check.
One of the solutions could be using ActionCable to check if a user has an active connection already and then act accordingly.
Another, for example, generate a GUID in JS and pass it with every answer. If its different from previous answer, it means user opened a new window.
But of course the solution would depend on your current architecture, without knowing how do you currently organise client-server communication it's hard to give exact and optimal solution.
I found an answer here. I just placed this js in the application view to prevent any extra instance of the website.
Thanks for everyone who pitched in.

A web app with logins in a kiosk situation

We are looking at setting up an internal web application (ASP.NET MVC) as a kiosk for the employees that don't have a dedicated computer. We currently do not have this kiosk setup. Each employee will have their own login to look at some basic payroll information and request leaves of absence. This same web application will be used by the office workers with a dedicated PC at their desk.
I am going to go out on a limb and say that no matter how many times we tell the employees, the employees will not click log off when they walk away from the kiosk. What would you do to help prevent this from happening?
lets try to fix the users instead of the code :) , i guess that your log out button is like the one here on stackoverflow. its a little text link "logout" some where in the upper right corner. thats perfect for people who use webapps day by day and are aware of the fact that they need to logout before someone comes along a does havoc to thier facebook profile, but less tech savy users wont think of that and walk away.
you need to the get the attention of your users to this logout-button and teach them that logging-out is a good thing.
try the following
give the logout button more visual weight then usally make it bigger, make it a real button instead of a textlink and even change its color to something more alerting (red, orange, ... whatever fits your ci)
if they dont loggout, use the session timeout and some javascript the refresh the page after any amount of inactivity, but also set a flag that this user has not logged out after his last visit. that way you can greet him on his next login with a nice confirmation dialog, and tell him once again why logging out is so important and where your logout-button is located.
The naive solution would be to enforce a timeout. If there's no activity from the user within a certain time limit (say, a minute or so), log them out. Of course, this won't prevent someone from walking up immediately after an employee is done and seeing how much money they make.
ATMs handle this, I think, by timing out after a minute or two, which isn't super-secure but at least offers some minimal security.
If the employees have any kind of RFID card or other security token, you could require them to put it in a reader slot, and log them out whenever the card disappears. Handling this within a web app, though, could get complicated.
The simple way is to use a little javascript.
Just have it set to something like 30 seconds of inactivity. If the user hasn't clicked on anything have the javascript send it back to a login page.
Here's a link to get you started.
Assuming you've already thought of the obvious (aggressive session timeouts, non-persistent authentication cookies, etc); how about a bit of an "out there" suggestion?
I'm not sure how do-able this would be with a web-based interface; but what about using some form of IR sensor with a usb/serial interface and an API you can tie into? This may make it possible to invoke some form of "logout" operation when someone walks away from the kiosk.
Perhaps someone has a better suggestion for external hardware, but this was the first thing that lept to my mind as a out-of-the-box approach.
I found a jQuery version that seems to work quite well. I'll start by using that and see how that goes.

Integrating twitter,facebook and other services in one single site

I need to develop an application which should help me in getting all the status,messages from different servers like Twitter,facebook etc in my application and also when i post a message it should gets updated in all the services. I am using authlogic for authentication. Can anyone suggest me what gems/plug-ins i can use..
I need API help to get all the tweets/messages to be displayed in my application and also ways to post the messages to the corresponding services by posting it from my application. Can anyone help me from design point.
Walk through what you'd want to do in your head. Imagine the working site, imagine your webapp working before you start. So your user logs in (handled by authlogic) and sees a textbox called "What are you doing right now?". The user fills in a status message and clicks "post". The status message appears at the top of their previously posted messages.
Start with the easy part. Create a class that posts to two services. Use the twitter gem and rfacebook to post to two already defined services. In the future, you'll want to let the user associate services to their account and you would iterate through the associated services and post the message to each. Once you have this working, you can refactor or polish the UI a bit to round out this feature. I personally would do the "add a social media account to my profile" feature towards the end.
Harder is the reading of the data (strangely enough) because you're going to have to figure out how to store it. You could store nothing but I suspect you'd run into API limits just searching all the time (could design around this). I would keep a little cache of posts associated to the user's social media account. In this way, the data model would look like this:
A user has many social media accounts.
A social media account has many posts. (cache)
Of course, now you need to schedule the caching of the posts. This could be done manually, based on an event (like when they login) or time based. So when the update happens, you load up the posts for that social media account and the user will see the posts the next time they hit the page. For real-time push to the client's browser while they stare at the screen, use faye (non-trivial) and ajax to pull the new posts to the top of the social media stream view.
The time based one is tricky because you'd either have to have a cron job run or have rails handle it all with a gem like clockwork. But then you have to leave rails running. I've also solved this by having a class in /lib do all the work and a simple web call kicks off the update. But it wasn't in a multi-user use case. So that might not work. In any case, you'll want to have some nice reusable code for these problems since update requests can come from many different sources.
You'll also have to deal with the API limits. When pulling down content from twitter, you won't get everything. That will just have to be known by the user or you'll have to indicate a "break in time" somehow.
The UI should be pretty easy (functionally anyway), because you know which source the post/content is coming from. It'd be easy to throw a little icon next to the post to display which social media site it's coming from.
Anyway, good luck, sounds like a fun project.

How Can I Verify A Download Has Been Completed?

We're using ASP.NET MVC and our action does this:
pull records from DB
mark records as downloaded
push zipped download to browser
Now the problem comes when the download doesn't complete for some reason - maybe the user clicks "Cancel" or IE pops up that download security bar. I'm wondering if there's an alternative solution.
Could we push the download to the user and then only mark records as downloaded when we're sure they've received the right number of bytes? I have to say that I'm struggling with this one and a solution which is as easy for end users as possible would be fantastic.
There isn't any reliable way to do this without a process running on the client which can verify the transfer completed. Of course, the only process we can reasonably expect the user to already have, or be willing to install, is Flash.
Only Flash 10 supports saving files directly to disk as the user requests. (Previous versions had a "shared object" which was kind of like a very large cookie space more than anything else - not for transferring files but saving reusable application data). Read up here for info on how to interact with the end-user's filesystem via Flash 10.
Essentially there is a method call save() which will push data to a location of the user's choosing. The specific location is hidden from your code; for obvious security reasons, you merely push the file into a black box and Flash handles the rest.
The only real bit of info missing here is how to get your file into the Flash player, but anyone with a little Flash experience should have no trouble figuring that out with a few minutes of research. Without Flash experience you should still have it working in under a day.
Rather than simply redirecting the user to the resource that is to be downloaded (there by causing the popup of would you like to download a file) you might try to two things. Push the resource out of a page as a byte array. Once the download has completed redirect the download page to another page. On this page you can then add to your workflow asking if the download went ok or not. Also, if they got this far you could assume (ass-u-me) that it worked. To actually track how far the download got I don't think is doable as you have nothing on the other end monitoring bytes received.
I don't believe there is. If this is necessary you may need to utilize a Silverlight (Or flash) control in conjunction with your application.
Basically the approach with either one would be to open a socket connection to the HTTP url and save it to the appropriate path on the User's drive. Once the download is complete you could have the control generate a hash value from the file and send that back to some ASP page. If the hash value is never submitted or is incorrect you know they didn't finish the file.
Even checking that all the bytes were sent doesn't really guarantee anything:
The user might still cancel the download before saving it, or their browser might crash, etc.
The recipient might not be the user. It might be a proxy server with a virus scanner that decides to block the transfer, etc.
