FBConnect “via” link broken on feed posts from iOS app - ios

I posted this on regular SO before I found the Facebook-specific one, so hopefully it will get some more love here.
I have an iOS app that is successfully posting to Facebook via the FBConnect SDK. I have registered the app in Facebook as a native iPhone app and filled out the required data (bundle ID, app store id, etc), however I am running into one small, but very annoying issue.
When the app posts to the user's feed, the message has a "via App Name" link that presumably goes to the app store, or somewhere sensible. This link never work, it always goes to a page stating "Page not found", with no helpful information.
The link is of the form: http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=${app.id}
I have verified that the ID that it is putting in there is in fact my app ID. Can anyone shed some light on what might be causing this and some possible fixes?

It's in Settings/Basic put your URL in the Website and Mobile Web section.
I a normal browser it will use the "Website" url on a mobile platform (iOS, Android, etc) it should use "Mobile Web" url.

You are missing the website config setting for your application. See this for an example:
Notice facebook displays a message about redirecting the user to a landing page. You need to define a landing page in your app settings for it to use. Otherwise it can't go there.


Opening app in app store with custom parameters

I am trying to have a link on my website that will open the app on the App Store, with some extra parameters, which my app can then use once it is installed.
The sequence would be similar to this:
User visits my website and clicks a link to install app on App Store.
User is redirected to the app store and installs links
App is launched with the extra parameters passed in URL in step 1.
Hopefully it could look something like this:
The main reason I would like to do something like this would be so a user can jump right to the same page they were on, and possibly also be logged in.
I did some research on this already, but only found stuff for affiliate linking (which maybe could be used for this) but this doesn't seem like the right option.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
It turns out this is called "Deferred Deep Linking", here are some similar threads I've found:
How to make deferred deep linking?
Deferred Deep Linking in iOS
You can do this scenario with 2 ways
1-) define URL scheme on your iOS app firstly.
For example, you define "dateApp" as a URL scheme.
After that, if you write on safari browser this adress "dateApp://" your browser should ask you should this page open on: "DataApp"? if this app installed on your phone
2-) Firebase Dynamic Links.
You should implemented related SDK and callback on your app.
After that you should prepare dynamic link from firebase dashboard
You should check this option if you don't want see preview page.
Note: firebase dynamic link option is more powerfull. Because if someone not install your app but clicked firebase link, redirecting AppStore. After installation process, if opening app in 2 hours, deeplink url cachted by firebase. So you can route appropriate page.
Firebase deeplink example for you :)

Firebase dynamic link does not navigate to ios app/ appstore from facebook post in iOS

I have to implement navigation from facebook post to my native iOS app or app store if the app is not installed. For that, I have tried Facebook APP Link feature but it did not work. Then I created Firebase Dynamic link and post it on facebook app directly. After tapping on posted link, it shows one pop up saying "Leave Facebook? This webpage is trying to open an app outside of Facebook. Are you sure you want to open it?"
After tapping on Yes, it does nothing. I have cross verified the created link with https://app_id.app.goo.gl/apple-app-site-association It shows associated bundle id, team id, app store id.
Can anyone please suggest me the proper pathway to implement deep linking with facebook post to the app?
Also, can we test deep linking with the app which is not on the App Store?
Thanks in advance.
Facebook doesn't like users to leave their app. They stopped supporting App Links in their iOS app almost a year ago, and have never supported Universal Links (which is what Firebase Dynamic Links uses).
The only workaround is to send users to a landing page with a CTA button, and put another deep link behind that button (on a different domain than the one on which you're hosting this landing page). It's an extra step for the user, but currently the only option. Branch.io (full disclosure: I'm on the Branch team) does this via the Deepviews feature. Dynamic Links currently doesn't have an equivalent, so you'd need to build something yourself.

iOS Universal Link App Store redirect

I have universal links working correctly, when the app is installed I see how the link opens the app, and when it's not installed opens the url in safari.
Actually what I would like to do is to redirect and go to the app store, so users can download the app directly.
Im going to include a redirect on the html file, because I know universal links don't support redirects a the http server config level (anyway I think this is for the manifest file only, apple-apps-site-association)
Anyone can confirm if this is the right way to do it, or the only way to do it? I don't like the idea to open safari first, load my html (with the redirect only) and then go to the store. Looks like there's no easier way to do it.
You're right: server-side redirects aren't allowed for the apple-app-site-association file. However, I believe once the user opens a Universal Link and (assuming the app is not installed) lands on the URL, all options are on the table (server-side, or otherwise).
If the page on the other end of your Universal Links URL contains an instant JS redirection to your app's App Store page, that should work just fine. Something like this:
window.location = 'itms-apps://itunes.apple.com/us/app/imdb-movies-tv/id342792525'
But yes, no matter how you do it, Safari is still going to open. It'll flash past so quickly that the user likely won't even notice. Here's a real-time recording I just made of the Branch.io deep linking service's demo app doing exactly this process:
From here: https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/General/Conceptual/AppSearch/UniversalLinks.html
"When you support universal links, iOS 9 users can tap a link to your website and get seamlessly redirected to your installed app without going through Safari. If your app isn’t installed, tapping a link to your website opens your website in Safari."
You're not doing it wrong, that's just how they work.

Mobile Install Ad was disapproved by Facebook

I setup a Mobile App using the developer's panel and added all the correct information as mentioned in the tutorial video on the Facebook SDK page.
It's a native iOS app so I supplied the bundle ID and the App Store ID. I've installed the SDK and Facebook is registering installs whenever I run it on my device.
However once I tried to use the "Promote" feature to setup install ads it keeps getting rejected by Facebook on the grounds that the URL is bad. The URL works fine as I've tested it multiple times. The URL is generated by Facebook itself using the App ID.
I've tried submitting it again after changing the creative, but I'm assuming I've been blacklisted since it immediately is disapproved.
What can I do?
Is your app limited to a certain region or country?
My ad was also disapproved and this is what I got:
"The destination URL of this ad violates our Ad Guidelines or could not be reviewed. Please check the URL you have submitted to ensure that it is free of any spelling errors and that it complies with our Advertising Guidelines. Please note that all sites must be viewable and functioning properly, regardless of the viewer's location. Additionally, sites are prohibited from linking to proprietary file types (.pdf, .doc, etc,) initiating automatic downloads, or trapping a user's browser in any way (e.g., pop-ups of any kind).
In my case the only logical explanation would be the availability of the app, as it is only available in one country. I link directly to the app store so that should not be a problem...
Sorry for my reply, i know it's not very helpful, but there is so little info on the web about it. I need to do detective work in order to understand what is happening.
I had the exact same thing. I think Facebook changed a ton of stuff in their ads dashboard. I created a new ad yesterday and it was finally approved. Try again.

FBConnect "via" link broken on feed posts from iOS app

I have an iOS app that is successfully posting to Facebook via the FBConnect SDK. I have registered the app in Facebook as a native iPhone app and filled out the required data (bundle ID, app store id, etc), however I am running into one small, but very annoying issue.
When the app posts to the user's feed, the message has a "via App Name" link that presumably goes to the app store, or somewhere sensible. This link never work, it always goes to a page stating "Page not found", with no helpful information.
The link is of the form: http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=${app.id}
I have verified that the ID that it is putting in there is in fact my app ID. Can anyone shed some light on what might be causing this and some possible fixes?
