UIStepper not shown but did not crash in 4.3 simulator - ios

I just created a UIStepper programmatically and added it to my view.
in IOS 5 simulator it is working fine.
In IOS 4.3 simulator it is not showing up. Ok, becuase it is not supported in 4.3 , it seems fine. But app is not getting crashed.
Can anyone explain why ??

So Stephen is correct to say you shouldn't take what happens on the simulator as gospel, but in this case that's not what's happening.
The reason it doesn't crash is that UIStepper actually exists on iOS 4.3 - it's just not implemented. It's a private, undocumented class (you can view the 4.3 private framework headers here). Presumably Apple started integrating it into 4.3, but only made it public in 5. This happens a fair bit: gesture recognizers had been kicking around iOS for some time before they were publically released for iOS 3.2

It's a simulator not an emulator. Operations will be similar to but not the same as on an actual iPhone. In this case I wouldn't expect the same behavior on a real device.


Objects showing in iPhone Sim but not iPad sim

Full disclosure: I'm very new to iOS development.
Using Xcode Version 7.2.1, Swift programming language, targeting 9.0
I have a very simple app. Universal. When running in simulator mode it works fine for any iphone chosen in the simulator. Everything shows up where it's supposed to etc.
When running it in iPad simulators, any of them, the only thing showing up is the navigation bar. All objects that are supposed to show up on the screen, are gone.
When debugging, the objects seem to get created alright.
Maybe there's something to be done in AppDelegate?
As I imagine this is a really noob problem I again like to emphasise that I'm grateful for any suggestions you may have.

iOS Simulator 8.1 and 8.2 Translucency Bug with UITabBar?

Is there any known Bug regarding the iOS Simulator and UITabBar for iOS 8.1 and 8.2? Today I noticed during testing that text heavily shines through the UITabBar when running in the 8.1 and 8.2 Simulators, while other iOS versions work flawlessly.
I want to make sure there's no additional work needed, as the iOS 8 UINavigationBar translucent color drawing issues immediately came to my mind.
Demo Setup
Create fresh Tabbed App (using ObjC or Swift)
Delete the First View and add a UITableViewContoller with dummy Static Cells
Run the application, on iOS 8.1 and 8.2 Simulators the text shines through, on iOS 8.3 and above everything is working as expected.
Not related to Simulator Scaling, tested. Using a late 2013 rMBP with discrete GPU, El Capitan 10.11.2 and Xcode 7.2 (7C68). Working fine on device running iOS 9.
Question: I don't have any iOS 8.x devices around anymore, can somebody please confirm (i.e. from memory) if that's simulator only or an OS bug? Or point to a rdar?
Edit: Verified that it's not related to Swift, also happens with ObjC.
#maddy: Thanks for fixing the Tags!
Edit: Probably a regression related to this Bug with iOS 7.1: Tab bar background is missing on iOS 7.1 after presenting and dismissing a view controller
Many issues that are seen in the simulator are not simulator bugs but rather OS bugs that the simulator is revealing.
In this particular case, I think the issue is that there should be a blur getting applied to that layer behind the tab bar. It may be the case that you have turned on the "Low Quality" option in the "Graphics Quality Override" (Debug menu). Try turning that back to "Default" as that should cause all effects to be applied.

XCode's Instruments for Core Animation keeps showing null

I am trying to see the fps of several UITableView in my iOS application.
Though following Apple's documentation, the core animation template keeps showing null. Other instruments seems working as expected. Is there any configuration I missed?
Thanks in advance.
ps. The environment is xCode 6.2 running iPhone 6 Simulator on iOS8.2
See here: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/DeveloperTools/Conceptual/InstrumentsUserGuide/Instrument-CoreAnimation.html
Core Animation template
Library pane (only appears when an iOS device is connected)
I feel like this is Apple's way of saying this instrument only works on device. I tested it myself and it has only worked on device so far for me.
If you look here:
the time profiler, which does work on the simulator, does not have the same line about only appearing in the library pane when an iOS device is connected. So I think it is safe to say that Core Animation (and a few others like the Energy Usage Instrument) only will work with a device.

Should we run iPhone application in xcode 5 with ios simulator 7?

I have generated a build in Xcode 4.6 and tested it in iPhone 5 device with iOS 7.4 and its working fine and I was not getting any issues such as status bar missing, UIButton background missing etc. But if I run the same code in Xcode 5 with iOS simulator7 then I was getting issues such as status bar missed, background of UIButton missed and I couldn't able to change the table view back ground color. So finally should I run my code in Xcode 5 with iOS simulator 7 and fix all the issues? OR can I directly push this app in to App Store with out checking it in Xcode 5. Please help me. Thanks in advance.
In Xcode 4.6 the base SDK is for iOS6. So if you build an application on Xcode 4.6 it will run iOS 7 but it will not be able to use the API's provided by Apple for iOS7. It will a iOS6 app running on iOS7 like many other apps do.
In Xcode 5.0 the base SDK is for iOS7. This means that you can use the latest APIs provided for iOS7. You are getting these errors when building in Xcode 5.0 because those APIs might not be supported in the new iOS7 SDK.
What I mean to say is that if you want your app to be a native iOS7 app then you need to build it on Xcode 5. Building on Xcode 5 will allow your app to feel like an iOS7 app. Though you will face a lot of errors as a lot of iOS6 APIs have been deprecated in iOS7.
If you want to support both iOS6 and iOS7 I suggest you build it on Xcode 5. Again you will have to keep in mind that some iOS7 API's are not available for iOS6 therefore you will have to keep a check on that.
To get a better idea I suppose you should have a look at this document.
iOS7 transition guide
Thank You.
You should definitely build and test in Xcode 5, why run the risk of shipping a bad product? For me you must properly test this in Xcode 5, on all deployment intended devices and the simulator.
Follow the iOS 7 UI Transition Guide to fix all the issues you have in XCode 5 and then submit the app to the store.

iOS 5.1.1 memory management without Automatic Reference Counting

I have some strange problems of memory management on iOS 5.1.1, I'm NOT using Automatic Reference Counting in the project. Everything works well on iPad 3 5.1 or other devices with 5.1 or lower, this issue happens to two different project (one game and one app). So I think I have coded the right retain/release stuff.
Generally some Objective-C objects are released before it should be. When access it later, app crash. This happens on an iPad 3 LTE, an iPad 3 Wifi and an iPod Touch 4, all running iOS 5.1.1. It never happened on any device running iOS 5.1 or lower. I haven't found any pattern for this. Sometimes even an UIView which is still one the screen get released, if user touches a button, app crashes.
I understand these kind of issue can be debugged with NSZombies. But when I enable NSZombies, this kind of problem never happened.
It looks like a bug of iOS 5.1.1 to me, I'm wondering if it can be fixed on app side.
