In WP7.5(Mango), is it possible to add a contact to the phone book through code?
Currently there is no API to save the contact directly from the code as it deals with user data.
But you can save the contact from your application by using the SaveContactTask with user intervention.
you can use the following code
SaveContactTask saveContactTask = new SaveContactTask();
saveContactTask.Company = "WindowsPhoneGeek";
saveContactTask.FirstName = "John";
saveContactTask.LastName = "Smith";
saveContactTask.HomePhone = "000-125-547";
saveContactTask.HomeAddressCity = "London";
saveContactTask.HomeAddressCountry = "UK";
saveContactTask.HomeAddressStreet = "123 Bake Road";
saveContactTask.HomeAddressZipCode = "W11 2BQ";
saveContactTask.JobTitle = "Software Developer";
You can refer this blog for the more information.
Yes there is. You should use the new API,
using Microsoft.Phone.Tasks;
SaveContactTask newContact = new SaveContactTask();
newContact.FirstName = "x";
newContact.LastName = "Y";
newContact.MobilePhone = "0123456789";
Also refer this
I'm trying to do the same as
query = new CB.CloudQuery('Class');
But using CloudSearch, SearchQuery or SearchFilter. Is it possible? For example:
var cs = new CB.CloudSearch(Class);
cs.searchFilter = new CB.SearchFilter();
cs.searchQuery = new CB.SearchQuery();
// or
It's actually, cs.searchFilter.include('columnName');
How can I add new placement (website, for example in AdGroup using AdWords API?
I have found
but I need to know ID of website
$adGroupCriterion->criterion = new Criterion($criterionId);
So my question:
How I can found ID for any website or exist another way to add new Placement in AdGroup?
I found an answer:
$adGroupService = $user->GetService('AdGroupCriterionService', 'v201509');
$AdGroupCriterionOperation = new AdGroupCriterionOperation();
$AdGroupCriterionOperation->operator = 'ADD';
$AdGroupCriterion = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion();
$AdGroupCriterion->adGroupId = $adGroupId;
$AdGroupCriterion->criterionUse = 'BIDDABLE';
$AdGroupCriterion->AdGroupCriterionType = 'PLACEMENT';
$Placement = new Placement();
$Placement->id = null;
$Placement->CriterionType = 'PLACEMENT';
$Placement->type = 'PLACEMENT';
$Placement->url = $url;
$AdGroupCriterion->criterion = $Placement;
$AdGroupCriterionOperation->operand = $AdGroupCriterion;
$operations = array($AdGroupCriterionOperation);
// Make the mutate request.
$result = $adGroupService->mutate($operations);
If I insert the values into the corresponding tables of RightFax, does it FAX automatically or do i need to write the following code for that?
RFCOMAPILib.FaxServerClass faxserver = new RFCOMAPILib.FaxServerClass();
faxserver.ServerName = "ServerName";
faxserver.Protocol = RFCOMAPILib.CommunicationProtocolType.cpNamedPipes;
faxserver.UseNTAuthentication = RFCOMAPILib.BoolType.True;
RFCOMAPILib.Fax fax = (RFCOMAPILib.Fax) faxserver.get_CreateObject(RFCOMAPILib.CreateObjectType.coFax);
// set up your 'fax' object the way you want it, below is just some sample options
fax.ToName = "John Doe";
fax.ToFaxNumber = "4255551111";
fax.ToVoiceNumber = "4255550000";
fax.ToCompany = "ACME";
fax.FromName = "My Company";
fax.FromVoiceNumber = "4255552222";
Can you please provide me sample code for attachments? If RightFax sends the FAX automatically then which tables do I need to fill-in in order to do that?
the below code is but will show you how to send a fax and add attachment as well, hope this helps. I've written a post about this here but here's the code below ....
Dim FaxAPI As RFCOMAPILib.FaxServer
Dim fFax As RFCOMAPILib.Fax
FaxAPI = New RFCOMAPILib.FaxServer
FaxAPI.ServerName =something
FaxAPI.Protocol = RFCOMAPILib.CommunicationProtocolType.cpTCPIP
FaxAPI.UseNTAuthentication = RFCOMAPILib.BoolType.False
FaxAPI.AuthorizationUserID = something
FaxAPI.AuthorizationUserPassword = something
fFax = FaxAPI.CreateObject(RFCOMAPILib.CreateObjectType.coFax)
fFax.HasCoversheet = RFCOMAPILib.BoolType.False
fFax.ToFaxNumber = something
fFax.ToName = something
FaxAPI = Nothing
fFax = Nothing
happy to help if you get stuck with anything...
I am trying to connect to the FedEx shipping webservice v8.
Everything works fine when I only have one RequestedPackageLineItems set. When I add two items I get the following error.
"Invalid package count or invalid package sequence number."
My Code is as follows
ProcessShipmentRequest request = CreatePendingShipmentRequest();
ShipService service = new ShipService();
ProcessShipmentReply reply = service.processShipment(request);
private static ProcessShipmentRequest CreatePendingShipmentRequest()
ProcessShipmentRequest request = new ProcessShipmentRequest();
request.WebAuthenticationDetail = new WebAuthenticationDetail();
request.WebAuthenticationDetail.UserCredential = new WebAuthenticationCredential();
request.WebAuthenticationDetail.UserCredential.Key = "XXX";
request.WebAuthenticationDetail.UserCredential.Password = "XXX";
request.ClientDetail = new ClientDetail();
request.ClientDetail.AccountNumber = "XXX";
request.ClientDetail.MeterNumber = "XXX";
request.TransactionDetail = new TransactionDetail();
request.TransactionDetail.CustomerTransactionId = "*** Ground Domestic Shipping Request v8 using C# ***";
request.Version = new VersionId();
//Inside this method I set request.RequestedShipment.PackageCount = "2";
return request;
private static void SetPackageLineItems(ProcessShipmentRequest request)
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems = new RequestedPackageLineItem[2];
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0] = new RequestedPackageLineItem();
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].SequenceNumber = "1";
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].Weight = new Weight();
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].Weight.Value = 50.0M;
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].Weight.Units = WeightUnits.LB;
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].ItemDescription = "Item";
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].Dimensions = new Dimensions();
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].Dimensions.Length = "108";
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].Dimensions.Width = "5";
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].Dimensions.Height = "5";
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].Dimensions.Units = LinearUnits.IN;
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].CustomerReferences = new CustomerReference[3];
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].CustomerReferences[0] = new CustomerReference();
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].CustomerReferences[0].CustomerReferenceType = CustomerReferenceType.CUSTOMER_REFERENCE;
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].CustomerReferences[0].Value = "[LOT NUMBER]";
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].CustomerReferences[1] = new CustomerReference();
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].CustomerReferences[1].CustomerReferenceType = CustomerReferenceType.INVOICE_NUMBER;
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].CustomerReferences[1].Value = "45646";
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].CustomerReferences[2] = new CustomerReference();
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].CustomerReferences[2].CustomerReferenceType = CustomerReferenceType.P_O_NUMBER;
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].CustomerReferences[2].Value = "456446";
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[1] = new RequestedPackageLineItem();
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[1].SequenceNumber = "2";
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[1].Weight = new Weight();
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[1].Weight.Value = 50.0M;
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[1].Weight.Units = WeightUnits.LB;
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[1].ItemDescription = "Item";
Found out how to do this.
In order to get multiple shipping labels into one pdf the process is as follows.
Create a request
Fill in the shipping info
Post and get a reply.
Save that replay and the byte array and MasterShippingID
Create a new request and assign the master shipping id to it.
Added shipping weight and dimensions
Post and get reply
Save byte array with the other
Continue until all shipments are generated (max 200 per master shipping id)
Merge all the pdfs returned from FedEx into one pdf.
Do a happy dance.
A simpler approach, (though there is a cost) is the Shiprush SDK. It lets you build a single XML block and let ShipRush do all the funny stuff with fedex (or whoever).
They also support their tool.
I'm trying to write a small Rails app that will interface with Jira using the Jira4R gem. However, whilst I'm having no problem creating an issue, I'm having real trouble attaching a custom field to an issue.
Any ideas on how I would do this?
At the moment I'm creating the issue like:
issue =
issue.project = "TEST"
issue.summary = params[:issue][:summary]
issue.description = params[:issue][:description]
issue.type = 6
issue = #jira.createIssue(issue)
issue =
issue.project = "TEST"
issue.summary = params[:issue][:summary]
issue.description = params[:issue][:description]
issue.type = 6
c =
c.customfieldId = "customfield_10000"
c.values = current_user.full_name
issue.customFieldValues = [c]
issue = #jira.createIssue(issue)